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57722682 No.57722682 [Reply] [Original]

How is he doing in the trial?

>> No.57722751

I think he's priming himself for an insanity plea when perjury charges are brought against him

>> No.57722894

Absolutely awful. I thought rape was a crime in the UK but CSW is being raped so hard by Hough and Gunning I have to assume it’s still legal

>> No.57724348
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I hope this scammer gets hung

>> No.57724969

he's still got experts to come - if only they hadn't accused him of forgery, and creg them of incompetence. And then there are the oppositions experts as well.
tldr, he screwed.

>> No.57725005

top kek

>> No.57725012
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>> No.57725047
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>> No.57725119

He had already spent a week performing an ancient humiliation ritual where multiple barristers took turn rubbing his nose in the forgeries he had introduced as his best evidence that he was Satoshi, all while the judge laughed.

But apparently that wasn't quite enough, so they had him do it again on Friday, dragging him through his fake LaTeX whitepaper efforts, culminating in a live replay of his efforts step by step to tweak spacing to approximate the real whitepaper.

Meanwhile, his own barristers have given up on cross-examining many of the witnesses against him, and with the ones they did cross-examine, they weren't really able to undermine any of their testimonies.

This week, we get the expert witnesses. Both for the claimant (Creg) and the defendants. Not that it matters, both set of experts have agreed his evidence consists entirely of forgeries.

So his barristers have the unenviable task of trying to weaken the testimony of their own experts in a largely futile attempt to salvage the case at this point.

I'm honestly wondering if they might simply accept that no good can come from it, and just give up on cross-examining them.

>> No.57725190
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>> No.57725198
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>> No.57725206

He's doing well. Hence the bilderburgers/Maxwell shill brigade shitting up this thread with disinfo and half truths.

>> No.57725433

retarded coretroons think hes losing and genuinely believe he's going to jail
bsv chads think hes winning and is already satoshi
gonna be interesting so see what happens, probably a big nothing as usual

>> No.57725492
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Its going so bad that dude is making SBF looks like an innocent man lmao while I was checking some wallets on beoble last night someone share some part's of that trial.
little guy is getting Destroyed with all the words. Made me horny

>> No.57725671

hes fucked. the judge is losing his patience with his antics, which is quite an accomplishment because he seems extremely reasonable, up for a bit of banter and laid back. creg has purjured himself at multiple occations telling provable lies and tries to sell himself as a tech programmer security genius while having been hacked at multiple times, and not knowing what an unsigned integer is, which satoshi used 500+ times in the original software. If he avoids jail they are gonna have to pull some miracle

>> No.57725692

what is beoble and why? i understand its a chat app

>> No.57725731

'Doing Well..' would have been not showing up. Better to have been merely thought an incompetent fat fraudulent cunt than proving it, live! and in person. Way beyond any reasonable doubt.
>bsv chads
lemmings can't be chads my fren

>> No.57725792

he basically admitted at the end of his cross examination that "he doesn't need to be satoshi"

>> No.57725798

i was neutral until i've read about
1) the unsigned int thing (didn't know what unsigned int means)
2) the diff thing on git (he was confused in seeing lines added/removed in a diff view on git)

if you are in tech and had doubts look for them, it's just 100% clear to anyone who codes that that man never coded a single day in his life

>> No.57725801

bsv is talmudic
lying is jewish behavior

>> No.57725804
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It's over.

>> No.57725809

why would I care

>> No.57725983

What kind of mental acrobatics will BSVoids use when Craig inevitably loses?

>> No.57725997

they're kinda like pit bull owners who get their kid eaten alive
it's never the dog's fault, they direct their anger at the world
in their minds, greg has paid the judge and controls england through a shadow government or some shit

>> No.57726064
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this is getting way better

>> No.57726072

Forensic expert for COPA is getting crushed right now by CSW’s lawyers. Just admitted to having only 12 weeks training.

Sit back and get some

>> No.57726092
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This is the laziest paint job I've seen in a while.

>> No.57726094
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you need to take your medications for schizophrenia
>Just admitted to having only 12 weeks training
for court specific forensic examination processes
are you ESL?

>> No.57726147

COPA are gonna pull in the Chief Engineer of Citrix shortly to destroy this lying fat reptile.
>muh mah complexcitrixys forges documents
>then citrixfruit stoles mah keys
Fucking pathetic.
They are really gonna bang his cunt up now for wasting everyone's time with this horseshit

>> No.57726164

where can I follow this stuff? I'm assuming there's no live streams but just documents? Help a white man out.

>> No.57726165

>where are these people
brilliant defense

>> No.57726167


>> No.57726173

retards busy trying to blame Word for his forgeries now

>> No.57726201

Is there anywhere I can swap out my bsv for btc without kyc?

>> No.57726262


>> No.57726331

thx blood

>> No.57726361

He will be formally declared to be SNEEDTOSHI

>> No.57726438

its part of the image you pleb

>> No.57726637

>M: "I understand the point he is wanting to make, yes"
>W: "So that the emails could not have been sent in 2014. That the emails use an invalid DKIM"
>M: "I understand he says that, yes"
>W: "DKIM adds a digital signature to outgoing messages"
>M: "Yes"

>> No.57726650
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I don't understand his defense
they're now openly admitting to his forgeries lol

>> No.57726658
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>are you aware that he forged the document?
what's the objective here?

>> No.57726703

this is another
>its a FORGERY!
>CAH hackt me and did THIS!
horseshit, as per
the fat cunt really screwed up with this:
>I deliberately made this document look like it was created in a different version of Open Office blabla
it was a simple clock backdating (but using wrong prog version natch) - COPAs expert let himself be shouted down from pointing out the obvious here, namely, the doc would be littered with so many version specific metadata references the fat forger literally COULDNT forge anything to this extent if his life depended on it. Its also a pretty fucking stoopid defense - 'I, uh, deliberately forged that one..'
BUT as each charge of forgery is a potential 7 year stretch, maybe need to address it, believably or otherwise, idk
basically youve got forgeries other people did and planted on him, forgeries that were done by hackers breaking into his machines, and forgeries creg did himself, because reasons.

>> No.57726844

I think he's just hoping for a miracle a this point
Too deep to stop, a man driven into a corner

>> No.57726874

its the exact same ole creg routine
US trial was exactly the same, present forged docs, get called on most of them, blame ebil HaXors, etc. Except we have now swapped CAH for Ira Kleiman as Great Hacker & Incompetently Forged Document Planter.
And he continues with this SOP simply as he never gets jailed for it. Beyond fucking due now tho.

>> No.57727545

*creg lawyers* just declared creg wife sent them a *forged email*, copying pasting content of a later-sent email to Ontier (creg prior lawyers) into an earlier Ontier email chain (then sent this as copy to Bird & Bird, creg current lawyer) to backup an earlier creg perjury.

Holy Fuck, this is Game Over. This is Jail Time. Guaran-fucking-teed. And the wife is going on the stand now as well.

>> No.57727611

>Bird & Bird
they are COPAs lawyers, that should be Shoosmiths, sorry.
tldr, cregs *own lawyers* are standing accusing him (and the wife) of blatant fucking forgery now. Hollleeey Hell, he is so fucked

>> No.57727670
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>my own lawyers, past and present, have now JOINED THE CONSPIRACY, M'Lord!
lol this fat fucking retard is trying to get his wife locked up with him now as well

>> No.57727699
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>> No.57727711

he brought his OWN FUCKING WIFE into it as well now tho
perjury is 7 fucking years
absolute fucking madman

>> No.57727759

his wife is gym-friends with Christen

>> No.57727817
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I'm assuming we can go straight to ex-wife now
95%+ she doesnt know jack about this email - I doubt she (or most anyone else) are fucking dumb enough to start live editing lawyer firm corrospondence mid-trial and submitting that as evidence to back up a previous days perjury..
fairly sure we can guess who is stupid enough for it tho. The fat forging cunt has (FINALLY!) crossed the Rubicon. He is so not bullshitting his way out of this

>> No.57728454

Why is the BSV garbage pumping?

>> No.57728544

be COPA (Calvin's Organic Price Adjustor) or bsvtards finally happy their Satoshi LARPer is getting a well-deserved extended vacation from dragging their shitcoin into the gutter

>> No.57728610

How much can the judge punish or penalize him for all these forgeries and fraud?
Seems like a massive case of fraud against him.
Would there have to be a new trial with new charges specifically to address the forgeries and the attempt to defraud the court, lying under oath, etc., etc ?

>> No.57728644
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Its over

>> No.57728754

Tick tock core cucks... hope you're ready! STIFF!

>> No.57728789

The Judge would recommend that creg be tried, this would then be a separate new case. I don't really see how he can avoid doing so now, nor can creg argue his innocence - there is simply too much evidence of it and way too egregious - this new forgery is from a few days ago (so mid-trial) and it involves forging lawyer correspondence. This is very frowned upon.
There's also two separate charges here, Perverting the Course of Justice (presenting forged evidence) and Perjury (swearing evidence is true, talkin shit in Court). He could be looking at 4-5 years for either, dependant how blatant - bear in mind, this per charge, and there's a fucking bingo card full here to choose from. But sentences would usually run consecutive, so say 5 years total.
The only other relevant point being, it's rare for such charges to arise from a civil trial. But cregs way cleared the bar here - see:
- for an example.
And JA was a literal Lord and former Tory Party chairman who only forged a few lines of a diary, to place him Not With Some Hooker. And landed himself 4 years. creg has produced industrial-scale bullshit - he's def. getting fucked for this, it's way beyond the pale.

>> No.57728880

Thanks for the rundown.
Creg really buried himself under a heap of shit. I fully expect him to be charged in future court proceedings with enough to put him in prison for a good number of years.
Not something I'd really wish on anybody but ar face value it sure seems like he deserves it. This is some belligerent, willful, open and notorious shit. Absolutely criminal
Especially if we're talking about the implications of if he was to succeed there could be the possibility of him claiming satashis coins. Talking about the fraud and stealing of billion dollars worth of Bitcoin value?
He's asking for life on prison.

>> No.57729108

>ok, time to cross reference the COPA forensic analysts
>oops, looks like our client just tried to SCAM US
how the fuck do you get BTFO on your own cross exam being done BY YOUR OWN FUCKING LEGAL TEAM

>> No.57730089
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CAH's recently disclosed messages with Ramona seem to show she has no idea her husband of 20 years is a complete fraud.

That would make it so much worse somehow.

It's one thing to decide with your spouse you're going to go for the biggest fuck you to the world possible and become, with her help, the greatest con-man the world has ever seen.

It's quite another to deceive the person closest to you for decades, hiding in your office while you make your pathetic forgeries and switching the screen to gay porn quickly when you hear footsteps at the door.

>> No.57730114

she'll be even more enthused now shes facing a 7-stretch for perjury. creg would probably let her take the blame. One absolute cunt of an abbo.

>> No.57730134

not as lazy as BSV

>> No.57730174

The judge seems pretty level headed, I think he should realize how letting someone get away with doing exactly that, perverting the court of justice in his courtroom needs to be dealt with, or HE and honestly the entire british court system looks like a joke. Imagine the kind of precident it sets when someone can just brazenly lie under oath and get away with it.

>> No.57730195
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>> No.57730285

The fact faketoshi could "claim" satoshis coin's is a false narrative set by him anyway. Even IF he somehow gave him "the right" to bitcoin, the current bitcoin community would just hard forked into a new "og" bitcoin, so he would just be inheriting worthless coins anyway.
They already did this with Ethereum, where the "fork" ended up winning and becoming the main chain over ETC.
Even in the most delusional scenario I don't see such a forced fork of Bitcoin leaving Craig with anything larger than what a slightly pumped BSV is worth right now

>> No.57730364

Imagine if he just sat on his pile of bitcoin from 2009 instead of paying all these legal fees, and for what?
what a fucking retard

>> No.57730558

yeah but Satoshi coins > 1m
just in BSV@$80 (Calvins been busy today) assuming they are they only fork who agree to re-assignment, thats $80m. You'd assume Calvin would be looking to get a few debts repaid before he hands them coins over, but still.

>> No.57730629

Lady in reeeeeed…

>> No.57730662

>yeah that one I forged on purpose
What the fuck is the point of any of this trial?

>> No.57730719

The only person getting charged is Christen Ager-Hansen. In case you haven’t been keeping up with current events, the allegations of forgery have been refuted by COPA’s own witness Madden.

In order for COPA to win, they had to prove each and every allegation of fraud. This is no longer possible for them.

CSW got so many concessions from Madden’s evidence that they don’t need to call their own expert witness to give evidence.

Lord Grabiner, KC, has informed the court that they will not call their expert to give evidence. This is because they are so in front they don’t need it.

So enjoy your hatred of humanity and watch as your world crumbles in the face of truth in the years ahead to see CSW get a Nobel prize.

>> No.57730735

There are two moves left that Calvin and Craig have telegraphed long ago, regardless of anything else happening:

1. Through total control of the BSV chain, and a flimsy "court decision equivalent" document (ie. arbitration between Craig and BSV association), large amounts of BSV will be seized and reallocated to try and make Calvin whole from this whole debacle.
2. nChain's patent portfolio will be used to bully small and medium crypto companies into paying "license fees."

COPA will complicate that second move, since that's exactly what they were chartered to prevent (the Craig trial is just an amuse bouche for them.)

>> No.57730753

bro, he doesn't know what an unsigned int is
he doesn't know what a git diff is
it's over

>> No.57730762

When COPA lose the trial, CSW will be reborn in the media as a Steve Jobs type character. You have no idea what’s happening.

>> No.57730778

> CSW got so many concessions from Madden’s evidence that they don’t need to call their own expert witness to give evidence.

Their own expert witness agreed with Madden that CSW's "evidence" consisted almost entirely of forgeries. He has *already* given his testimony to the court

By not cross-examining him, Lord Grabiner, KC is accepting his devastating testimony as truthful, unchallenged.

> CSW get a Nobel prize.

Sure, why not. They've given nobel prizes to huge pieces of shit before.

>> No.57730788

Madden gave evidence he doesn’t know basic shit about computers and drew conclusions unsupported by evidence that were drafted by Bird and Bird, not him.

COPA are stuffed.

>> No.57730815

you don't understand. There's no way anyone who programmed in c++ doesn't know that. Not talking about witnesses, they are irrelevant. Everyone who codes understands instantly that he can't be satoshi, That's all, it's over

>> No.57730820

>In case you haven’t been keeping up with current events
>In order for COPA to win, they had to prove each and every allegation of fraud.
altho they might have to stop tallying up the new ones - cregs own lawyers doing a grand job of that now
>This is because they are so in front
yea, like totally bro
never stops winning does creg

>> No.57730837

CSW isn’t calling their expert to give evidence. That means their expert’s report does not become admissible evidence. The judge can see a submitted report, but it only becomes admirable evidence if the witness is called and confirms the evidence is true and correct, and gets cross examined on it.

>> No.57730879

>Anon tries to help code monkey.
>Forgets Code monkeys are so dumb and ESL.

>> No.57730886

Frankly, it's to stop him once and for all.

There have already been several civil trials where Craig has exhibit the same pathological behavior, lying under oath and submitting forgeries as evidence.

So judges called him out, and found for the other side as much as they could, but many of those cases were a clear abuse of the courts used to punish and silence his opponents.

So this whole ridiculous farce is to have a case aimed squarely at Craig being a fraud.
These are the claims at issues in this join trial that Craig is asserting:
1. Craig Wright is Satoshi.
2. Craig Wright wrote the Bitcoin whitepaper.
3. Craig Wright is not a fraud.

He is going to fail on all three counts, which will torpedo all of his ongoing litigations currently placed on hold until the outcome of this case is known, as well as torpedo any future efforts to abuse the court system.

And maybe he'll be referred for criminal prosecution for committing such blatant fraud on the court, but really that'd just be the cherry on top.

>> No.57730892

The fat forging frauds own expert evidence has been withdrawn, not COPA's. That still stands. And that cregs own case is such a fucking carcrash he cant find a single fucking expert to agree with him.. this is not a good sign, nor is the fact lost upon anyone

>> No.57730936

are you replying to me, you illiterate wanker?
are you that BSV101cockwomble as well - you fucking sound like him.
>In order for COPA to win, they had to prove each and every allegation of fraud
now again: WHAT PART of above is truthful?
>Answer: None of it

>> No.57730943

I said that Maddern got destroyed on stand. His evidence is beyond useless for COPA.

I also said that CSW doesn’t need to call his expert as madden stuffed it so badly for COPA

Only people getting stopped are midwit COPA apologists.

>> No.57730975

I don't know what you think you're gaining by denying reality, but I hope you're enjoying it at least.

>> No.57730999

did you miss cregs own lawyers today announcing your boy had been at the naughties again, sending them forged lawyer corrospendence, and this in his wifes name?
I welcome your views on how this unconventional legal tactic will help creg win further gret victories

>> No.57731036

>Imagine if he just sat on his pile of bitcoin from 2009
he has no bitcoin
closest thing he ever came to one was on his mt gox account

>> No.57731039

Yes. You don’t even know when capital letters are needed.

COPA’s case is not out that CSW was not in the right time or right place without the right skills to be Satoshi. COPA’s case is that you can’t rely on any of the positive documentation which suggests that CSW is satoshi because CSW is a fraud.

The problem with this approach, is that if they show there are some documents which are fraudulent, but there are some documents which are demonstrated not to be fraudulent, the judge can take the documents found not to be fraudulent as positive evidence that CSW is satoshi.

A single document proven not to be fraudulent will win the case for CSW.


>> No.57731051

>In order for COPA to win, they had to prove each and every allegation of fraud
you don't really understand the case lmao
you don't really understand law at all

>> No.57731069

>Maddern got destroyed on stand
you are schizophrenic or worse: jewish

>> No.57731072

Ok, school me code monkey?
Have any legal experience?

>> No.57731088

Ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.
There is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.57731098

it's jailtime for your clown now
calvin is next, once he's gone, your bags are also gone (the scrap that left)
prepare your suicide letter, jew

>> No.57731101

Yeah. CSWs lawyers working with the COPA spy Christen Ager Hansen.
Means nothing.

>> No.57731104

> A single document proven not to be fraudulent will win the case for CSW.

How would reconcile that fiction with the judge asking COPA to only document 50 of Craig's forgeries after COPA announced they had found several hundreds of them?

If one single document left unchallenged could win the case, it would have been critical to get every single one of Craig's forgeries thoroughly exposed in court.

And yet it wasn't. What was shown is already more than enough to make a decision.

>> No.57731114

I speak the truth. If you are so fearful that this affects you, take action to protect your assets while you still can.

>> No.57731120

>A single document proven not to be fraudulent will win the case for CSW.
again, aberrant fucking nonsense, and you are either being obtuse here or have literal zero fucking understanding of the LAW. There are 20 forgery allegations against creg - well there were, but slightly more now - and ANY ONE OF THESE being found to be a forgery could/would result in creg both losing entirely his 'i iz Satoshi' claim AND that a further case for Perverting the Course of Justice optionally be brought.
The fact that he cant even produce a single document anyone can rely on to be truthful, speaks for itself. Its not a fake it till you make it contest - a forgery before Court is srs bizness
its deliberate with this dissingenous cunt, not the first time either

>> No.57731171

nChain hired the cunt as CEO - speaks highly of their judgement?
CAH as CEO, creg as Chief Scientist, Jesus Fucking Wept

>> No.57731175

Obviously that was a bad direction for COPA as it made life harder. Look, you aren’t a lawyer. In litigation, allegations of fraud are usually the last Hail Mary play of a dying case. It is surprising to see people think COPA has a chance. They have resources obviously, and had the spy with CAH, but it’s not enough for them to win in fair England.

>> No.57731177
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lol wow i can't believe you're reading this you know this guy is a total retard right like a complete imbecile he's so delusional he's absolutely going to lose this case and then he's going to go to jail for being a fraudster

>> No.57731182

I don't argue with kikes you filthy fucking rat
I want you jews dead
you're not human, fucking boot-licking faggots

>> No.57731206

You don’t argue with people who have good arguments because you don’t know how to evaluate evidence and develop a consistent position.

>> No.57731215

> Look, you aren’t a lawyer.

Puppy, you obviously aren't a lawyer either.
I don't know where you find the self confidence to act as if you know how any of this works.

>> No.57731220

ESL detected.

>> No.57731235


>> No.57731264

If you had good arguments, you would rely on them. But you don’t.

>> No.57731290

spoting shit, then being told you're spouting shit by 5 different anons, then still spouting shit is not >winning an argument

>> No.57731307

you have no argument you subhuman filth
and you will go into hiding when your chief clown is jailed
you will pretend as if you never posted this diarrhea you just have

filthy fucking jew

>> No.57731318

I speak in truth. It is you who are confounded by lies.

>> No.57731341

Yes I do have arguments.
You read them.
Am Christian.

>> No.57731356

you're just being mocked and bullied like the rest of the bsvishnus in twitter today
mf managed to get caught on trying to fraud his own legal, during their own cross exam lmfao
CPS already on standby

>> No.57731368

Are you some kind of truth machine, per chance?
A rebel of crypto, mayhaps?

>> No.57731374
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>Am Christian.
you're a jewish bootlicker like the rest of your shit squad
I'll dance on your grave, kike

>> No.57731388

we did read them and proved them wrong. You have no arguments that weren't already proven wrong.

>> No.57731435

You focus on gotcha moments as though real life is like Perry Mason. in case you don’t understand, COPA can prove that almost every document submitted by CSW’s legal team is fraudulent, and still lose the case.

Welcome to Law. The issue isn’t whether CSW is a stellar guy. It’s about whether he is satoshi nakamato. CSW can be shown to be a lying thriving scoundrel, but also be satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.57731439
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you call BSV Talmudic when BTC was being funded by Epstein. The absolute state of you jewish disinfo /biz/ jizzrags

>> No.57731461

1.1m tx/ second is soo lazy huh you greasy yid

1,100,000+ tx/second on the layer 1 BSV blockchain with teranode

>> No.57731467

You haven’t proven basic understanding of what I’ve said.
No. Not him.

>> No.57731490 [DELETED] 
File: 2.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAH is mossad and you /biz/ rabid anti bsv shills are probably mossad too. Lick a piece of poop for for your lord BAAL PEO, jew

>> No.57731495

>CSW can be shown to be a lying thriving scoundrel, but also be satoshi Nakamoto.
yes this is correct, but he isn't. That's what you are missing. Pretty important if you think about that
I don't have to prove it, you are wrong even if no one understands it

>> No.57731513
File: 354 KB, 750x971, IMG_8650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you criminal kikes seem very angry today. Do you need a hug? Maybe vitalik can buy you a ukranian sex slave I’m sure mossad can arrange that for you (((anon)))

>> No.57731518

> CSW can be shown to be a lying thriving scoundrel, but also be satoshi Nakamoto.

Yes. I love this.

It's high time we consider the strong possibility that Satoshi Nakamoto was a huge piece of shit who lied his way through life.

All his humble, courteous emails were just a front hiding a barely contained drunken narcissistic monster who would stop at nothing to destroy any perceived enemies.

This is unironically the best argument left for the BSV cult.

>> No.57731534 [DELETED] 
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2.25 MB
2.25 MB PNG
>>57731171 #
CAH is mossad and you /biz/ rabid anti bsv shills are probably mossad too. Lick a piece of poop for for your lord BAAL PEOR, jew

>> No.57731537

Is dancing with meee
Cheek to cheek,.....

>> No.57731549

you jews are just scalding mad that Satoshi beat you kikes and your kike BIS federal reserve

>> No.57731552

it's possible for both btc and bsv to be talmudic

>> No.57731559
File: 570 KB, 666x945, IMG_8255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAH is mossad and you /biz/ rabid anti bsv shills are probably mossad too. Lick a piece of poop for for your lord BAAL PEOR, jew

>> No.57731567

I see the bsv brains trust has arrived

>> No.57731571
File: 64 KB, 880x526, gwOJGHh8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can tell this guy has no idea what he's talking about just throwing buzzwords like
around like they have real meaning at all but if there's one thing that defines the bsv cult it's their ability to contort basic facts into a twisted pretzel of bullshit it's high time we consider that being a raging douchebag is just a core part of satoshi nakamoto's identity

>> No.57731580

What does CSW have to gain by proving he is SN?

>> No.57731595
File: 280 KB, 719x824, IMG_8251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bsv is transparent - this means the (((banks))) black books (think Epstein and his crew of Israelis/ ukranians) would all be TRANSPARENT to be viewed in the blockchain.

This means no more future Epstein jew AIPAC blackmail operations . What does this possibility do to the IDF agent Jews of /biz? IT FREAKS THEM OUT—

They need to rape children they need to sacrifice them for MOLOCH on private islands.

You anti BSV shills are rabid, feral, INSECTS who will be squashed .

>> No.57731612

who cares I deleted a post because it had a typo. Go write a NY times best selling novel about that, jew . You can claim I forged documents to make that post too .

>> No.57731652

And the genocidal satanic death cult looked down from their office windows and laughed, danced in celebration of another goyim expired.

>> No.57731675
File: 61 KB, 225x225, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know Sergey Ivancheglo is satoshi

>> No.57731722

So you agree he isn’t a lying thriving scoundrel. Glad we are getting somewhere

>> No.57731736

A Nobel prize.

>> No.57731747
File: 457 KB, 750x738, IMG_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi JIDF. I suppose you are anti BSV and dead US soldiers makes you happy with glee ?

>> No.57731759

well know for a fact that he's not satoshi, so that probably automatically makes him a lying thriving scoundrel i guess. I can try to explain it to you but you don't seem very bright

>> No.57731760

Attacking people based on religion is a poor argument and a logical fallacy.Attack their arguments instead of the people.

>> No.57731791

You said:
>>CSW can be shown to be a lying >>thriving scoundrel, but also be satoshi >>Nakamoto.
>yes this is correct, but he isn't.

It is clear that you are saying he isn’t a lying thieving scoundrel.

>> No.57731809

Russians are incapable of anything groundbreaking.

>> No.57731820

no, i was saying that he's not satoshi. Again, you don't seem to understand written text very well

>> No.57731839

It seems you can’t argue with any consistency. You don’t even know what your position is.

>> No.57731847

you said:
> but also be satoshi
i said
>but he isn't
Again, you don't seem to understand written text very well

>> No.57731873
File: 1.32 MB, 699x727, sergay and charles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, picrel is the actual team behind Bitcoin.
You may not like it, but it's unironically true.

>> No.57731882

You didn’t say “but he isn’t satoshi”.
Logic suggests that you were responding to the first proposition put which was that “csw is a lying theiving scoundrel”.

Be more specific in your use of language if you want to develop your arguments better.

>> No.57731901

nope, if you read the sentence:

>CSW can be shown to be a lying thriving scoundrel, but also be satoshi Nakamoto. But he isn't

there's no way to misinterpret it. The only possible interpretation is that he's not Satoshi. Unless, again, you don't undestand written text very well

>> No.57731918

--I never followed the story, really. His initial claim of being SN really pissed me off due to how egotistical he went about it. Now that he's getting fucked, I'd love to see it. But If CSW is truly in all this for a nobel prize then what the fuck? He's so fucking dumb. He could just own the whole foundation with the SN wallet...

>> No.57731924

its already in evidence ya dunce

>> No.57731958

> If CSW is truly in all this for a nobel prize then what the fuck?

He's not. Anon was just doing his best to shift the Overton window toward Craig not being a shit stain.

>> No.57732056

oh lol. I entered the thread, but tldr'd. But I understand E.M.'s position in this thread now but just reading a bit. I thought he was answering with sincerity since he seemed to be arguing with another anon. Well, I'll see myself out and lurk around CSW threads again when things unfold a little bit more lmao.

>> No.57732134
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Haha what a bing-bong

>> No.57732236
File: 131 KB, 767x1024, IMG_2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t give a fuck clearly you aren’t paying attention to the parasite class of kikes destroying the world . Fuck your optics

>> No.57732321

At last count, there were only 4 squares left that haven't been checked, and the trial ain't over yet.

easy modo.

>> No.57733552

Why doesn't he just sign a message using Satoshi's wallet

>> No.57733588

make a guess lmao

>> No.57733594

I guess it's 4D chess

>> No.57733623
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, nCtQR6GjrU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the
>4d chess
that's a good one

if the world were a board game i guess bitcoin and the blockchain would be like a pawn and a bishop but no matter how well they're played they're still just pawns and bishops it was nice of mr nakamoto to create something that people can use as an excuse for why they didn't become millionaires when really it's just because they're incapable of being anything other than a pawn or a bishop

>> No.57733641

no, it's because he can't, because he isn't satoshi

>> No.57733759

>he isn't satoshi
That's a negative though (unprovable)

>> No.57733781

unprovable maybe, which doesn't mean not true. For example, the real satoshi knows for a fact that other people aren't him. I am satoshi so i know CW isn't

>> No.57733794

I mean, if this is what rocks your boat, you can't prove I'm not Satoshi either.
And unlike Craig, I haven't been caught lying about past events and forging documents to try to convince you.

I'm objectively more likely to be Satoshi than Craig.

>> No.57734192
File: 14 KB, 174x289, 1704572052152628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finna sell all my $super to buy btc even if its at its peak if this nigga wins. im becoming a btcmaxxie.

>> No.57734226
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, YJrUo5RM13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a god damn idiot what the hell are you thinking dude you're just going to get rekt when you buy $super everyone knows its a scam i mean sure you might get out before it actually crashes but you're probably just going to get dumped on like the poor idiot you are