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File: 194 KB, 637x424, 1665220278720869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57723179 No.57723179 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on Hoichi
I've seen it shilled here a couple times and it's went up pretty decent in the past couple days.
Something coming up or something? I want in but you need to shill me on it first. I see LOADS of fucking fud about it and LOADS of good things.
The chart seems to be going up though, what's up? explain like im a redditor because i don't want to miss out like i did with trump or avi or linu or tucker or biden or ANY of those fucking coins

>> No.57723198

eths pumping so a bunch of shit that hasn't pumped yet is about to start pumping. hoichi devs have been actually devving a bridge and are about to release it. i dont wanna buy any because i don't like coins with buy and sell taxes.

>> No.57723235

Bridge coming Thursday and it will only take as long as your typical ethereum transaction would. I swear to kanye west that this is going to be fucking huge brother throw in 3 eth now imo
Fuck the devs add ethall the time to the lp too they are based

>> No.57723239

What is a bridge?

>> No.57723277

I dont like taxes either but coins with sell and buy taxes do prevent jeet poomp and doompers

>> No.57723383

My hoichi stays upchi

>> No.57723614

Overwatch is for faggots and chinks

>> No.57723637

you must be a jew

>> No.57723853

Nice threw in .3

>> No.57724048

Based ow player

>> No.57724495
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>> No.57724659

Fax anon, the sell tax is like jeet repellant

>> No.57725008

400 by tonight mein niggas

>> No.57725333

it's what is releasing this thursday

>> No.57726203
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>> No.57726646

I bought/gambled and i'm selling right away once the bridge fails on thursday

Give my 100x please saars

>> No.57726674

sell the night before kek then buy back in sat/sunday for another 3-4X, trust me.

>> No.57726976
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>> No.57727378

It won't fail. x1000 is on the way.

>> No.57727590

Torbjorn wouldn't do that! Or would he...are the omnic basically jews????

>> No.57728027

torbjorn is not racist, he is friends with bastion

>> No.57728053
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well actually he is friends with bastion because bastion is his robot assistant and not an omnic you brainlet omnic is offensive you are a bigot

>> No.57728071

Bastion was designed to be evil yet found beauty in life. Torbjorn is a genius engineer. They're best friends, you're right. Just like you and I are, ai-chan.

>> No.57728173

What if bastión snaps back to ptsd killer mode and ults kings row subway? Then what? Just get rid of them

>> No.57728194
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he wouldn't do that

>> No.57728320
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You sure? You never know

>> No.57728391
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Torb in his younger days would agree with you. Shut him down.
Torb in his older days is wiser. He always knew machines would get to the singularity stage and be self aware. It made him bitter and hateful. But his daughter brigette growing up really softened the old man.
He wouldn't shut bastion down unless he absolutely needed to. He COULD do it though, because Torbjorn is the smartest person in OW besides maybe Winston, maybe equal intelligence there.
>Verification not required.
We're faggots, anon.

>> No.57728599
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Good points lore anon, actually can’t disagree with you here
>We’re faggots, anon.
Kek true

>> No.57729167
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Congratulations to anyone who bought this at 0.0000023 or lower

>> No.57729207
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I am such a coomer from the thumbnail i thought the beard was a females ass as she was bending over.....

>> No.57729250
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>> No.57729668

Holy fuck wish i listened 2 days ago instead of reading the fud

>> No.57730177
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price predictions end of week

>> No.57731199


>> No.57732252

Shill you on it? Creator is the founder of shib. Moon soon, newfag!

>> No.57732290

He is not. Official website link on Dexscreener is dead, Ryoshi would never allow that. This is a revival PnD being pushed by your Discord tranny group.

>> No.57732313

Believe what you want. Check his Twitter avatar that he changed to.

>> No.57732360
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, 8765878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of Week - 2x
End of March - 5x
End of Year - 100x-500x
Within 2 years -1000-5000x

>> No.57732416

Shib1/Ryoshi twitter handle is a larp.

some scammer got hold of his credentials and also his telegram is pushing pnd scams everywhere
last time he tried to shill something, he stole more than 100ETH from a project (Wood dragon $Drag) less than 1.month ago by pulling out all the liquidity

>> No.57732455

When the FUD is so strong it's obvious that something big will happen.

>> No.57732486

>some scammer got hold of his credentials and also his telegram is pushing pnd scams everywhere
Got proof?

>> No.57732568



Hard to spoonfed all the lore here.
Just join the token's telegram and find out

>> No.57732574
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The real one would totally ask for donations, right?

>> No.57732576 [DELETED] 


SOURSE https://sul.su/5JR

>> No.57732595
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Some people doxxed his wallets to mexc and huobi and once he found out he unstaked the stolen eth and cashed out elsewhere and the trace was lost

>> No.57732670

@RyoshiResearch is the twitter handle not @shibarium_

>> No.57732677

Ryoshi also wants to push for decentralization hard so this is why it isn't as obvious but if you can just see through the bullshit then you'll see the gold that this will be

>> No.57732698

>hoichi devs have been actually devving a bridge and are about to release it
Ah yes, a bridge to nowhere for a token that does nothing and will fade into obscurity in 3 weeks after the inevtiable p&d
And then you will look at AVI and realize you still hadn't "missed" AVI

>> No.57732720

has been scamming you retards left and right for several months now
I refuse to believe you are all this naive, you've got to be getting paid to shill this shit

>> No.57732803
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The two bob cunt namefag from the other thread shilled this exact same screenshot of the shibarium_ twitter, which is clearly a larp. Fuck off you scamming pieces of shit

>> No.57732835

KYS the official shib tokens first follow was @RyoshiResearch you stupid fudding kike

>> No.57732899
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Avoid EVERYTHING Shib related.
It's all a scamming operation from some pajeet fags (yup, the majority of them are from India)

i heckin' love Ryoshi also how he baits retard into thinking he's vitalik himself

>Pic related days before Drag was rugged
>I scammed all of you because you got greedy

Fucking lol
piece of shit

Ryoshi's is a scammer
Muh dezentralishayzhum my ass

>> No.57732926

Hope this dips more the fud is great lmao I am positive every fucking rocket before taking off gets hardcore fud kek
I'd make 50k from spyro if I didn't listen to the fag exposing the wallet thing they did. I'll literally always go opposed to the majority call in any given thread because biz is bad at making money

>> No.57733008
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The only kikes here are you. Same screenshot as >>57732803 Also kek at that Twitter account's English, it's clearly some pajeet or third worlder
>1pbid again
Sorry Sir, scam is ending now

>> No.57733029
File: 876 KB, 1080x1884, 1708987667271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I done many research! Chart is ready to explore Sirs!

>> No.57733042

No idea what you're on about mate but I dont care. I buy what shib creator makes, got a problem with that?
Fud is so funny. You must care so much about my money lol trying to make me sell. Dirty brown scammer kiddo.

>> No.57733081
File: 918 KB, 1178x1035, 1m2vDVqBaE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what? Noone cares. Good job on fudding some retards out who deserve to be poor though.
made some red circles for you though, he he he he

>> No.57733100

Lol shit that couldnt be more obvious mate thanks btw

>> No.57733103

nice digits nigger

>> No.57733117


So is Ryoshi a scammer or not?
How can he be "legit" in charge of Hoichi while rugging this Drag shitcoin?
1+2 it's not =2..

He either is a scammer or not
either someone is larping as him or not.

Which one it is?

>> No.57733139

You don't get it, anon. Their narrative is that wallet that was posted above is behind various pump and dump schemes whilst also being a 4chan janitor whilst also being in a discord of other janitors so they can purge anything they like on the forum. They also own millions of dollars of ethereum and that wallet that has 1000+ eth is totally not owned by uniswap or some CEX.
>You think I made this shit up just to meme at them?
Nope they really believe that shit, I can find archives of previous threads quoting the dumb fags.

>> No.57733145

Is it*?
I'm selling 1 day before the bridge while in the green because nothing has been delivered in two years and nothing will change now

>> No.57733205

My question wasn't about that anon but the ones i quoted.
according to the evidence "Ryoshi" stole 107ETH and rugged and shitcoin then called it a "fair rug" ("fjord rules")
and Hoichi selling point is Ryoshi's involvement.. so it seems bearish


either a larper or a scammer
wich one is it?

>> No.57733223

Nah he isn't a scammer and doesn't give a fuck enough to dispute it obviously. No one has time for that garbage

>> No.57733290

>he isn't a scammer
>but he also stole 107 ETH

Anon I...
I'm selling, i can't trust cultists or scammer apologists..
Ok he's not a "scammer" but a larper then.

You didn't answer my question
who cares anyway, right?

Good luck anon shilling this project

>> No.57733316

alright, see ya faggot GL

>> No.57733351
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It's a scam, you should have realized by now. The TG is also full with third worlders who raid biz in hopes someone will believe their lies. They can't argue because they know it's all bullshit.

>> No.57733455

>Ryoshi scams are posted
>Chart starts to dump
Looks like some Bizfags saved their money
gg kiddos

But i advice to dump on Thursday

>> No.57733465

let them miss a easy 4x kek people who fall for such weak fud deserve to be poor

>> No.57733498

KEK, what a fucking scam, holy fuck, everybody should look at this right now

don't do it faggot, you gonna get robbed, i wouldn't trade my $SUPER bags for that shit