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57732974 No.57732974 [Reply] [Original]

>job interview tomorrow

>> No.57732988

I'm introverted but I actually enjoyed job interviews because I have shit I want them to tell me.

>> No.57733018

What do you mean

>> No.57733264
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>btc goes up
>don't show up to interview

>> No.57733945

literally me too

>> No.57733968

sorry to hear that but hope you get the job. I hate the humiliation ritual

>> No.57733985

You should have questions about what working for them will be like, the total benefits and compensation, who's on the team, hours/pto

>> No.57734012

>do you have any questions for us?
No I think we covered everything for now
(Great, now they think I don’t care)

>> No.57734029

I ghosted my job lol

>> No.57734041
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whats with all this "ask your bosses questions to look good in interview" rhetoric shit?

>> No.57734063

What this anon said: >>57734012

>> No.57734086

Shows enthusiasm for the job, or so I've been told

>> No.57734100

(I don’t, but don’t want them to know that just yet)

>> No.57734107

How do you go into an job and not have any questions about it? Job postings don't tell you shit like >>57733985

>> No.57734111

hey man you'll do great

>> No.57734118

So it's some autistic game theory about assuming the roastie HR cunt doesn't care because you didn't ask a question and were simply satisfied or actually did your own DD about the company before coming in?

>> No.57734130

>know someone
It's not hard to find disgruntled (ex-)employees that yelled into the internet void about any company, even local small businesses.

>> No.57734136

>btc goes down
>"well anon, can you explain this gap in your cv?"

>> No.57734153

>have to interview some loser tomorrow as a hiring manager despite his resume being shit and my team not needing another person and no job opening existing because the HR roastie said we need to constantly be interviewing in case someone quits (she's wrong but needs to justify her job and the VP is fucking her)

whatever im just going to fuck with the guy and make him think the interview went amazing and we're totally going to hire him and then ghost his ass, that's what he gets for wasting my time with his bullshit application

>> No.57734180

It's about showing interest in the company, which means you might be more loyal and willing to stick around long term.

>> No.57734191


>> No.57734204

good luck anon, just be yourself unironically

>> No.57734209

Yeah Glassdoor and indeed will tell you about the people you work with and if your team lead is cool with you WFH three days a week lmao. Epic troll dude very yummy

>> No.57734218

always be sure to ask about how much PTO there is and how you are not cool with having to wait to take some PTO right away. It shows that you care.

>> No.57734287
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Flop your dick out on the table. Either they admire your boldness and hire you or they're disgusted and they don't. 2 possibilities. 50/50 odds.

>> No.57734458
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>> No.57734558

>"well anon, can you explain this gap in your cv?"
Yeah, fourth year in the cycle hit me hard. You know how it is.

>> No.57734571
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don't worry anon, if all goes well you will become a waggie for the rest of your life. And if everything goes wrong, you can always bet on projects like SatoshiSync and earn pennies day by day.

>> No.57735160
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idk what the fuck r u saying, im earning more than pennies with BCR20

>> No.57735255

>Can I take PTO before I start?