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57731948 No.57731948 [Reply] [Original]

Any CO Anons have input on the Denver area cost of living/quality of living?
How's life?

>> No.57731965

The Lefty' libs are destroying Colorado

>> No.57731987

the city is literally going into deficit to give money to military aged illegals.

>> No.57732001
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lol these idiots think they are so smart but they dont realize the economy and housing market are not related to politics the libs arent destroying anything the free market is

>> No.57732021

Fuckin sucks balls is what. >>57731987 This. Denver Health lost something crazy like $150 million last year over it alone. They are even foregoing planting flowers this spring to pay for the Venezuelans. I think the Post said we get 200 migrant children in schools per week.

>> No.57732066

it’s growing but seems to have gone downhill. My wife and I bought outside o boulder and noticed most that live in Denver proper usually end up leaving.

Lots of bums around Denver. Lots of petty theft and no luck with police

People seem to like Lakewood golden etc

>> No.57732163

>Lots of petty theft
Some fuckers stole jumper cables and a shovel out of my truck.

>> No.57732192
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How so?
Is the califag refugee thing legit?

>> No.57732357

You're gonna move here to be close to the mountains for snowboarding and hiking and hunting and fishing and trail riding and whatever you like to do.

You're going to get a job with weekends off so you can go play in the mountains

you're going to find out that everyone else in Denver has the same idea, and there's only 3 roads from Denver to the mountains. All 3 are bumper to bumper going 5 mph every fucking weekend both ways.

Then you're gonna hate it.

>> No.57732507
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Sounds probable.
Mountain related activities are whites only so there must be at least a few redeeming factors.

>> No.57732533
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I wanted to move there 4 years ago.

>> No.57732548

>Mountain related activities are whites only
boy are you in for a surprise. Skiing and snowboarding are increasingly rich asian hobbies. Everything else is a solid mix of local whites and hispanics along with a healthy dose of rich foreigners, mostly indian, asian, and hispanic.

>> No.57732549 [DELETED] 

SOURSE https://sul.su/5JR

>> No.57732586

I live in Lakewood, it's quiet, very few minorities (my highschool had 1600 kids and maybe 5 black kids). Good access to the mountains and the highways don't suck ass unlike I-25 and I-70.

>> No.57732611

Shill bot or certified retard

>> No.57732626


>> No.57732723

Go look up that black percent today, every city has turned into a Tarzan film

>> No.57732783

>Good access to the mountains and the highways don't suck ass unlike I-25 and I-70.
you take 285 or what? When I want to go to Lakewood from the mountains I take 70. It's virtually impossible to get there on a sunday.

>> No.57732825

yep 285 or 6th or even morrison road, super chill, never any traffic. I ski on weekdays though, fuck skiing on weekends these days, rock climb n shiet on weekends.

>> No.57732861

>no ocean for 500000 miles but cost of living is California tier
>City is now 5% Haitian and similar migrants that contribute absolutely nothing and will be 10, 15, 20% illegal immigrants within 5 years

>> No.57732872

>I ski on weekdays though, fuck skiing on weekends these days, rock climb n shiet on weekends.
cool. I'm in Leadville. People here mostly go out to play on weekdays. Gets way too crowded on weekends.

>> No.57732902

>will be

>> No.57732910
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Denver had such high potential but it's really just another soulless sprawl like Phoenix. The mountain towns are better. Even Colorado springs is better or golden

>> No.57732942
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>> No.57732943

>The mountain towns are better.
unless you need a job, or shopping, or emergency medical care, or good schools. We're a bit short on all of those.

>> No.57733052

Imagine how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning annintant by you nide, now replace N with N

>> No.57733096

americans sitting in traffic for nature stuff is retarded. some of the national parks feel more like a theme park.

>> No.57733158

There's a few places we used to regularly visit in CO that you can't get to anymore because of the crowds. Stuff like Hanging Lake, Maroon Lake, St. Mary's Glacier, most of the 14'ers, RMNP.

Even the obscure little trails to nowhere get hit by thousands of visitors on the weekends.

Luckily all you have to do is go literally 100 feet off the trail or road and you'll never see a human. We've got them all trained to never leave the trail or road. Their experience of nature is more similar to a walk through the mall than a hike in wilderness.

>> No.57733226
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Near Horsetooth mountain. Don't live in urban cores unless you are nigger or rich fck w/penthouse.
>confusing a Laissez-faire economic policy with United States mixed economic policy
Politics is fault because instead of making actual legitimate regulations we get retarded ones like picrel or mandatory tranny bathrooms.