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57729011 No.57729011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gf is mad at me, financially speaking how do I fix this?

>> No.57729019

>financially speaking
doesn't make this a business thread. Clean it up jannies and send this incel off to /r9k/

>> No.57729022

who is the woman?

>> No.57729026

If this is real you sound like an absolute faggot.

>> No.57729028

Id try to talk to her in person, you opened up and she brushed it off.

>> No.57729041

Wow you sound like a homosexual. Maybe trying sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass? Might be more your speed.

>> No.57729044

It’s important to be able to communicate your needs in a relationship

>> No.57729045

There's absolutely no way you could fix this. She has clearly lost all respect for you for acting like a little girl.

>> No.57729047
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lmao fucking rekt

>> No.57729051
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>I think i'm a little bitch i need a lot of reassurance

>> No.57729055

kek this

>> No.57729057 [DELETED] 

i think green is the woman and she tried to explain somethinig and then gray which i think is him started ranting like a woman

>> No.57729064

if she act like this in person, jesus fucking christ, dump her

>> No.57729071

She's not wrong but the fact that she actually texted that means you should dump her

>> No.57729077

are you a trannie?

>> No.57729080

KEK OP has no internal monologue to fix his own damn shit by himself

>> No.57729086

You are a faggot
Why do guys like op always have gfs

>> No.57729092

You both seem insufferable in different ways.

>> No.57729098

This kek

>> No.57729104

if i understand correctly you are the green and saying what you said makes you sound like a bitch honestly
she has lost all respect for you, why do you need constant reassurance? you are not the woman in the relationship and she's not your mommy

>> No.57729113
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what were you trying to tell her with that girl?

>> No.57729123

Promiscuous women feel very little pressure to maintain their relationships because they can just hope on a different dick whenever
You can only truly bond with a virgin

>> No.57729136

you gave her the ick. Women hate men that need constant emotional validation because it signifies you are insecure about her leaving you for another man, this type of psychology puts you in a position of weakness while your women in a position of power over you. In your mind she is the prize that you are scared to lose.

In order to have a healthy relationship with a woman you need to be in the position of power and you to prize that your women is scared to lose. If you are the prize and your women insecure about losing you she will do everything she can yo be the best girlfriend to keep you including keeping you very sexually satisfied. The best way to get your girlfriend to want to have sex with you is unironically flirt with other girls in her presence, she will get insecure knowing that you nave tons of options and competition so she will make you happy to try and eliminate the competition, but you have to keep your women allays in a constant state of insecurity that you will leave, the moment you commit and bend the knee to her she will lose attraction to you. Sad reality of female nature

>> No.57729144

Just say JK OP, also KYS for being so fucking gay

>> No.57729148
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>> No.57729170

Let me guess, you watch a lot of Jordan Peterson or that healthy gamer Dr Pajeet or whatever the fuck he's called. They have royally fucked you for indoctrinating that shit into your mind. Sorry to be harsh but fuck man, women do not care about your feelings, they want YOU to care about THEIR feelings and that's it. Remember that for your next relationship. On the positive side she sounds like a cunt anyway so at least you no longer have to deal with that.

>> No.57729185

This is psychopathic behavior

>> No.57729187

This dude knows what's up. Women are literally not human the same way men are, the sooner you realize this the sooner you'll stop being a faggot.
I honestly hope you're not over the age of 25 and thinking like this OP.

>> No.57729197

This absolutely
Post tits

>> No.57729201

So, I'm "anxious attachment" too. The trick here is not to tell her yourself, but rather to simply take her to see a couples counselor and then say something like "we can all agree that communication is essential for a relationship, right?" Then you have to ask her, hopefully in front of the counselor, "do you currently want to put in the effort to make this relationship work? I do, but do you?" If she says no, you either break up or talk about why not. If you decide to stay together, then the premise has to be that communication is important for any relationship. That helps with the attachment.

>> No.57729213

You sound like you have attachment issues

You don’t think there are any women who care about their partner?

That is simply not true.

>> No.57729214




op just get your money up, thats why u are here, posting this garbare on /biz/, otherwise youll be treated like this your whole life, you probably one of those neets that farms on blocklords 24/7 without receiving any sunlight, matter fact, fuck her and dump her

>> No.57729223
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 671acb9a-ed95-46b8-93ce-32e445da8ee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol zoomies swallowed all the weird ass clinical psychology bullshit.

>> No.57729224

>couples counselor

>> No.57729256

Who am I fucking kidding posting this. 99% of you wouldn't bother paying the $400+ per month for a good counselor because you're all 20-something unmarried fucks anyway. I've been married for 8 years now and this is what works but whatever.
And the other half of this thread is "le redpill" histrionic and pessimistic fucks that think you have to be a stoic, unemotional block to have sex with women and don't realize how hilariously un-self-aware they look to everyone else.

>> No.57729265

>implying anybody has ever cared about a man's emotions

>> No.57729283

You have attachment issues

>> No.57729285

She's right. If you have an anxiety problem (which is what the anxious attachment style is rooted in), it's your job to find a way to fix it or at least manage it. It's not her job to solve your problems.

>> No.57729297

You do come across as a bit of a fag, but depending on the dynamic, how long you've been together, your history etc. it might be ok. She seems like a massive bitch.

Literally just text her "k, bye" and block her.

>> No.57729317

>psychopatic behaviour
You are exhibiting the extreme opposite of it to her and she's apparently repulsed by it.
Have fun living in a fantasy world and getting cucked and dumped every relationship because you want to be the woman of it.

>> No.57729327
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dude she's right though you shouldn't make your gf deal with your problems like that why would you put that on another person i would dump you instantly and go for a real man with a horse cock

>> No.57729332


>> No.57729342

A girl that responds well to manipulative behavior will leave you once she finds a guy who can manipulate her better…

Sure this works if you’re top 0.000001/% of men like Andrew Tate, what if you’re not?

>> No.57729344
File: 21 KB, 300x213, LMAO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I'm anxious attachment style
>I need a lot of reassurance from my partner to feel secure.
>I need emotional closeness and I'm scared its pushing you away
You poor fucking sod, a mere child. I can tell you haven't been through the meat-grinder yet.

>> No.57729345

I feel like you're trying to come off as a woman, but you're just coming off like a giant faggot

>> No.57729347

Yes but there should be some level of appropriate accommodation. OP's girl comes off as a cunt but if you're missing an arm your girlfriend shouldn't expect you to open jars for her. She needs to be aware of it as a condition that OP has and then she needs to decide if she's willing to stay with him knowing that. He should absolutely talk about this in person instead of over text though.

What should have happened is OP should have sat her down and said "This is how I feel. This is what I'm experiencing. Knowing that I have this condition, do you want to continue pursuing a relationship with me?" If she says yes, then he should have said "Ok, well a relationship depends on communication. So we need to communicate regularly. That's important for me." Basically OP and this girl should spell out their boundaries in a more healthy way rather than insulting each other over text. It comes across so trashy too.

>> No.57729354

>Andrew Tate
I don't take life advice from convert-to-islam mutts

>> No.57729358

Congrats youve learnt Women are a scam

>> No.57729370

Damn, lol

>> No.57729380

which one is the girl in this conversation
>Gf is mad at me, financially speaking how do I fix this?
give her 100 bucks, bitches love money

>> No.57729390

What you're suggesting is even worse. You don't understand women or psychology, and it's clear from the screenshot that this isn't the first time they've spoken about this topic. If he has a problem, he needs to fix it.

>> No.57729394

I have been with 40+ girls.

I always tried to seem distant and aloof.

Never found a real genuine loving relationship.

Cause I was always trying to be someone else. If you just be yourself. Then a girl will either not like it or just appreciate you that much more for it.

>> No.57729414

OP just dump her and find a big strong man who will lovingly fuck your ass nightly. That should get rid of all your attachment anxiety or whatever the fuck you call it.

>> No.57729420

I'm just posting what works from my experience. You can get women to sit down and listen by finding common ground like whether they want to remain in a relationship with you, and whether relationships in general require communication. Most people will agree to these points. Then everything else has to stem from that and you have to constantly remind them of the premises to which they agreed.

He does need to fix his problem on his own, probably with a counselor. That being said, he should let her know that he has this problem so she's aware of his condition and how to deal with it. I see it similarly to, say, a missing arm or leg.

>> No.57729428

>I have been with 40+ girls.
Sure you have. It's obvious that you're no older than 20.

>> No.57729434

Anon, I've been married a long time and I can safely say that you do not understand women a single bit if you think ANY of them who aren't weirdo psycho manipulators who see your emotional neediness as a way to manipulate you will want to hear that shit from you. You make a woman love you by being a man. Literally your only shot at getting back on her good side is winning a fight (under the proper circumstances according to her) in front of her or fixing a car or or something. She sees you as a little bitch now and it's fucking OVER.

>> No.57729435

We talked about this already in depth

She says that she loves me but she needs to get to the root of my childhood trauma to fix me first before we can date

I said that will take years if not a lifetime to fully resolve and she had a meltdown and said no she can fix me in a day if I just listen to her I will have a breakthrough (she watches a lot of YouTube therapy videos)

>> No.57729454
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sure thing bro first let me tell you what works from my experience finding a good woman is key one who is feminine submissive and loyal and that's really the issue with this dude he needs to man up and get a better woman