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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57729069 No.57729069 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming you made it off crypto, what do you even cash out into? Stocks and RE look to be in classic bubble formations and we have a perfect storm brewing for some sort of economic devastation with rates, election year, job market etc. all going through massive changes.

>> No.57729175

I ask myself the same question every day. I might just tether up at the top and wait for the next bear market to buy back in and repeat the cycle. I'm scared of selling outright because I don't want to do my taxes.

>> No.57729229

there really isnt anything worth cashing out to because all the markets are algorithmically connected and they all move together in the same direction at the same times

>> No.57729240

I plan to ladder into bonds and buy more property, PMs, and freeze dried food. I'm not sure why anyone would continue to bet on the market if they think the markets are going to dump lol.

>> No.57729253

>sell for tether
>don't want to make a taxable event

Who wants to tell him?

>> No.57729301

i mean, having that amount of money, ill probably look out for newer and better projects to cash out as well, like BRC20 or some others

>> No.57729306

I thought crypto-to-crypto trades were only taxable events in India. Aren't crypto-to-fiat transactions the only taxable events in the west?

>> No.57729407

Lmao no. Crypto to crypto is taxable. Pay up they got world war 3 to pay for and 8 million new illegals. You will be audited this year too with AI and armed agents

>> No.57729424

1 Bitcoin= one mansion with land

>> No.57729979

They won't crash anything during an election year, or even just after it. So you've got until next year at the minimum.

>> No.57730023 [DELETED] 

After 2 days, I am going to marriage. So its my wedding after 2 days. But I don't know will i be able to make it or not. Short financially very badly. Can any anon help me with 5k$ ? Thanks :' )

>> No.57730407

I make 100$ monthly. Why would someone give you 4 years of my work for a wedding?

>> No.57730521
File: 57 KB, 1331x975, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK FUCK FUCK. Why did no one tell me this? Please, this has to be a meme.

>> No.57730628
File: 286 KB, 1125x1378, IMG_8914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have enough capital in crypto then cash into fixed income if the stock market looks to frothy for you. It probably is. Especially tech stocks. There are a lot of good dividend stocks that are actually oversold in this bubble market. But just be weighted more heavily in bonds if you're worried about a correction. That combined with some good dividend stocks and you're going to at least get 5-7% so you're not getting fucked by inflation like you would if you stay in dollars. I've got several portfolios that I plan to cash out into. Some are fixed income. Some are just dividend stocks I've carefully selected. Coinbase makes it pretty easy to just keep some cash in reserves and earn 5% so you have the liquidity to take new positions in the bear market. Always smart to DCA back into BTC during the bear. This is the best way to preserve your capital and grow it long term. If we have a huge market crash be ready to buy up stocks cheap. That's what Goldman and JP Morgan will be doing.

>> No.57730637

Lmao fuck off normie
Go beg your wife

>> No.57730672

Only in amerimutt
In europe and rest of the world crypto to crypto is not taxable

>> No.57730676

sent ;)

>> No.57730684

All in MSCI World ETF (physical, no swap).
4% withdrawal rate, FIRE style. It's literally that easy.84

>> No.57730773

Great, I'll be fine then :) I had a feeling this was the case, Burgers and pajeets are the only ones who suffer. This is the way.

>> No.57730831

The key is to not declare anything until you actually cash out in fiat. Then you pay the cap gains for everything at once. Unless you were dumb and gave the government your wallet addresses like a good goy.

>> No.57731187

Just cash itself is paying 5% or more interest. If you have enough you could live off the interest.

>> No.57731245
