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File: 194 KB, 957x450, honey the zestimate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57720492 No.57720492 [Reply] [Original]

Repeat of 2008

>> No.57720504

good, fuck hoomers. based interest rates, praise Jerome

>> No.57720517

The only way this happens if Wall St. has a credit event and has to sell.
43% of all inventory is owned outright.
My guess is wall st gets bailed out like before and they get to keep that inventory and continue to make American's rent slaves.

>> No.57720520

Its already happening for a year here in Germany
So It was probably only a matter of time before it also hits the US
Its actually good, because houses become more affordable

>> No.57720534

Thank God maybe I can stop renting

>> No.57720539

>the price has dipped 2% after having a pumped 30%

>> No.57720543

My house is too big so I'm renting it out and then renting a shitty little place for myself. If rental prices drop I'll just live in my own house again because the extra income and savings won't be worth it anymore

>> No.57720560

It'S gonna crash ALL THEE WAYY TO SCHWIFTY-FIVE (2020)

>> No.57720571

It "dipped" 14% actually, according to MSPUS. The 2008 crash was a 23% drop from peak to trough on the same chart. When stocks crash it will be an absolute bloodbath.

>> No.57720605

Yeeach, I see it in my small city in central Europe. Prices are already down 20%, plus if I counted inflation, it would be around 50%. And nobody is buying or will not buy. We also see a lot of news about young people staying with parents in the age group 24-34, so it is getting normalized.

>> No.57720622
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So I might finally actually be able to move out of my parents at the age of 35?

>> No.57720633

is there a chart that i can watch the crash live at?

>> No.57720642

house is leverage trade. considering initial payment could be less than 20%, people can get margin call.

>> No.57720661

This a problem poor jews are going to have to contend with. If it's cheaper to stay with your parents, and you don't have to get shackled to a 30 year mortgage, at what price is good for a plywood home? The (((market))) has to adjust to people not wanting a home when even at half price, it's not worth it.

30 years a slave, HOA, shitty neighbors, little you can do to protect your home in blue states, a house that is cardboard. Houses have priced themselves out of the market. It's literally cheaper to buy a new citizenship then a home in the USA. LOL.

>> No.57720687

>rent still 1600 a studio though

>> No.57720711
File: 72 KB, 1320x671, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one ever posts data

I think all of you are jeet larpers.

>> No.57720716

MSPUS (updated every 3 months... enjoy)

>> No.57720720

2 more?

>> No.57720764

I would only buy property in Germany when I had proof that Jews buy, otherwise its catching a falling knife

>> No.57720779

Prices pumped years ago and covid restrictions on construction were relaxed years ago and surprise, new housing is being completed and is on the market. You also have late boomers retiring and downsizing to smaller homes, and old boomers selling their homes to fund nursing home costs. Zeihan predicted this, and if millenials had kids they'd be buying up all these houses for sale and making families in them, but Zeihan never talks about anti-natalism explicitly.

Anyway we're so close to post-scarcity at this point, and the money is so fake, it doesn't really matter. Sure buy a house if you can: it's going to be a cardboard POS and you can't choose your neighbors. It won't make your wife loyal. It's just a hollow facsimile of how life used to be 80 years ago.

In my opinion the smart move is to leech off family as long as possible and put everything in crypto and leapfrog the entire rat race. Knock up a few girls, get a good lawyer to keep child support low, and just enjoy life as much as you can.

>> No.57720804

I looked up my parents home and it's now at an ATH of $600k and my grandmother's is at $417k, second only to a $500k ATH in 2020.. It's only 600st ft in a ghetto Hispanic hood where the houses are visibly rotting and unlevel. No one's salary is increasing, some people I know it has gone down, they lost their bonus, or were laid off. This market is absolutely deranged.

>> No.57720815
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Hell yeah LFG boys.

>> No.57720829
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You are coping

>> No.57720837

>It's literally cheaper to buy a new citizenship then a home in the USA
I've unironically been looking at dual nationalism as an alternative. You can buy citizenship in many tropical touristy area with cheap CoL for about $100k. 1/4th what the average house in the US sells for. Running dual citizenship means you can keep a US salary on remote work and live like a king.

>> No.57720851

lol home prices are already rising again you doomer faggots

>> No.57720852

because we can actually look up the data ourselves and dont need to be spoonfed ranjesh

>> No.57720854

It's just a map of places Californians metastasized to.

>> No.57720908


And yet you can't contribute anything useful to the thread despite claiming to know the data. Good morning sars.

>> No.57720927

we dont have many jews here for obvious reasons

>> No.57720962

namedrop the countries my friend

>> No.57720982

>house prices down 10% over the year in my cunt
going to take a lot more than that

>> No.57720986

Someone please tell that to my housing market.
I'm busy buying and it's still retardedly skewed towards sellers.
Starbucks wagies will never afford a home close to work here, kek.

>> No.57720995

Looks like it's getting ready for the next leg up ape in bros

>> No.57721019
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I don't know how you can handwave a "just down 10% bro" when you look at the last 15 years of appreciation and even a 0% change yoy should be alarming.

>> No.57721022

you don’t want to live in any of those countries. you want the second citizenship so you can renounce your US citizenship and go live in a much nicer low-tax country where you can’t just buy citizenship but can get a residence permit.
Nomad Capitalist on youtube is the source for this kind of international diversification.

>> No.57721102

There is a catch to this, fellow Bernd. From what I've heard, residential construction has dried up apart from institutional investors building apartment complexes for sale/renting/speculation. That could really fuck our housing market long term, but at least you can actually get craftsmen to do shit on your house, without waiting 6 months and paying out of the ass for it

>> No.57721380

Why is Wyoming still so fucking expensive?

>> No.57721395

biz is a meme website we come here to joke not give legit financial advice (except to people we feel deserve it)
appreciate the Pajeet memes tho

>> No.57721608


White demographics

>> No.57721621

I like it

>> No.57721645
File: 111 KB, 828x917, 63KYSEjnMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you ask for a response to the mcdonalds secret menu you dumb bastard i dont know anything about this housing bullshit all i know is that im going to the moon with wcdonalds you stupid pajeet

>> No.57721658

As far as I know it's mostly government sector and healthcare jobs. No way they make that much money.

>> No.57721660


Thank you for confirming that nothing that you will ever say will have any value.


Weird bot post probably triggered by "sars" or "jeet"

>> No.57721665


Absence of niggers is the biggest driver of housing prices. People are willing to pay a premium and face a long commute if they don't have to put up with a gorilla zoo at home.

During the pandemic the liberals that claim to love niggers so much did not move to black areas.

>> No.57721693

So it's full of California fags now?

>> No.57721699

Have housing prices ever been at the highs they are today though? They have to come down when the majority of people can't afford them.

>> No.57721719


>They have to come down when the majority of people can't afford them.

They do, but no one knows when the markets will return to historical norms. Right now we are at the lowest sales in 30 years as buyers simply cannot afford the prices and sellers believe themselves to be entitled to peak prices.

So this normalizes by buyers making more money (unlikely as the entire government is geared towards lowering wages through mass immigration) or the sellers are forced to sell through the global recession that has hit everywhere except the US.

I'm of the opinion that the US is already in a recession but the propaganda has gotten so all encompassing that it's creating it's own reality distortion field.

>> No.57721762

I dunno OP, my house pumped by 100k in the past couple months. Surely inflation can't account for all of that.

>> No.57721766

Most homes for sale in my area were purchased in 2020 and are initially listed for a straight 50% markup. Then comes the long slow process of 5% markdowns on asking price. Remember that comps don't change if there aren't any sales. Once the threshold is reached where the asking price reflects reality, the comps are fucked and the market will plummet. We're just in a holding pattern where no completed sales = no change in market prices. And there isn't any corporate bagholder coming to swoop in and buy everything. That would have already happened. They would know it's free money (but it's not).

>> No.57721785

I refuse to buy a house until it costs less than 1 BTC

Otherwise the opportunity cost is too great

>> No.57721788


Yes and this process can take years. The crash in 2008 happened yet the actual bottom was 3-4 years later.

>> No.57721798
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Most crashes take more like 5 years to bottom.

Some take 10 or 20 years.

>> No.57721806
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The faces of your friends and coworkers.

>> No.57721816

yes, the real estate market moves kind of strange
it moves in one direction for years and then suddenly thats over and it goes the other way
Thats exactly what happened here in Germany
People always said "it only goes up"

>> No.57721819

>obese incel still living with mommy cope.
Get a better job holy shit you are pathetic lol. Zoomers are the most retarded people to ever walk the earth.

>> No.57721825

In Japan people say "why buy a house? It only goes down"

>> No.57721841


It goes only up if you zoom out hard enough due to the inbuilt inflationary economic model. However it can have years of downturn in the short term.

>> No.57721852

Yes, the strange thing is, our population is actually growing and we have a lack of housing, but once its overvalued it just comes down sooner or later.

>> No.57721875
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Chart taken from https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=lFaB with some noise removed.

Careful looking at MSPUS and deciding the market is crashing. That drop could simply mean the cheap homes left are selling faster than more expensive ones, and the other two lines seem to confirm that.

In the long run, the real estate market doesn't crash. At best, it has downturns.

>> No.57721878 [DELETED] 


Guys, look at airdrop, I just got 100 tokens


>> No.57721891

Right, real esate was louzy here for decades basically. Then it exploded up, once interest rates were lowered to zero. There were youtube shows for normies how they all should invest in real estate. Its logical that it now goes the other way.

>> No.57721892

whatever is worse for the goyim and best for the jews is usually what always happens

>> No.57721906

I just sold my house for a 7x and moved to a cheaper state. I'm hoping the housing market crashes and I can scoop up another one for dirt cheap like I did in 2015.

>> No.57721926

Urbanite faggot transplants causing economic distortions by driving the average house price way above what the average area wage can afford.

>> No.57721928


I think it's unquestionable that we are in the downturn cycle. However I can't tell you how long it will last or how severe it will be.

>> No.57721976

It has a lot of white people
Unironically, proximity to a lot of white people make houses more expensive

>> No.57721996

They'll just delist all the unsold houses or find a way to destroy excess supply, like they did to cars with cash4clunkers. Globohomo is never going to let houses be affordable on any major scale ever again.

>> No.57722022
File: 202 KB, 1280x1126, yOi8bZffTy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen bro housing market gonna crash just like your mom i don't know what cash4clunkers is but it sounds very similar to what wcdonalds is about to do to the housing market we're going to buy all the unsold houses and turn them into wcdonalds real estate offices so that you can purchase your wcdonalds house on a payment plan using the new wccredit card there's no reason why we can't make houses affordable for everyone because at wcdonalds it's all about the people

>> No.57722037

it’s naive to think they have the level of economic control they like to pretend they do.

>> No.57722046
File: 75 KB, 850x400, 1652971903092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand.

>> No.57722057

Critical token demand destruction. Bridge showing cracking bugs

>> No.57722152

Mortgage rates still 8%

>> No.57723310

>should be alarming.
I would be elated. USA housing market should be like Japan. If people just bought a house to fucking live in, they wouldn't be so invested in the idea of housing needing to go up. it would just be a number associated with the building you are living in.

Instead, every faggot in the US wanted to open a leveraged airbnb for "muh passive income", so now those valuations "neeeeeeeed" to stay steady or higher for these tards to remain solvent.

That's before we get into boomer RE portfolios that aren't airbnb frankenmonsters.
>old boomers selling their homes to fund nursing home costs
these nursing home cost are so insane. boomers are doing things like burning $100k/year in their last 5 years of life, on top of some upfront capital (I've heard $250k, but at least you get some pro-rated amount back)

if you don't pay an upfront entrance fee, you get shipped to a medicare facility when you go broke.

>> No.57723329

This isn't a crash its a expedited correction due to covid making houses double and triple in price.
Everyone in the midwest who bought a house during that timeframe is about to be fucked which are likely Californians who voted liberal but can no longer stand the effects of their party so who cares
Everyone in expensive areas will see a much more reasonable drown in value.

>> No.57723359


Honestly I just want to drop dead instead of dragging it out and impoverishing my family.

>> No.57723456


Big difference is you Euros have variable rate mortgages and people there are forced to sell when the rate updates and their monthly payment balloons. There's no sell pressure in the US because basically everyone has a 2-4% fixed rate and it will stay that way forever. Nobody is selling and getting a new mortgage at 6-7% unless they absolutely have to.

>> No.57723517

This. I live in a rural area and mid sized starter homes don't last a week on the market where houses that are for someone upgrading to a bigger home sit on the market. No one around here wants to eat the interest rate on a 400k+ house.

>> No.57723519

It was all a reflection of loose monetary policy for the last 23ish years. Except this time I don't think that trick is going to work again.

>> No.57723538

Germany has mostly fixed interest rates and its gone down here too.

>> No.57723539

great image

>> No.57723656

Actually based. I live with my parents at 32 and have about 1.5 mil across investments (not counting home equity on what I will inherit someday vis a vi the house), no wife/kids, no health issues, and no real cost of living. My situation is a little different in that they’re actually pretty old and not in good health so I did the normie thing for like 10 years in a totally different city then had to come back and care for them versus shelling out 100k a year for assisted living (which they don’t actually need). It sounds like cope but honestly it feels incredibly free and I wouldn’t have necessarily chosen this arrangement 2 years ago when the health stuff happened but considering how it’s worked out and I’ve just been able to stack it’s nice. I’m very lucky that they essentially are happy to have me no charge and I’ve got no siblings. Thankfully through work (own my business) I travel a week or two a month anyways so it doesn’t feel too weird. Whenever I want to fuck girls I just get airbnb kek. All of this to say: lifestyle design anons. Agency in lifestyle design is a unique technological/logistical privilege of our time. Don’t let social pressure force you into suboptimal circumstances. If you have money no one gives a fuck so don’t slight yourself the opportunity to generate wealth because of what roastie gossip rags expect.

>> No.57723785


Congrats on having a great family I can't talk to my boomer parents without them screeching from their brain damage from lead poisoning. They sat inside watching cable news during all of covid and are totally fucked up mentally and I don't think it's recoverable.

>> No.57723800
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If that happens, I am moving to US and buying multiple properties and renting it at a high price :D

>> No.57723829 [DELETED] 



>> No.57723861

>43% of all inventory is owned outright
Unfortunately for houses prices are set at the margin. Bot for people that actually use their home to live in and don't use HELOC shit it doesn't matter.

>> No.57723912
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Pretty much this is the move right now.

>> No.57723974

Good. Time to buy.

>> No.57723984

No self respecting woman worth impregnating will allow herself to be such by a complete stranger. Just what we need, more fatherless, impoverished, low IQ children. May as well have been born a nigger.

>> No.57724015 [DELETED] 

Housing will literally never crash again. The minute there’s any meaningful drop, buyers who had been waiting on the sidelines will swoop in.

>> No.57724022

Inb4 nothing happens, and twenty years from now, all of today's dumbasses pretend they were right all along because they "discover" that prices had already crashed on paper relative to money supply. They're the geniuses who are always right, and everyone else just got lucky.

>> No.57724116

>Honestly I just want to drop dead instead of dragging it out and impoverishing my family.
absolutely. I'd volunteer for that or chilling in a multi-generational home as an elder.
I think this kind of setup + retarded decisions regarding enabling one of their alcoholic sons took them from owning several properties (I'd estimate they were multi millionaires; lived in The Villages and grandpa was a dentist) down to < $1M.
At that point, they had absolutely no room to be fucking around with buying that alcoholic a new truck, which I think my grandfather mentioned in his dying days.

I had disownd that side of the family for their worship of that addict. Looks like there isn't really much left to salvage anyways. The nursing home will chew up a lot for grandma to live in an apartment and play Bridge and the dust will be split among my Dad and his sister. The alcoholic died last week

>> No.57724130

>It was all a reflection of loose monetary policy for the last 23ish years. Except this time I don't think that trick is going to work again.
Why not? (I probably agree, but I'm curious)
The risk of (hyper)inflation?

>> No.57724148

what can i expect? 30-50% drop in home prices?

>> No.57724169
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>house down the street from apartment was $300K end of 2019
>same exact hour is now $473K (10K price drop!)

>> No.57724447

57% price increase since 2019 is approaching OK. maybe it drops another 10-20%

>> No.57724579


Expecting 2011 prices is delusional but it's reasonable to believe that prices will come back to reality with wages over time.

>> No.57724738

>We're just in a holding pattern where no completed sales = no change in market prices. And there isn't any corporate bagholder coming to swoop in and buy everything. That would have already happened. They would know it's free money (but it's not).

Yeah, back in 2020 my parents neighbors sold their house for low 400ks. It sold nearly instantly, like within a month of being on the market, maybe two.

Anyway, house on the other side of the street is for sale. Super nice. Originally listed like 5 or 6 months ago for 430k. Now on zillow it says 405k. Nobody's buying.

I've also noticed that the rental market here seems stagnant. Apartments are staying listed online longer, and often get reduced by 50-100 per month til someone rents. These are for lower end apartments in the 700-1000 dollars per month category.

Both rents and housing prices are so high right now relative to income that no one really wants to move unless they have to. You're either already paying a lot of money, and downsizing isn't really possible, or you're locked in to a cheap payment from years ago, and if you get a new apartment you'll pay way more in rent. Maybe if you own a house you have incentive to sell, but with the high interest rates, again, who wants to buy unless they absolutely have to?

>> No.57724741

home and rent prices need to double

>> No.57724758

My Zestimate is down 20% from the peak in 2022 and the chart is pointing down. Still up 28% from when I bought in 2021 though so better than a poke in the eye

>> No.57724979

Dude we're old now

>> No.57725102

not possble in america. it will probably happen in canada and australia where 30 year fixed doesnt exist. in US everyone pretty much has 30 year fixed and even the people that got 5 year arms arent gonna see their rates go up because rate hikes have stopped and are likely to go down

>> No.57725111

>Nobody's buying.
which state/area?

I live in a suburb of NYC and supply is dead. listed homes with no CO and sold as is go off the market in a week.

>> No.57725135

No house is worth 30 years of labour, I'm not paying 500k for some run down old house that needs 100k in renovations and is half built with cardboard, drywall and the cheapest materials that all total less than 70k, current housing prices are a scam plain and simple

A house takes a few months to build tops, this fake scarcity is pure manipulation.

>> No.57725157

What's up with the law requiring 60% sources of energy from renewables? How can I control what the utility company offers for energy?

>> No.57725172

the house isnt what rises in value.
its the land underneath.

e.g. in NJ you are not getting an acre for less than 200k. the house itself is ~350k wherever you go.

>> No.57725222

no shit banks gonna start going under in April - May or with taxpayer money they will be saved again

>> No.57725254

I'm actually retired already. Currently traveling around the world living out of hotels and airbnbs.

Yeah. It's actually a good scam if you can stand to take care of old people, to make a assisted living home in a standard house where you basically make sure they're all alive and healthy and taking their pills every day. Think renters, but each one only takes a room and they pay triple the going rate for the entire house, EACH.

>lifestyle design
Yeah this is seriously underrated by most people. I've been unattached for the last two years and it's been a blast. I'm getting close to settling down again, mainly so I can get consistent in the gym lol.

Bro you are vastly overestimating the value of women right now. It's in the trash. There ARE no good women for making wives. The ONLY value women have is as wombs, and then only from 18-24. The optimal play reproductively speaking is to knock up a bunch of young women and dodge child support.

>> No.57725277

This is true and George was right about everything (Georgism).

>> No.57725286

You vastly underestimate the number of quality women because you yourself do not have a quality social group, hobbies, or income. Take a good look at a valuble Boomer woman with 6 kids and I'll show you her millionaire golfer husband with a lake front home and a sports car who bets on equestrian races. You attract what you are, which is stunted in high school.

>> No.57725289

My house is still worth 2x than what I paid for it 7 years ago

unless it literally crashes by half, which it wont, i got nothing to worry about

seethe more rent cucks

>> No.57725299

Good. Make stone homes more affordable.

>> No.57725332
File: 38 KB, 893x501, jC9ghA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Currently traveling around the world
> ou are vastly overestimating the value of women right now. It's in the trash.

pic related.

>> No.57725345

Nope. people with expensive houses and low fixed rates aren't selling. The median price of homes being sold is dropping - cheap shit boxes in BFE flyover states are being sold.

>> No.57725376
File: 80 KB, 600x365, 5345453534535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags post this cope daily, the housing market isn't even close to crashing. Just have a quick look at any decent area's market and you'll know this is a fact.

I know it sucks to accept, but housing prices will continue to climb until there comes a day when the government impliments some major regulations on who can and can't purchase residential properties

>> No.57725385

Nah I don't fuck. I hit wizardhood and that was it. Turns out I didn't get a cool spell like fireball. I got a esoteric knowledge about the true nature of women instead.

You overestimate the likelihood of a "valuable" woman STAYING valuable in a corrupting system. Adultery goes entirely unpunished and even sometimes celebrated. Cuckolding is incredibly common. The courts steal all your property and give it to the woman who leaves you. Internet access makes all this insanely more likely and cutting a woman off from the internet is "abuse".

It's just not worth it man. Knocking up a woman is free.

>> No.57725456

Believe it or not, calling something "cope" and then telling people to just, like, look at the housing markets, bro, is not a compelling argument. The government has been propping up the housing market with duct tape and an increasingly fragile system of stilts and buttresses. It is a fact that housing is kept artificially high for many different reasons. The only question has been whether or not the government will be able to keep the charade going. You are a low-information retard.

>> No.57725490
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Sorry that I'm not spoon feeding you information that is readily available. You have nothing to offer except for blank statements as well, the governemtn is artificially propping it up based on what? In what way? Investment firms buying single family homes is what is propping it up, and they aren't running out of money any time soon. Until your government does something about who can buy residential properties, expect it to continue the climb that its been on for over a decade now.

>> No.57725584

Because none can afford new loans with current rates, sell pressure isnt big thats why it didnt dump into oblivion yet

Developers are completely fucked in germany though, the whole RE market stopped doing developing anything new, they concentrate on inventory now but also fired a lot of staff

t. Insider

>> No.57725690

>it's the episode where a virgin completely inexperienced with women pretends he knows everything about the thing with which he has no direct experience
But hey, I'm sure the money will make happy.

>> No.57725746

Thank you fren. I did nothing to deserve them but am lucky to have had them. I agree that covid/the internet in general did a number on that generation and they are generally hopelessly addicted to the television for entertainment and thought direction. It’s sad and a nice reminder to stay intellectually humble/curious. My folks both worked into their 70s in pretty serious (mentally stimulating) jobs and I think that did a lot of good for them. I hope you’re able to make peace with yours or at least peace with yourself regarding them.

>> No.57725778

For every winner their must be a loser.
You will own nothing and be happy.
AI is the missing puzzle piece of you will own nothing. Wagies will learn unequivocally that they're disposable trash. Cope and seethe wagies.

>> No.57725822
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This has been the trend I've noticed. In just 5 years time I got to watch several major communities in the WV/PA/MD area go from being full families and communities to rented housing units, there is one in WV that is particularly sad that in 2018 all 74 residents were the homeowners of the properties to now only 8 are with the remaining 66 being owned by two different companies mostly renting them out and/or sitting on them.

>> No.57725847

Schwiggity schwo

>> No.57725944
File: 53 KB, 603x508, Foreclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zesty Stacey, your brief and bright era of financial prosperity is coming to an end, you'll be back to posting tits or GTFOing in no time.

>> No.57725976

so what? who cares about what some random faggot thinks

>> No.57726004

Maybe in the states. But housing will never crash in the commonwealth countries. They’ll just keep importing immigrants non stop to keep it rolling along. Especially in Australia where we have zero other industry once China stops buying our dirt. I keep seeing adverts too for cuck sheds as homes, that’s the future. If you don’t have one now or access to one in the future, you are stuck renting or it’s a pod for you.

>> No.57726013

Does anyone have any charts for these prices, in my yuro country prices are still at ATHs

>> No.57726196

Belgianfag here
Rates are like 3% and most people that bought in the last decade have fixed loans. Most owners I know have a rate of 1-2%, one guy I know has a 0.9% rate.
Banks can't just adjust your rate at will, the same for rental prices. Landlords can only increase the rent 1x per year at a level issued by the state, calculated on actual inflation.

>> No.57726309

that's what we're doing in the US. millions of browns to keep labor cost low and occupancy up. works like a charm until the whole fucking country falls apart

>> No.57726467

Rates are around 4,x% in germany currently, still too much for anyone to buy properties at old prices, hence the 20%+ dump over the last year, but i think its gonna dump some more, economic outlook isnt looking grant here

I know people that bought 9-10 years ago, prices were half of todays and rates still only 1%, too bad i was a student back then

>> No.57726875

Jesus you are all so retarded here.

>> No.57726936

If everyone is waiting for a crash it wouldn't happen. The majority are always wrong.

>> No.57726942

>2% correction off a 50% pump is considered a crash to zoomzoomz
Your generation is so clueless it's astounding.

>> No.57727009
File: 76 KB, 736x399, EVG8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its actually good, because houses become more affordable

You still wont be able to afford one, even with the bubble bursting.

>> No.57727022
File: 570 KB, 2560x1750, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep im just selling my flat as we speak. Im getting 300-350k for it and my grandparents bought it for like 10k xD

>> No.57727057

Good, I really want housing to crash in Ireland as it the prices are gouging and absolutely ridiculous

>> No.57727068

i got bitcoins which is better than houses.

>> No.57727108


>too retarded to understand the speed of housing corrections

>> No.57727133

You would think but don't worry, the feds will solve the problem of housing being more affordable, just like last time.

>> No.57727134

Williamson and Travis county - Central TX - fucking rekt
Feels good owning before all of this

>> No.57727137

It is already down 10-15% from its ATH. It's double topped in the past year and has been kind of treading water. This could pretty much be it honestly. All depends on whether the Fed has the balls to do another hike or not since inflation is still too high.

>> No.57727140

>My house is still worth 2x than what I paid for it 7 years ago
my bitcoins went up 20x in those 7 years sir. i'll rent and buy/keep bitcoins. you can have your 30 year mortgage. mort means death in french.

>> No.57727151


You could have both since the house is your place of residence idiot

>> No.57727164

now that bitcoin exists, houses have become a shit investment from all angles. seethe and cope and wage 30 years to pay your mortgage. you got tricked. you are now a stuck wagie.

>> No.57727203

Okay, nigger
I'm about to feed my son

>> No.57727219

My mortgage payment is less than what rent would be. Not my problem.

>> No.57727256


>> No.57727260

but you are stuck in the same place for 30 years. cope, seethe, mald. in the wagiecagie paying of the mortgage. (mort means death in french)

>> No.57727277


I have made $70k in the past year from just sitting on my house. While also investing in bitcoin you stupid faggot.

>> No.57727292

Doing what?

>> No.57727302


>> No.57727318


Snagging a new build at a rock bottom price last January and then just sitting here existing while the values kept churning up in my neighborhood. You can invest in every domain possible in life, imagine that. Why wouldn't I want my residence to make me money too.

>> No.57727338

I'm currently fine. I'm selling my house and moving back to a paid off 1bdrm flat I used to rent out, to save up for at least 12 months. If the housing market crashes in the next 1-2 years I'll be better off than ever.

We are a generation cursed and blessed with several "once in a lifetime" market crashes so if you miss the next one, you'll have time to prepare for the next 3 we will see anyway.

>> No.57727356

cope, seethe, mald.

>> No.57727712

They will burn every single house if thay happens and make it illegal to build new

>> No.57727997

>get a good lawyer to keep child support low

>> No.57728253

>word salad zoomerspeak

>> No.57728285

Nope, by the time prices crash sufficiently far you will lose your job to AI.

>> No.57728486

>live in low cost of living area
>make more than the median income
>due to interest rates and inflated cost there does not exist a path to homeownership
It's like this for more and more people. It cannot continue.

>> No.57729787

Sigh. It sucks being old enough to recognize this kind of poster. The pre ordained bitcoin rug is gonna be fucking biblical, and posters like this will still be telling everyone how they were right after.

>> No.57729807

Call me when there’s blood in the streets.

>> No.57729810

I have $3 million in cash and I'm waiting for lower interest rates to buy a house. The difference in interest for a house at this price is staggering.

>> No.57729861


Buy in a more affordable area, then refinance when the rates drop. Once rates drop again it's going to take off I feel.

>> No.57730066
File: 738 KB, 1962x3178, walmart-deflation-warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 43% inventory owned outright
Source for this figure?
Regardless 100-43=57% is still a lot when Russia creates a new global supply chain disruption at a critical node just before elections and prices rise in the US and Jerome is forced to bump up the rates yet again.

>> No.57730116
File: 62 KB, 390x380, 1660939515197657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pumps 40% yoy
>dumps by 2%
>omg it's crashing with no surivivors

>> No.57730146

not in canada, we import 3% of our population annually to replace white people, and we don't build any new houses.

>> No.57730205

>no jobs for young people despite "muh bootstraps". Hustle culture is the American Dream.
>boomers already bought and sold their homes to fuck off to Arizona/Florida
>Blackrock out of money
>Feds won't turn the money printer on again
>Everyone knows we're in a recession despite the definition change to make Biden look better

>> No.57730298
File: 73 KB, 1024x1024, GCZsdsHWIAAm256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ANYONE seeing this in real life though? Seems like every listing is still high as fuck in my area?

>> No.57731880

Respectable looking folks

>> No.57732495


Anecdotally I could not find a listing in my area under 400k in 2022 and now there's dozens.

>> No.57732514
File: 1.77 MB, 498x284, 5745334353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average 30-year mortgage rate is back above 7%, at 7.09%, per Mortgage News Daily

>> No.57732657

ex-commie country?

>> No.57733055

Bro, I worked for this guy and was LITERALLY the one who posted this.

Don't listen to anything he says. He's an insane boomer who has been wrong about everything since his career in gold started.

>> No.57733441

fuck you

>> No.57733605

Housing will not crash if they keep flood the USA with hords of brown people. To a whyte person a 3 bedroom home is a place for you, your significate other and 1-2 kids. For a 3rd worlder a 3 bedroom home is a place for you, your wife and 3 kids, you mother and father, your brother and his family, along with another relatives family living in the garage. With all of the working age people living in the house the are pulling in 400k a year. The new normal is going to be how 3rd worlders live. Prices wont need to crash, if anything they will go up over time as more people are packed into a home. People will have to have roomates and renting rooms will be the new norm...which is how living in big cities has been for the last few decades. Myself I bought a home made of concrete block built by Americans in the 1950s on the water in SWFL where there is very little homeless and diversity. They are not going to be able to build more waterfront homes and rising sea levels is total bull shit. The future is multiple families living in single family homes and the new generation will be renters, living in cucks sheds and pods.

>> No.57733789

this is what happens in canada. the price drops 2% or goes sideways after having been up 15% YOY for 5 years and the media publishes stories like "WHEN WILL THE HOUSING REBOUND" and "IS THE HOUZING CRASH HERE PRICES PLUMMETING!!"

>> No.57733830

oh no! that sounds scary
how did the 2008 and 2019 crashes turn out? did prices ever recover?

>> No.57733838

only place left thats white

>> No.57733965
File: 152 KB, 488x424, 1690921788113268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can afford a house in some rural area
>No jobs there to be able to live in that house
What do.

>> No.57733996

>Czech republic has one of the worst housing crises ever seen
>never took in any immigrants in the last 30 years beyond shoring up replacement
>population still 10M as it was 30 years ago
>hateful xenophobes on here will continue to blame immigrants for their problems

>> No.57734023

kek republic

>> No.57734057
File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, LysLoKSvsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i don't know what that guy is on but i'll take some republic lmao i thought these guys were just some weird euro-trash now you're telling me they are republic-trash this is what happens when you let poor people vote

>> No.57734092

Rentoids continue coping #194639262946

>> No.57734113


Holy fuck I hate you and this stupid AI memeslop you drag around with you.

>> No.57734129

The wealthy have gotten so much wealthier since we suspended the free market to save the free market in 2008. They all own a bunch of real estate they rent out in exotic places like the mountains or the coast.

>> No.57734366

This is one of those few instances where I think the gov't should be providing 100% free childcare and we should be culturally incentivizing being a single mother. Every single woman in the U.S. would be lining up to get knocked up by white chads.
I don't think there's any other way to increase the fertility rate short of complete societal collapse or radical political change (fascism/communism) in the west.

>> No.57734369

Rent cartel fixes prices.

>> No.57734415

They don't build housing and have no real interest in doing so.
Take a look on Zillow at the housing options available - it's basically either multi million dollar ranches or barely a step up over a mobile home.

>> No.57734433

>southern California price drops
where the fuck is this happening because I'm sure as hell not seeing it as a first time buyer

>> No.57734490

>I'm of the opinion that the US is already in a recession but the propaganda has gotten so all encompassing that it's creating it's own reality distortion field.
Every single economist is crowing about how the economy is doing really well, actually and that inflation doesn't exist and it's just nonsensical complaingin.
Nigga getting a meal for 2 at fucking mcdonalds is over $30 now

>> No.57734722

Never forget that if something rises by 100% and falls by 50%, it ends at the same price.

>> No.57734960

no, retard. free childcare from the government would incentivize more women to go out and work in the hr department while shaniqua watches her kid. this may sound radical to your poisoned commie brain, but women should actually care for their own children.

>> No.57735055

You're making a ridiculous amount of assumptions. What jobs are all these immigrants going to be doing? Doctors? Lawyers? Programmers? No, they don't have the English. Historically, they go into construction. They'll be building stuff, what you ask? More houses. I think it's far more likely this immigration was allowed to gather the workforce to build the next generation of houses at the cheapest possible labor, and this will in turn raise supply, which will eventually pop the housing bubble. And honestly, I used to be a liberal cuck, but now that I've regained my sanity, I think it's good for everyone. Most of these people came from horrifying situations in their own countries. They build our houses, we give them relative peace and stability in return, and they get to build the foundations for their future generations.

>> No.57735179

>What jobs are all these immigrants going to be doing
Uber and the like and family retail businesses mostly

>> No.57735187

I fucking hate you boomer faggots more than you can ever know.

>> No.57735658
File: 9 KB, 342x342, Confused 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually fucking WILD to me that we ALL FUCKING KNOW this to be the case, and yet just NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT.

>> No.57735778

>to build the next generation of houses at the cheapest possible labor
>Most of these people came from horrifying situations in their own countries.

Sweet summer child. It's to suppress working class wages, pump GDP, and effect electoral districts. They're all being lured here under false promises of easy wealth and free citizenship.

>> No.57735811

>retarded, disease-carrying, lazy, corner-cutting brown hoards are a good thing
They will "build" shit. Houses will collapse. Bridges will crumble. Infrastructure built by fucking spics doesn't last.
Hang yourself.

>> No.57735842

Yet Americans are going to buy up single story 3 bed, 2 bath houses and stuff 20 people into them, even converting the garage into an ADU.

>> No.57735881

tell your government to stop importing millions of dirty foreigners, then.

>> No.57735896

Getting band left and right.

>> No.57735925

get a remote position and get elon's satellite internet. If I weren't married I would have done this a long time ago

>> No.57735962

>hateful xenophobes
lmfao shut the fuck up you little faggot. Importing low IQ foreigners ruins a country in more ways than just artificially inflating housing demand.

>> No.57735971

Vs what they do now which is...literally exactly that? lol

>> No.57736005

>What jobs are all these immigrants going to be doing? Doctors? Lawyers? Programmers?
I haven't had a white doctor in a fucking decade.
>Most of these people came from horrifying situations in their own countries.
Maybe 10%. The rest were shuttled from Africa/latam by NGOs who told them how to claim asylum and where to contact their free representatives once they get into the country.

>> No.57736056

>this nigger counting his parents home equity in his net worth

>> No.57736118

that sounds awesome

>> No.57736125
File: 513 KB, 512x512, happyfroggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get discounts on bullion? How much gold do you think he owns?

>> No.57736142
File: 56 KB, 640x645, rentoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry some more rentoid

t; based 3%, $850 a month mortgage chad

>> No.57736299

A lot of the older housing in Czechia is commie blocks that nobody wants to live in now, so there's a bit shortage of housing not deemed to be a shithole by anybody with a decent job.

>> No.57736398


There is no bigger faggot than a person that lives in a safe white country and preaches nigger loving.

>> No.57736472

Jesus, it's so fucking true. Little insulated spaghetti-armed babies.

>> No.57736490

>doesnt know how percentages work

>> No.57736541

Inevitable, real estate is overvalued and balooned thanks to REITs fucking up the real estate market

>> No.57736544

No, all they offer is storage of gold for a fee of .75% of the total value of holdings.

The whole thing is pretty scammy considering they don't even own the vaults. They are just middle men and clients can and do go around them once they find out.

As for how much gold he owns, I have no idea.

>> No.57736570

Slurp up some houses for cheapies after crypto moons. The economy is healing

>> No.57736601
File: 446 KB, 512x512, frog1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Very intardesting, thanks anon. If you don't hold it, you don't own it!

>> No.57736644


I'm confused anon. The housing market is still pumping.

>> No.57736765

That's how all economists talk. They are the same as fortune tellers.

>> No.57736790

>good, fuck hoomers. based interest rates, praise Jerome
you stupid commie morons could never manage economics or how they effect you or even the poor all you can do is cope post at your apparently deserved situation because boomerposting means you are fucking retarded

>> No.57736835
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, MaxKeiser-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banks are well capitalized in general, no more than a manageable number of bank failure would occur even in some mega black swan, OP is the kind of Russian/RT/Zero hedge (russian) doomer can't into economics shit that has polluted the internet for over a decade and has never been right

>> No.57736850

capitalism has huge crisis every few years
this has absolutely nothing to do with communism
if you dont know that, you shouldnt invest, you stupid nigger

>> No.57736863

Go on Zillow
>Price drop
>Price drop
>Price drop

All the indicators lag massively.

>> No.57736897

this. it's impressive for how long the same sentiment can be sustained despite being completely wrong for so long.

>> No.57736900

>capitalism has huge crisis every few years
fucking commie nonsense you Russian retards could never manage anything but how the end of capitalism was near and all it got you was death,Putin and poverty, fuck off brainlet.

>> No.57736916

house prices go up and down. so fucking what moron? you doomer russian herded tards deserve to be poor

>> No.57736921


Zillow isn't required to post accurate numbers either.

>> No.57736972

>Millennial who bought at the top.

>> No.57736980


Where is the "russian" coming from? Are the russians in the room with you right now?

>> No.57736988

Fighting an imaginary enemy doesn't help you being priced out

>> No.57737022
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>> No.57737099
File: 14 KB, 300x225, img_53138_max-keiser-precious-metals-going-higher-im-a-buyer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you don't know zero hedge is a kremlin run agitprot (read up on that)site either

>> No.57737109


Post proof

>> No.57737141

what zerohedge? I just posted the huge declines that happen in the markets regularly.

>> No.57737147

Haha ignore this well shitter

>> No.57737188

Never going to happen.
You will never own a home, home ownership is an aberration of the 21st century and we are returning to the historical normal.

>> No.57737234


They didn't buy the top. In fact they bought the new bottom.

>> No.57737244


Housing market is going to keep pumping based on the mass immigration. I don't see it crashing. This is the new norm.

>> No.57737248
File: 54 KB, 593x491, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 10.00.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57737511
File: 86 KB, 1093x1028, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty unique summer camp, but the price drop makes me smile.

>> No.57737671

Uh... Guys it's already happening. Not really debatable at this point. Interest rates aren't dropping any time soon, and values are going to keep dropping.

>> No.57737681


Here on the east coasts its still a hot market. location location.

>> No.57737686

Yes, Venezuelans are going to buy so many houses.

Birth rates are collapsing everywhere. Immigration is only preventing the US population from declining, and even then we could post our first decline any year now.

It's fucking amazing to me that sleazy realtors were able to convince millennials to be bag holders for their parents once again.

>> No.57737693

I live in Maine. Falling.

You are just looking at lagging data probably.

>> No.57737695

Why would you buy a house in 2024. Everyone knows america is quickly degrading and becoming a brown filled Mexican nog south Africa state. The only thing that's missing is apartheid and that's coming back soon when shit gets bad and the shooting starts.

>inb4 2 moar weeks!


There's too many whites in this country that are armed. They are personally invested with white children and there's tens of millions rurally who are armed.

When things get bad enough civil war comes and states separate. Possibly we could see another Hitler or Caesar wipe out all immigrants and invaders but that would be unlikely or take more time.

Most likely civil war is coming at the minimum and with that breaking up of states. Everyone knows its coming and there's more than enough armed white militia men to do it. Everyone knows america has no future.

>> No.57737702

i dont need 2 more weeks ive been in the green on my home purchase since day 1

>> No.57737708

That's great if you made profit as a boomie but as a zoomer there's no point if there's no future.

America has less than 15 years easily. Why buy a house when in SHTF all property is vacant and only protected by state guard/militia/locals with patrols and ar15s.

>> No.57737716

People are waking up fast and I actually have faith the marxist revolution will be stopped. 500 million guns here, unlike Russia and unlike China - two most famous victims. No greater killers than commies.

>> No.57737733

Chink spy spotted

>> No.57737736

I don't doubt you'll try
I doubt you'll accomplish anything

>> No.57737756
File: 269 KB, 640x750, 1701322457683937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid kike still thinks we are in the 2000s. You had a buying frenzy brought on by the the Feds decision to raise rates, normies coming of age, bad immigration numbers, and the housing moratorium. We are walking back down beautifully. God I hate kikes and their fire alarm ringing

>> No.57737858
File: 1.06 MB, 320x568, 1685111853568468.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need to try, all we need to be is prepared. Remember when cities collapse in a week, a trip that took 3 hours by car takes 12 hours and a 12 hour trips turns into a 4 day trip.

This is assuming you have the off road vehicle, gas cans, supplies, water, food and weapons to fight and avoid getting killed which will be scarce while traveling in war torn major pop citied america.

Gas stations will be closed, cars will be siphoned within a week and food will be scarce. It will be like Katrina 50x worse.

A deed will be toilet paper.

A community in montana that's all white, armed and doesn't even notice the difference in their quality of life will be worth gold.

Remember as long as your white you can live anywhere in america and be welcomed. Niggers and spics can't do this.

If you're white you can move somewhere rural in PNW, work a job and beaccepted and prepare by /out/ing.

You don't need to own a 50 acre mansion worth a million to be secure in the collapse, all you need to be is prepared in rurality surrounded by whites.

>> No.57737868

Anon there's over a million non white gang mbers never mind the fact they'd recruit in the event you chomped out and never mind you'd get shot by Hispanic military and cops. Dumb fuck.

>> No.57737880

Whatever, commie scum. At least your post added +2 to your social credit score and earned you another bowl of rice.

>> No.57737945

All communities in rurality are all white. I live in a town of 300. All the cops within a 300 mile radius are white. I'm on a 4chan pass BTW to phone post and I'm at work currently at the graveyard shift and its snowing outside with blowing wind. Its quite comfy.

I'm 12+ hours from any 500k+ pop city and that's going 80mph all the way through without any obstacles.

Its simple logistics. No nigger or spic is coming here when SHTF.

Let's say you have an economy car that gets 30 mpg. We'll say 350 mile a fill up. That's like 6+ gas tank fillups of 12 gallon each to get where I'm at from the east or west coast to Montana and that's still a 20+ hour drive assuming you go 70mph the whole way. If you're coming from where the majority of americans live which is on the east coast that's like 30hr + journey from Florida or the deep south and again that's assuming constant 70mph speed and no stoppage by armed people.

A 16 hour journey will turn into a 3 week journey or possibly an impossible or NEVER journey when SHTF, gas is scarce especially since most weimerican consoomers use goytrucks and highways will be blocked.

Where you are is where you stay.

>> No.57737963

It's geographic. Hasn't happened in my part of SoCal at all, even cheap condos are still selling at new ATH's, and any single family home under $1m is also still appreciating.

>> No.57737971

>from ATH in April 2023
So many illiterate anons replying to this pic

>> No.57738155

>Just have a quick look at any decent area's market and you'll know this is a fact.
Looked at Denver
>not crashing

>> No.57738162

Prices never drop, they only depress temporarily. They always go up in the long run.
Only until they run out of migrants in 2080 will home prices go down like Japan.

>> No.57738165

Germans, please respond. I'm about to buy a place.

>> No.57738278

Nice. Crypto goin up and boomer vampires handing me their bags for cheap. The world is healing

>> No.57738285

prices will only ever drop if theres a repeat of 1929
where the us experiences a real depression

>> No.57738359

You apparently missed him saying he's traveling around the world. There are lots of nice girls in foreign countries who would love to snag an American who has enough money to retire, especially retire young.

An author I read a lot of, just moved to Ecuador to bang a BBL there. She's cute, plump, and overjoyed to have an American BWC pumping into her.

>> No.57738380

Only 20X? I'm not joking, I'm up 187.5X. Wish I'd bought a shitload more.

>> No.57738393

>it's gonna go to zero any d-d-day now!!!1!
he said in an increasingly desperate tone

We get it, you missed out, and now you're seething and coping and can't even afford to dilate.

>> No.57738420

Drug dealing, prostitution, and burglary mostly.

>> No.57738428

>Don’t let social pressure force you into suboptimal circumstances. If you have money no one gives a fuck so don’t slight yourself the opportunity to generate wealth because of what roastie gossip rags expect.

You sound based as fuck and bless you for caring for your elderly parents. I will never let mine see the inside of a nursing home. Its simply unacceptable.

>> No.57738452
File: 74 KB, 1069x579, HOUSING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same. Where is this all headed? It still seems like property is massively inflated but then again the amount of money that was printed since 2020 was ridiculous so Idk.

I can say that most people I talk with don't seem willing to buy anything at these prices or current rates. I just don't see how they can't drop another 20% at least. In the Midwest property is already not too badly priced but if it tanks anymore it will be a steal in some spots.

>> No.57738468

>no shit banks gonna start going under in April - May or with taxpayer money they will be saved again

Aren't they already getting some pseudo QE already? I was pretty sure the regional banks that were failing were and basically getting absorbed by the mega ones. Although that I need to look that up again as it was a temporary thing they could apply for which may be coming to its end.

>> No.57738619

Honestly just put up solar panels. They're subsidized and actually pay off after some 10-15 years

>> No.57739038
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, The real UFO Did 911 clipped is was a plane - 4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months February 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.

>> No.57739116

Can solar panels really make 60% of your energy though?

>> No.57739126

Aliens are fake and gay.

>> No.57739127

i think the idea is that blackrock will buy the houses and rent them to venezuelans for digital dollar UBI

>> No.57739152

>t; based 3%, $850 a month mortgage chad

on a house that will soon be worth half the price you're paying for.

>> No.57739158

>plane flies from the right side
>explosion on the left
And people still doubt this shit was fake

>> No.57739283
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1500, US-population-density (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consult this map.
Anywhere over 10 people per square mile is a place you don't want to live in.

If you don't live in Midwest or rural PNW you're gonna be fucked. Appalachia hillbillies will do fine during collapse thoughbiet.

>> No.57739415

>My guess is wall st gets bailed out like before and they get to keep that inventory and continue to make American's rent slaves.
Would be basically impossible with the current amount of debt and would cause hyper-inflation and economic collapse anyway.
There is no way to save the current system, the best you can do is plan for a new one that solves the problems that this one has created.
No more Ponzinomics.

>> No.57739499

I can finally buy a house? I've been waiting with my 200k down payment

>> No.57740585

Based housevulture

>> No.57741054

Just tried getting one of those helocs for only 10k to get a new roof and the bank(wells fargo) said they dont offer those at all right now. To me that says the banks dont have any cash at all

>> No.57741379

The housing market hasn't crashed since the 80's.... what the fuck is this cocksucker talking about?

The real estate market recovered in the early 90's which then it has been constantly doubling every nearly 8 years.

I suspect the housing market will keep going up at most double what it is right now before it crashes 75%.

They are going to crash it on the millenials and zoomers locking them into paying debts on something that lost 3/4 value of the original purchase.

>> No.57741478

>houses increase 80% over 2 years
>houses decrease 2% for one year

These people should be banned from interacting with anything other than a fence post

>> No.57741494

>Crash in an election year
Yeah, nope

>> No.57741539

You know you still owe the price of the home you bought it in, right?

>> No.57741603
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>Absence of (Blacks) is the biggest driver of housing prices
I'm black and agree with this. Its a shame cities and libs don't want to face reality and improve policing/education/services for blacks. "Crime reduction" would bring in MASSIVE tax windfalls to cities. Crackers aren't raycist, they just don't like crime.

>> No.57741678

All of my assessments are up last I checked, and I'm in a red area. I also consistently get offers well above my assessments. Considering my real estate is all shoddy trash, I'm thinking the market isn't about to crash.

>> No.57741680

2008, you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.57741701

Lmao. Dude, they want streets with legal drug use so all the black/white/hispanic shitters kill themselves publicly while driving down the real estate costs. Then they buy it on the cheap and gentrify the fuck out of it for asian tech grads.

>> No.57741716
File: 60 KB, 1001x667, Xo1fdLHgJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro 2008 was an exception not the rule and we have strong lending standards now besides the job market is so tight that delinquencies would be super rare stop being a dooming retard only retards like yourself expect any kind of crash

>> No.57741742


The 70's NYC method. Scare all the good whites out of an important urban center. Turn it into a cheap shithole. Buy everything. Crack down on crime again and send the darkies scrambling. White money floods back in and pumps your bags.

There is basically no other angle I can see with Soros buying all of these utterly shit DAs in many important American cities. And it's working in real time... US population share has gone from 34% to 29% urban in just a matter of 3 years. We haven't seen the real rugpull yet once commercial starts foreclosing and real economic recession hits.

>> No.57741787

My guy, it's already crashing. Supply and demand. Construction is up, demand is down.

And remember, of the last 3 recessions, all three have been on election years.

>> No.57741791


In a chaotic strategy like this there is a silver lining. The more your population urbanizes, the more extreme/leftward its politics become. Just as de-urbanization caused a rightward lurch in American politics after the chaos and flight of the 60/70's, so shall we see the same kind of backlash effect as people flee to suburbs/country areas again.

In a way, Soros and similar types might be saving the American nation for now even if he's crippling some of the cities and perverting our politics. Of course all of the smug black mayors/DAs aren't aware of these machinations, it's purely selfish and petty racial politics for them.

>> No.57741809
File: 119 KB, 1655x772, construction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Record high construction
>Record low birth rates and population growth

Anyone who doesnt see the writing on the wall is hopeless.

>> No.57741828

Lol I always forget how easy it is to provoke the racist schizophrenic

>> No.57741850

>My guess is wall st gets bailed out like before
Too big to fail

>> No.57741858

I love this unironically. Housing prices will collapse. I will buy a house in 2-3 years for 75% off. There is nothing anyone can do to stop this.

>> No.57741879

It crashed in 2008 because the "bad guy" was in power

>> No.57741888

I think you hit the nail on the head. Soros is a money man who uses politics as a tool. Those young local politicians are all idealists drinking someones kool-aid. It is what it is. Politics and ideology change. Money and the desire to make it doesn't.

>> No.57741904

What's being constructed though? Shoulden't you be looking at houses as opposed to housing in general? Housing includes apartment complexes, which cost much more to build than a house on average. Some of them are skyscrapers.

>> No.57741926

>Black rock rent
Is it even possible to rent a single family house from a corporation? Corporations only deal with apartment complexes.

>> No.57741930
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 20231202_WOT922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could rent for $100 a month, why would you buy a house? Why would investors buy or build properties to rent out?

If its cheaper to rent, housing prices will eventually break either by reduced demand or investors dumping rental properties.

SO it doesn't matter what is being built. Housing is housing.

>> No.57741934

To all the racist schizophrenics in this thread spewing racist rhetoric, please explain why all statistical predictors for criminality are equal for single parent households, irrespective of race. A white bastard has the same likelihood of ending up in prison as a black bastard.
>Well that's cause black people naturally don't raise their kids
In the United States white people would purposefully rip the black slave family apart. After Emancipation we have another few decades of segregationist ideology which continues the practice but in the form of lawfare. White racists have persecuted the black family for generations. It's the epitome of "stop hitting yourself" in terms of domestic policy. Historical US domestic policy = promotion of black single parentage = higher criminality in the US for people of black ethnicity.

The US needs truth and reconciliation commissions to begin moving past the history of chattel slavery, which we still haven't fully done to this day. Look up truth and reconciliation commissions.

Finally, praise Jesus Christ our lord and savior. All Glory be to Him.

>> No.57741958

I think renting for $100m is never gonna happen. A LL needs to at least pay property taxes and maintenance.

Also, rents are going up. Not down.

>> No.57741960


White people tried to teach you how to be a reasonable, responsible citizen, have a job, a family, dress and speak well, and you dismissed all of that as "white oppression" and burned your own neighborhoods down. Now 80% of your women are single mothers and your kids chief aspirations are basketball player, whore, or gang shooter. Please fix your own shit and stop blaming everybody else for it. God isn't going to forgive you for being a cancerous shit stain and refusing to acknowledge it, he preaches humility and introspection not deflection and pride.

>> No.57741973

>A white bastard has the same likelihood of ending up in prison as a black bastard.
Source: CNN

>> No.57741980

>fuck you prejudice assholes
>fuck you white people
Sounds like someone's getting what they deserve. Did you know plenty of asians and hispanics are prejudiced against blacks as well? It's not just YT

>> No.57741985

If you look outside of metropolitan areas, rent has barely budged since 2019.

MY brother bought an apartment complex in 2021 thinking he could boost rents, but rent is the same, and he is fucking bleeding right now. Its more expensive than you think.

Just look at the facts. We are headed for a fall.

>> No.57742013

I'm a rural landlord and I'm doing fine. Sounds like he didn't know what he was getting into. Obviously you can't charge people too much out here. No one has yuppie money.

>> No.57742029

Obviously he didnt know what he was doing--because assuming rents would rise is a mistake.

You sidestepped my point entirely.

>> No.57742045

>assuming rents would rise.
You know the property owner controls the rent prices right? He can raise his rent if he wants to.

>> No.57742051


>> No.57742058


>> No.57742065
File: 118 KB, 640x428, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your concern is appreciated, but black families had a higher marriage rate than whites until the 1950s. Its very possible the well meaning welfare programs of the 1960s destroyed black families, as opposed to racism.

>> No.57742088

How so? I think I don't understand what you're trying to say. Could you try to be more concise?

It came to me in a dream

>> No.57742110


What is the source on black people having higher violent crime rates, lower test scores, lower incomes? Have you ever been on 4chan? Lol

I'm well beyond arguing this shit, as I said people are done trying to make it work and are just leaving urban nigfilled shitholes. Fix your culture and community or enjoy effective ostracization, people lie but actions don't. There is nothing more dangerous than a dumb and violent man who has been told his actions are righteous, deprives him of the chance to improve.

>> No.57742111

The Germans and the Japanese own American mortgages btw. Based ngl

>> No.57742157

There's huge differences in the mortgage market across European countries depending on the nation, the mortgage institutions, and the population.
Germans like fixed, British like fixed but short term, Spain likes variable, and a lot of Italians avoid morgages altogether and just pay cash

>> No.57742223

Why would you assume my race? Are you sure you're correct?

>> No.57742239

Bro, its a handful of sentences.

>> No.57742273

Dreams of Bastards, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics,
Asians and basketball players, whores, gang shooters, in addition to other emancipated domestic, prejudiced assholes.

Give examples of steps towards a culture fix?

>> No.57742294

Protip: 4chan is not a source

>> No.57742432


the entire point was to divide the west into classes and keep them at odds with each other.

pay certain groups of older whites 3x more than blacks for similar labor all throughout the 70's and 80's, when the 90's came, the heroin and oxycodone flooded into the white neighborhoods, destroying the middle class while inviting the illegals in to take place of the jobs which were for the younger generation of americans, its to the equivalent of the crack epidemic in the black neighborhoods, the arabs and asians came in and bought up businesses and instead of illegal workers, welfare was given to everyone in these areas.

Now you have rich niggers and rich nigger neighborhoods, just as uppity and disgusting as the white socialites, same exploitative slave driving mentality.

That's how they wanted it, slave driving class and a slave class.

Anytime you see news about how AI and Robots are ruining the world, it's the slave driving class promoting this idea because AI and Robots will replace the slave drivers well before it replaces skilled or even basic laborers.

>> No.57743435

Girlfriends age?