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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57725053 No.57725053 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57725055


Who will code the AI?

>> No.57725068


other AI

>> No.57725089

Everyone should learn to code to understand the machine.
Just like every man should know how his car works.

going for a degree in compsci is prob not good enough. double major in finance or econ.

>> No.57725100

ai doesnt need coding, the whole framework has been done.

you can now have indians build a fully weighted neural net with drag and drop clicking, then upload a huge dataset excel sheet, click "process" and youre done

>> No.57725179

That's right kids, keep the supply side thin. I need more money.

>> No.57725267

Who do you think has to maintain these AI bots? Learning to code will never NOT be useful.

>> No.57725306

There always tasks which are outside of the range of AI capabilities.
Granular domain knowledge, workflows which can't be reproduced by AI w/o massive tooling and critical systems that require precision and security.

It's good the slackers get fudded out of the IT sector. Too many monkeys leech from it. Let em know in your NA schools they won't find a job.
Make fun of those "codemonkeys".

At this point it will be AGI and self learning. Then you can replace any office job.

Jeets are literally the ones who will be hit the hardest.

>> No.57725702

Kids shouldnt learn how to code, they should learn how to jailbreak Skynet.

>> No.57725735

just go to the mechanic

>> No.57725744
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> McDonald CEO says kids shouldn't learn to cook - they should leave it to drive-through order

>> No.57725777


What he suggests is he direct path to everyone becoming a slave. If you learn how to code and leverage your abilities with AI you would be a behemoth.

Its almost like the elitist class doesn't want normal people to learn how to code because blockchain and smart contracts will either enslave the lower classes permanently or give the exact necessary tools to spread systems that create abundance and sovereignty which have no off switch.


>> No.57725830

checked, good thing i'm top tier at coding

>> No.57726139

Literally 1 person with the help of AI.

Coding as a career is dead. If it hasnt happened already give it a few months and AI will be able to produce endless syntax -error free code when prompted.

Ive got it to write some pretty difficult codes already without errors. And its much more concise than retarded jeet shit.

>> No.57726152

I don't know how my car works
It's an electrical vehicle
I will never learn how it works

meanwhile I'm also a programmer by profession, this chink is telling me everybody can do my job now, well, he's right about that.

Luckily I've already made it.

>> No.57726158

Also AI is such a powerful tool and for some fucking retarded reason we are letting it learn from stuff thats poisoned by the opinions of minorities and women. I dont know why we are doing this. Someone ask an AI what is an acceptable place to go for a first date. It will probably say 3 course dinner at a michelin man restaurant and then a trip to the moon.

>> No.57726163

>Just like every man should know how his car works.
Ask me how I know youre poor.

>> No.57726191

>2 more weeks
>Man who owns nvidia says thing that hypes nvidia's value

The truly contrarian (correct) opinion is that AI will remain a tool. Accountancy wasn't destroyed by the rise of computers, only made more efficient and consistent.

>> No.57726298

You mean accounting?

>> No.57726446

Yes, stay stupid

>> No.57726530

>Guy with incentive to push AI pushes AI


>> No.57726552

AGI already exists. That's why the board flipped out a few months ago and tried to remove Altman. For what I've read, the "latest" Ai Sora was actually made in March last year, so they are holding these products way back.

>> No.57727339

Your brain is just parallel organic circuitry. Everything you can do can be replicated by machine

>> No.57727624

So why hasn't it happened already?

>> No.57727656

It learns on the entire internet and presents what its human laid "safety rails" tell it to. I dont see it as much of an issue come global great depression.