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57696653 No.57696653 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not talking about buying a house to rent out as a source of passive income, I'm talking about buying a house to live in. Will the price of homes always go up? I feel like because of the impending demographic collapse of the West a bunch of houses will enter the market when the boomers start dying off and lower the average price of homes. Also, people now don't get married and die alone, so single-family homes don't sound like a good idea. Also, I'm in Europe if this changes anything.

>> No.57696656

>the impending demographic collapse of the West
not gonna happen thanks to mass immigration

>> No.57696661

>Also, I'm in Europe if this changes anything.
No demographic collapse will happen in Europe, our governments will happily ethnically replace us to keep the line going up

>> No.57696671

It is and in almost every scenario has been financially responsible to take on debt to own a home.
But don't let retards try to convince you that every home is a bad investment. Sure, some are. You should be able to make a good investment decision because 9 times out of 10 a homeowner is better than a renter.
The government subsidizes home ownership. They prop up the loan market and give tax incentives to buyers. Notany markets have that kind of support. Farmers via the farm bill do.
You can get a mortgage rate now and if the rates come down refinance later.
Renting is a black hole for your money.

>> No.57696719 [DELETED] 

The problem is still the same. Non-whites can't maintain a society, so everything will collapse and your house will decrease in value. Also, there is noway of telling if the area you buy your house in won't be invaded by niggers in a few years. Look at people who bought houses in Detroit in the 50s, or in Johannesburg in the 70s. They had no idea it was gonna be a nigger hell hole and they lost everything they had in their properties.
Renting gives you a lot more flexibility. You can quickly move to a different place, in case the area becomes shit, and you don't have to take on crippling debt. I feel like buying a home is a big anchor, which wouldn't be a problem in a sane world where you are integrated in a community etc, but everything is changing very fast and I feel like planning ahead for the next 40 years is not smart because we simply don't know where we will be.

>> No.57696758

Unironically, buying Bitcoin is always a better investment.
In general housing prices keep going up, but think about it.
>Is housing scarce?
Not really. If the population keeps growing, more houses will be built. There is so much undeveloped land which will be used to build houses. And even if all the land runs out (land is scarce, housing is not), we can always start/keep building upwards (ie. apartments). Bitcoin supply will NEVER increase beyond 21 million.
>Housing/land as a store of value?
Housing/land as a store of value makes sense if you're thinking generationally short-term, as in just concerned about yourself. However, over generations the valuation of land will fluctuate. A piece of land that was desirable during your lifetime may not be desirable during your descendants lifetime. This can be due to things like climate change (not man-made) (eg. rising waterlevels which submerge coastal housing, making them less valuable), collapsing civilisations (aka a nice neighborhood gets infested with niggers and subversive jews and trannies), or whatever other unpredictable things. On the other hand, Bitcoin is extremely predictable. Nothing about it will change over hundreds of years.

I'm not going to explain the actual value proposition of Bitcoin. I just wrote this up to show how Bitcoin outdoes housing.

>> No.57696780

You picked a bad place to buy if it "turns to shit"
I don't know how to help you there. You should know your area better than me, and looking back how many of the places where you would want to live have "turned to shit" in the last 40-50 years? And "turned to shit" should strictly be the property value goes down.

>> No.57696816
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Listen... My dad's house is paid off and he spends like $400/month on property/school tax. It's 2000sqft on half an acre in a nice suburban neighborhood. He will die there happy and free. My mom has rented ever since they got divorced 25 years ago, and had to move to income based subsidized housing last year. She has to pay $430/month for 500sqft, sharing a building with niggers, immigrants, and elderly poorfags with health problems that are some of the dumbest most dysgenic humans I've ever laid eyes on. Tfw she's always complaining about how she hears her neighbor beating his dog and wants to call the police but thinks he might retaliate.

>> No.57696820

I don't have a crystal ball and I can't tell you anything about europe.

but I bought a house 22 years ago in the US for $100k and it's now worth about a million. Almost all of that gain was in the last 10 years. Meaning it gained close to $90k per year for those 10 years.

that's more money than I earn in a year. My house made more money than I do almost every year I owned it. Your results may vary. My experience is that buying a house to live in and living in a popular and beautiful town was the best stroke of financial luck I've ever had.

>> No.57696843

Don't understand your question. Once I managed to buy 2 acres 20min from a coastal city. It wasn't desirable land and was really cheap. I saw that the local council had an old villa that they wanted taken off a town section, so I made them a ridiculous offer and they accepted.
I got a company to site the house on my land and then I hooked up power and put in a driveway, septic tank and water tank. Spent a few pleasant years building a big shed and planting hundreds of trees. Sold it for 5x the development cost.

>> No.57696855

>Financially, does it make sense to buy a house?
Not really. The whole point of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad is that normies are stupid and believe that buying a home makes them rich.

In reality, buying a home to live in (not rent out) costs you a lot of money. You pay all the upkeep yourself, you regularly have to replace broken down appliances, and you have 100% of the risk if a natural disaster harms the house or if foundation damage incurs massive costs.

I own a house and it's great having your own place. But having responsibility over fixing every broken thing, and also being scared shitless that a tornado could destroy my home, is the trade off.

>> No.57696876

In the hoomer's defense, at the first sight of a nigger you simply move. White people have become nomads, whether they own or rent.

>Right before the collapse of Weimar everyone thought they were rich

>> No.57696894

>you have 100% of the risk if a natural disaster harms the house
this is true
homeowner's insurance hasn't been invented yet so you get screwed if your house burns down or gets flooded or something. It's weird that no banks have invented homeowner's insurance since they own most of the equity in houses, but they're suckers I guess.

maybe someday someone will invent insurance for that sort of thing and banks will be very happy.

>> No.57696903

Not really. Normally a mortgage payment plus taxes is less than renting, but currently it's the opposite and that's without accounting for maintenace and repairs a homeowner is responsible for. A fully paid off house is profitable because then you're only paying property tax which will be far less than rent, so if you are young now and plan to live a long time get the house. The value of the house is irrelevant because unless you plan on downgrading when you're old you won't make any money by selling because you will still need to live somewhere which will have also increased in value. The true value of owning a house comes when you can pass it on to your kids because then they can enjoy the benefit of just paying property tax the majority of their life instead of just the tail end of it.

>> No.57696912

it sounds like the problem is your mom is poor, not that she rents

>> No.57696917

>Right before the collapse of Weimar everyone thought they were rich
I actually am rich. If I want to borrow a million dollars on the spur of the moment I can. Or even just borrow $30k for a fabulous vacation or a new car. Or if I want I can cash out right now and move somewhere else with a million dollars in my pocket.

I don't know what'll happen in the future, I might lose it all. But right now, I have that money if I want it.

>> No.57696927

The only place I can afford to buy a house right now is somewhere where the only women are old, fat, or both

>> No.57696946

Exactly. In 10 more years that house will sell for a cool 10 million

>> No.57696961

I doubt it'll go that high, and if it does the US is really fucked.

but in 10 years I'll be in the early stages of dementia if I live that long, and what happens to the house is probably going to be none of my concern.

>> No.57696973

Why would it be fucked?

>> No.57696989

Yes it does. If you prefab a home you live debt free on 70k. house 30k on a 10k land with 30k to develop off grid utilities. Be free.

>> No.57696991

Depends. Some people over do the size house they actually need and end up fucking themselves. Timing helps to. IE; you bought a house during the fallout of 2008. Fast forward to now; your value has skyrocketed and your payment is still low as fuck.Some people benefited; Example, my parents. They decided to downsize. (Kids all moved out, they're getting older) They sold their fuck huge house and netted a nice profit on the sale. They also sold a rental property and netted a profit from that to. The house they bought was smaller and has since increased in value. Uh I can guess the math on it but from just the profit from the first house alone they could've fully paid off the downsized house they got or close to it.

>> No.57696996

Are you really that stupid?

>> No.57697002

Because that would mean inflation is far too high. The value of the dollar is crashing.

a more reasonable sum might be 1.5 or 2 million in 10 years. But I don't know what the dollar will do.

>> No.57697021

Sounds like rentoid doomer cope lmfao

>> No.57697033

Well I'd guess things will be fucked worse in 10 years if prices of shit now is any guess. Some places now a fucking single puny hash brown from MCD's is $3 or $7 for an order of fries. Can only imagine the horror in another decade. $20 for a Quarter Pounder w/cheese. A Double would run $30.

>> No.57697058

unless you bought it all in cash like a retard then you paid far more than 100k for your house. What good does having an expensive house do for you except inflate your property tax? It's not like the house is growing little interest houses you can sell so you can actually spend it. Bragging about a x10 (less than that because the loan interest so probably less than a x5) on something 22 years ago is silly when you could have invested that money in pretty much anything and done far better

>> No.57697069

Yeah, it seems likely that the cost of housing will continue to outpace inflation for the foreseeable future. Stocks are probably going to have better returns, but real estate has a huge advantage in that the bank will give you a loan to finance it.

>> No.57697108

all true, but I needed somewhere to live either way so it worked out fine for me.

>> No.57697157

>Are you really that stupid?

Your mom is paying $430/month to rent, bro. Does she not have any savings? Retirement? Why can she only afford $430/month? Is she fucking retarded? Actually, don't answer that, her progeny clearly is, so it's very likely that she is as well.

>> No.57697167

lol yeah he paid like $170k. You know they tell you the total cost of your loan when you get it, right?

>> No.57697194

Story time; Bought house during fallout of 2008. (aka got it cheap). Payment is low. What's happened during the intervening 16 years?. Well the value of the house has skyrocketed, I've gotten several pay hikes/promotions. (so way more money). My retirement has skyrocketed cause due to the piss low house payment and more income coming in I was able to jack my retirement contributions. Some of said jacking happened during the market crash of 2020 and 2022. What hasn't happened?. The downfall of many fucks; lifestyle creep. More money stays in my wallet or being put to work earning me even more instead of getting wasted on dumb shit.

>> No.57697265

A penny saved is a penny earned, and at the end of the day, you still need a place to sleep and shit.

>> No.57698017

this is the truth, you can rent something cheap and then just travel and enjoy your money, because bitcoin will continue to outperform a house while having none of the risk a house represents.

>> No.57698023

lol 100%, let's not conflate the two

>> No.57698163

>regularly have to replace broken down appliance

holy shit guys

you have to mow your own lawn and replace light bulbs

better off renting for 1800/mo

>> No.57698168
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Guys is the fed lowering rates anytime soon? Should I buy the day it lowers?

>> No.57698172

you don't have to put any cash into a house

you can buy for 0-3.5% down

>> No.57698258

If you pay it off quickly or with someone else’s money, then yes because it’s a base of operations for your activities including making money. With rent, you’re actively pissing away money. A house at least you can sleep in and grow a victory garden to help with food costs

>> No.57698677

meanwhile the only house that costs $1800/mo to mortgage is a fucking shitheap

>> No.57700024
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financially it's better to stay in your parents' basement while you farm money, I do that with $troll and I have everything I ever wanted, it's a safe and comfortable space

>> No.57700042

Yeah, I wonder if there’s a correlation here…

>> No.57700237

I bought my first house in 2022, just as interest rates were starting to climb. Locked in a pretty low rate, but not the 2% that some got.

Anyhow, my mortgage is now less than the rent on my old apartment increased to and the house has increased in value. I know that prices will go down eventually - they always do - but housing has consistently gone up over the long run so I'm not worried about it.

The whole "demographic collapse" argument is ridiculous. Hypothetically, if the wold did go to shit, you'd have way more important things to worry about than being underwater on a mortgage. The "housing collapse" argument is more realistic, but ceases to matter if your time frame is long enough.

>> No.57700430
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I will never own a hone, despite making a respectable salary. It makes me sad seeing my money pissed away on ever increasing rents, while being surrounded by more and more shitskins.

>> No.57701154

Lol this is so funny. Mass migration into the inner cities from southern niggers caused attractive inner city real estate to do the exact opposite. All of these pricey suburbs getting flooded with third world trash are in for a rude awakening when their neighborhood is comprised of people who burn each other alive with rubber tires. Mass migration as a means of propping up housing is temporary. Long term this will be very bad for real estate unless you live in an area that starts explicitly banning swarthoids. Mass migration as a means of propping up housing is a last ditch move

>> No.57701222

If you’re going to be forced to live near chronically unemployed brown people who don’t speak English you might as well just move to the Philippines or Columbia and work a remote job. At least you’ll be paying a third of what you would be spending in Canada or USA. If I have to worry about being mugged everyday I might as well choose the less expensive option

>> No.57702135

Just live with your parents. I live with mine.

>> No.57702145

not that bitcoin is a thing, no, it doesn't.

>> No.57702170

>I will never own a home

hahahahhah good, racist faggot kys

>> No.57702190

You gotta live somewhere.

>> No.57702374

I think Bloomberg did a thing on this and it is logistically and physical impossible to bring that many people in to make up for the birth collapse.

Further the west is experiencing excess deaths beyond what we saw in all past wars from WWI till now combined.

Some scientists are saying the human race is going to experience a existential population collapse like what you would see the a mass extinction event.

This is not going to end well.

>> No.57702408

holy false dichotomy thread. you only have 3 options
be homeless

since 3 is not really an option you can either pay your own mortgage and build equity or pay someone else's mortgage and pay their profits.

owning = all costs
renting = all costs + someone's profit

there are certainly time that it doesn't make sense to own, like you know you're moving cities in a year or two, but unless you actively have plans to leave you should be buying.

>but what if rents go down
kek, lamo even. peak copium

>> No.57702472

God I love posts like these, you'll continue to suffer because you're a failure.
Imagine being white, being at the top of the world, yet crying like a little bitch because you have a problem and don't know how to fix it.
Couldn't be me lol

>> No.57702619
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then look at metro areas other than the same 15 that everyone else wants to move to

>> No.57702650
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its fucking hilarious

imagine not knowing how to thrive among low IQ people

only retards rent

>> No.57703881

>poor people cant afford a house and dont have any wealth
>or are young and just starting out

Thats a really big brain discovery you found there.

>> No.57703918

It depends.

>> No.57704078

you don't need money to buy a house

you just need a job

you can buy with $0 down

>> No.57704102 [DELETED] 


>> No.57705184
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>> No.57706270
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if you want to wealth max, rent. if you want to lifestyle max, buy. only midwits will tell you buying is the best *financial* decision.

>> No.57706326

Traditionally it was a great investment because you buy a house in 1995 for 90k and now it's work 900k. But it feels unrealistical to expect it to be worth 20 million in 2040.

>> No.57707586

Many real estate analysts predict the looming silver wave of boomers dieing or downsizing homes won’t affect the housing market. It’s been found that generally speaking, real estate is simply passed down to their kids or grandkids and kept in the family. Instead of houses flooding the market you will instead see them still go up in price as some families continue to accumulate property and wealth

>> No.57707856

At a certain point, at least a few nations will start forcing women to have babies before we get to complete collapse.

>> No.57707870

I can't wait to buy it in 20 years when it will be worth 40 million.

>> No.57707876
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>Many real estate analysts predict

>> No.57707957

Which will do better for you?
+ bigger initial investments
- monthly rent
- lower initial investments due to down payment
+ property value (usually appreciates, who knows)
- mortgage and maintenance (usually cheaper than equivalent rent)

I think you're better off renting if you are willing to live like an absolute poorfag while you accumulate.

>> No.57708025

In the USA they pay black ladies to have babby after babby and no father is even necessary to receive the money. Each kid might have a different father that is not in their lives. It's so sad. Why would the US pay them for this?

>> No.57708092

Number one, neighborhood matters. No way around it. Unironically, the further from niggers the more valuable the house. It is not because of racism, it is because of crime and low IQ people who are a manace to society while drinking gin amd juice. Second, what's important is not whether or not these non-nigger neighborhoods only go up, but they they will not go down. It can crab for 20 years, but won't go down. Unless of course if niggers move in. If niggers move into your neighborhood, then the price will go down. This may sound racist, but it's not. It simple economics that has been proven over and over again. In general, they call it white flight, but in actuality, it is hard working people fleeing crime.

>> No.57708128
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Buying is the best choice of the math checks out but currently it doesn't. Once the cost to buy gets closer to the cost to rent then it will be a better idea.

But now if the difference is $2000 you can just rent and invest that money instead of being house poor.

>> No.57708308

if a 400k house appreciates 0.3% then the equity gained is greater than the difference in the annual payments between buying and renting on your chart

>> No.57708327
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>Unironically, the further from niggers the more valuable the house

if this was the case, appalachia would have the highest home values in the country (they don't)

>> No.57708629

Just buy with as small of a down payment as possible

>> No.57708711
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Over the life of the mortgage the total cost is around 1.3 million if you count maintenance and HOA. If you rend and invest the difference you will have around 1.5 million.

So unless the house does 3X over the life of the mortgage you're fucked.

>> No.57708758
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it makes sense to buy $HOME

>> No.57708776

this is nonsense. my whole area is giant 2 storey homes owned by 60+ geriatrics who live alone. they're clinging to life by a thread and many are selling any investment properties they had because they want less work to do.

>> No.57708781

You're assuming 600k in home repairs over 30 years? Lmao

>> No.57709101

Yeah I definitely want to live in some dilapidated ghost town that 40,000 people live in (most of them addicted to fentanyl), to say nothing of the ability to actually put down roots there when it comes to dating, socializing, or raising children

>> No.57709277

Homeowner's insurance costs me $2200 a year, and the deductible is so high that it only makes sense to use it for big shit like a roof replacement or worse.

If you want a lower deductible, the monthly payment will be even higher.

Which brings me back to my first point: owning a home is expensive.

Only teenagers who have never paid their own bills think "insurance = free money."

>> No.57709288

6 months after I bought the house, the water heater started leaking. $1500 to replace.

When the air conditioner goes bad, it will be $6k bare minimum to replace with the cheapest possible unit, but probably closer to $10k. My inlaws paid $22k for a good one.

"Maintenance" has shitloads of costs that renters never think about, because they don't have to.

>> No.57709310

what's going wrong with the AC

>> No.57709311

It makes sense to have a deed to your primary residence just for privacy rights alone. No landlord wants to sign a lease where they promise never to come into your home.
Investment-wise Bitcoin is better, despite all the scheming you can do in the housing market.

>> No.57709313

Bloomberg is wrong, we will have brought in 12 million illegals during Biden, on top of the millions of legals brought in every single year. Both aren't ethnic Europeans, all need to be sent home, and no economic devastation is not a good enough reason to keep them.

>> No.57709315

They deleted this anon's post because he told the truth.

>> No.57709320
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Imagine living in someone else's house

>> No.57709322


>> No.57709323

Nothing yet, but the guy who did a checkup on it said it's old and might break in 1-3 years.

>> No.57709558

>while having none of the risk

>> No.57709637
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Should i buy a plot of land
Near national parks with pristine waters and wildlife
It would cost me around 10% of my stack

>> No.57709656

Once the children born to women who bred despite the conditions that prevented others from breeding have grown up, I expect there will be another baby boom. The genes that produce women who have to be pressured into breeding are removing themselves from the gene pool. It's just evolution at work.

>> No.57709657
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>I NEED to be surrounded by at least 1,000,000 people at all times, any fewer is simply a vast and inhospitable wilderness
Spoiler alert, any random big city suburb is essentially identical sprawl to the random medium towns you'll find all across America, only larger.

>> No.57709685

>because of the impending demographic collapse of the west
>when the boomers start dying off
>people now don't get married
Kek retard put himself in a mental chokehold over hypothetical improbable downsides and priced himself out in the process. Many such cases

>> No.57710009

yeah but you need proof of a steady income which most of 4chan doesnt have

>> No.57710025
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lol imagine being so poor that you cant pay your rent on time i have so much cash that i can buy 10 of the houses on your street without even feeling a dent in my pocket my portfolio is growing at an exponential rate and i bet my bank account is bigger than yours you will never be successful you failure

>> No.57711013
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>Financially, does it make sense to buy a house?
Purely financially speaking, no. It goes against the very first principle of investment: diversification. Imagine putting like 80% of your money into a single asset, especially as you don't know how its direct environment will evolve, where you can get a fucking shitty noisy neighbor you just want to kill unless you have acres over acres of fields between you and him (and even there you(ll still want ti kill him), and worst of all, an asset where the government will fuck you up with property tax always going up because it's the best kind of tax a government could only dream of : it literally can't be delocalized.
That said, buying such an asset makes sense for some normalfags, I guess. If you have a woman, she'll want her own place, and as women can't be reasoned with, you just buy the damn place because that would be a waste of time to argue otherwise.
If you're not a normalfag, financially speaking it's retarded. Look up the price increase, even if it looks quite substantial since the bottom post-subprimes, annualized it's quite pitiful. Just a bit above yearly inflation. It's not bad, mind you, but it doesn't handle a candle to other markets, stonks in particular.
>b-but you could end up with ZERO in stonks
Not when you buy a SPY or World ETF. And again, 1st rule, it's way more diversified than a house.
t. 320K networth, having my oil divies paying up my yearly rent, and most importantly, having my principal going between 10-15% up yearly (way more these last few years), way above the rate housing goes up. And while yearly it doesn't sound like much over housing (it is), the difference over time becomes MASSIVE. Why the FUCK would I buy and enslave myself like a normalfag to a bank for the next 20-25 years, when I can just retire in 10 years, probably less at the rate everything is going on, and see my peers still wageslaving.

>> No.57711025

Buying all in cash is retarded only when interest rates are low enough (which I know was the case when they bought for $100k) Nothing wrong with it now when interest is close to 8%. Nowhere can you get a guaranteed >8% ROI and the peace of mind makes it more than worth it.

>> No.57711142

>owning = all costs
>renting = all costs + someone's profit
Not, you fucking retard. Rents are caped by people's salaries, always. Owning is caped by interest rates and what the bank is willing to give you for a set amount of time, all of which is potentially infinite.
Unless you live in a village shithole in the middle of nowhere, and even there it isn't true, there is no world, no dimension, no universe where a renter pays 1:1 the owner's rent to his bank.
It would cost me 200K to own the place I live in (and I took the lowest estimation). And it would cost me 1530 bucks of rent to the bank for 15 fucking years at the current rates (not that it was much better before). I rent the damn place for 790 bucks a month. Nowhere in the world the rent for that place would be "all costs + someone's profit", you triple retard.

>> No.57711201
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Usually, 40-50% of housing sales volume in any given country are inheritors wanting to get rid of that old ass pile of bricks and wood with wallpapers in their 80's juice. And that won't change, ESPECIALLY when 2 or 3 kids have to split everything up. And none of them will want to do any renovation work so it can be brought on the renting market. If they even have the money for that, in the first place. And just for splitted measly monthly gains between inheritors.
No, inheritors just want to sell as quickly as possible, and that won't ever change.
>real estate analysts says [...]

>> No.57711781
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>ghost town
>40,000 people


>> No.57711836
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>1500 to replace a water heater

holy shit you lazy nigger

drain the old one, put it on the curb, connect the new one

you're paying a $1000 mark up for less than 10 min of work

no wonder you retards rent

>> No.57711865

I see. Part of me wants to settle in some quiet area in spite of it all even h though I’m not a normie, but I guess if stonks DID go to 0, you’d have bigger issues at that point. But what do I know, I’m gambling all my money on memecoins in the hopes of making it

>> No.57711905

>takes out a 15 year mortgage
>calls others retards

this board makes me feel so much better about the financial decisions i'm making

>> No.57711926
File: 150 KB, 1066x375, home insurance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeowner's insurance costs me $2200 a year

holy shit LMFAO

>> No.57711988

Of course. SHTF escape is the dream.

>> No.57712197

she should unironically go to thailand or mexico and save money over there. for the same price QoL would be much better than living among dysgenic poors.

>> No.57712277

Do it. Not even for SHTF but just to get away from the niggers, jews and trannies.

>> No.57712310

water heaters is one thing I would not want to replace myself: they can literally blow up for no apparent reason. electrical repairs, sure.

>> No.57712358


>> No.57712374

From purely a historic and financial perspective a home is a worse investment than index funds. Even if you account for an explosion in prices. But you gotta live somewhere. So buy a house if you need to but I wouldn't get too worried about it for financial reasons purely.

>> No.57712498

make sure to install your Ring smart goy doorbell so we can get a .webm when your house goes poof

>> No.57712613

what's the calculation including various tax advantages (step up in basis, 1031 exchanges, mortgage interest deduction) or just BRRR/leverage?
idk how many people have done the calculation because any normie can get a mortgage but fewer people have enough stonks to pay their rent.
can some of the advantages be replicated by careful machinery like borrowing via box spreads?
there's also homestead exemption that might be relevant (though it is less than typical home price now)

>> No.57713110

To destroy a white, once prosperous nation. Globalists hate a populace that doesn’t depend on government and has a mind of its own. That (old) USA is now dead and buried.

>> No.57713364


What are HOA, property taxes, repairs, and insurance?

>> No.57713422

if there was no welfare there would be a revolution in all western countries.

>> No.57713475

>if there was no welfare
No chance. The plan is complete state dependence.

>> No.57713531

it's not a plan from the elite to be dependent on the state. socialist policies were fought for by the people

>> No.57713540

yeah and who financed and guided those movements?

>> No.57713595

poor workers. a society can't function without safety net or you'll have a revolution. simple as. you'll tell us labor strikes were organized by the illuminati too dumbo?

>> No.57713627
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>a society can't function without safety net or you'll have a revolution. simple as
completely ahistorical. modern social safety nets are a recent invention. why didn't US have a socialist uprising before the 19th century?
what we need is more capitalism. 40 hour work week and good wages were capitalist policies and good business practices before they got "compromised" and government made their ersatz versions. read about Henry Ford and five-a-day.

>> No.57713699

>why didn't US have a socialist uprising before the 19th century?
because that ideology didnt exist before the industrial revolution. society and labor was much different before industries. most people were peasants.
the idea that welfare is just a conspiracy to make people dependent on the state is retarded.

>> No.57713749


>> No.57713796

stupid chuddie conspiracy

>> No.57713833
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>thread about financial strategy
>some faggot cannot stop talking about politics

>> No.57713836

Reminder that for every poorfag "racist" like >>57700430 there is a richfag far right ethnonationalist chad like me that is going to leverage his gains into bleaching the planet, by any means necessary (including BWC in brownoid pussy).

>> No.57713887

Depends on where you buy the house. At these prices? I say it is not worth it. In Europe, nationalistic sentiment is on the rise and will not stop. Unlike the USA, most countries still have a large white majority. But even if it falls, Europe is on the trajectory to become a poor shithole due to commies and socialists that are ruining our industries. (Honestly fuck you western europeans you stupid cunts.) It will lead to a crisis and maybe some potential civil wars, but even without it, Europe will have a bad time for the next few decades.

>> No.57714083

i put 40k down on my house, renting this house would cost an extra maybe 300
-400 over what i pay on mortgage,
so it would take 1000 months to break even. Of course the theory is that in 10 years the value has gone up by 50% or so.

>> No.57714995


yes if the math checks out and you are spending less buying rather than renting in an area with no red flags it's a good idea, however spending 50% over what the home is actually worth is not a good idea

>> No.57715398
File: 218 KB, 1688x824, only retards rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i get it

the people renting are the people who never learned how to do math

>> No.57715404

>however spending 50% over what the home is actually worth is not a good idea

this doesnt happen, but you've never bought a place so you wouldn't know why

>> No.57715426

I got a bad feeling housing is going to keep skyrocking in the long run, As a homeowner id rather have it go down so I can get a 2nd vacation home

>> No.57715799

i prefer cheap rates to low prices

would like to add to my stack of mortgaged rental properties

>> No.57715837

dont think we gonna get rates low again for decades, it was a novel experiment and hyperinflation is the end result

>> No.57715871
File: 150 KB, 1101x1489, xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass migration into the inner cities from southern niggers caused attractive inner city real estate to do the exact opposite. All of these pricey suburbs getting flooded with third world trash are in for a rude awakening when their neighborhood is comprised of people who burn each other alive with rubber tires.
Can personally confirm this is happening, at least in my metro (chicago). Black population in the city proper has been on the decline for decades and it's sped up significantly in the past few years. Some of the formerly dangerous, and very poor neighborhoods - Bronzeville and Woodlawn in particular, have emptied out so much to the point that they're actually gentrifying now (thanks to the help of some incredibly generous subsidies). For every unit of "affordable" (120% AMI) housing we build, we can build 3-4 market rate units, and they sell. Fast. Primarily to middle/upper middle/upper class Black professional couples/families.

Other parts of the city are seeing their historic white/working class populations shrink, but that loss is immediately offset by young professionals moving in. I have a feeling that's going to be the trend for the next several decades; formerly poor urban neighborhoods will be increasingly gentrified while middle/lower middle class inner ring suburbs will become much poorer.

>> No.57715897
File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, LysLoKSvsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally am not worried about any migrants flooding my gated community however i am worried about the migrants flooding wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) because they are the ones causing our token to skyrocket to 100k we do have some very generous programs here at wcdonalds we have this incredible scheme where we promise low interest rates but we don't tell you that the interest rate actually increases over time we are also very aggressive in our efforts to gentrify our token so we can attract more wealthy people too

>> No.57716231
File: 90 KB, 636x600, chicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great, the "chicago is gentrifying" anon is back

gentrification is when you gain WHITE people, not spics

>> No.57716276

is a class measurement

>> No.57716306
File: 158 KB, 1004x664, whites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not white

>> No.57716349

White as a snow drift in front of an rc car shop.

>> No.57716400


That's a graph on purchasing power not total cost of bying vs renting.


Claiming that no one has ever overpaid by half on a home is insane.

>> No.57716612

Its a bad time to invest in SFH and MFH. Its always a good time to buy a place to live.

>> No.57716735
File: 72 KB, 1320x671, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's getting there.