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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57714568 No.57714568 [Reply] [Original]

I autistically researched all 9000 coins on coin market cap mcap rank list.

Everything is pure shit compared to last cycle. If the product is good, the tokenomics are bad. If the tokenomics are good, the product is bad, and 99% are run by 3rd worlders/woman. No American or western products anymore.

I think the tulip run has come to an end.

>> No.57714584
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>> No.57714621

all women are whores

>> No.57714631

incel chud lol

>> No.57714637

does this work bros?

>> No.57714649

simp virgin fake knight

>> No.57714675

finna smell dem feet

>> No.57714697
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>> No.57714701

Is this video recent? If so we’ve topped

>> No.57714740


>> No.57714749
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>Line chart

>> No.57714750 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder this Australian thot was a literal camwhore, made her money, and found some bitcoin rich beta in El Salvador and moved there and adopted his right-wing "views".

Sorry for nudity jannies but webm in OP made this relevant.

>> No.57714766

Something feels off about this cycle. Feels like the floor is about to give out.

>> No.57714769

Yes look at the price on the phone shannenmichaela
Can we stay on topic?

>> No.57714781

this thread is going to have 100+ responses so I am just getting my reply in early

>> No.57714788

Dem tiddys be sad, dawg.

>> No.57714792

This vid doesn't mean we've topped at all, this woman is constantly posting about bitcoin and all that crypto shite, she's been on this grift for a year or two along with general "manosphere" foolishness.

>> No.57714798

Why would you use candles for a 24/7 market

>> No.57714804


>> No.57714812

My op is why it’s topped, there’s no good new companies

>> No.57714817

What a hell you must live in

>> No.57714819
File: 315 KB, 1705x846, plebbit intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is pure shit compared to last cycle.
thats a lie and you know it.
>I autistically researched all 9000 coins on coin market cap mcap rank list.
thats a lie and you know it.

if you were telling the truth you would know about plebbit, you would have read the whitepaper, read the github, tried the demos, and realized that in the age of mass technocratic censorship, a p2p social media protocol that is opensource, free to use, scalable, with no https endpoints, meaning its actually p2p unlike federated alternatives, is the future and worth keeping an eye on.
but the fact that you dont know or understand this, yet posted your thread, means you are lying.

>> No.57714824

Can I endlessly say 'Niggers' on Plebbit?

>> No.57714848

Plebbit wasn’t on cmc mcap list and that’s also why it’s ngmi. Meme trash gets listed in weeks yet plebbit cant

>> No.57714853

Don’t invest in the product and middle curve it

Just look at the price and if it’s going up it’s good

The only reason good ‘products’ went up last cycle was dumb crypto funds buying your bags. The only crypto fund left now are predatory ones that dump on your head. When the retarded funds that went bust last cycle com back you can focus on ‘product’

>> No.57714855

Sorry what is the topic?

>> No.57714868

You’re saying just use ta and tokenomics?

>> No.57714884

Just mournful.

>> No.57714890

Something about coffee

>> No.57714909

>using fucking Indian mumbo jumbo that was supposed to deliver you safely out of samsara, to make money
Atheists are fucking retarded
Religions will NEVER die, they just change form.
In 20 years people worshipping AI/making vr temples for their self made gods

>> No.57714918

Also pretty funny that her “abundance mantra”looks like jacking off random cocks.
I guess jacking off men cocks can make you rich as woman in crypto.
Just look at how women in chain link make bank by just jacking off a fat Russian

>> No.57714919
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Maybe you missed this one, every pullback is an opportunity

>> No.57714938

>just use ta and tokenomics?
it's still not the utility run. fundamentals do not apply. find something gay that is obviously manipulated and follow it till you see a double top. pretty sure pangolin is up next.

>> No.57714957

Just focus on ta, not at a tiny level but on 1 day, 1 month etc.

That and focus on crypto twitter to get the general trends

>> No.57714984
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>incel chud lol

>> No.57715033

That’s last cycle
What do you think will lead the utility run? Rwa?
I definitely was looking at twitter trends but they’re short lived, tho I bought some that have been consistently trending for years after I dyor’d on them

>> No.57715061

I made 8% on NVDA earnings alone and 12% for the whole week on day trading instead of gambling, idk why anyone would bother with gambling on shite coins.

>> No.57715093

Nobody USES decentralized social media. It's a moot point to develop a memecoin decentralized p2p messenger when people don't even use Mastodon or Signal. The fact that Kiwifarms is always struggling shows people don't care about mass censorship on social media enough to vote with their wallets/registrations and abandon the current social media platforms.

>> No.57715111

tokenized assets make sense but sanctions are a larger use case in my opinion.

>> No.57715119

Lots of shit products make it but the difference is this one isn’t marketed right, not doing the very basics that any shitcoin can do like listing on cmc

>> No.57715130

You mean avoiding sanctions? Wouldn’t that just be btc

>> No.57715225

weird because I did the same thing and feel elated having found some incredible gems sitting between 5 mil and 18 mil

>> No.57715248

no sir, being able to sanction other countries and not allow them to purchase goods on the global platform. btc is a silly billy.

>> No.57715275

"smart sanctions" have been the topic of study where they can target companies or freeze assets of influential politicians without harming ordinary citizens. so I think a banker coin will kick off the utility run.

>> No.57715344

>If the product is good, the tokenomics are bad. If the tokenomics are good, the product is bad, and 99% are run by 3rd worlders/woman.
This is because the market is getting more efficient as it gets bigger. As a retail investor you aren't going to find anything early. You're only hope is to gamble on some shit and by pure luck it is not shit and performs well. You aren't beating vc money or institutions or investment funds except by pure luck, you can only hope to ride their coattails on the way up.
In a couple more cycles crypto will probably be just gambling at the low end, and like the stock market at the upper end.

>> No.57715439

yea this, I make the most money following whale manipulation. it took me years to become this degenerate because I work in the digital finance sector. I wanted so badly to make it on a project I believe in and then I made tens of thousands on doggy coins.

>> No.57715450

Care to share?
iso20022 coins?
Hasn’t it been that way the last 2 cycles? Eth was vc backed
How do you track whale manipulation mainly?

>> No.57715487

>iso20022 coins?
I wish, but at this point I'm really not sure. any protocol or MIT license could replace swift at this point.
>How do you track whale manipulation
I used to run screen scrapers on trading forums and /biz and then use the most common mentions as sentiment because anything with momentum is normally paid for. but now that it's quiet I just look for trending tokens that "are under new management". It's always VC money running a pump and dump.

>> No.57715524

Since you did so much research, what's the closest thing to Kaspa?

>> No.57715545

the days of the ico are long since gone, and with it the ability for anyone that isn't a connected vc or uhnw to get an allocation in something that might last more than 3 years on the market.
backdoor icos hung around last cycle in the form of nfts and airdrops, now airdrops are in danger of regulation and everyone's pivoting to "points".

the truth is you haven't been early to this market since 2017, and the opportunities like 2017's only appeared in the bear depths of the bear market of 2018-2020.
compare that to the bear market of 2022-2023 which has had 1/10th of the opportunities and fully devolved into meme coins, point ponzis, and other short shelf life projects. the bull market will, ironically, be even more barren for opportunities.

at this point your opportunities are trying to sibyl airdrops, which will cost you at minimum ~5 figures to do well, or play in the shitcoin sandbox which is the only place wealth can be created from nothing. and with etfs weighing the scales so heavily to bitcoin (and possibly ethereum later this year). usually you could bet on these assets to let go of their inflows down the risk curve as the bull mania set in, but a lot of those assets are now moated into tardfi.

i don't envy anyone trying to make it now.

>> No.57715563

green is a retard

>> No.57715570

Based thank you

>> No.57715576

fully agreed, saar.
t. 8 figs, bought sol at $1

>> No.57715591

Nothing especially not fair launched. I’m not joking when I say there’s no mind blowing gems like before, all just meh
Shitcoins aren’t doing well lately either, sol was shortlived after it crashed twice.

And why can’t I buy the seed round like they do?

>> No.57715607

thats about dota isnt it

>> No.57715638

try it out

>> No.57715646

>And why can’t I buy the seed round like they do?
the same reason tardfi doesn't let you into their angel or seed rounds: they don't need to.

vc investment pre-2018 was miniscule, if you wanted to raise money retail was the only place for nearly every project. the issue is this funding was legally questionable. as soon as vc investment in crypto picked up founders had no reason to take the legal or reputational risk of public funding when every web 2 guru was lining hoping to find the next ethereum.

>> No.57715667
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>> No.57715770

So gay. Won’t some vc’s want to pump their coin in the bullrun tho? Or do they all just dump at launch

>> No.57715801

yeah but just launching a token to retail takes care of pumping it in almost all cases, and vesting schedules to align incentives.

>> No.57715904

I’ve noticed lots of vesting schedules had cliffs til the start of the bull