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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 678 KB, 1938x2452, 1628513345372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57689985 No.57689985 [Reply] [Original]


I can't be the only person frustrated at Chainlink for wasting money on shit like this.
inb4 fuddie, I hold out of pure spite at this point

>> No.57690042

Touch grass

>> No.57690060

im just mad at the world for hiring diversity instead of talent, shit gets so old.
Im greatful that I was born into a wealthy family.
This is the worst time in history to be born a hard working white man who is smart.
you will reap almost no benefits from your labor these days.
god bless to all those in that situation.
also fuck these roasties

>> No.57690182

This is not even true.
Boilermakers take home 130k easy whilst college educated faggots can't even.
You are propagating what is a subtle op against people that normally no better.
Hard work does pay. The op is that it doesn't.

Now, working fast food is not "hard work".
Every contractor I know is booked for a full year and their rates are enormous.
People want hard work and competence and will pay for it. It's a lie that is convenient to tell men because it keeps them from trying it in the first place.

>> No.57690261

It's just some normie woman in a marketing position. What's the issue exactly?

>> No.57690262

pretty based that they only hire unskilled bimbos like an episode of mad men or something

>> No.57690267
File: 455 KB, 842x1065, Screenshot_20240222-111612_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dios mio
>La ogre de la mulatta>>57689985
americanas y chinas

>> No.57690298
File: 40 KB, 598x551, Imagine The Smell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57690313

We don’t have a company if the autists are posting screenshots of the employees online. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.57690319

thanks for the heads up, sold all my link

>> No.57690330

sergey unironically hired her after cooming on that pic

>> No.57690333
File: 908 KB, 800x600, 6330 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boilermakers take home 130k
The whole "trades make good money" meme is a scam. The statistics show higher AVERAGE wages because the average age in those professions is so much higher.

The people getting paid higher than average have DECADES of experience. The higher average is created because of a much smaller percentage of young people getting paid like shit.
So many people fall for this shit and go into it for a false promise of being able to earn a good living, when the reality is that blue collar wages have been stagnant for DECADES.
They eventually leave the profession if they can, which leads to only the higher, unattainable wages being represented in the statistics.

TLDR: "Trades pay better" is yet another boomer scam. The whole "there's a huge demand for it!" is true, but for a good reason (shit wages).
The only people earning really good money from the trades are self-employed or running a business in them. As a job they're absolute garbage.

Talking from experience, bTw.

>> No.57690373

it seems like she has been built to work in BlackRock (BBC) company

>> No.57690429

Checked and total chud pilled.
You are a shitty worker.

Every decent contractor I've ever known pulled 100k with ease.
And yes, you have to spend YEARS gaining experience and people trusting your competence.
You couldn't cut it and quit.

That's exactly what I said. Real hard work and competence pays. You never achieved that and rage quit too early.
Shitty contractors aren't paid well. NEWS AT 10.

>> No.57690489

Idiot. Read the post again. I talked about trades being bad AS A JOB. I specifically stated that self-employed and business owners (contractors) are the only ones earning good money, which is true.
My point still stands for the great majority of trades SALARIED workers, unless you're some boomer with connections that's been decades in the industry.

>> No.57690871

pepperdine is a diploma mill for absolute retards. and that assesment is purely objective. THIS is who chainshit is hiring? lmaooooooooooooooooo

>> No.57691102

>looks at picture
>watches tiktok
Damn she hit the wall hard.

>> No.57691174

>loves cheerleading
>doesn't even know how a computer works
>didn't know about cryptocurrency until 2020
>works a high paying web3 job
>surpasses your income

>> No.57691928

kek she deleted it
zayi, all the your other videos are still there

>> No.57693345

>My point still stands for the great majority of trades SALARIED workers

Nobody works a trade and gets paid a salary. It's 99% hourly.

>> No.57694513
File: 127 KB, 1080x580, CELSIUS KHATER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn video when?

>> No.57694536

>web3 scam turns out to be a scam
color me suprised, sheep

>> No.57694593
File: 21 KB, 296x296, 1630705062058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most bearish thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.57694929
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1685051098617426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of you should do a "day in the life of a chainlink paypig"

>> No.57695144
File: 184 KB, 360x395, 1683390292136584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek she deleted it
This is unironically extremely bearish.
Please tell me some autist saved this.
Post the webm NOW

>> No.57695180
File: 3.86 MB, 576x1024, chainlink-roastie-day-in-the-life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57695201
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>> No.57695229

she posted another one about getting her hair ready before having a call with sergey or whoever she reports to

>> No.57695234

wow who cares
this had nothing to do with her job

>> No.57695321

you think on their deathbed ppl who spent such a giant chunk of their life taking care of dogs regret it? or is it a satisfying way to spend your limited time alive?

>> No.57695444

I have a dog. She’s five now and I’ve rescued her as a pup. It’s a pretty gratifying seeing my family and friends love my dog. I’m real proud of her. It’s been nothing but fun. I can see why it’s not for everyone. I’ll be gutted when she’s gone but I don’t think about that much.

>> No.57695516

Based dog lover.
I live right next to this whore I’ve eaten at that restaurant. I’m going to seduce her to tell me secrets about working for Chainlink if I ever run into her.

>> No.57695527
File: 559 KB, 456x758, absolute-unit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57695601

what is this body type

>> No.57695622

goddamn that split.
she's got nice tits bro.

>> No.57695686


>> No.57695700

Le réfrigérateur

>> No.57695777

SDL is endorsed by Sergey, who do you think told Jonny to change the mechanism when the community pool was created...

>> No.57695825

la abominacion americana

>> No.57695834












>> No.57695842

God damn what an absolute unit. Imagine running into that on the street you would NOT survive.

>> No.57695846

whats this fucking based chuddie kiddo shit

>> No.57695939

wao such tech st00fs XD

>> No.57696055

hiring these people is a type of shibboleth

>> No.57696146
File: 127 KB, 640x480, Whatsgoingoninthere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasting Money
Did you not buy when it was on Binance ?

>> No.57696179

kek I remember that. you know she sucked her way into that job

>> No.57696184
File: 569 KB, 836x983, FoxGrapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm,
I started working power plants in June of 2000, the day after my 21st birthday.
I was a helper, to Millwrights and High pressure welders. At the age of 22, I got a raise and was making more money cutting sticks tube and cleaning bolts for journeyman than most parents in town.
I specifically remember being 22 yo, and B&W boiler makers were going to NY after my Florida Plant. But they would not go for less than 5K a week. This was with the Over Time, Double time and Per Diem of course.
This was in 2001 time frame.
I then went to welding school at night, for 2 years while taking a couple math classes. Certified 6G, Combination on boiler tube.
Was bored there, so started taking more math and physics.
Did my BSME and Minor in CS (Controls)
Everyone needs to learn a trade before going to college.

>> No.57696193

the anti-dog shilling on 4chan is just a way for jews to turn whites against muslims because muslims absolutely hate dogs.

>> No.57696230


>> No.57696241



>> No.57696266

A&P mechanics and avionics technicians with 10+ years of experience make less than bus drivers in my state. Also, fast food workers make only $3/hr less. It's such a blackpilling, burnout-inducing experience. I bet you military personnel in aircraft maintenance fields make up a considerable amount of service-member/vet suicides.

>> No.57696289

dogs fucking suck they are retarded human chimeras that are gross and stupid

look into their eyes and tell me it isnt a human soul trapped in an abomination

>> No.57696373

she's the one on the right with shorts unfortunately

>> No.57696439

wait what happened, it looked like she had an insane bod in the cheerleading pick

>> No.57696693

I posted on that video before she took it down. kek.

>> No.57696762


>> No.57696796

>that pic
Made me spit out my milk lmfao.

>> No.57696805

This made me unironically want to kill myself. I'm not jealous or anything, I just hate women and don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.57696981

Kek. Linkies are directly paying for her lifestyle. I heard chainlink has hundreds of these former cheerleader "tech workers". I wonder what they actually do.. do they write hopium tweets or manage people making hopium tech slides? Top Kek this thread is hilarious

>> No.57697005
File: 386 KB, 1055x561, GoNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiler makers are road whores dude.
its a job not a career.

>> No.57697999

She's too ugly to b making these kind of videos desu.

The secret is she gets paid 6 figures and does nothing at all. She wouldn't even know about the shill farms that are the lifeblood of the whole operation.

>> No.57698028
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, coinbureau slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny when you see the 'women in crypto'.

Theyre all vapid 7/10+ whores who only got the job because they fuck crypto virgins for clout and cash and alpha. Except that SBJ jewess bitch who was a solid 1/10.

Kinda reminds me of the women who chase esports chumps

>> No.57698044
File: 113 KB, 941x738, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel chased starcraft2 pro dick while being completely unable to play herself

now arrested for mental illness pic related

these type of women are insane. avoid

>> No.57698048

why are women like this ffs its like mental retardation

>> No.57698057

What work?
She could have said “day of an average neet girlie” and it would have been the same

>> No.57698073

Cognitive dissonance friend

They hold these 2 conflicting beliefs simultaneously:

>I am a powerful empowered heckin independent career woman and my value depends on my actions + thoughts
(Brought on by media)
>I only exist to get fucked
(Brought on by reality)

>> No.57698311

>What's the issue exactly?
shes getting paid like $300k

>> No.57698340

So she was in two meetings and thats it

Who the fucks showers BEFORE gym, what a fridge i might say

>> No.57698358

This is a black pill. I hope she gets fired.

>linkies are waging 8+hrs a day many of them working back breaking retail/ low skill jobs to fund this whores lifestyle of 2 meetings and playing around all day

Don’t let this slide. Make noise on twitter and get her removed.

>> No.57698430

they already are telling everyone in the company not to post stuff like this because it reflects awful on sergey. she already took hers down.

>> No.57698454

Well it’s been uploaded here, so she can’t run from it now. Sergey needs a wake up call and needs to trim this worthless fat and hire productive workers. Also reading her twitter gave me AIDS, the definition of a “slaayyyyy wymyn in tech rule!!” vapid diversity whore.

>> No.57698476

bearish asf

>> No.57698484

like omg incel stop stalking her and gtfo my roastie space

>> No.57698627

At that point whats the point of a gym?

She should just walk 10k steps and stop eating an entire piglet every day

>> No.57698655

These fucking faggots turned me down for multiple jobs while those roastie cunt gets to live the high life doing fuck all?! Fuck you Sergey.

>> No.57698684

Idk how these 'people' get a job

>> No.57698692

I knew they hated us but fucking hell this is painful
>Pros and cons of working in a tech start up

>> No.57698765

Not even that will solve the squat stature and complete lack of hips

>> No.57698771

unreal, this is like a 105 iq chick.

>> No.57698788

you are meant to have this reaction, it is all by design, to give these worthless do nothing women massive salaries for doing fuck all while the rest of people struggle. it is a humiliation ritual on the west.

>> No.57698868

Ok, that's a man.

>> No.57698881
File: 79 KB, 508x892, chainlinkBullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57698895
File: 125 KB, 678x892, linkiesBullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57698899


>> No.57698905


>> No.57698909

>She helped design the website
Aka she told the actual designers some colours she liked (blue! LOL)
>She created social media accounts
She is responsible for ChainlinkGod and the other faggots being associated officially with Chainlink
>Secondly and controversial lol, the pay is awesome!
Cunt gets rich off us buying bags and being fat
>So flexible lol can do what I want!
See webm
>No schedules LOL
>No doing what the big boss says
Good job Sergey, they don't respect your fat ass too.
>Pay all my home office
>Pay for all these pointless work trips
Sergey dumps..
>Another pro is less supervision

My frozen pizza will burn if I continue.

>> No.57698916


based LPLER how YOU doin' KIDDO?


>> No.57698920


>> No.57698927

What he really needs to do is cut out the remote work entirely.
It doesn’t work and Eric Schmidt told him as much 2 years ago.
Women flock to remote work because they can manipulate companies into letting them do whatever they want all day and they know that nobody will hold them accountable.

This shit is PATHETIC

>> No.57698928

I unironically sold half of my stack, thats too much

>> No.57698932
File: 34 KB, 1080x1080, hLrLyXyP8i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honey badger doesn't even know what an internet is man why are these fat retards talking like losers on the internet based lpler sounds like a loser maybe honey badger should show up at his house in his 15ft honey badger themed limousine with his 12 feet peen and his three honey badger bitches all in their honey badger bikini because honey badger doesn't even care about his loser ass but hes about to make his wife a honey badger cuck

>> No.57698936

That was all at a different web3 company you brainlet. Nu-biz is so fucking dumb.

>> No.57698937
File: 1.53 MB, 3000x3484, sirgay_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57698944


>> No.57698945

This time is different. she's adding real value now

>> No.57698953


>> No.57698960

So she was a demonstrably useless cunt and they hired her where she won't in to continue being a demonstrably useless cunt. I feel so much better, thank you based oldfag.

>> No.57698962
File: 40 KB, 600x600, IMG_1105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s even worse- she turned doing nothing at that company into doing even less at Chainlink- for more money.

You’re doing a bang up job Sergey!
Just quote some more philosophical drivel at your team, and I’m sure they’ll snap right out of it and start getting some work done.

>> No.57698963

SAVED forever btw LMAOOO

>> No.57698990

Every tech company has to hire them. You literally can't escape. You can thank ol' Larry Fink for that. The most optimal (i.e least shitty) play is to reach your quota by bloating your marketing and HR departments. It's the bribe you have to pay to be allowed to operate.

>t. Tech bro

>> No.57699011

It do be like that. But, it's still funny

>> No.57699018

That's the whole point of these videos.
They're humble bragging that they essentially get paid for nothing.
The fact that we got an unironic one from a CLL employee is quite possibly one of the funniest things of the last few years.

>> No.57699051

I get it
Hell, even in my little construction company I’ve got a handful of dimwitted, overpaid women doing administrative work that I don’t want to waste my time on.

I just wonder if every web3 company is this much of a mess. I mean does Ripple have a few hundred rosaries running around bragging about how little work they do?
I find it hard to believe that this is a problem exclusive to CL in the crypto world.

>> No.57699083
File: 2.73 MB, 640x360, 1679193318661158.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicks are doing videos of themselves not working and being cute across all possible industries and at all possible levels.
Even nurses, the "frontline soliders" of what was supposed to be the height of a pandemic.

>> No.57699102
File: 187 KB, 1280x1280, M3eLSFUQAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you can't be serious with this pathetic excuse to show off the fact that you have a crush on your nurse who will never be yours in your life but she will continue to get piped by real honey badgers such as myself while you sit in your filthy room with your wife who looks like a pig compared to this goddess who clearly has it all on lock honey badger erc is going to the moon and its already started its way i can't wait for you to see it skyrocket while you're in your room crying about the cute nurse who will never look at you

>> No.57699113

nothing but hype and you can see that with the price movement. i sold all for pyth and dai.
Supraoracle might just be another big oracle.

>> No.57699116
File: 18 KB, 512x512, tley1JqKSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it and understands that the only reason he's still a virgin is his lack of honey badger token ownership i don't blame him i once was just like him thinking that women would want to get with my ugly dumb ass but then i discovered the power of honey badge token and i never looked back i've never been happier nor more successful with women and all it took was a couple honeybadges i know that if you read this you'll make the same decision buy honey badgers and your life will change

>> No.57699125
File: 29 KB, 178x267, Social_Impact_Ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I mean does Ripple have a few hundred rosaries running around bragging about how little work they do?
>I find it hard to believe that this is a problem exclusive to CL in the crypto world.
It's probably just confirmation bias. Chainlink caught this video pretty fast, who is to say Ripple's Roasties haven't been posting vids like this that got caught before they were downloaded by autists? A quick look at their Linked shows us they have plenty of DEI hires. https://www.linkedin.com/company/rippleofficial/people/

>> No.57699134

Good times
BEstuv times

>> No.57699146

It's so nice that they take the time to do a dancing video just before they try to kill you.

>> No.57699293

imagine explaining this webm to newfags in 2032

>> No.57699507
File: 38 KB, 487x157, Screenshot_20240223-052704_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those dark soulless eyes

>> No.57699524


>> No.57699531

LINK is fucking based.

>> No.57699563
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit I sold.

I ignored the fuddies for fucking years, but fuck this shit.

They were right. The fuddies were fucking right.


This is by far the most damaging thing to ever happen to Chainlink since ICO.

>> No.57699567

Wow bros she has such a lovely pussy look at that, it is so good my bros I would also give her a job %100

>> No.57699672

>day in the life of a tech girlie helping to develop a digital panopticon that will enslave humanity for eternity tehehe
it's over

>> No.57699709

how can link shills recover from this lmao my fucking sides

>> No.57699906


>> No.57699934

>do a great job better than my peers for 8 years
>no pay raise and bosses hate me
>do intentionally shitty job with bare minimum effort
>no pay raise and bosses hate me

>> No.57699937

It's an incel board after all

>> No.57699948

Le pasta Parmesan

>> No.57700361

This lack of production from their employees is exactly why CCIP is still not out, and why they've burned through so much money. Sergey deserves to get jumped violently for what he's done

>> No.57700370


>> No.57700381

Her boss pays her six figures to eat eat eat, just look at his body

>> No.57700384


>> No.57700398
File: 33 KB, 360x360, 1692718182735263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57700571

take your meds
dogs have helped humans hunt down protojews (vampires) since the dawn of time
and hunt animals to eat

>> No.57700635


I've got a dog, got him during covid when I finally broke free of the office. He's my little man, my good little guy, I trained him to be able to go anywhere with me, restaurants, cinema, you name it. Everybody loves him because he's so cute and friendly.

As a handsome faced but autistic guy that can easily fumble his spaghetti, it's great to have a cute little doggy with you for people to focus on, and drive conversation.

I used to barely go outside, now I get to go outside all the time with a reason.

Also, you can just randomly stand still in places, in the middle of the night, and just stare at shit without people thinking you're insane. Realizing this was really eye opening for me. Love just walkin' my dog buddy before going to bed at 1am and standing on the grass in the middle of my 15-minute-city and enjoying the moon.

>t. european dog enjoyer

>> No.57700641

Remote work is a complete joke.
They’d be lucky to get even 20% of the productivity an in person team has, but due to the billions in tokens the team is able to dump on the market whenever they please, they can be as inefficient as a chinaman trying to suck his own dick, and no one can do anything about it.

The fact that they don’t have a decent headquarters is beyond perplexing.
They could’ve put up a really nice building in a place that would attract talent and not even notice the cost, yet for some reason Sergey doesn’t mind having a few hundred people pissing their time away in inner city fart box apartments.
Frankly, I’m shocked he didn’t change anything after Schmidt called him out about the zoom shit in front of everyone.

>> No.57700645

>fast food is not hard work
The fuck it isn’t. Hardest job I ever had was fast food. Did it once for three months. Never again.

>> No.57700683
File: 2.94 MB, 450x738, 1680436633971912.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57700701
File: 25 KB, 469x385, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57700766

>so what would you say ya do here?

>> No.57700792

best thread since SBF jail pic

>> No.57700813

>pom suqad
i literally read this as 'porn squad'

>> No.57700848

just to summarize this thread, Chainlink boyscouts are...

THE Cuckolds of crypto

hahahahhaahahahahah you literally slaved away your whole life to donate to hundreds of women like these. YOU fund her vacation. Now get back to work

>> No.57700859

>rat face
>fridge body

>> No.57700945

was this the one that was fired? I remember some roasties getting fired from big tech companies after posting these videos
not surprising considering they are bragging online about how they dont do any work, just like zayi

>> No.57700973

watch the whole webm zoomzoom

>> No.57700985

You just know she's tits deep in consumer debt.

>> No.57700992

kek got me

>> No.57701034
File: 3.87 MB, 720x1276, 1708539344642819.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like the schadenfreude to hit harder here but after seeing the swathes of land in commerce and industry successfully won by retarded political movements for them to add exactly zero value while, earn absurd cash for hitting such a low bar compared to the rest, I'm out of faith. It's literally the whole reason I'm even on biz.

>> No.57701115

That’s why he needs to go. He’s held the company back. A company campus should’ve been step 1, all they do is work a couple hours a week in random locations and produce little to nothing. It’s the reason they rarely release something on mainnet. Sergey is obese, his habits are that of an obese person.

>> No.57701126

her betabuxx pays for everything

>> No.57701388

Now she can cut out the seed oils and fix that bloated face

>> No.57701407

I HATE CHAINLINK but i unironically love knowing thousands of bagholders who live in misery hoping for "muh pump" are bankrolling this shit
you faggots got exactly what you deserved for backing a wef shitcoin

>> No.57701437

I’m fucking seething right now ngl

>> No.57701505

This shit happens in every big company across the United States you retards. ZOG hires women and promotes them into positions that pay higher than what the job is worth because women are retard cattle consumers that make up 80% of consumer spending.

>> No.57701514

linkies delaying the 4th industrial revolution is a really funny timeline though. globohomo can't pump it and make linkies rich, but the longer this goes on the more credibility the project loses. day in the life of a tech girlie tiktoks only exacerbate this loss of credibility.

>> No.57701724

Sergey just likes to see young talent. I get a little worried though. He's always in his office with the blinds down though.

>> No.57701748

That bald wizard guy has assault for sure kek, that’s excessive force, good job doing that in like the most camera having city in the world

>> No.57701917
File: 59 KB, 906x548, LINKMARINE_OUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.57702023

This era made me who I am today. It was sink or swim. Glad I came out on top.

>> No.57702032

winning a fight in japan seems so easy
going through their legal system would be a nightmare i heard getting arrested there is absolute hell but the actual fight would be easy as fuck. guess they're so tough on street crime that they created a pussified society that cant defend themselves agianst guys dressed like fucking harry potter lol

>> No.57702286

I live there. That's exactly what it is, but there are a surprising number of tough japanese guys who mind their own business. But yeah, the legal system is draconian so it mass produced passive aggressive fags. The good thing is you can just call them fags and make atom bomb jokes, free money if they get mad enough.

>> No.57702306

Why do niggers like you two go to human societies to destroy them?

>> No.57702336

any job is hard the first three months. should have stuck with it, it becomes super easy and horny after a while.

>t. work at MosBurger for 7 years

>> No.57702352

touch ass nigger

>> No.57702373

You're assuming I cause problems. I don't instigate anything, but Japan has a really bad bullying problem largely because the legal system pretty much reduced men to passive aggression. They're fucking assholes, man. If they got a problem with me I give it back. Is that too hard for you to comprehend you stupid fucking weeb

>> No.57702416

Don't forget working 60 hour weeks ;) Enjoy your broken body by 50

>> No.57702418

You guys realize that pussy is not Zoe. She's on the far right.
That pussy is the middle girl
But I undoubtedly would stuff my face in there. Don't care who it is

>> No.57702476
File: 512 KB, 808x793, 1677153066809265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude this thread is cracking me up more than almost any other biz thread
Thank you for this

>> No.57702543

How do you know that she does no work? She is probably coding all day long and was only filming her short breaks.

>> No.57702547

My gf has a super easy email desk job and makes $90k while I bust my ass hanging/wiring chandeliers for like $30k.

>> No.57702556

funny that you think im a bad person for laughing at a webm. i wont say much about myself but i am actually quite a nice person lmao

>> No.57702779

she's a "marketing strategist", whatever the fuck that means, she doesn't code shit
fuck off with your piss poor gaslighting

>> No.57702830

even the career wagie non-tradie has to spend 2 decades slaving before his pay is meaningful.

>> No.57702854
File: 529 KB, 1080x1080, x9NfkG6ryI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the career wagie non-tradie has to spend 2 decades slaving before his pay is meaningful and i'm just living my life enjoying every last second and having the time of my life with all the money i earn from my investments i'm living the dream while you have to worry about the stock market i have a huge cock

>> No.57703500
File: 308 KB, 600x709, the_beginning_of_the_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57703761

nice larp, I actually do live there and people are constantly getting into drunken fights everywhere all the time

>> No.57703813

Sorry chud sergey doesn't need some fat stinky awkward antisocial incels ruining his workspace vibes. At least girls can serve as eye candy

>> No.57703832

nice sucker punch at the end, what a fucking pussy man if he wanted to make a point he should have jumped on him and King Kong double fisted windmill punched him

this bald motherfucker was for sure more drunk then anybody there. that gay little handshake shit like "oh I'm done mate" before suckering him

also the yellow shirted dude was a total faggot trying to look like a guy with principles while also not fucking doing anything, that's worse than doing nothing

>> No.57703834

She got a 5,000 LINK company bonus :)

>> No.57703859

My nigga Big Serg tappin that

>> No.57703880

>this girl at chainlink doesn't do anything she's worthless!
>also /biz/
>browses /biz/ looking for get rich quick schemes

you worthless fucks don't have a right to tell off a woman who is employed and contributing to society

>> No.57703896

you're full on retarded

>> No.57703963

actually I'm not

>t. actually Sergey Nakamoto

>> No.57703987 [DELETED] 


>> No.57703997

>Im greatful that I was born into a wealthy family.
Not greatful enough it seems. Read a book and stop bringing shame upon your family.

>> No.57704331
File: 67 KB, 1024x626, angela merkel harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Voldemort can throw some serious hands

>> No.57704356

your investment at work, /biz

>> No.57704398

hahaha, $150k/year + token bonus minimum, you just know

>> No.57704408

I'm unironically about to dump half my stack right now

>> No.57704688

hey zayi

>> No.57704700

weak bait

>> No.57704810


was this deleted too? anyone got the videos?

>> No.57705318

>posts a pic from 2015 of someone cheerleading
9 years anon. Holy fuck you stalked this girl good. And for what? You think anyone is going to be put off Chainlink, which didn't even ICO until 2 years after that pic was taken?
You sad, lonely little man.

>> No.57705758

>This account is private

kek she goofed

>> No.57706155
File: 401 KB, 1290x1672, IMG_8959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys wtf, did you seriously bully her into going private? Not cool

Pls dont say you snitched her to the big fat ever gaping maw sir faggot himself.

She is a poor albeit square shaped 28 yo young girl (barely legal) marketing strategist making 150k a year and consuming goods while she should be working!

Shame on you

>> No.57706218

150k is barely livable in LA

>> No.57706417

i think he's just lashing out because someone literally just typed his twitter handle "@geoxadem" into google and found his extremely embarrassing porn addiction blog, so he freaked out, shut his account for a few days, and changed it to @chainlinkthomas and now pretends that it wasn't him
this is his revenge coming to fruition
tremble in fear

>> No.57706513


>> No.57707064
File: 581 KB, 639x571, 1643656214158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is schizo to think I'm the coomer fuddie, I posted this out of boredom more than anything
t. zayi or some other roastie
>You sad, lonely little man.
men dont talk like this and I saved the picture on /biz/ you dumb bitch

>> No.57707129

your alt topped last cycle
holding bags that topped as hard as link/btc did is just giving away all your gains

>> No.57707231

Lmao, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.57707731

I’m glad this is happening. Bully all of these people until they want to kys for stealing our hard earned money. Feels good knowing Sergey’s BMI is in his head because of my years long campaign

All of you employees have this coming for stealing our money

>> No.57707893

Don't need da joos to tell me that dogs are disgusting creatures who offend the senses.

>> No.57707963

Jewish genetics kicked in.
I knew a jewish chick who was smoking hot in highschool and 3 years later she hit the wall hard

>> No.57707962

>im just mad at the world for hiring diversity instead of talent, shit gets so old.
>Im greatful that I was born into a wealthy family.
>This is the worst time in history to be born a hard working white man who is smart.
>you will reap almost no benefits from your labor these days.
>god bless to all those in that situation.
>also fuck these roasties
God bless to you too,anon

>> No.57707967

Stop posting screenshots of your twitter faggot, there's only one person who does that. Sage

>> No.57707988

seconded ser for needful deeds

>> No.57708001

shes literally me

>> No.57708012

don't tell all those trials & partnerships also paid by linkies....

>> No.57708081

>Eric Schmidt
wew... do you still have the articles/videos. eople like Schmidt exist seems make web3 employment more bearable, just like Origin Trail Parachain/NeuroX that bring Bob Metcalfe and successfully churning out institutional adoptions.

>> No.57708101

inkwell mutt

>> No.57708111

what tokens you are going to buy?

>> No.57708227

It’s why we ALL here.
Tired of kikenomics and literal useless eaters

>> No.57708431

check out Haku Ryujin if anyone is looking into Solana degen plays. Haku is looking bullish with utilities that are dropping today like trading bot, tending bot for solana and rev share to the holders and buybacks with the revenue generated.

CA: CXrdC7JiLKvpa6CshEskorEDqkbZJjb3LJV3KUVVEiMs


>> No.57708502

This. It's no that much in the grand scheme of things. Purchasing power over time ain't great.

>> No.57708610

Women should be killed, the survival of the human species doesn't matter.

>> No.57708619

Hard work does not actually pay. Better to be the accountant who makes 98k entering a few lines of data into excel and quickbooks and saying "yup, this looks right" than being the tradie who makes 130k but you've been busting your ass crawling around someone's ventilation system and you smell like shit and you've got something in your lungs.

>> No.57709078

has anyone saved the tiktok before it got deleted?

>> No.57709376

you mean this one?

but please don't post it too often. the marketing team worked hard to improve the sentiment among token customers. it's not a good look when long term customers see how the money they gave them is spent

>> No.57709394

Bitch has dmca'd everything, can't find it through google now

>> No.57709435

no, I mean the one describing pros and cons

>> No.57709481

>men dont talk like this
>guy being a complete prick, posting pics of a girl from 9 years back in a cheap attempt to garner attention from the cackling hyena underclass that pervades this place, professes to know how 'men' talk
You're a fucking lowlife piece of shit, my friend

>> No.57709494

genuine question here, did you also lash out in anger when it was revealed that Jessica had done porn before joining Celsius?
cause I really don't remember anyone trying to whiteknight this hard for that thot

>> No.57709519
File: 581 KB, 1887x2545, 1699025068342895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek pic related, roastie

>> No.57709534

Really surprised this isn't taking off/going around on twitter. only thomas the coomer has posted about it and he only posted a still image.

If I don't see this bitches tenure at CLL finished on Linkedin by EOW then it's fucking ogre and big Serg really is laughing at all of you.

>> No.57709560

>did you also lash out in anger
This is a non-sequitur. You're comparing apples and oranges. It's sad af that OP should go to such lengths to belittle someone in this way who has done nothing of questionable morals. I'm quite sure you can't tell the difference though, right?
Yeh that's me alright, dude. I notice you didn't even address my comment to you. You'd rather post up some pasta you have saved on your computer in a poor attempt to spin away from it. You're so typical of the dregs in here. I'm so fucking glad i'm not in the least bit like you. I'm sure you won't address this post, either. perhaps you'll post a little meme now from your collection? You sad little cunt.

>> No.57709563

so, did you?

>> No.57709566
File: 55 KB, 720x720, 1701447145899321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe zayi will see this post and have sex with you as thanks for supporting her

>> No.57709599
File: 536 KB, 719x1337, 1708743180004240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the team is desperately trying to slide this and distract you with more bullshit

>> No.57709600

>non sequitur
>apples to oranges
>sad af
You are so pathetic I’m not going to waste my time finding a s*yjak. Go back

>> No.57709607

a moment ago you suggested i was female. make ya mind up, son
i didn't get involved in that convo, though i think it's not a good idea for a serious organisation to have a porn actress at the helm, and it cast them in a very poor light. Not even in the same ballpark as this situation. Did you? I'm sensing youre in the same camp as yellow-boy here?

>> No.57709616

cool, so you would also agree that having a useless remotely employed techie girl who spends her time uploading tiktok videos showcasing her lavish lifestyle and an abysmal work ethic is also reflecting extremely poorly on the company and that holders are rightfully angry about this, right?
you surely can understand the backlash this has caused, right? you're not a blind shill tasked to reverse the poor sentiment of the community, right?

>> No.57709619

Also, i was proven right on that occasion. Look at what became of Celsius. Had warning signs all over it
yeh, top debating skills there, anon. Rage quitting really suits your intellectual capacity

>> No.57709625

>Also, i was proven right on that occasion
the entire board shared the sentiment that this was extremely bearish for Celsius, so, what exactly is your point here? I was the one who brought this up in the first place
you don't to understand what's being discussed here

>> No.57709641

>useless remotely employed techie girl
what makes you say she's useless? idk what she does, though i'm sure it must be useful to the company in some way. if you have evidence to the contrary, please post
>spends her time uploading tiktok videos
what she does in her free time should have no bearing on whether she can do her job effectively, unless it interferes with her work. i would draw the line at porn, though
>you're not a blind shill tasked to reverse the poor sentiment of the community, right?

>> No.57709652

>what exactly is your point here
i didn't have one. i was answering the question you asked me here >>57709494
you're not too hot at this, are you?

>> No.57709661

she's a marketing strategist, so you tell me what you think this means
>what she does in her free time
the video which caused the backlash was literally titled, "day in the life of your average tech girlie", you see she's already bringing up her "profession" right at the beginning of the video, while she demonstrates that she absolutely does nothing productive all fucking day
another tiktok of hers is called "pros and cons working at a web3 startup" and, well, I don't think I need to elaborate further on that
you already answered, "no"
you don't need to double and triple post if you don't have a point, retard

>> No.57709718

>she's a marketing strategist, so you tell me what you think this means
i don't know anything about marketing, or what this woman's job involves. The problem i had was the fact that OP dredged up a completely unrelated picture of this person from 2015 which had nothing to do with that, and indeed didn't paint the woman in a bad light at all. Seems unfair to me, but i clearly have a different set of values to you and some of the other bottom feeders in here. I make no excuses for that and in fact am proud of it.
Hope i didn't type too many words or sentences here. I know it makes you go a bit funny

>> No.57709728

>you already answered "no"
is it really such a problem for you if i make another point to reflect my position? does that really freak you out? should i answer in as short form as possible, to make you happier? does that make it easier for you to try to pin me down?

>> No.57709737

Oh no!!!!!! i've made 2 posts! oh god help me i'm done for now! oh shit it's 3 now aaaarggghhhh why can't i be as cool as the pink guy he's the best reeeee

>> No.57709740

they used to post her on gdp threads on /gif/

>> No.57709780
File: 12 KB, 650x650, 1650143752952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it was the only picture of her I have in my chainlink employees folder
get over yourself

>> No.57709805

>it was the only picture of her I have in my chainlink employees folder
fucking hell he offers this as an excuse kek. lmao, even

On an overall note. It's funny; i recall as recently as last year, the fud being "CL don't do any marketing, it's woeful". This has been flipped 180 degrees to "she's a marketing strategist, so you tell me what you think this means". I suppose what the company needs is a marketing and no marketing at the same time, right guys?

>> No.57709820

checked and based

>> No.57709989

I missed the video before she locked her channel. What did she say?

>> No.57710048

Because they've already accomplished this much without one and main of their projects are already collaborations with other companies and research teams so you technically wouldn't have the whole team together in the same building anyhow.

>> No.57710062

Then why weren't you bothered by people bringing up Jessica's completely unrelated porn movie is what I don't get
you still haven't made a single point btw, all you're doing is crying about anons posting publicity available information

>> No.57710115

>why weren't you bothered by people bringing up Jessica's completely unrelated porn movie
because, as i stated here >>57709607 "i think it's not a good idea for a serious organisation to have a porn actress at the helm, and it cast them in a very poor light". Completely unrelated cheerleading is not relevant to this girl's position at Chainlink.
Are you really this thick? I don't think you are. I think you're just trying to be as slippery as possible in order to salvage your position and thereby your ego, which is taking a few knocks here. It's not working, dude. Keep going if you like, but you're looking increasingly foolish with each of these comments.

>> No.57710119

what does that have to do with the fact that her totally unrelated porn video has been spammed to death? why is that fair play and cheerleading is not?

>> No.57710155

>what does that have to do with the fact that her totally unrelated porn video has been spammed to death
because at some point what a person does in their private life should have a bearing on their professional life. Like if someone turned out to be a convicted pedophile, it's hard to argue it shouldn't affect their professional career representing an organisation. I think porn acting falls under the 'should affect' umbrella, but that a harmless pursuit like cheerleading 100% 'should not'. Is this still unclear? Is there some way i can help you to grasp what i'm saying? You seem to be unable, but let's keep trying.

>> No.57710156

checked, does that work?
t. olive oil primary

>> No.57710159

if cheerleading is harmless then what is your problem?

>> No.57710179

>if cheerleading is harmless then what is your problem?
I don't have one. OP and you and a few others apparently do.
What is YOUR problem with it?

>> No.57710185
File: 814 KB, 436x326, 1518259832089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably have a picture or 2 of you in the same folder judging by your reaction

>> No.57710195

I have zero problems with cheerleading, this is why I'm baffled by YOUR continuous fixation over OP posting publicly available information about this woman along with two videos about her "private life" posted by HER on a publicly available platform
so, why the FUCK do you continue trying to derail this thread with your retarded "high moral ground" bs instead of focusing on the fact that this is by all objective metrics bearish and conveniently ignoring that another useless techie thot who posted similar content was laid off by Google shortly after
it's as if you're doing anything you can to gaslight and distract anons
really makes you think

>> No.57710202

Funny, i was about to say it was time for an ad hominem attack on me. Right on cue! Well done, my man

>> No.57710206

its been a while since a low effort shitpost I made caused this much seething
keep bumping this thread so more people can see what you're upset about I guess

>> No.57710211

Kek you fuddies acting all hurt now i've 'derailed' your fud thread, huh?
2 points:
1. KEK

Later, ladies. Thanks for the fun!

>> No.57710213

I unironically think it's her or someone close to her from the team
thanks for conceding that you're a paid shill?

>> No.57710218

its a very emotional response and poor damage control

>> No.57710331

tfw no overpaid chubby tech girlie gf

>> No.57710599


>> No.57711075

It's incredible how easy it is to tell female hands typed this . Whats up you fucking dumb piece of roast beef. Hope you get fucked a lot at chainlink. Fuckin fridge LMAO

Great fucking job OP. Legendary thread

>> No.57711124

>last year, the fud being "CL don't do any marketing, it's woeful". This has been flipped 180 degrees to "she's a marketing strategist, so you tell me what you think this means". I suppose what the company needs is a marketing and no marketing at the same time, right guys?
I have literally never read something more obvious in my entire life. I'm literally laughing here. Imagine bringing up criticisms from a year ago LMFAO god you must take it very personally. Either that or you are the dumbest white knighting roastie I have ever seen on 4chan. LMAO

The poster's discourse is literally an emotional reaction to a year+ of criticism

All of it lurked. They keep lurking. They krep gauging sentiment. This time something went wrong. OP threw a wrench in the gears.

The reaction? Hilarity.
*INSTANT* removal of the social media video.
*INSTANT* removal of all tiktoks.

lmfao. LMFAO. You KNOW they are monitoring this situation

Well Linkies... I might just start posting it every day. Kek

You tought you could beat online bullies from the internet hate machine? Lmao

Btw I never even bought Link. Imagine how pissed your investors are

>> No.57711130

Imagine holding LINK in 2024

Today, LINK is something akin to XRP. Endless token dumps to fund manager lifestyles and token hires.
The real breakthrough for LINK was 2018-2020 before all of this pozzed shit started. That was the outperformance part of LINK's lifecycle.
If you didn't buy in 2018, it's over. The repricing has happened years ago and now it trades like a big cap.
If you expect to net any significant gain with LINK, idk what to tell you except enjoy staying poor and getting dumped on by tech girlies and big mac connoisseurs.

>> No.57711254

it only took me two hours to figure out where she is from and which apartment complex she lives in...

i think she is a good person. she is the third wheel when she goes out. she takes care of her elderly dogs she might have had since she was a girl. she lives in very old apartment that still has popcorn ceilings. she has a repulsive body type that not many chads will be approaching...

im not going to dox her...

>> No.57711578

>head of marketing
>erases social media and goes private at the tiniest criticism
def not hiring the best

>> No.57711581

>it only took me two hours to figure out where she is from and which apartment complex she lives in...
>it only took me two hours
Why did you spend two hours trying to find out where she lives anon? That's actually a lot of time...

>> No.57711608

Even if she posted the tiktok after work, all the videos and ALL THE THINKING PROCESS FOR THOSE VIDEOS are done during work hours
That’s a big problem

>> No.57711722

Whores are hired to bring good morale to the male employees who actually do stuff. Relax. She's meeting her purpose

>> No.57712072

myself existing invalidates your poor logic chud

t. Boilermaker

>> No.57712103


>> No.57712283

>all the incels absolutely seething ITT
The HR roastie meme has been going on for a long time.. why is everyone acting crazy itt.
is this chainlinks Achilles heel?

>> No.57712377

>that gym outfit

>> No.57712418
File: 487 KB, 403x533, SERGEY LOWER RESOLUTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolz its ok bros, the boomer Bug Eaters are into this fetish.

>> No.57712586


>> No.57712603

>haha, this is so fucking great! I'm basically flashing my coochie to everyone in the stands yet they're not calling me a slut, they're cheering me on and enjoy it!
fucking hate women.

>> No.57712612

And because women are incredibly submissive and subservient. You say jump and they're already in the air.

>> No.57712653

everyone was aware that chainlink is run really inefficiently. but if you look away and say "well, it's a hard problem, they are doing their best" for long enough, you can manage to ignore the issue for the most part. every now and then some irrefutable proof of the extent of the waste shows up, the issue resurfaces and bagholders have to justify their investment to themselves all over again. that's why you are seeing all this anger, it's retail being emotional over their investments

>> No.57712685

Considering she's a glorified barista it's pretty decent

>> No.57712717

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's well known WFH jobs are a joke

>> No.57712743

She strikes me as a career climber who will ditch you for a guy that can get her one step closer to sergei

>> No.57712759

and that it shouldn't 7 years to accomplish nothing with hundreds of millions of capital

>> No.57712975

This woman has the IQ of a peanut and she has more chainlink than all of us?

>> No.57713192

Reminder: those roasties own way more link than all of you

>> No.57713378

saved me the trouble, thx!

>> No.57713526

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at this limp wristed fedora wearing cuckold absolutely leap into action to white knight for the 3/10 robbing him

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57713560

Are you on the chainlink team and if so:

- do you feel bothered about scamming people; and

- do they structure your pay raise based on how much cock you suck

>> No.57713648

Kek hardcore anons have been shilling chainlink constantly for years only for it to hire young women who do nothing at all but get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and brag about it on tiktok.

>> No.57713684

Kekkkk linkies financed this.

>> No.57713878
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 1701108773258479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw chainlink incels became a real thing
>bunch of misogynistic incels are seething because they can't stand to see a successful woman working for chainlink labs
>she makes more money than them and probably has more link
>posts cute tiktok videos
>incels in absolute rage over this
So this is the legendary "link marine community"... a bunch of toxic incels.. the cringe frog posting wasn't enough. Now you are harassing women like creeps.
This is a massive liability and headache for Sergey, i hope you spergs can control yourselves and do better in the future..

>> No.57713894

>this tiktok slut is a massive liability and headache for Sergey*

>> No.57713962

At least we have integrity, these people are all soulless demons that the world is a worse off place they exist

>> No.57714034

She performs a very important service, it's just one that women from ukraine will do for 25 dollars.

>> No.57714048
File: 743 KB, 1272x1240, 1694739808526841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your actual advice is "get experience at some dogshit terrible bottom bitch job, before you go to college, because degree and experience=money"

>> No.57714056

as opposed to what are you insane?

>> No.57714084

Women are useless for everything, wonder why no one takes them seriously, get overpaid by simp losers and then wonder why men dislike/disregard them later in life when they're one of those tiktok memes posting shit like "I'm a 43 year old female surgeon who makes 300k a year and it turns out men are intimidated by women with money!" or some shit.

>> No.57714095
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>> No.57714116 [DELETED] 


>> No.57714131
File: 200 KB, 1500x500, wagies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread: >>57714109
new thread: >>57714109
new thread: >>57714109
new thread: >>57714109
new thread: >>57714109
new thread: >>57714109

>> No.57714234
File: 112 KB, 975x600, Snapchat-959040857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao @ link bag holders

>> No.57714266

When the whore gets paid WAAAAAY MORE than the actual contributing employee that she supposed to “motivate” that’s a HUGE problem

>> No.57714472

i make 230k tc as a software engineer
imagine spending decades to earn 100k lmfao

>> No.57714735

>puts up front laughing on the outside
>trembling crying on the inside

Using the word “toxic” gave you away, faggot. Sounds like things are getting desperate over at the cult

>> No.57716376

by everywhere you mean kabukicho or some shithole in osaka? yeah its real rough and rowdy, cant tell you how many gunslingers ive seen tossed out of saloons. real mad max times in japan when the sun sets lmao