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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57711015 No.57711015 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/tards. Every time someone shills a web3 project here I take some time to check it's features and write about it. I've been doing it consistently for some time and now, as I am into software development. Feel free to request review of a project.

The project I wanted to talk about today is Morpheus Labs, shilled in a thread a few hours ago, which I wrote about some of it's features. The tl;dr: it is not that interesting. But keep reading to know why.

>> No.57711032
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From entering their website here: https://morpheuslabs.io/ there are two main products: The ML Seed Platform and the Launchpad.

The ML Seed platform seems to be a low-code services for deploying web3 apps. They have the features written here:https://docs.morpheuslabs.io/docs/overview
One of the features is a Continuous development Environment (CDE), which from reading it here: https://docs.morpheuslabs.io/docs/configure-a-workspace#multiple-ide which is basically a shared code editor. Nothing you can't do on Github, while everyone shares code with git. This doc is nearly 1 year old by the way.
The most interesting aspect of this platform for me is the App Library, which is a crowd sourced marketplace of blockchain-based applications. This can be useful to reuse code from other projects. The platform costs a minimum of 30 dollars mothly (has a free trial). I might test it later.
By their docs linked above, it also seems that they're trying to educate on web3 development. There are many coding tutorials for doing very simple stuff.

>> No.57711053

They have an AI powered workflow platform too (not sure if it is related to the ML Seed Platform), which is a low code workflow automation platform seamlessly integrates Web2 and Web3 technologies. Link: https://web3-platform.morpheuslabs.io/
It is only accessible via invites, however, it has 3 features: web3 process automation, web3 integration automation and creating smart contracts.
The two somewhat valuable here are integrations and automations. Which have already been done by dozens of projects already, like Moralis, Quicknode, Chainlink, OpenZeppelin and so on. Their "featured solution" is smart contracts for an NFT marketplace. Which you can do not only without their tech, but plainly on Solidity, all by yourself.

Overall, it is not that interesting. I still need to check the developer experience of their platform, after the free trial.

They also have a launchpad here: https://morpheuslabs.io/launchpad/#
But I couldn't find any tokens or others products that have applied and have been launched in this launchpad. It is supposed to be something similar to the Binance launchpad, which shills the tokens and gives you some of it for BNB staking.

Now, what about the MIND token? All their docs don't mention it.

>> No.57711087

In this article the mention about the token migration:
They claim to have discussed some yada yada about AI + blockchain. They did not suggest what we can do with the token.
Anyways, it is mostly vaporware (untill now). Token not needed.
See you next time. I think I will talk about either KNS or Stobox. What would be better?

>> No.57711146
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>> No.57711189

Nice work bro I saw you in that thread, appreciated. I recommend looking into CoW Swap, with UNI flying COW should do more than well

>> No.57711202

You mean this one right?
>with UNI flying COW should do more than well
What did you mean by that?

>> No.57711212

good take a look at btcdragon if you've not and also EagleWings that's set to launch soon.

>> No.57711225

Ok bros, I will write about them.
What is the best time to post, anyways?

>> No.57711233
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i don't know dude i think you're just a retard i bet your mom can't get any money from the government because you eat up all the budget it's just you all day with your 3 foot dick swinging in the wind because you can't even get a woman pregnant lol it makes sense why your mom never loved you she probably looked at you and was just like no i can't live with myself if i love this retard lol look at my honey badger sized hog and i bet your wife can't even find your dick

>> No.57711247

I just saw there were too many ling lings involved and ignored it. Thanks for the write up and confirmation. Never trust chang companies.

>> No.57711275

Bobo's are getting very creepy lately

>> No.57711293

>You mean this one right?
>What did you mean by that?
UNI pumped 50% yesterday because of the governance fee switch proposal, COW is superior to UNI with a fraction of the marketcap with better tokenomics imo

>> No.57711309

>UNI pumped 50% yesterday because of the governance fee switch proposal, COW is superior to UNI with a fraction of the marketcap with better tokenomics imo
Interesting. I haven't read on why Uniswap pumped yet and how it is related to the governance fee switch proposal. Can you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.57711340

It's still just a proposal, but enough for speculation of course

>> No.57711478

Ok, my next review will probably be COW swap.
I will look into btcdragon.
I couldn't find the correct sources, can you link them to me?

>> No.57711489

Im interested in your opinion about my project im developing

>> No.57711518

Seems pretty interesting for trading. Thanks anon, I will give it my review on another thread.

>> No.57712054
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Unless you have a good understanding of finance and/or business, it will be difficult for you to thoroughly evaluate Stobox. Just one aspect of tokenization, turning illiquid assets into liquid assets, is profound and will revolutionize both finance and business.

Tokenization solves one of the largest problems in business that has followed mankind throughout our history of civilization, no less :)

You might have hundreds of millions in assets (houses, hotels, a farm) but if you have little or no profit, even revenue in some cases, you are still poor with little or no money to spend, or worse, if something happens you are forced to dump your assets on the market and sell them way below market price. Assets/businesses you wanted to continue to have, but are being forced to sell due to unforeseen circumstances. Or you could go to the bank and get a very expensive loan, with the risk of one more calamity, and you are defaulting on the loan so the bank takes over your assets. Or the bank is forcing you to hire the incompetent clown of a nephew of the bank manager, or whatever. ALL that is negated by tokenization. You can just sell a handful of your tokens and get the money you need, so no harm done, and may even buy them back later. That's it. Plus you have a global asset market where you can buy a hotel or whatever, all over the world. If you have a good business idea, you don't have to go to the bank but can raise capital in a matter of days on a global market financial market. Etc, etc. Tokenization will change the world and Stobox is the premium market leader with a ridiculously low $5 million market cap.

>> No.57712083
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Gene saw this many years ago and he fully understands all these implications. No other CEO in RWA has a deep understanding of tokenization like him. The rest of the CEOs see a house or a car that they want to split up and sell, and that's pretty much it. They have no idea of the implications and how much tokenization will change the world in the coming years. Gene does and Stobox is years ahead of anyone else.

BlackRock is only now waking up to tokenization and are planning to operate with financial assets, the easiest asset class to tokenize. Both from a practical and legal standpoint.


>> No.57712344

You're very sold on Stobox it seems.
>Unless you have a good understanding of finance and/or business, it will be difficult for you to thoroughly evaluate Stobox. Just one aspect of tokenization, turning illiquid assets into liquid assets, is profound and will revolutionize both finance and business.
In the level of software, what do you think I could evaluate? I admit I do not understand a lot about finance.

>> No.57712593

Anyways, I just booked a call with Stobox. Let's see how it goes.

>> No.57712617

>You're very sold on Stobox it seems.
>In the level of software, what do you think I could evaluate?
You could look into their SBID, a token you get after you have done KYC for 10 USD, this ID is recognized in over 100 nations, if I remember correctly and you can then trade and own securities legally. I believe this software product and solution is unique in crypto space. Maybe that will be interesting for you?

>> No.57712677
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> Q3 2023
They should update this.

>> No.57712718
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This is what I see, pic, on that page. I don't see your pic. Where did you get it from?

>> No.57712775

Ah, you got it from here,

They are going to restructure everything on sbid.io, preparing for an exchange, that can also handle securities legally.

>> No.57712793
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what do you think about BRC20 tokens? i've seen that a lot of retards shill that shit, literally theres no thread without a retard not mentioning.

>> No.57712808

I see. The exchange you mean is the DS Swap that you have to book a call to book a demo, right? Or is another thing?

BRC20 tokens can mean anything, anon. Be more specific. BRC20 is just the implementation of ERC20 tokens on BSC. It is just a pattern of code, it's analogous to any document that has a fixed format.

>> No.57712810

You have a Twitter/X/Discord account?

>> No.57712820

I do not, but I can make one. Why?

>> No.57712845

No, DS Swap is a decentralized secondary market with no fees, so no need for registration and SEC permit. They plan to have a centralized exchange wiht SBTU as as native token. SoulBound ID will be part of trading securities, as they are regulated by KYC.

>> No.57712856

What is your take on Kadena's sharding?

>> No.57712965

Where did you find out about that? Can you provide a link?

It's been some time that I don't look into Kadena, I will look into it's sharding solution.
Last time I've read about it, I've made a simple applicaton using Pact, their smart contract language. The thing I didn't like about it was that it was Turing incomplete, which might not cover all the use cases necessary for a complex smart contract application. For example, in Solidity nowadays we can make very complex Zero-knowledge proofs which I think aren't possible in Pact due to the necessity of making some memory manipulation that is not available. But Pact might not need Zero-knowledge at all, so I don't know how to feel about this yet.

If sharding in Kadena is anything like sharding in Harmony One, it is not that good. Shards in Harmony One are independent of one another and you have to move between the shards to access smart contracts. So, if you have USDT in one shard does not mean you can do a swap on another shard. So everyone keeps their funds on the shard that is most popular, which I think breaks the point of having shards at all.

>> No.57713026

I only know one person on /biz/ that made an app using pact, and that was a Kadena tranny. Is that you? In that case I guess you are not planning a "review" but an unfair hitjob. Am I correct?

>> No.57713036

I never shilled Kadena here. They have a bunch of tutorials on their website, it is not uncommon for someone to try Pact.
>In that case I guess you are not planning a "review" but an unfair hitjob
What do you mean?

>> No.57713046

Just buy the SMCI coin on Eth so you can gamble on weekend while the stock market is closed.

Geckoterminal SMCI/USDC

>> No.57713065

>I never shilled Kadena here.
So not here, but other places
>it is not uncommon for someone to try Pact.
Kadena is a ghostchain with virtually no dapps, so it is rather unusual to devlop an app in Pact.
>What do you mean?
You have said that you have seen STBU shilled here, so you know what I mean.

>> No.57713082

Is this you?

>> No.57713131

>Anyways, I just booked a call with Stobox.
But you have no business or asset to tokenize, and you have no business background. They will understand that you are a fake.

>> No.57713153

once thought to be the future, they are now being overtaken by ETH and SOL.

>> No.57713157

what do I think about BRC20? it sucks, like all BTC-based technology.

>> No.57713158


>> No.57713167

No that is not me. Also, what is that rant all about?
I read the STBU contract here https://bscscan.com/address/0xb0c4080a8fa7afa11a09473f3be14d44af3f8743#code and it is pretty standard. There is that manager part though, which some addresses are allowed to mint. What are the conditions?

>> No.57713178

>But you have no business or asset to tokenize, and you have no business background. They will understand that you are a fake.
I actually do have a side hustle on RWAs, so I will use this to ger closer to understanding it.

>> No.57713199

>Also, what is that rant all about?
What rant?
>There is that manager part though, which some addresses are allowed to mint.
That is very common when you have a burn mechanism.

>I actually do have a side hustle on RWAs
You mean you are a competitor from another project and have a background from Pact (Kadena)?

>> No.57713222

>I actually do have a side hustle on RWAs,
Do you seriously claim that are involved with RWA and you can't see that Stobox is the premium market leader with a first-mover advantage?

>> No.57713249

>hey i have funny pic for tiktok
is like holding a loaded gun to your head

>> No.57713294

>Do you seriously claim that are involved with RWA and you can't see that Stobox is the premium market leader with a first-mover advantage?
It's been just a month of development and we are just studying alternatives right now. I can't know it all in this time frame.
>You mean you are a competitor from another project and have a background from Pact (Kadena)?
No, I developed a few projects in different chains as a private contractor. It was mostly oracles, monitoring tools, node operation stuff. Actually, besides doing the tutorials on the Pact language, I've never used it in a real application with users. It was mostly Solidity.

>> No.57713306

That picture has existed many years before tiktok. What the hell? Is it a tiktok funny pic now?

>> No.57713347

>I can't know it all in this time frame.
You already said you have been in Stobox threads, and with a background, even for a month of development in RWA (meaning you looked into RWA before that), it should be obvious to you how far ahead Stobox is compared to it's competitors. We are talking many years ahead of competitors, with working products.
>besides doing the tutorials on the Pact language
OK, so you didn't only "test" Pact, you actually wrote tutorials.

>> No.57713370

>I actually do have a side hustle on RWAs
Actually, that makes you even more of a fake, coming from a competing project and then making a "review" later on.

>> No.57713407

Actually I went a little beyond the tutorials, re-implementing some of the things I did in Solidity just to compare.
> it should be obvious to you how far ahead Stobox is compared to it's competitors.
Who are the competitors? I've looked into LCX untill now, and they already have a marketplace for diamonds (which count as a RWA tech example) . Stobox does not seem to have a product that regular users can interact easily with right now.

What do you mean I'm fake? What are you implying?

>> No.57713484

A few years ago there were no legal framework for tokenization. Stobox's legal experts had to sit down with regulators and make rules and regulations that would make tokenization legally compliant. 55 000 man-hours were invested, most of it on legal framework. I am pretty sure that LCX does not have their legal framework in order. My guess is that if they refuse to give you your diamond, you can not just to to the local police station and demand to get the diamond, based on a NFT in a wallet on your computer. My guess is that the legal system does not automatically recognized legal ownership based on an NFT, but that it must be taken to court and the court will decide whether or not they had a private agreement where the NFT truly represented ownership of the diamond or not, or it was just a claim, not allocated, just a pledgee etc

Stobox has a KYC system legally recognized in over 125 nations I think, where a person goes through a KYC process, get a non-fungible token, soul ID,
where the goal is that person with Soul ID KYC will be able to buy securities all over the world on every platform operated by Stobox or any platform issued by Stobox, like Landshare. It will be like you log into your Google account and can use various Google related products and platforms. For commodities, with no KYC, you of course do not need to identify yourself, but you will be secured that the legal framework is in order, so the legal system in that country will recognize the ownership of a part of that asset, based on your token(s).

Stobox is creating an ecosystem where STBU is the native token and you have different tokenization projects, all over the world, using their technology and know-how

When I researched tokenization years ago, I only found Stobox and RealToken. Smartlands tried, but never fullfilled, RealToken chose a rather clunky method where each individual property had to have it's own blockchain and be listed on CMC etc

>> No.57713502

>What do you mean I'm fake? What are you implying?
If you call and you have no real project to tokenize, no business experience, no asset to tokenize and you even come from a competing project, they will know that you are a fake and you are not a potential client making a call to inquire.

That you think that you will make a review regarding a competing project is dishonest and immoral. Most likely, you would not have disclosed that information in the review.

>> No.57713563

>Stobox does not seem to have a product that regular users can interact easily with right now.
Landshare is tokenized by them and part of the Stobox ecosystem. As many other projects.


>> No.57713588

>That you think that you will make a review regarding a competing project is dishonest and immoral. Most likely, you would not have disclosed that information in the review.
I'm not necessarily developing a competing project. Stobox provides tokenization services, and in their webiste, on real estate, there are these 3 success cases: landshare, Candela, and GL Capital. We would like to use their services as these used them.

>If you call and you have no real project to tokenize, no business experience, no asset to tokenize and you even come from a competing project
We actually do have some assets to tokenize and business experience on real estate market.
When would our project be mature enough so we could call Stobox? I don't think they have a legal framework in our country yet. It is not a fake project, just early development to be honest.

>> No.57713605

LCX, that most likely has a pseudo-tokenization and do not offer tokenization of securities, has a mcap of $200 million.

Stobox STBU, premium market leader with first-mover advantage, offering tokenization of securities, coming global RWA trading platform, secondary DS market etc etc, only has a ridicilously low market cap of $5 million dollars. This is BTC at 1 cent.

>> No.57713615

LCX does claim to have their legal framework in order though. At least in the Liechenstein.
In fact, in their white paper it is stated the process to claim it and how it ties to their legal framework. Would be cool to find someone that had claimed a diamond without problems too.

>> No.57713622

Correction: in theri Tiamonds white paper, for the diamonds specifically. They don't claim to have other legal frameworks besides this one, I couldn't find it.

>> No.57713652

Also, what are your thoughts on

>> No.57713653

If you have an honest inquiry, then go for it.

It is legal to tokenize an asset that is not a security, but it will be regarded by law enforcement as a private contract and by default the person that has ownership of the diamond, before tokenization, will be the owner and the tokenization clients must prove in court that they had a contract with the LCX.

Stobox tokenization is reconized by both police and the legal system. So an owner of a token clan claim legal ownership directly, without having to go to court. A token in that setting is a legally binding document and proof of ownership. Like a share in a public company.

>> No.57713671

Hmm I see. In the Tiamonds there is nothing saying they are a security too, so that makes sense.

>> No.57713672

Mixed feelings, parts of it I like, parts of it I don't like.

I must go now, have an appointment that I am already late to. See you later and good luck with your project anon.

>> No.57713683

Thanks for the talk anon! I will study more into it all. Come back to the later threads.
I think I will make some sort of IPFS archive with the best parts.

>> No.57713690

its a bot

>> No.57713955
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Don't listen to stupid shit. LCX has their legal framework in order. They are even partnered with the Government of Liechtenstein and have official permission to use the Liechtenstein Government logo, as the country is trying to extend their financial center success and become the center of blockchain banking.
The link even has the fucking PDFs.

>> No.57714016

obvious SCAM
buy if you're retarded and enjoy losing your money

>> No.57714255

Interestingly enough, there are no mentions of securities there. Am I missing something? Are they actually allowed to issue securities?
If not, why would someone buy RWAs without being backed by a security-like legal framework?

>> No.57714556

TG bots are the new black. AI trend is a bubble.
ONI is the bag to grab. Just shot up 1.5X today. Support XMR and a lot more. Team focused on product not marketing.DYOR [at]AnonifyBot
Try the tg bot yourself see how smooth it is

It reminds me of the success story of banana gun bot

>> No.57715071

tg/ BitcoinNetting
If you want a 10% return within a few hours on BTC only