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57710955 No.57710955 [Reply] [Original]

Well the the writing is on the wall. Either this time it IS different or the melt down will be biblical. Place your bets

>> No.57710972

Don’t care, just wanna sniff a hot girl’s asshole

>> No.57711512

lots of posts, tweets, videos, etc lately comparing right now to 1929 and 2000
>it’s nowhere close to those levels yet, so it’s probably still going to go up
as if those two times weren’t one-in-a-century megabubbles that we’re unlikely to see again in our lifetimes.

>> No.57711525

Imagine buying overvalued stocks.
HOWEVER there are still undervalued companies around.

>> No.57711529

I'm in index funds so don't care

>> No.57711535


Its not gonna pump anon.

>> No.57711868

Based - to do otherwise is gambling, not investing. Simple as.

>> No.57711908

Why would I invest in an index fund when I’m not even at 6 figs

>> No.57711925

Index go down 50% all the time
what kind of argument is that?

>> No.57711953

Most gains in the market come from a few companies. Worse than that, a few companies at very limited times. Stock picking is gambling.

>> No.57711973

No it doesn't. The single worst day of the S&P 500 ever was around -20% on Black Monday.
Based boglechad

>> No.57711985

>No it doesn't
yes it does
The Nasdaq lost 80% of its value after 2000

>> No.57711997

I'm talking sp500 or total stock, not nasdaq

>> No.57712067
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Youre uneducated and stupid

>> No.57712090

Ok? It goes back up so who cares

>> No.57712094

We live in a post-meltdown world.

>> No.57712098

that you have no idea what the fuck youre talkign about

>> No.57712145

the nasdaq 100 in 2000 was a new index with a bunch of startups, now it's comparable to the SP500

>> No.57712181

Still a stretch to say it “goes down by 50% all the time”

>> No.57712328
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Yeah maybe but it sucks. I don’t buy anymore and don’t sell either i’m financially paralyzed

>> No.57712340

mother of all reverse head and shoulder patterns

>> No.57712356
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>> No.57712372

99% of companies outside of the S&P 500 are zombie shitcos that (at best) will track inflation, and, at worst, slowly incinerate capital.

The 1% of companies that are not zombie shitcos eventually make it to the S&P 500.

>> No.57712393

yeah just a couple times per decade, and has three separate 15-25 year long periods between all time highs over the last 100 years, and that’s nominal all time highs. adjusted for inflation those periods lasted even longer, and all the growth in the last 100 years has happened in like 4 10 year spurts, the fourth of which we are currently about 10 years into.

>> No.57712450

The US has never had a government this profligate before. The multi-trillion dollar deficits have to go somewhere. Also immigration to the US is basically on par with the second industrial revolution percentage-wise. Line go up is the only way until one or both of these things stop.

>> No.57712476

You should be the most scared. The market at the 1984 lows was the same price as the highs of 1929.

>> No.57712488

Inflation adjusted of course. Nominal price wise it was way up.

>> No.57712555
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All these immigrants, have to eat, be housed, and consooom.

>> No.57712566

I'm not scared, I'm already 100% in Bitcoin in cold storage.

>> No.57712914

The Great Depression 2 is coming

>> No.57713242

I don’t see immigration or government spending staying at their current levels for long. and don’t forget that there can be recessions even during long term growth trends. furthermore, line going up is meaningless if it’s not going up in inflation-adjusted terms, as I said.

>> No.57713293

>Either this time it IS different
It is. The US will not allow another 2008 to happen. It will print money until the last middle class person has to heat his home by burning dollar bills if it means keeping the economy (i.e. stock market) propped up.

>> No.57713643
File: 69 KB, 720x1265, plebbit intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elites have also been selling like Bezos Musk Gates much like in 2020.
Many are also building doomsday bunkers.
They know something's up.

>> No.57713719

If you keep buying it doesnt matter. You're only fucked if you buy at the top and never buy again.

>> No.57713730

you have no idea how obvious top signals posts like yours are

>> No.57714058

If you could time the top you'd be a billionaire fucking models instead of replying to my "top signal" posts here. Shut the fuck up, you dense motherfucker.

>> No.57714072
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oh boboo

>> No.57714080

You are lossing money. At least buy the NASDAQ or even better the Semiconductor ETF if you are a true Chad.

>> No.57714090


>> No.57714093


>> No.57714099

Great rotation is near, buy undervalued gems

>> No.57714114
File: 71 KB, 2152x1227, Screenshot 2024-02-24 193124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

>> No.57714127

Don't think of this as the top. Think of this as the beginning.

>> No.57714176 [DELETED] 


>> No.57714253

This is the truth and nobody admit it.
Argentina was a pretty comfy place before 2000. Far from perfect but it was somehow peaceful to live.

My step father is Argentinian and he came to Switzerland for business when he was young finally manage settle down here.

He came back recently in Argentina and he barely recognized it. People became poor like he never saw it, poorer than poor indians.
In 2000 Argentina started the printing play and everything started to fall apart while the stock market skyrocketed.

Same thing happening now in Europe & US. Middle class is losing purchase power since 1990 but every decade the pace goes harder.
We're entering the 2000's Argentina pace. Market is ripping off and there's no coming back. We've reached a new inflation paradigm. Everyone is waiting for the fed to cut rates but they won't. They alternate between printing and pause. When they pause it will be seen as " we've stopped inflation" just like we're now. Then it starts over again
In 20 years from now half the EU and half the US will have poor dying is the street while the SnP reach 125.000 basis point and we hear "bidenomics are great the country is great keep going".
Thisnis worse than a crash this is a crash to the upside.
Oh and also recently in France they stopped to analyze some "poor lvl" parameters. If a problem is not diagnosed it doesn't exist.

>> No.57714261

Im relying on my gut instincts and you are a top signal

>> No.57714265

>the SnP reach 125.000 basis point
lol my net worth will be $10 million then

>> No.57714275

Soooo what you're saying is... take profits this bull run, throw it all in stonks and I'll be good to go while the poorfags starve and the price of pussy falls? Sounds comfy

>> No.57714445

Short term? Yes.
Long term? Invest in off-the-grid living and guns.

>> No.57714978

and, simultaneously, it won’t have gone up at all.

>> No.57715420

Can you explain why this chart is relevant and why it's an indicator for upcoming chaos?

>> No.57715635
File: 1.02 MB, 1247x1419, seppuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I've actually been wanting to do that for a while but of course I need capital to do so.

I thought of moving states but I'm torn between Alaska and Montana. The former is more sparse and less likely to be caught up in continental happenings, but also more likely to be bombed to shit in international affairs. The latter is getting gentrified by gay Calicucks but still sparse, with easier climate, but still mainland Jewnited States. They both have kino permissive gun laws though.

What do you anons think?

>> No.57715653
File: 175 KB, 1280x717, tjtbdCFswI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ok listen bro you're thinking small you don't need to move states to invest in off-the-grid living and weapons at wcdonalds we are investing in our own off-the-grid state with guns and weapons we bought a huge plot next to the amazon rainforest it's like our own private jungle and we set rules for our own private army we have a whole army of giga-chads with huge biceps and huge guns living there waiting for ww3 to start

>> No.57716047

All the time?


>> No.57716052


>> No.57716058 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1280x832, b26c117438565b463027c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool crypto airdrop from MANTLEDAO


>> No.57716066
File: 127 KB, 1168x657, CmVZugs9cJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you kidding me

i would never be caught dead near a mcdonalds restaurant

as a giga chad i only consume the finest wcdonalds food our burgers are made with 100% pure grass-fed beef our fries are handmade and hand-cut our sodas are mixed with our secret recipe wcdonalds cola i don't even know what a burger king looks like

>> No.57716116

where you retarded enough to not realize if you bought in 2000 you had to wait 14 years to make gains? dumbass

>> No.57716296

shitalians and bog trotters unironically ruined the united states this is a bad sign.

>> No.57716411

you gon learn

>> No.57716418

you gon learn too

>> No.57716422

Ya except this time it's pajeets, central/south americans, and africans. it's going to be so much worse.

>> No.57716480 [DELETED] 

Sure, if you buy the 2000 top and never buy again. If you keep buying you will make gains.
You do understand that right? The concept of median price? People dont time the top perfectly will all their past present and future capital then never buy again. Do you want me to put it some other way that your monkey brain understands? Maybe paste this into ChatGPT and ask for a few different variations of this concept, maybe one of them will finally penetrate your thick neanderthal skull. You are the most retarded gorilla nigger I've ever interacted with, holy fucking shit.

>> No.57716489

>>57716116 #
Sure, if you buy the 2000 top and never buy again. If you keep buying you will make gains.
You do understand that right? The concept of average price? People dont time the top perfectly will all their past present and future capital then never buy again. Do you want me to put it some other way that your monkey brain understands? Maybe paste this into ChatGPT and ask for a few different variations of this concept, maybe one of them will finally penetrate your thick neanderthal skull. You are the most retarded gorilla nigger I've ever interacted with, holy fucking shit.

>> No.57716509

On the other hand, if you bought last Wednesday, you only had to wait one day to make gains.