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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57700470 No.57700470 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, can you recover from this? Asking for a friend haha...

>> No.57700477

If you're in a useless major then yes, go to trade school or get your CDL

>> No.57700484

Depends on how much crypto you have

>> No.57700671

If you already spent a lot of money then I wouldn’t. I’m doing fine personally though and dropped out, I strongly believe college is not worth the money or work spent and you can in 99% of cases achieve the same or similar positions as the one you wanted with just experience instead. Employers generally are more than happy to buy the same service for cheaper.

>> No.57700678
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Go to trade school, you wont regret it

>> No.57703238

What are/were you studying in uni

>> No.57705014


College is absolutely worthless. If you really must learn anything there, just go to classes without paying. Anything else you're really better off online learning specific skills.

>> No.57705230

>Step 1: only apply to small poorly ran companies
>Step 2: lie well

>> No.57705277

Don't do this idiot. 1 post by this id
You didn't give us any supporting reason so I'm guessing based on your sad wojak that the reason is life is hard and math hurts your brain.
>bro just give it up and go learn to pump septic tanks lol
Suicide with an order of fries, guaranteed.
Just fucking finish your degree and if you want to go pursue some gay retard side quest afterwards, do it with the knowledge that when you get tired of it you're not a loser HS diploma applicant for easy jobs.
Guess what else. The average person is not a galaxy brain IQ chad, the average person is average, and education actually makes you smarter. Don't hit me with some genetics shit, it's absolutely true and it really shows as you go through life.

>> No.57705339

helps if there are government schemes to get you a job aswell

>> No.57705364

a meme degree
ive thought about it but honestly a lot of the tradies i know are kind of fucked up physically
sold BTC at 50k - im tethered at 7k now

>> No.57705470

bre careful if you get advise here. Most here dangle with crypto, and that can be a puzle on its own. eesee will release soon, and there you can raffle to buy son nfts cheaper, try to flip its value somewhere else and if everything fails raffle them back for full price.

>> No.57705491
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That's no exactly how its supposed to work dude, I mean, in spirit yes, but not quite. Please get your info straight....

>> No.57706398
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Better learn how to use truflation and other data indexes and get trading crapto/stocks. Better buy some zoomer e-influencer courses on how to trade as well, pic related.

>> No.57706430

Unironically do courses from reputable sources and pay for your paper after completing it. Also don't do anything compsci related.

>> No.57706432
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Also buy a rope and a little bag of cocaine. Start with small doses. The rope will come in handy if things go a bit wrong.

>> No.57706440
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what if i dont wanna die by 30? got any other reccomendation?

>> No.57706441

these courses do nothing but keep you poor. it's not good for them to lose clientele by their own hand.

>> No.57706450

die at 31

>> No.57706453

Plenty of meme degrees out there. What was it faggot you can tell us you are anonymous here. We can give you a list of other degrees or stuff you can study that may or may not pay well, adjacent to whatever you were studying in the first place. Trust me when I tell you all degrees, even meme degrees, can be useful if you get into a good niche.

>> No.57706454

i started doing this shy of 7 years ago and look at me now. still poor and in a constant negative loop of winning/losing money associating my dopamine circulation with pain and anxiety.

>> No.57706467

80% of zoomers can't recover from it, It's unironically over for you anon