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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 1383x929, pricetoincome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57698540 No.57698540 [Reply] [Original]

USA has one of the most affordable housing prices in the world
Thoughts? Discuss. Go!

>> No.57698579

USA also has the weakest, the most whiny and pampered population in the world.

>> No.57698608

I have a house in the suburbs and just stack acreage in the mountains. Pretty comfy. Getting a beach house soon for the wife though which will be pretty expensive

>> No.57698617

>that green
>Syria is the worst place on earth
What a retarded ass glownigger chart. This map looks like you asked Anthony Blinken to draw his favorite countries on MS paint lmao

>> No.57698649

How are you so easily offended by reality?

>> No.57698715
File: 679 KB, 960x723, 1700913183408315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm canadian, a top 10% earner here, and don't qualify for a mortgage. If we're that green, then all this map tells me is that private property ownership is completely and utterly dead everywhere. We have a housing crisis that is formally and openly accepted by every member of society, including every member of parliament. Now take your (you) concern trolling twitter nafo troon

>> No.57698740

They're almost certainly using some very misleading way of calculating price and income. Also the colour scale is extremely vague

>> No.57698776

People in China and South East Asia are absolutely fucked in terms of affording to buy apartments right now. You are a sheltered human bean.
The China housing bubble is not just a tiktok meme

>> No.57698785

Now do one for homelessness and explain why the US is so high despite your fake and gay chart.

>> No.57698795
File: 854 KB, 2560x1351, Homeless_population_of_10_000_Inhabitants_2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to use search engines

>> No.57698804

Nobody is defending China dipshit. It's not exactly a mystery that Canada's housing situation is fucked, your whataboutism and using the paint tool with green colors doesn't change that

>> No.57698811

Search engines are state enforced homosexuality. Also, you're showing off your highly melinated skin by only reading part of my post before replying.

>> No.57698834

>Bro just buy a run down shack in rural Montana!

>> No.57698846

I'm just bringing you simple #TRUTH, #REALITY and #FACTS. Don't blame me that it differs from the worldview that you've constructed through too many hours of being in info bubbles, like this site. You need to stop being a tranny, admit you might be wrong and remedy your views.

>> No.57698857
File: 303 KB, 1221x546, wv property address removed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not cuckold

your expectations are not reality

>> No.57698861

>Rural Montana
That'll be $300k minimum. If you want actual cheap you need to look in the rust belt and the south (but not near the water or any areas that remain majority white). Everything West of the Mississippi is instantly eliminated because the cheapest areas are full of meth addicts

>> No.57698863

If you're including $20k uninhabitable crack shacks located in niggertown, of course it's going to drive the average down.

>> No.57698870
File: 14 KB, 512x512, zv0jvn7b67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not cuckold when expectations are not a reality the answer to that question would be quite apparent to those of a certain mindset perhaps the reality of today is that cuckold would no longer be considered a thing of myth but a norm a social rule or a rite of passage perhaps in this day and age cuckold is not just an option but a necessity after all you don't want to be seen as a freak right

>> No.57698871

there is plenty of cheap land and homes in the rust belt like you said, that isn't by negros, etc

but most people don't have the willpower to do something positive with their lives, they like the bing bing wahoo lifestyle

>> No.57698877
File: 19 KB, 592x460, 1708349046766507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is 90% constant gaslighting operations about the dogshit economy, usually with some mockery or condescension.

>> No.57698891
File: 123 KB, 512x512, Qxsnj4DXTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen if i may say a few words on these comments on 4chan about
>land prices
or whatever in my opinion a person is not defined by these silly buzzwords this whole idea of having a giant cock is a total myth i think the real measure of a man is the amount of honey badger erc tokens they own because these tokens allow me to do whatever i want like your wife who i can buy the most glorious hookers with

>> No.57699175

There's no way that brazil statistic is correct

>> No.57699189

let me guess
they used a mean average instead of harmonic average

>> No.57699222
File: 80 KB, 1269x425, info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely no need to guess. The info is right there in the link I provided.
Let me give you some hints. Every method is going to be criticised. There is no best method to calculate things like this. Also, the data used is most definitely shitty. There is no single organization to collect all these datapoints equally from all these countries. The data is put together from different local organizations.
Slightly off data is still better than gutfeel and emotional thoughts from people who almost never leave their country.

>> No.57699513

They use sq meter-price, so the median homeprice adjusted for average income could yield a very different map.
But in general, most of the world population growth take place outside of the west, this induce a shortage of housing and drive up prices, this is especially the case in larger cities bc of urbanization and lack of space for new constructions.