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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57694743 No.57694743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The thread.

Are we hitting 25 million in next 24 hours? Probably not but let’s dream. Every time it’s due for correction it just gets higher, no one except bots and the few swingies selling, paperhands and sideliners will miss out.

Congrats to those with 10m+ bags, once worth a few hundreds bucks now can buy a shitty car, biz holds a significant portion of the top wallets. Join your friends.

>> No.57694781

i should've bought this. oh well. no use buying now. id be buying the top. enjoy your gains starfox bros. i'd be better off putting my money in KeenisWeenis where i already am.

>> No.57694800

I bought more kenis today

>> No.57694817

Kenis has a higher MC and also is at an ATH

I’m an AVI/KNS God. AVI has bigger potential, telling you now.

>> No.57694829


>> No.57694857

Bridge, connections, air tight auditing and godtier tokenomics. Burns are insane, KNS has had low tier marketing already paid for however AVI is doing 0 marketing outside of what you’re seeing discussed about it on Twitter/4chan/other channels, no paid marketing at all, they’re waiting for perfect 100/100 grade products to be released before they dedicate funds towards any kind of marketing.

>> No.57695108

Stop dodging my filter. Yes I’m angry filtering AVI And no I won’t fucking buy your bags. I don’t give a fuck if this goes to 100b mcap and my $100 could be tens of thousands. It’s already pumped and I won’t fucking buy. fuck every single one of you. I hate biz and I hate AVI KNS and all you faggots who didn’t shill it when it was low MC. rot

>> No.57695136

Kenis doesn't have marketing yet, that ad on /biz/ was just from someone on the unofficial telegram. Obviously I love what Avi is doing too.

>> No.57695135
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We did. Check the archives. You had months anon.

>> No.57695145
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You have time for both. And I posted about AVI in December my friend.

>> No.57695149

Oh I’m mistaken then, I heard he was working with the team.

Still I think AVI/KNS will be the make it coins in 2024/5.

>> No.57695165

I seriously hope you're trolling because you just exposed yourself as a newfag, avi was talked about for months. Even I managed to get a small bag and I don't come here often.

>> No.57695169
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>avi has poten-ACK!
>Bridge, connecti-ACK!

You will NEVER be a real canine coin

>> No.57695181

What does kenis do? I'm interested and what's a sui/make bag

>> No.57695256

>Lucky Inu baggie talking shit to anyone
Kek baggie

>> No.57695292
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i should've paid attention, should've bought as well, oh well doesn't matter anymore, is just a matter of time before the new shitty coin arrives, meanwhile ill be getting my 5x on $SUPER

>> No.57695329
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my 2 eth is now 6 figures

>> No.57695339

i hrew $150 for 1milly AVI in august last year. Happy to have made good decision, sad that i didnt put more in. Buying more next paycheck

>> No.57695556

This was originally shilled in the $300k-$500k mcap range last summer. Remember the toad shill days last year? Yea, avi was being talked about back then as well. The threads taking about the trademarks got shat on constantly.

>> No.57695618

>the toad shill days
some of those faggots became schizophrenically obsessed with shitting up any mention of avi until toad finally omega-rugged, so i can understand why some anons mightve steered clear for so long
add it to the long list of reasons to hate that fucking kike shytoshi

>> No.57695630
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Ok I bought back in, you can dump on me now

>> No.57695633
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Beach fox

>> No.57695656

he reminds me of galaga cabinets and money

>> No.57695664
File: 102 KB, 498x281, 84844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, BOBO, are you okay?
Are you okay, BOBO?
BOBO, are you okay?

Will you tell us that you're okay?
There's a sign on the chart
That he struck you - a green candle, BOBO
He came into your apartment
He left the piss stains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down

So, BOBO, are you okay?
Are you okay, BOBO?
BOBO, are you okay?

You've been hit by
You've been hit by a smooth Fox

>> No.57695677
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Doesn't look like TOAD killer is killing anything anytime soon. Some guys bought trillions I feel sorry

>> No.57695684
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>Didn't shill it when it was low MC.
How fucking newfag can you be?

>> No.57695703

pay attention to the 2nd layer coins, otherwise everything is a waste of money.

>> No.57695722

my brother in Christ, we are not in a position to answer this question.

>> No.57695728

it's possible, since I made an x10 with avax I believe in anything.

>> No.57695730
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>people still don't understand what AVI is
Stay poor

>> No.57695757

its still so early, its only like 13m mcap lol

>> No.57695795
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>2m stacklet
>relatively new cuckbase account
>raised my limit to 1 thousand, already bought AVI with it
>cant buy anymore


>> No.57695856

>still have all of my 7m stack
>haven't sold a cent
if only you knew how comfy things really are

>> No.57695883

I never thought I would read a worse financial decision

>> No.57695983

Are there any platforms that aren't Jewed in fees?

>> No.57696027

Just bought more ;)

>> No.57696067

Have we established the make it and suicide stacks?

>> No.57696101

I think it’s 1m sui 10m make it

>> No.57696412
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5.1m bag, this means i will hang myself but not die i guess then...

>> No.57696456

lots of biggish sells

>> No.57696469

Slurp time

>> No.57696504

guys i bought recently will everything be ok? Im high and stressed

>> No.57696541

its correcting from a huge pumping its fine

>> No.57696562

truthfully it will recorrect itself to 7-8m by Sunday

>> No.57696589
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>> No.57696607
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/biz/ had 6 months to buy this. There are people, on this board, who heard that we have Shib devs on the team and they STILL didn't invest. We have been pumping non stop with no retrace, even during a down market, and they STILL didn't invest. There are people, on /biz/, who bought other coins, coins without Shib members, thinking they would be the next Shib

>> No.57696628

I bought avi two days ago. I really fucking wish I would have taken my money out of Spyro earlier so I could have bought a sui stack. Fuck.

>> No.57696647
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Enzo is the big sell, he does this literally every time there's a pump that tops out. Relax. This shit just pumped like a nigger and there's still all the product launches, advertising, etc coming.

>> No.57696676
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comfy hold, see you at 10b

>> No.57696686
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also stixil announced they have a date and documentation for hacken, you are not bullish enough anon

>> No.57697149


>> No.57697253

kek, we've been shilling this nonstop for months. all you fags saw the logo and assumed it was another meme coin and never paid attention. if you think this is the top, you are legit retarded.

>> No.57697269

delusional. you will wait for a dip that never comes and end up fomoing in at twice the market cap it is now.

>> No.57697395
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>avi devs at work

>> No.57697421

It’s over

>> No.57697424
File: 82 KB, 1280x1254, IMG_20240220_094513_801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Ricardo memes in tg basically guarantees these devs are not zoomer faggots

>> No.57697788

Is AVI still unable to dip?

>> No.57697916

Serious question from outsider

Is this a shib project? If yes why is this project increasing while toad is just crabbing

>> No.57698001

No, it was founded by a member of the ex-defense team after they got kicked out because they called out shytoshi's grifting ass. Basically the OGs that made shib what it was before that cuck took over.
t. Stixil is the project manager, UB designed the whitepaper, cryptosaur is one of the mods

>> No.57699032

Bots. They will buy back in and do the same thing. Nothing new here

>> No.57699036
File: 210 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240130_135232_988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some small dip now. Better slurp while you can and hodl the shit out of your small moonbags.

>> No.57699107

Feels good to own the Official 2024 /biz/ Make It Coin. The /biz/ IQ test. The coin that does not dip

>> No.57699110

Bots will sell and buy back in just to repeat the process. As long as retards don’t mass panic sell, we should be fine

>> No.57699910

Whoever is still on the sidelines and thinking "it doesnt pump anymore, i doubt it will again" - it will. Again. And again. All bullrun long.
Just saying. Wagmi but fudders won't.
Have a nice weekend avibros!

>> No.57699926

none of these posts are organic, jannies should have kept banning this scam like they did months ago

>> No.57699956

Are posts more organic if they include random racial and homophobic slurs? Idk bro. But yeah, pumphype over, we'll come back laughing at you later. Retard.

>> No.57699966

very cool ranjeet, false FOMO for a coin that has zero utility

>> No.57699970

I’m up 30x since the threads Jannies were banning months ago. My sell target is 1000x from here. Stay poor faggot

>> No.57699984

>bragging about up X percent on a street shitting coin
very cool rankeesh, glad you’re making your 300 rulpees back

>> No.57699986

oh, you’re one of those retards that saw the logo and thought it was another meme coin. Kek. You will fomo in eventually. If you can show me another coin with a more lucrative utility I will buy it, but I know you can’t.

>> No.57699997

>false utility
yep, street defilers

>> No.57700145

My AVI stays wavy sisters. I do not give a single HECK about the fact that we are at 16 mil mcap. Almost all coins in top 100 are at 1 b mcap and BTC didn't even went through the halvening yet. When everything is 5-20 b mcaps that's when AVI will reach 1-2 b mcap during the new paradigm and I will be a fucking millionaire SCREEN CAP THIS REEEE

>> No.57700170

>pajeet can’t into grammar
top zoz

>> No.57700699

Good morning Matt

>> No.57700714

gm rankeesh, buy an ad for your scam. you and your village can afford 4chans ads, even with your rupees

>> No.57700779
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Just happy you're back, hold the line and shake out some paper handed jeets so we can accumulate a bit more before the next giga pump