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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57692409 No.57692409 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57692476
File: 19 KB, 666x344, 812384781237891234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're so fucking back USD to JP expat bros.. we can finally buy japanese pokemon cards at 2/3rds the price as actual nippongaijen and everything else while we visit. wait, we don't even have to visit! we're so fucking back USD bros

>> No.57692489

Why is Japan so advanced

>> No.57692497
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>enter recession
>new stock market highs!
This must be how an employee that gets laid off feels when they see the company price go up 10% afterward. Except for an entire country.

>> No.57692518

Are there really pakis in Japan?

>> No.57692562



I was just in tokyo all week. 0 pakis. occasional random white guy/girl but rare

>> No.57692604

No wonder it's still a functioning country. Shame about lardmurrica.

>> No.57692639

I can fix her.

>> No.57692676

We're so back

>> No.57692682

sirs, how do i buy tokenized nikkei from benance

>> No.57692705
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>> No.57692709

I lived in Tokyo for 2 years. They exist, but you only see them in convenient stores or curry restaurants lol.

>> No.57692736

>fix her
she's perfect already tho? well i think she would enjoy malt liquor so i'd introduce her to that alongside bwc.

>> No.57692744

the fuck happened with india?

>> No.57692762
File: 36 KB, 610x305, qK1MVmgJNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that chick is a solid 4 maybe a mid 5 at best no wonder why you are on 4chan you have literally no game lmfao it's over for you she's probably like 6'2 too have fun being a beta orbiter simp she's def cucking you with bbc

>> No.57692767

its an african tier shithole?

>> No.57692785

State sponsored propoganda

>> No.57692787


women like this are literally not even human anymore. i saw a few of these chicks in seedy shinjuku bars, literally passed out on the countertops at 1am completely unaware of people coming into and out of the bars or talking next to them. it was sad. they probably have severe mental issues

>> No.57692794
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its funny i remember when biz wasn't full of retarded normies you could find actual good alpha here from people who were willing to share for free

it makes me sick to see this thread how the board has fallen and with it the quality of users back in the day people would only be talking about the next huge moonshot like $anon or chainlink but now its full of shitty ai bots and people who talk about 'game' as a former senior elite member of the /biz/ discord group i can assure you $anon is not a shithole

>> No.57692800

Canada is #3? But everyone on 4chan tells me Canada is shit

>> No.57692808

how much do you lose in currency?

>> No.57692819

buy an ad you unfunny loser.
Nobody wants to hear about your scam project.

>> No.57692824

That girls liver has to be messed up

>> No.57692829

Best not to believe your lying eyes

>> No.57692839
File: 242 KB, 1280x1134, Rr14vKkEtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're losing in usd you're a dumbass the usd is going to zero that's the only way to fight the federal reserve and $anon is the only way out of this the currency collapse is coming any day now and only $anon can save you don't be stuck holding the bags when the fed prints you into oblivion the only way to survive this is to invest in $anon

>> No.57692849
File: 15 KB, 220x220, IMG_7862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article on japan
>pic includes a brown creature prominently in the foreground

>> No.57692863
File: 14 KB, 466x304, 611ICHgcZeL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the people who complain about Canada are losers IRL, and the data shows that. There is a ton of financial opportunity here if you work hard.

>> No.57692894

Yep. Canada is great for us bootstrappers no free rides here ;)

>> No.57693013
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Canada is fairly low in actual disposable income
probably because of high living costs

>> No.57693033

Just get a second job instead of whining and making excuses

>> No.57693535

Financial markets are forward looking.