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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57692077 No.57692077 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't washed or changed my clothes in 2 weeks and my crotch area started to smell like cheese. Is there any way I could capitalize on this ?

>> No.57692101

Becareful I got jock itch last time

>> No.57692260

if you live in europe you could go for getting fired for being disgusting and unhygeniec. then you can go on goverment bennies.

>> No.57692328

How the fuck would a ringworm get to my crotch ? From where ?

>> No.57692345

I actually am from Europe, but never in my life did I get anything from the government and never will.

>> No.57692377

Sounds like you have a fungal infection, probably candida
You should be taking activated charcoal

>> No.57692428

I'm changing my clothes daily and wash myself twice every day (shower in the morning and shower at noon).
After every Piss I also wash my Penis in the Sink.
Woman often compliment me how clean I am.

>> No.57692684

open an online shop selling your "smell" full of hormones in bottles with a photo dedication of an handsome 9/10 shirtless chad smiling on them.

>> No.57692717
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is a psyop. Eat better and you don't need the shower jew
Watch (((health))) influencers seethe over this post

>> No.57692739

That's not a bad idea actually

>> No.57692753

That actually might be true if you lived in nature, in the forest. But when you rott in a apartment not so much.

>> No.57692765

I'll apply some calendula cream

>> No.57692770

I showered today, it was 2 months

>> No.57692789
File: 91 KB, 998x576, purify yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comb your hair in the rain water of lake Minnetonka. Unironically

>> No.57694505
File: 24 KB, 579x529, Pepe Whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling used pantsu.

>> No.57695163
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4 weeks ol semen? how the fuck would you? only rango could find a way to convert that disgusting piece you got into profitable shit.

>> No.57696794
File: 65 KB, 680x680, bloomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wash your fuckin benis bucko

>> No.57696858

>be in military
>got about 50 guys under me
>couple women start complaining to me that one guy fucking reeks during maintenance
>kinda shrug it off because we're in the south china sea and it's 140F in some work areas
>soon a couple guys that sleep by him come to me too
>can't believe I actually have to do this counseling
>call the guy into my office
>got my boss and the guy below me all to counsel this dude
>literally have to take him to the shower, make the lower guy watch him
>he showers like a normal person
>next day get the same complaints
>sun has barely risen so no fucking way he could even stink yet
>call him back in
>have to do a health inspection on his personal shit with a fucking commander
>turns out dude hasn't done laundry for 3 fucking months because he was too shy/autistic to ask how
>he just kept putting his nasty shit back on
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking shower you pig everyone can smell you

>> No.57697345

Kek. Based autist. But no one can smell me, I haven't left the house, I would wash if I did.

>> No.57698483
File: 206 KB, 602x516, 1669283712565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sell some of your hair if you have it too long, I did that to save a little on my first SPX bag, and I also sold some pokemon cards