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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 336 KB, 1170x1141, IMG_3831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57672742 No.57672742 [Reply] [Original]

Linu bros, I’m thinking we’re back!

>> No.57673145

Someone got cheapies

>> No.57673209

Lmaoing at the /biz/ paperhands that sold.

>> No.57673242

>Linu bros, I’m thinking we’re back!

Abu trying to shill a dead, pumped used up coin like he's whoring his mother. You'll never feed your village Abu.

>> No.57673292

I'm not the OP, retard lmao

>> No.57673303

What happened to Lucky homies?
My LINU bags are swollen and I want to diversify

>> No.57673323

good morning sir

>> No.57673380

I for one slurpped that tasty dip homie

>> No.57673626
File: 396 KB, 488x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU holders panic dumped LUCKY.
We don't hold it against you homies.
We are all LUCKY.

>> No.57674078 [DELETED] 

man you guys really are so pathetic.
One dog hits hard times and the other two jump on it like a dog in heat.
So fucking bullish for LINU and bearish for yours.

>> No.57674405
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What's wrong with diversity anon, you DO respect dogs of color don't you?

>> No.57674932 [DELETED] 

You can hold whatever you want, I just found it very telling how HOKK and Lucky holders were so quick to shit all over LINU on the news.
Most people holding LINU didn't do that to you, actually we didn't even know what happened to you.

>> No.57675045
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who is this wallet

>> No.57675068 [DELETED] 

holy shit uniswap is buying? based. They know about the moon mission.

>> No.57675077

Literally no one from HOKK shat on Linu

>> No.57675365

Were back homies x5 after cex listing

>> No.57675403

Why on earth are you fags still lying? I was there 2 days after LINU started. I was there when you fucks were in every LINU thread, shilling hokk and calling LINU a dumb scam. Then you changed it to the cerberus narrative. Its all good just stop fucking lying

>> No.57675747

Why on earth are you fags still lying? I was there 20 days after LINU started. I was there when you fucks were in every LINU thread, shilling hokk and calling LINU a dumb scam. Then you changed it to the cerberus narrative. Its all good just stop fucking lying

>> No.57675981

>Stop recovering!!!
>Its not allowed to recover!!!!
>Its dead guys, I told you it was dead
>I spend 14 hours a day fudding

LINU is resilient, lasting longer than other shit meme coins shilled here
Survived 3 dumps, whales still holding and accumulating
Feels good homies

>> No.57676010

LINU is love, LINU is live homeboy

>> No.57676242

WAGMI homies. unironically.

>> No.57676297
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I see someone likes our memes

Good taste

>> No.57676302

>I was there 2 days after LINU started
HOKK wasn't even a thing until a month from Linu starting, so how is it even possible HOKK was there shitting on Linu?
You really need to stop bullshitting everyone, my dude

>> No.57676315
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>Then you changed it to the cerberus narrative.
Cerberus narrative wasn't even a thing that came from HOKK, that was both Lucky and Linu wanting to make a collab which HOKK's community disagreed with because they wanted to remain independent
Which seems like it was a good choice, considering whats been happening lately

HOKK never fudded
HOKK never lied
HOKK has been helping avoid Linu paying dextools to save cash for CEXs
HOKK has kept itself away from shitting on other's thread

That's despite our tg getting nuked. That's despite lyers accusing us of PnDs, and posting CP on our mainchat. That's despite all the lies.

Simply as. 4chan archieves prove it.

>> No.57676316

>77% volume loss
ITS OVER aka cex listing is through

>> No.57676326

okay anon literally none of these things are true. now kindly fuck off with your dead fucking project.

>> No.57676352
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Nobody shit on LINU you retard >>57673303 asked what happened to LUCKY. Go look at the transaction history.

We love all of /biz/'s dog coins equally.

>> No.57676357
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Its literally in your old tg, my guy

>> No.57676838

>the lucky and hokk lads are already on board

>> No.57677191

You can ask Kryptocircus, don't go around throwing lies that HOKK came up with the Cerberus narrative
He himself said it in the old tg, but seems all his messages were removed there by the same guy that took the funds

>> No.57677563

Why on earth are you fags still lying? I was there 200 days after LINU started. I was there when you fucks were in every LINU thread, shilling hokk and calling LINU a dumb scam. Then you changed it to the cerberus narrative. Its all good just stop fucking lying

>> No.57677617

Imagine being in eth right now while it corrects 10 or 16% and the literal brink of alt season is right around the corner.
Post your linu bags baggies
3t chad here

>> No.57677632

250B baglet

>> No.57677666

>Then you changed it to the cerberus narrative. Its all good just stop fucking lying
This shit is exhausting.
You want the actual truth?

Kryptocircus invited Lucky Dev and HOKK team to unite forces under the umbrella of dog house, ensuring all projects had enough liquidity and co-operated while remaining independent.
Lucky was in. Hokk's team was in, but HOKK's community wasn't. Kryptocircus said so himself in the mainchat that HOKK's community did not want to collab.

You like Linu more than HOKK? Cool, but at least don't go around accusing us of shit we have not done. If you dont believe me, ask Lucky and Kryptocircus. If they are honest people they will tell you the truth.

>> No.57678045


>> No.57678406 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_20240220_193312_607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Satan.
>the hokk community didnt want it
Makes sense.
Its a waste of time and effort to fud hokk. All three dogs deserve a chance. Two of them were robbed of that chance and the biggest one was actually robbed.

>> No.57679238

kys jeet

>> No.57679527

Back status: Confirmed

>> No.57680926
File: 1.45 MB, 320x229, NeverHaveEnough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back !

>> No.57680971

Back until whoever injected volume into the lp decides they want to pull their money and start again after people sell.

>> No.57681172

I don't recall any of the garbage you nigger faggots are talking here and seriously don't give a fuck kek, you're too retarded for picking this and not eesee instead

>> No.57681178

your raffle bullshit is as bad as this, cope

>> No.57681180

>$2,746,412 marketcap
Thats already pumped and dumped while Migrant Inu is only at 37k

>> No.57681187

Holy fucking kek the prophecy has been fulfilled

>> No.57681190

Do you like sucking little kid's cock?

>> No.57681192

Sir this is the top, capitulation is coming and you will be left out

>> No.57681197
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Obviously you don't, you're a nigger and this is not for niggers

>> No.57681383

Important update!!!

CEX listings coming. Stand by for massive buys from CEX companies. Just checked listingspy.

>> No.57681401

Demon checked. Idk if red flag or not.

>> No.57681492

This is FUD and jewish

>> No.57683811

the dog had a good day

>> No.57683814

all the retards at beoble and twitter told me to get there, do you think i can make it in time?

>> No.57683945

Ok but for real, who is that?

>> No.57684118
File: 136 KB, 1161x599, LINU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We're back" is now the same as the previous dump's bottom

Holy kek.

>> No.57684135

Exit liquidity

>> No.57684189
File: 107 KB, 1024x819, 1708560796056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek all the way back to... Lower than the dump still whoever is farming you tards for eth must be gooning to the thought of their next dump on you baggies

>> No.57685988

Slow day today huh?

>> No.57687056 [DELETED] 

lmao baggies

>> No.57687256

not falling for this shit again. threw whatever i could salvage from last time into btc, waiting for $ese to drop so i can x5 from a nice ido like good ol times. fuck you all.

>> No.57687276
File: 71 KB, 720x887, ALj0eguhhI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the op is a newfriend normie retard who doesn't know how to take the next bull market to the moon with anonymouserc this is the bull market where q-tards from 4chan and facebook are coming to us we are pumping on twitter and other social media and anon is coming back but not for this normie retard q told me an anon hacker that this bull market is the final one where we can make our money and then disappear from earth to never be seen again while the normie q cultists baghold for life

>> No.57687484

We unironically are and we are all going to make it.
>whales not selling
>withstanding 5 weeks of fud and copycats
>community multisig created
>digits all around
Easiest hold of my life homies

>> No.57687508

>community multisig created
So which fork of the community created this? I fell asleep during yesterdays episode so I don't quite follow the plot.

>> No.57687546

Alright see you guys when we drop a zero downwards. Its pathetic the panic dump coildnt even recover more than 50 percent

>> No.57687666

Meh I just slurped the bottom kek

>> No.57688071


>> No.57688080

zoom out.

>> No.57688142
File: 35 KB, 600x600, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any plans on reducing the supply for this shit?

>> No.57688177

Buying it all

>> No.57688194

>Red ID
>Satan digits
Damn, Lucie. Checked.

>> No.57688212

LINU holders are unironically all gonna make it. Remember: the devil has GOAT legs.

>> No.57689367

>Those digits

Lord have mercy

>> No.57689416

Any news about the new TG and listing? Some anon was saying that some token sniffer sites are saying that were gonna get listed on Gate.IO or something soon on top of an exchange and that they're already accumulating LINU.

>> No.57689507

I command you to buy some LINU

>> No.57689535

I bought at the recent bottom and sold at the recent top. I'm both the wicks.
Let that sink in, LINU baggies.

>> No.57689595

Idgaf about your story, just buy more LINU

>> No.57689851
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>> No.57689899

...I would its just so fucking ugly.

>> No.57689924
File: 218 KB, 512x512, lucky_pup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really going to call him ugly?

>> No.57689945

Yes. LINU has always been the cutest of the dogs.

>> No.57689994

Was this thing outed as a scam yesterday?
Has it been debunked?
Holders still holding?

>> No.57690048
File: 78 KB, 405x720, i_kneel_with_bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furfags, I kneel

>> No.57690099

The thing was, the coin DID NOT rug as it cannot rug due to it having no devs and shit, it was an apparent asshole that made a project OUTSIDE of the chain that "rugged" but even then there is no full evidence except people that were supposed in the TG saying he did it. The panic selling WERE from people hearing the new and panic selling. The new narrative is some guy is apparently going to pay for the listings now himself cause it be that way and a deleted thread last night, an anon mentions that he saw it on a token sniffer website that LINU was going to be listed in a CEX after the will they won't they debacle from the time of the guy stealing the CEX listing funds. To prevent somebody from stealing the funds, the new people in the new TG apparently made a new multi sig wallet finally cause if the stories were true, they trusted the guy before so much, they didn't make a multisig wallet and just trusted him not to run with the $8000 which again if the story is to be believed, he did run away with a measly $8000 and put it into a wallet that has $2,500,000 in value. But the known facts are, during the panic, the lowest we went down was like 30% something and that big whales never moved. And that's all I currently know, this is why I'm asking what's the new updates cause I personally refuse to install Telegram which needs a phone number and I refuse to get an internet Whats app number as well since I still do need to register it with a real name.

>> No.57690120

Nah just an asshole admin stealing the money from the NFT fundraiser. They set up a multisig wallet for marketing funds and shit so nobody steals again. They made it public as well so you can see whats happening. I think the fags are actually trying to make it work

>> No.57690446

Why did kryptocircus say that he sold all his linu after delivering they news about the nft funds being stolen and then make a whole new TG to continue the project? Why would you want to spearhead a project that you no longer have a stake in? Why did multiple others say to sell at this same time? And here we are a couple days later with the price coming back up?

>> No.57690503

because it was an inside jump to get anywhere from a 60-80% dump from the price so they could double up buying the bottom.
multiple people said it in the TG and i wish i screenshotted it.
the faster anons find out this is a scam ran by like 8 collective faggots the better

>> No.57690543

Oh did he?

>> No.57690565

>the faster anons find out this is a scam ran by like 8 collective faggots the better
More like they know the potential of this and they literally did it as a psyop to shake out /biz/tards which worked lmao. Now they managed to position themselves a lot better for the CEX listing which unironically will make this meme coin do at least a x100 before they start selling off shit.

>> No.57690585

Why are you still here, linu is done for this cycle. I sold my stack and bridge remaining eth to base. There are better opportunities there. I have mochi and circle and I'm sure Coinbase will push their own chain to normies. My advice is to look for gems on base (new BNB casino).

>> No.57690587

this will forever be a swingie coin like it or not
name one 'community' coin that is on a well known top 10 CEX that is ran by a 'community' and not an actual team of marketing, development etc.
i'll be waiting.

>> No.57690622


Grasping at straws

>> No.57690671

Well doesn't matter if I can swing upwards lmao. It's all about making money, you don't really time it, you just sell when it swings up, and buy when it swings down.

Might be straws, might be copium but whatever if it makes me money, it makes me money.

>> No.57690779

Because all those fags are in on it. The Twitter fags that posted
>get out now
>no longer holding LINU
Are lying prices of shit that are in on the gay op of shakin out biztards. Personally I don’t care about those fags and their daily fagtivities. All I care about is LINU making money. So far so good.

>> No.57690789

Luckily I had just got home and I dumped right then and there. Only made a 2.5k profit but after putting the pieces together I realized they're just gonna keep psyoping us and run more shenanigans so I didn't buy back in at the bottom. I moved my profits elsewhere. Now there's a bunch of peoole in the new TG that weren't active in the old one. Kryptocircus said he moved all the active members from the old TG to the new one but for some reason a bunch of strangers are bow active in the new one.

>> No.57690811

>a bunch of strangers are bow active in the new one.
Anon...we're all 'strangers'

>> No.57690879

Behead Linufags. I should seriously start gooning this g-dforsaken board for pump and dumps.

>> No.57690886

>All I care about is LINU making money
And this is why I want the CEX listing to actually happen. A lot of the retards in these threads are looking for a feel good story about making it. Me I just want to make it regardless of a fucking feel good narrative. Serious, what's not good about just straight up making cold hard cash. If these faggots in the tg does get us to 5B Mcap, whatever bullshit cutthroat thing they did to /biz/tards should be forgiven. It's the retard's fault they got shaken out by somebody just that something got stolen without any concrete proof. The chain did no rug, at the most it's a rogue person and the more plausible theory as the days go by is that it was a shakeout psyops.

I dunno man, I just held I literally threw $100 on this shit and again if they do pull through and even get us to 5b Mcap with whatever dirty tricks they're doing, it's a net positive for us. Making REAL money has always been dirty, it's a wagie cope when they say they want to make money the "right" way, yeah that's literally what wagies will say till the day they die and wonder why they never made it and see that asshole in their school or something back in the day is now rich banging a 10/10 blonde.

>> No.57690906

Kek I really want this to moon and I believe it may. Ive taken out my initial and will ride a sui stack until the very end. If this is all act 4 of an elaborate gigascam I aint even mad, this whole thing was pure KINO so far. If the fuddies ITT arent fuddies but telling the truth, the plot has been crazy. If LINU just moons it will add to the story how crazy the fud was. I am happy either way and will always stay a winner

>> No.57690985

Do you understand the point I'm trying to make or would you like to continue arguing semantics? If I change the word "strangers" to "users that were not active in the old TG" will that work? Especially when you consider the only people that even knew about the new TG should have only been those that were active in the old.

>> No.57691055

Crypto is piracy in the matrix. Not gonna lie hanging with the homies is comfy. Watching all the fud for lolz is cozy. Like another anon said this telenovela tier drama and it’s actually entertaining. I hold Avi it’s promising and a good hold but LINU is like a beavis and butthead do America acid trip montage anon it’s fucking kino. Tg dramafags Kek. Call center curry homie fud Kek. Ecc swing trades Kek and whatever else it’s a total shit show and I love it homies. Holding to moon or dust.

>> No.57691156

Based Telenovela enjoyer. WAGMI homies! Entertainment or Millions

>> No.57691211

This. Been a fun ride so far. Comfy hold considering all the drama. Hoping these fags make me rich kek

>> No.57691216

Yeah lmao, also it's not like this is the only thing I hold. Been throwing stuff here and there hoping something moonshots and make me enough money to invest in BTC and Etherium properly.

>> No.57691343

The nigger who scammed them for the NFT money 'spaced' owns both #3 and #5 LINU wallets
Admin said it too. BIG if true lmao

>> No.57691351
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>Verification not required.

>> No.57691430

The nigger who scammed them for the NFT money 'spaced' owns both #1 and #2 LINU wallets
Admin said it too. BIG if true lmao

>> No.57691448

Well apparently a user just donated 10 grand to some admin in the TG group lets see if they scam with it or put it towards something useful lol

>> No.57691511

That is hilarious.

>> No.57691527

Isn't that from the other day cause the guy was like "I'll do it myself" After the rug or was that Space pretending to be a different person to push the narrative. Normies won't really care what's happening behind the curtains, all the want to see is some feel good story.

>> No.57691763



>> No.57691780

I hold Linu Inu since 2017 and never sell it!

>> No.57691796
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>> No.57691803

that was ryan
someone else donated this 10 grand

>> No.57691817

Well isn't that a good sign?


>> No.57691849
File: 42 KB, 750x1024, 1708445654740151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but I still hold what I said and you still can't name a community coin in a top 10 cex.
Let linu be the change then, I support you niggers and have since the beginning but some of you have way too high of expectations.

>> No.57691874

When Linu becomes it, I'll name it. Records are meant to be broken and LINU will be the chosen coin! WAGMI

>> No.57691918

Wait isn't Lunc in the top 10 CEX and it's community coin now? It's dead but it's still in Binance which is the top 1 CEX and is being supported by the new CEO even after CZ got arrested since it seems that Binance in general has a vested interest with the coin. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were the ones that leaked the info about TR working for TFL and all stuff that came out recently that outed the actual bad actors in the community.

>> No.57692378
File: 352 KB, 1344x1400, 1707511140149499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt lunc added to the top CEX when it actually had a developer? That doesnt count.

>> No.57692396


>> No.57692410
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personally i think it's a bluff

>> No.57692455

Bro I'd call that moving goal post, you just said name a community owned project in the top 10 CEX. You should have given a better rule for your own question and it does count cause again you didn't specify it.

>> No.57692519

Same but Im fine either way kek

>> No.57692537

And look at it now!

>> No.57692883

The novela continues anons. The twist and turn the betrayal the redemption is all part of the saga the is LINU. This is why I hold.

>> No.57692895
File: 407 KB, 536x584, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The avi chads are bullying us in the other thread, but we'll show them. I'll hodl my stack till it blows past anything we've ever seen before

>> No.57692910

Not happening retard kek

>> No.57692943
File: 68 KB, 460x540, kekfuddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's over because...it just is ok!!!
We are just getting started

>> No.57692987
File: 3.13 MB, 498x498, 1679360233798945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold tight baggie! Diamond hands!

>> No.57693108

Yeah I will
And? Youve been telling us the same fucking shit for 5 weeks now. Get better Material! As long as the TeLINUvela is more entertaining than the fud selling is out of the question!

>> No.57693137
File: 32 KB, 180x180, IMG_8346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all the same tactics og dog bat used to get baggies back in 2021. Don’t fall for it

>> No.57693159

He's already in the baggie cult, terminal case it seems. Just laugh at the moron

>> No.57693446

So what’s the price action predicted with this 10k donation towards cex listing in the next anons. Should I double my stack. What are the homies thinking

>> No.57693528

I mean, it’s not going any lower. So do you think it’ll go up?

>> No.57693536

Its not going any lower? KEK

>> No.57693565

Fuck off ranjesh

>> No.57693592

I mean... buy as much as you can easily stomach losing. But thats shitcoins for ya

>> No.57693626

Listen to catmilf. Dog token go up from here homie.

>> No.57693670

I could diamond hands through $3m, but at $17m there’s no way I’m not selling.

>> No.57693690

If you count the burnt tokens and uniswap, I'm wallet 5. If you don't, I'm wallet 3. So I'm probably not going too worry about Spaced.

>> No.57693701

Which wallet is holo_coast?

>> No.57693724

8th (not counting uni and burnt).

>> No.57693842

What does he know? What do you know?

>> No.57693959
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>> No.57694034

But anon pull day is tomorrow. I will do a fuckton of rowing then I promise

>> No.57694092


>> No.57695066
File: 48 KB, 575x434, signal-2024-02-22-18-43-03-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are with you to the end homies

>> No.57696284

What the fuck's happening? Volume is low but were going up? Is something accumulating the tokens from outside Uniswap and Coinbase? Something is fishy. I haven't seen any buy or sell orders in Etherscan for the past 2 and half hours and were still on the green and rising.

>> No.57696325

trust the plan

>> No.57697405


>> No.57697419
File: 260 KB, 1170x922, IMG_4506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the plans for the CEX?

>> No.57697489

Why on earth to the avi niggers want my money so bad? Every fucking LINU discussion there are at least 3 fox fuckers either going
>hah cool bros wanna get into AVI?
>OMG meme coins are soooo retarded why dont you buy something USEFUL like a.... fox thats an ARCADE TOKEN maybe??
Just stay in your gay ass thread why do you need homie funds so much? I wish every AVI shill a very happy retrograde ejaculation

>> No.57697502

Yea I noticed this pattern of other shitcoins trying to leech off of other shitcoin threads for awhile now. Anyways anytime I see this frequently I immediately know it's a scam coin and avoid it all costs.

>> No.57698749

feeling cexy homies

>> No.57698801

Maybe the community should 10x quick on a pnd to have threesome cex

>> No.57698825
File: 38 KB, 512x512, WGlxHAnSQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe your gay fox coin should 10x in a quick pnd so we

>> No.57698873

Maybe it's because your coin already fucking pumped.

I sold my LINU. I hold $MIGRANT on solana now

>> No.57698889

>digis and we all in GME

>> No.57698896

Pump n dumps very rarely pump twice. That's actually exactly why holding GME is stupid.

>> No.57698912

ur not really selling ur immigrant coin imo

>> No.57698913
File: 28 KB, 512x512, zo3fQQUqa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol your little pumpndump is a joke and you sound like a retard it was lucky anyone got into linu at all and its the saddest thing i've heard of to be so sure of your pnd that you can't let it die a dignified death holding gme actually is stupid though as the company has nothing of value and they have to issue new stock just to keep the doors open

>> No.57698998

Yeah I'm buying more

>> No.57699138

What's the latest in teLINUvela? Can anyone fill me in?
>Community apparently forked?
>Someone donated the whole-ass 8k and some more to compensate for the NFT sale heist.
>NFT artist still unpaid?
>Community dancing around the 10K multisig-bag instead of actively dispersing funds to marketing.

>> No.57699173

Youre up to date but with a bit wrong info. The money was donated without specific use instruction and not """for the NFT artist""". Also its not even been 24 hours since the donation so its a bit stupid to be mad at them not having done anything with it yet. Super excited to find out what happens next though, Luv my TeLINUvela.
Latest sentiment is the NFT artist may have been in on the Theater btw

>> No.57699407

>top wallet was worth 300k at one point
>dropped to 60k, bought in 10k more
>other top 10 wallets slurpin
>drops to 65k
>kicks in front door, reimburses 8k lost community funds
>posts bicep in tg
>refuses to elaborate
No bs. Get on this ride homies fr

>> No.57699535

Oh was the cep pic the top wallet?

>> No.57699559

biggest cep biggest wallet. simple as.

>> No.57699566
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, Smallest_LINU_cep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sui stack cep tho

>> No.57699587

I'm dumping this shit for Supra upcoming TGE.

>> No.57699638


>> No.57699655
File: 61 KB, 680x680, LINU3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't post bicep

>> No.57699683

Checked. Is the LINU digits run back?

>> No.57699703
File: 139 KB, 1024x682, LINU_bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That energy manifested today in the form of 2+2+2+2k. Better that it's focused anyway

>> No.57699832

>its not even been 24 hours since the donation so its a bit stupid to be mad at them not having done anything with it yet
My self-induced ADHD ridden brain demands stimuli on a minutely basis.

>> No.57699839


>> No.57700121

Lmao are you aware that whoever bought right now will just become liquidity? HAHAHA the state of LINU baggies did you all make enough money from dumpster diving to buy the dip? How the fuck are you guys even alive after the coin rugged 3 times? The absolute state of desperate baggies

>> No.57700172

>how are you still alive?
Because its the chosen coin and WAGMI unironically.

>> No.57700242

Literally this.

>> No.57700389

Where else have you heard a story like chad provided today happening in crypto. I'll wait lmao

>> No.57701955

What? Anyways, WAGMI homies

>> No.57703029

...digits run?

>> No.57703068

Were still stable, I'm feeling it homies. For a "dead" shit coin like the fudders want you to think, were still on the green.

>> No.57703184

if it doesn't moon by mid march I'm gonna add another 500B

>> No.57703342

Yeah crazy how resilient this shit is

>> No.57703938

Anyone who advertizes crypto on 4chan needs to learn to fuck off.

>> No.57704159

Then this board will be more dead than your sex life.

>> No.57704370
