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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57690208 No.57690208 [Reply] [Original]

This is sustainable

>> No.57690273

Not every bubble pops

>> No.57690280
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>> No.57690294

Easy x2 until june.

>> No.57690295

This time is unironically different

>> No.57690301

It's going to grow into that pe ratio anon

>> No.57690359

the forward PE ration is at 30 nigger

>> No.57690370

ez 100x sers, best decentralized coin out there!
I wish you very vishnu!

>> No.57690372

Out of the loop, why is nvidia mooning ridiculously hard for a big stock? (((who))) is manipulating it?

>> No.57690390

>Company 8x'd their earnings and growth potential
>"Why are they mooning"?

>> No.57690391

AI companies are buying a dickload of gpus to train their models. OpenAI keeps releasing man made horrors beyond our comprehension which reinforces the idea that AI is the future

>> No.57690412

I don't care, I want nvidia to keep growing until the end of the year, when I cash out of crapto.
Then it can drop into the abyss for all I care.

>> No.57690471
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>15% today

>> No.57690557

It used to be stupid undervalued and the AI hype fulfilled NVIDIAs potential and then some. Even if they crash, they'll still be valued at at least $300 a share from performance alone. Having the market cap of Google at a tenth of Google's profit, however, is pure bubblenomics

>> No.57690650

Nvidia is going to publish their 5000 series later this year, which is going to give the hype cycle even more legs.
This is going to be a 4 trillion company before it gets fucked.

>> No.57692030

you can ignore reality, however you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

hey guis AWS and Azure are going to run a lot of nvidea chips over the next couple years. AWS is a 300 billion dollar segment, azure more like 400. nvidea is valued at 3x both of them combined. pure bubble. its like saying an auto maker will sell lots of cars for 50k. then saying the value of engines in the cars is 150k. makes no sense.

>> No.57692041

>what goes up must come down
-sun tsu

>> No.57692059

Look at their earnings growth, low I.Q. dumb fuck zoomer. Watch & learn

>> No.57692089

Nvidia will be valued at $2,000 a share by year end

>> No.57692108
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>sun tsu
More like sun who?
I googled. Some dead dude. I think I can take him

>> No.57692241
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We need to do something while we wait for BTCFi

>> No.57692242

Unironically yeah when human equivalent intelligence becomes a dirt cheap 247 available commodity.

Not going long on AI is the same as ignoring the industrial revolution as an investor in 1830s.

>> No.57692295

Good thing we don't have to wait for the usual AMD vs. NVIDIA release shenanigans to get a new generation. NVIDIA basically lives in their own world now and cares about bigger things.

>> No.57692418

their consumer cards are going to be a flop. they've stopped caring about consumers (and rightly so)

>> No.57692457

They are from the same wafer, just smaller die and inferior silicon. Whatever advancements the AI accelerators get the consumer cards get, so right now we don't even need AMD to push NVIDIA forward, they will do it themselves chasing that AI money.

>> No.57692483

you love to see it

>> No.57692938

AI is fake though

it's just Google that returns sentences instead of website links

it's basically a parlor trick

>> No.57693042

They used the money to employ a UI designer for their control panel.

>> No.57693067

ok but can we please get more VRAM on their GPUs please

>> No.57693077

Nvidia's market cap is 2 trillion. Microsoft's market cap is 3 trillion. They were already stupidly overvalued and they're going to crash in spectacular fashion

>> No.57693087

Such as?

>> No.57693098

timothy james byrne here in my four figure hell high wycombe

>> No.57693104

They are probably going to stop making gaming GPU's, 5000 series will likely be the last, they need the capacity for AI GPU's.

>> No.57693107

947x in 22 years isn't that good. I need 947x this week.

>> No.57693114

Can someone explain why there aren't other companies making GPUs? Does Nvidia have patents or something and no one else can compete?

>> No.57693185


there is a ton of AI software/libraries built on top of their proprietary CUDA API

>> No.57693238
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>human equivalent intelligence

>> No.57693368

AI doesn't do anything besides generating texts and making ugly pictures lmao.

>> No.57693805

They're now 3/4th largest company in the world. Buying at these prices expecting to get above market returns is retarded.

>> No.57693870
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>Not going long on AOL is the same as ignoring the industrial revolution as an investor in 1830s

>> No.57693887

Name 1 that hasn't popped (ie sustained for a decade or longer)

>> No.57693906


>> No.57693913

It's an exit pump by big tech. Note how Nvidia and most other tech companies were in the shitter in fall of 2022, before AI "conveniently" showed up and started boosting tech stocks.

>> No.57693930

This kek. Can't believe people fall for this shit. It's a fucking tech scam like VR or any of the other garbage that's come about thanks to ZIRP and QE over the last 15 years.

>> No.57693943

NVDA worse than GME at this point

>> No.57693944

>Name 1 that hasn't popped
selection bias
it only gets referred to as a bubble if it pops

>> No.57694014

this is double the market cap of bitcoin and approaching the market cap of all crypto
there's no way they're actually more valuable than blockchain technology

>> No.57694032

It is.

>> No.57694048
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do not worry my anon, theres a lot of companies and starups that u can invest, you just need your edge, do some research, read some books, and learn market cycles, there is even websites that tells you all about market cycles like truflation

>> No.57694271


>> No.57694287


>> No.57694302


>> No.57694400

This. The only thing that can stop Nvidia is China breaking 3nm.

>> No.57694823

honestly it doesn't even really matter. the theoretical limit is about 3nm and it's unclear we're going to be able to make them economically viable in any quantity within the next several years. there is a hard physics limit to chips and we're just about there. thats why the last 10 years have beenm mainly just more cores and more cache and not higher and higher clock speeds. same deal with video cards, you're getting more ram because cpu specs are bottle necked now by physical constraints. do some research

>> No.57695058

its already down the drain but your perception wont let you see it. That is why you are not a good investor.

>> No.57696310


>> No.57696348

Simple. It’s fake. Like all fiat markets.

>> No.57696545

it pops... several times...