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File: 17 KB, 400x400, ITS0kYnT_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57677726 No.57677726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Deepfakes within seconds

>seen by Joe Rogan and Vitalik themselves
>pisslow mc
>just google "Greta Thunberg wooden dildo"
>no competition crypto-wise

>> No.57677767
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, ryan-reynolds-deadpool-heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deepfake ai is coingecko. I grabbed a bag about an hour ago. The ONLY DEEPFAKE AI platform in crypto. $4.5M market cap (fdv). I still can't believe that our isn't $100M+.

>> No.57677798

The type-o's are due to extreme laughter as I create celebs making degen videos.

>> No.57677868

You can literally make Klaus Schwab say that he likes to suck pp

>> No.57677900

Why don't you post a few webms on /wsg/ and get back to us before you smear your curry fueled shit all over this board, ranikeet?

>> No.57677934

Bought a bag yesterday when I saw someone shill it on Twitter and it's the same as Soara text to video
Easy 10x

>> No.57677950
File: 150 KB, 456x697, image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only curry we have is Narendra Modi for the likes of you my dear pajeet


>> No.57678020

ye this was IncomeSharks loading up, crazy shit incels

>> No.57678085
File: 193 KB, 1080x1590, IMG_20240221_172256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffs am I too late again? Unironically looks good for a worthless paki project

>> No.57678131

I am literally making Elon Musk read a love poem to Michelle Obama right now. This thing is insane!

1000X from here is a given.

>> No.57678149

By the way, Suppoman called deepfake ai his top pick of the AI bullrun. Two huge influencers are already in: suppoman and income shark. Brothers Marketing just joined the tg chat too. I'll bet Alex Becker is the next caller.

>> No.57678186

Nobody knows about it yet especially Twitter KOLs

Lots of new characters will be added soon and CEX listing

50-100M at peak Bull run would be my guess

>> No.57678191

let me pill you subhumans on fakeAI

>1 mil tokens for unlimited access
has tiers below that aswell
>catering to normies with fiat
dogs can buy minutes with cc
>weekly characters, bazed dev
dyor though, 50 mil imminent anyways

>> No.57678238


>> No.57678246


>> No.57678259

this brown ass wasn't lying


>> No.57678261

This has pumped nonstop to 5M should I wait for a retrace

>> No.57678285

Why does this need crypto?
Also, legal minefield. I wonder how the creators protect themselves.

>> No.57678292

This is going straight to $100M. No pullbacks. If you have balls then you ape. If you are a 4chan fag then you watch everyone else get rich from the sidelines.

>> No.57678296

It seems to have daily ATH's and whales just keep holding, I'd get a small bag just in case it never goes down.

>> No.57678317

I can't even find a project like this anywhere on the internet, crypto allows it to be decentralized.
Indeed deepfakes are a gray area but there can be stuff done such as forcing watermarks to the generations.

>> No.57678327

Looks good but the shaky hands are gonna start folding here shortly. ill wait for the quick shakeoff dip after this first peak

>> No.57678341

Doesn't look decentralized to me, nor does it explain a roadmap towards that.
Why would it even need to be decentralized? Besides, TAO already works on decentralized GPU compute for AI, poorly.

>> No.57678354

let them fold ill gladly slurp this undervalued mothefucker up

>> No.57678422

why are you comparing tao to this lmfao
all that matters is that this hasn't been done in crypto b4, it's entertaining, cheap as fuck (2 dollars gets you 1 minute of usage), therefore will moon hard

>> No.57678454


The website is run through a private server so it doesn't matter about copyright because it ain't getting taken down.

This is the life changing tech and gains that you've been waiting your whole life for.

$1B is cumming!nkw

>> No.57678506
File: 67 KB, 1582x839, image-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad goatfuckers
lets any poorfag create cum tributes of ariana grande saying their name

>> No.57678549
File: 231 KB, 380x287, risita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These curries brought El Risitas back to life. Might check it out only for this reason.

>> No.57678579

shut the fuck up rakeesh and his villagers

>> No.57678623
File: 7 KB, 334x69, image-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the contribution, I keep waking up to this while you to your worthless existence, incel.

>> No.57678688

U forgot that there's 2 modes of vids.
/say command makes them say anything you want and /ask generates an uncensored uncucked chatgpt-like improv response.

>> No.57678738

Just imagine how many normie fucks want to get a shoutout from Tate or Trump or some shit.
Fr my crackers this shit will moon.

>> No.57678770

Lel irs in 4chan mobile banner ad now

>> No.57678836
File: 403 KB, 1080x1945, IMG_20240221_184809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish indeed

>> No.57678923

stinky fuckers

>> No.57678938

Let's fucking go
So excited for this !!

>> No.57678954

Lipsync looks like shit
Quality looks like shit
Absolute dogshit

>> No.57678985

Getting upgraded as we speak, only for 1 mil token holders though


>> No.57679025

thanks for shilling this AFTER the 50% pump FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.57679037

A bit better I guess but still shit lol
Shit could be good enough for bull actually

>> No.57679078

shut the fuck up retard it does that daily by now, just ape in and hold til bull pussy

>> No.57679167

Haven't seen it posted by anyone on Twitter how is it mooning

>> No.57679351

patiently jerking off and waiting for it to go to .2. so far on schedule. if this shit blast past ath ill be upset but hey who the fuck is so iron these days that doesn't sell on an easy 2x enough to induce panic after a few days...this shit aint 2021 anymore. just waiting for the one retard to dump like crazy and catch an easy rebound. dump harder fags

>> No.57679383

With these newer alts I cop a small bag, then wait for a 50%+ correction before I do a big buy. If it doesn't correct I can still profit off the pump.

>> No.57679399

im a retard for not doing this thanks

>> No.57680651

Yall think it's gonna dump further or just whop out another leg of ATH?

>> No.57680706
File: 409 KB, 1080x1964, IMG_20240221_214016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shits getting slowly slurped up, lets see ser

>> No.57680743

Top 10 holders' hands seem to be rock solid diamonds. But will see what happens.

>> No.57680854

the dirty fucking jeets will feel the burn as fakeai rises from the ground once more to an even higher high

>> No.57681232
File: 74 KB, 658x565, image-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slurped the fuck up?

>> No.57681281

Confirmed. This shit is a beast

>> No.57681370

straight up only 2 big influencers on it aswell, I feel it going to 10 in a few days

>> No.57681529

I bought the Deepfake AI dip. Loaded and ready for 100X. LFGO!

>> No.57681995

should i fomo?
dont fuck me, faggots

>> No.57682162


>> No.57682401

i bought 280k whats a sui stack?

>> No.57682643

i myself am trying to go for 1milly for that unlimited access that shit getting expensive as fuck but anything above that and bull is urs

>> No.57683751


>> No.57683775

yall seeing this shit

>> No.57684810

Pamping hard today ngl, might ape more if it goes below 5mil mcap.. good find ngl

>> No.57685894

Imagine seeing the ONLY DEEP FAKE VIDEO AI PLATFORM in crypto and fading it at $5.5M market cap (fags.)? Some people want to be rich while others are poor 4chan fags.

I'm loading the most obvious play in crypto history.

Deepfake AI.

>> No.57685905
File: 16 KB, 520x326, joway3ET6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that this guy thinks that this is the
>most obvious play in crypto history
tells me enough yeah go ahead and ape into it if you want but just know that this is one of those pump and dumps that makes a few people rich and a bunch of anons poor the only thing this $anon crap has going for it is a cute theme and a good marketing campaign but at the end of the day its all marketing do your research and invest with caution because in the end anon its all just marketing

>> No.57686032

Bad shill.

>> No.57686151

This thread is growing like my deepfake ai bag.

Up only.

Get ready to have sex with anyone that you want to. That's how rich we are going to be when the next two huge influencers post their videos tomorrow.

I sold all of my gay chainlink and loaded up on deepfake ai hard.

>> No.57686386


>> No.57686399
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, s09LGfKCpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up you stupid ass newfriend you have the audacity to come into an anon-anon and expect me to believe your bullshit fake ai hype did you see what happened to link when everyone got sick of the link-boys well you will be the deepfake-ai-anon-boy when this is over there is no
>obvious play
you're just too dumb to figure it out i'm sure you'll be one of those anons who buys high and gets dumped on when the next elon tweet comes by

>> No.57686426

for people who dont have every single icon of the 50,000+ shitcoins in existance memorized can you write some basic descriptive words about the stupid shit you are shilling like the name of the coin?

>> No.57686431
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1450471965945s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is retarded. You can do this for free but they make you buy minutes kek.

>> No.57686446

this shit is a poor man's enqai lmao

>> No.57686770

im retarded where do i buy this pajeets

>> No.57686800


>> No.57686848

nm this shit is already pumped to fuck

>> No.57686922

This is a scam isn't it? Still bought tho

>> No.57686991

Is there an actual non scam telegram channel. If there is I can't find it. Looks like a bought into a rug pull. I would caution anons about this one, even though it could still go up significantly from here

>> No.57687972

Deepfake AI is on coingecko (uniswap) you retarded jeets. The telegram is very active and linked on the coingecko page. Unfortunately, you have to be able to read to make that work you fuggin idiots.

>> No.57688010

what, what the fuck is this retarded shit?
Fucking Ape.

>> No.57688046

>text 2 (robotic) speech
gahahahhahahaha you wish enqfag

>> No.57688052

ain't no shit like this on the interewebz that is free lmfao, even with the paid ones fakeAI mogs their prices to oblivion

>> No.57688076

Why hasn't this stinky shitter dumped yet

>> No.57688097

Wallstreet Silver (that gets lots of Elon reweets) was fooled by and posted a Zuckerberg fake video by deepfake ai. The world is already being consumed by Deepfake AI that can be found on coingecko.

>> No.57688578

how high is this going?
any exchange listing yet??

>> No.57688603

cexs are for cucks, but dev was thinking about mexc soon

>> No.57688715

have they added any coins with taxes
apparently there's a buy and sell tax

>> No.57688772
File: 1.25 MB, 872x626, 654664567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why is this only just blowing up? Its been around since June 2023?

>> No.57688810

Tokenomics are retarded. Users should use the tokens to use the fucking bot. After using the tokens they get burned. Remove three stupid $ pricing system and use only the crypto you fucking dumb devs

>> No.57688934

i like the music in this video so i might buy

>> No.57688956

What telegram group is legit? All I see are scammers and bots

>> No.57688976

pajeet shill thread

>> No.57688982

>1200% increase in 4 days