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57679580 No.57679580 [Reply] [Original]

What is this clown world? Feels like a slap in the face with how high inflation is.

>> No.57679596
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>> No.57679677

You are not a valued employee. Start acting your wage. And look for a new job.

>> No.57679680

Mine was just 4%. There's a hiring freeze here too. Is my comp'ny gonna go kaputsky? My bonus was only $15K too

>> No.57679688

It's insane. How are we supposed to deal with inflation when we are getting 4%, 5% for a """promotion""" these days?

>> No.57679781

Not even keeping up with inflation...

>> No.57679820

last year I asked for 20%, they gave me 10%
I was pissed

>> No.57679844

dude, I just got promoted a month ago and got a 0% raise. For the second year in a row.

It's ok, we just need to find another job. In the meantime, lower your output at work and get ready for the interviews instead.

>> No.57679869

>It's ok, we just need to find another job
im in a weird spot because I know I could get more working elsewhere, but my current job has ZERO office bullshit. ZERO "woke" bullshit. ZERO stress in regards to any sort of that stuff
If I go somewhere else I have to deal with pronoun people and diversity meetings and all that other bullshit I see people complain about

>> No.57679876

Anon why are you working for another dud for minimum wage?

Instead save up some money and invest a little onto eesee, you can get an NFT and sell it for $1M, easy

>> No.57679929

my last job was nearly like this.

became manager, kicked the non-fitting subordinates out, ended up having 4-5 guys between 25-35 all trading stocks and crypto. was great, except for the fact that the company sucked and was losing money, so the owner (a lunatic) put pressure on all managers (literally all, including developer managers) to do sales while there without an market-fit product. had to quit as it became unbearable, my whole team resigned shortly after.

>> No.57679932

friend, I am being 100% serious with you when I tell you this: your brain has been fried by 4chan. First of all, these things you describe almost never happen. I work at one of the biggest investment banks in the world, and beyond the first mandatory diversity training thing right when I joined, I never in my life had to interact with any of these things.

Are you really going to let these things stop you from reaching YOUR dreams, anon?

>> No.57680372

i stopped doing virtually anything at all at work except shitpost here and get 3%, isn't worth it for the difference

>> No.57681364

thanks anon, you helped pay my lambo, now back to work.

>> No.57681375

did you dump all your wages into bitcoin? that's the only way to get ahead these days.

>> No.57681406

Haha, stop being ungrateful wagie, be glad you even have a job.
Now get back to work and pay my 5.4% government bonds.

>> No.57681769
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sometimes jobs can be like that
all my coworkers kept saying that the one who finished the fastest usually got a promotion, but when I got it they just put my picture on the wall
I should have stayed at home betting on things like TROLL or something like that

>> No.57683928

only way to make sure your salary is fair is manage it yourself

>> No.57684694

bump bc manifesting my promotion

>> No.57684903

5% doesnt even beat inflation

>> No.57685106

This time last year I was just a system administrator. In July I took over supervision of 4 employees. By end of year I'm at 15, leading a new department, still the same system admin, and haven't been paid a penny more. And I earned my PMP all the while. What's the point?

>> No.57685193
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Sir, by pointing this out you are killing the Chinese/Russian propaganda that is infesting this place trying to get people in the USA to start a civil war instead of killing communism once and for all.

>> No.57685281

Why did you agree to more work for no extra pay?

>> No.57685524

I was able to eat July to October when my rate was up for review. It didn't happen there so I bitched about it shortly after. I have left within the company for more money a few times and wanted to show patience.

>> No.57685566

So youre earning the same amount adjusted for inflation

>> No.57685572

>you essentially got demoted
>didn't quit on the spot
do better

>> No.57685620

You could work your ass off for the last year then get laid off

>> No.57685624


I only get 3.25% a year.

>> No.57685627

I only got a 3% raise and didn’t get the promotion
Life sucks and the world is mean

>> No.57685640

I work at a large private bank in the US and my raise was only 2.5%

>> No.57685642
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listen retard i don't know anything about your employment situation that's because i'm an anonymous 4chan hacker and not your personal therapist the only thing of substance in your rambling is your employment status and if you can't make your employment situation better then that's honestly a skill issue maybe you should buy some $anon bags like a good little cuck at least until i sell these bags and you're left holding the bags

>> No.57685648

>my current job has ZERO office bullshit. ZERO "woke" bullshit. ZERO stress in regards to any sort of that stuff

that pretty accurately describes my job, but my boss is becoming more "micro managey" out of nowhere and putting more work on me with less pay, which has led me to start looking for new jobs

I'm thinking management/companies all across the board have gotten a sniff of a poor job market coming up and so they're starting to lay down the law, thinking employees can no longer just up and leave

>> No.57685659

This is a capitalist economy you silly cunt, working hard for someone else just makes you a chump.

>> No.57685680
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>not job hoping every 1-2 years
>not tracking all your accomplishments and positive recognitions for your year end review

You have to prove your worth to the business in order to command a raise.

>> No.57685681

clean it up, wagie

>> No.57685732

Damn, never heard it put that way

>> No.57685745
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oh my god you're totally right its totally the employees fault when a company decides to hire a new ceo that is from a venture capitalist firm and only cares about making the rich richer you can literally have perfect attendance and work overtime every day but you will still get laid off when the company decides to outsource your job to save money working hard does not make you rich the only way to get rich is to exploit people or to get lucky it really is a shitty economy

>> No.57685764

Promotions are rarely ever worth it. You are likely to make more money by leaving your job and finding a new one that will give you a 10-20% bump. You should get a new job every 3 years

>> No.57685767

Quitting and getting a new job with your newer, better resume seems like a much better way to get a raise.

>> No.57685775
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what you have to do is find a company that actually wants you there either by being a girl or a minority because companies nowadays have hiring policies that actually care about those people instead of being a white male

>> No.57685789
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This unironically happened to me in 2014. Keep your head up. Things will get better, but it unironically might be 2026 when you notice it. The fact you're here is a good sign, but it will still be a long, shitty road ahead. If you make it, you will be invincible. Good luck.

>> No.57685803
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This makes me feel a little better. I'm in OP's situation as well. Thanks

>>not job hoping every 1-2 years

I've known people that do this sort of thing and it always seemed insane to me. You don't really get settled into a job for about a year or more. Is it really worth doing this?

>> No.57685869

That's a pay rise, not a promotion.
Do you have a new role and new responsibilities?
I negotiated a 7% increase with my end of year performance review, then some union negotiated thing bumped up our salary something like 5% a year for 3 years or something. I'm not even in the union lol.
Then again, I'm happy with my salary, I don't really care. Savings go up.
I'm in banking and there were a few years where we had restructures and hiring freezes like every 6 months. Haven't had one in a year or so that I've noticed, but then again, they've outsourced everything possible to India.
My job is ALMOST entirely work from home. I'd take a pay cut to never have to see those filthy fucking Indians. I'm one of 5 white guys left in a department of 80. Upside, it means I'm treated as a genius god, because I actually make decisions, do things when I say I will and don't buck pass.
Yah I have my achievements and accompanying savings in millions, I add them as in progress when I start, delivered when it's done. EOY I'm like: Saved you this 2.8mil fine, removed 40 FTE, exited these softwares saving this amount in licensing, etc etc.
I don't job hop, though. My best friend does, and he makes a KILLING.

>> No.57686767
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>trying to become the best slave in the plantation

>> No.57688149

inflation is my home wrecker not gonna lie. its just crazy how I have to pay tax all the time and also this inflation that keeps pumping everyday. I never watch CPI before but now I have to. I even have to open a website called truflation for their inflation prediction everyday. what kind of world is this. better die.

>> No.57688625

Same except when I was applying for promotion and close to getting it after two years of busting my ass off my company had a reorg and laid off 200 employees at random not taking into account any performance metrics, I was impacted.

Wish I was joking lol

>> No.57688686

I simply stopped paying taxes to afford rent

>> No.57690844
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if your goal is being productive for your employer then its a terrible idea. If your goal is earning more money then its a great idea