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57678552 No.57678552 [Reply] [Original]

How to get older without feeling existential dread? Making money doesn't fix it.

>> No.57678561

you must find meaning

>> No.57678575

Think of it like furrows in a field. A person with meaning moves along their furrow, and there is a linear form of reason that keeps them in their groove. A person without meaning is cutting across furrows, constantly distracted and perturbed by the bumps and chaos.
Find your groove.

>> No.57678647

Take a high dose of psilocybin and see how you feel about this dread.

>> No.57680196

well said, thank you for this

>> No.57681078
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when I turned 20 I had an identity crisis that is still latent to this day, if I'm still here it's because chasing money with BIGMIKE makes my head calm down a little bit.

>> No.57681246

My meaning is to achieve immortality and omnipotence in my lifetime, doubt I’ll succeed but it’s worth a shot

>> No.57681326

Meaning isn't just what you choose this is a scam of consumerism and modern degraded society.
A human is a good human in certain situations and when they utilize their human powers to do good human things. Use communicative power to tell the truth, use your reproductive power to have kids, use your physical/bodily power to do physical bodily things.
A purposeful human is just someone fulfilling the human purpose.
Historically we had a bunch of cultural things to reinforce these behaviors so much of the tools to do so are gone, but we are still the same beings under that with the same structure.
Being a socially engaged human who makes use of their powers in such a way to bring about a good life for their offspring is just what humans by their very structure are orientated towards, doing anything apart from that will only make you miserable. Aristotle covered this very well in the Nichomachean Ethics and I don't think anyone has really surpassed that in clarity since.

Going further in that direction recognizing the source of your powers/being and directing those powers keeping that in mind is the fullest form. If you have an intellectual proclivity studying philosophy, but otherwise being grateful to the source of your being/structure is essential to be happy.

God created us with a specific structure in a specific place, we ought to make use of that structure to bring about the most beauty and goodness in ourselves in the things around us possible. And through that being grateful to the source of all beings. The God that created you with the specific structure also created the trees, you cultivating land and tending trees or anything else analogous is you showing gratitude to the source of your being. Helping other beings to flourish and be the best beings of the kind that they are that they can be is the essential human activity, and feeds back into the religious aspect which is ultimately where it leads.

>> No.57682475

Take comfort in knowing death is guaranteed for every single person; ugly or beautiful, dumb or smart, rich or poor.

>> No.57682499

42 here, stop caring, that's literally it. It's natural, we born, we age, we die.

>> No.57682596
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This. Soon to be 48. I quit everything except being a loving father to my children as that is the only thing that matters to me; that and a good nights sleep. Everyone else is freaking out and trying to make me a slave again, hating my life and in pain all day, but I won’t do it. Culture, society, finances, legal system, emotions; everything is being used to get me back on the plantation but they don’t understand I have truly quit. I am on strike until conditions improve. Everyone can kiss my lily white old ass. I don’t care if I end up as one of those RV bums in California, it’s better than being a beast of burden with vampire bats attached all over me. Taxes, labor, DEI, ESG, all of it can get fucked.

>> No.57682705

Based oldfag

>> No.57682786

>existential dread

What's to dread? We're all going to die, every single one of us. We'll shed this mortal coil and not a rag will be left behind.

Don't get so caught up in money that you forget to live a life you love while you've got it.

>> No.57682810

Do like all old wagies and become am alcoholic.

>> No.57684857
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it may be effortless
causality may move in both directions as well, but I digress.

>> No.57684975
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>Be the one that survives every 50% kill in the suicide box
>Have to spend the rest of your life living in a suicide box
>End of dying from natural aging anyway
Holy shit, philosophy is fucking retarded.

>> No.57685067
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yes, and clicking the first link in any Wikipedia entry will ultimately lead to the Philosophy entry.
ergo, everything is retarded.
> one must imagine Sisyphus retarded

>> No.57685101
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oh shit sick perfect recall reference
i like the cut of your jib fren

>> No.57686833

Die enough times that it all becomes a joke.

>> No.57686845
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anons always get existential angst and are afraid of dying when they go out into the woods to trip on psilocybin what they don't realize is that anons have literally no reason to fear death because we have no reason to believe in an afterlife no one cares if you go die in the forest and no one loves you if you want to leave something behind then get a girl preggers and maybe you can have a son and live through him which is pathetic because you are such a failure that even after millions of years of evolution you still can't figure out how to live a decent life

>> No.57686877

have children