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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57684938 No.57684938 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized that jews are at the top of western societies because their culture pushes them to get pursue higher education that enables them do be overrepresented in high paying fields and not some polturd nutjob conspiracy about da joos and da goyim?

>> No.57684980

Jews are in high paying fields because they employ nepotism thus choosing Jewish individuals over other equally skilled workers who happen to not be Jewish. They also, through media, politics, and entertainment, seek to distract other competent workers (particularly whites) from the fact they are being royally fucked in the ass by a cartoonishly villainous tribe from the Levant.

>> No.57684990

Sounds like a conspiracy to me

>> No.57684997

Us white people exist as servants of God's chosen people. If you don't serve Jews you aren't a real Christian.

>> No.57684998

I was unironically 12 years old.

>> No.57685005

its always da jooz man

>> No.57685016

The word conspiracy doesn't mean false

>> No.57685019

You’re a dumbass. Or a Jew. Or a bot. Or a glownigger. Either way I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.57685023

its because they handled money when religious leaders banned christians from doing it and they employed usury and got rich, and insular communities and nepotism. that rat tunnel is a glimpse of the network.

>> No.57685031
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I was just thinking today... what the fuck is stopping me from adding berg or stein to the end of my last name on LinkedIn?

>> No.57685075

>jews practice tribalism
>/pol/ chuds: NOOOOOO
>white practice tribalism
>/pol/ chuds: hell yeah

essentially you're just mad they do it better. stop taking the moral high ground by implying that if whites had a stronger position in this that they'd be ethical and not practice their own form of nepotism. your comment has cope written all over it.

>> No.57685077

This. While it's true that jewish culture emphasizes education and money, they also actively work to shut out non-jews, especially whites because we're their biggest competitor. The true blackpill is that most whites are too dumbed down and absorbed into ghetto culture to actually resist jewish schemes, and the ones who aren't necessarily dumbed down would rather throw their lot in with jews at the expense of whites as a whole, like this guy >>57684997 because it's the status quo or because they literally worship jews. Before 1960 this wasn't a problem because there were enough rich and powerful whites with an ethnic consciousness (like Henry Ford) to hold down jewry, however after that jews got into academia and hired more and more jews en masse and here we are today in a sick and dying society. Thus, OP is a faggot, financially speaking.

>> No.57685100

Aiden Bentley Johnstein is gonna pass about as well as Eliot Page.

>> No.57685114

The difference is whites would be practicing nepotism in their own nations. I don't give a fuck what Jews do if they stay in their corner of Israel and fight their own goddamn wars.

>> No.57685134

>being an educated wageslave is equivalent to being at the top of society

>> No.57685153

Kek. This is white land you kike fuck. We don’t waltz into Israel and start promoting anti Jewish sentiment and Palestinian workers if they’re not as competent as a way to dismantle your sandnigger state. In fact we fund it and without our donations you can see what your arab neighbours would do to you. Karma’s real though and people are starting to catch on so you’ll get exactly what is coming to you.

>> No.57685158

Nobody is coping, just stating facts. The disconnect however is that whites are chastised and ridiculed for in-group preference, and jews (or anyone else) are not. It's even viewed as good in the broader society for jews to exclude others when it benefits them. The only lamentable thing is so many whites are too morally indignant (i.e. stupid) to say fuck it and embrace white interests, financially speaking.

>> No.57685164

No this land belongs to the First Nations. White people are illegal invaders.

>> No.57685173

Sounds like some /pol/ chuds left their containment

>> No.57685201

Slow day at the office?

>> No.57685222

How does it feel to be poorer than a bunch of /pol/chuds on a monglian basket weaving forum?

>> No.57685230

Incel neets on /biz/ (You) make no money

>> No.57685234

>their culture pushes them to get pursue higher education that enables them do be overrepresented in high paying fields and not some polturd nutjob conspiracy about da joos and da goyim?
Higher education doesn't actually get you a job, retard. It's just one of 10 checkboxes on a list and there's 9 more that are overriden by "be a jew". No one is falling for this shit anymore.

>> No.57685239

White people could have wiped out the first nations from existence by right of conquest which EVERY other culture was doing at the time, but because they’re white and honourable they conquered them amicably with the use of treatises and allowed them to maintain some semblance of culture and identity whilst gifting them gibs while they do drugs in their rec cities.
Kek, you Jewish glowniggers can keep pulling that card for only so long. Sentiment is changing. People are tired. Pol as a containment board is spreading like wildfire and soon it will be a normie talking point to shit talk the Jews and Israel. Might as well pack your bags and head to the holy land now. Or better yet, why not cast some Jewish talentless actor in a big time movie role and give him 50 million for it. That’ll keep us distracted.

>> No.57685250
File: 43 KB, 828x602, HL4Q2EzPpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you kidding me is this some kind of bait or are you a legit retarded normie this is literally on every front page everyone is getting rich on $anon besides you i can't wait to dump my bags on some poor q tard retards trust the plan and let $anon take you to the moon it's obvious that $anon is the next $gme so load up now

>> No.57685254

Cope. You have no digits, my trips speak the truth. I make 300k per year and have a 7 inch cock. Leftcucks tongue my anus.

>> No.57685258
File: 133 KB, 1280x853, 12C6D25A-7D9D-4445-9817-81C334D93905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for Golan Heights chuddies!

>> No.57685260

It's not that. It's because they have a strong culture that promotes their own group. For example at bar mitzvahs they give thousands of dollars to their own kind to promote their groups interests. Whites would never do that because everyone is out on their own

>> No.57685286

How old were you when you realized that Wendy's doesn't stock chicken tendies?

>> No.57685289

True. Just make sure to take the "Business Admin for Genocidal Maniacs" program instead of English Lit, or you could end up waging at starbucks.

>> No.57685315

It’s afraid
Good. Promote your in group. Good for you. It’s the demoting of other groups I have the problem with. I have Jewish blood by the way and know how it works. Jewish people are scumbags and anybody in the Jewish circle who tells you otherwise wants to benefit from their schizophrenic nepotism.

>> No.57685337

Right. Because I was going to say you don't need a college degree to make millions as a landlord.

>> No.57685364

Kek, don't cry when Africans, Arabs, and Asians conquer your nations and women.

>> No.57685383

Nah, you’re a bunch of fucking faggots. And you know what, if you had any foresight you’d realize that the fall of the west would precede the fall of Israel. Because you faggots want to larp as the 1984 party yeah good luck with that when blacks show up at your villas and shoot you to death.

>> No.57685418
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Literally about 3 years ago, in the second bullrun, thats why I put bout 60% of my income into exchanges like binance or rango

>> No.57685461

4 when I read the merchant bankers.

>> No.57685591

>boo hoo, jews took our land and they make fun of us, so i make sure to put in a decent amount of time defending myself from a keyboard in my moms basement. trust me though, we're the superior ones!

>> No.57685614

it's easier to complain about people doing better than you than to do better yourself anon, a valuable life lesson you learned today

>> No.57685702

That WOULD be a conspiracy. Good job.

>> No.57686009

The etymology of this word is not 2000 years old. Judeo Christian is like saying catdog. It’s not a real continuum. The Pharisees is the religion of the Israelites.

>> No.57686057

They're overrepresented in parasitic fields, not any that provide actual value for society.

>> No.57686068

Whites don't masquerade as Jews when it suits their purposes.

>> No.57686083
File: 148 KB, 720x1280, UGctyQ8ubK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure what you're getting at but i can tell you that i'm the oldest and greatest anon of them all you might be new here but i've been hacking and infiltrating governments since you were in your dad's balls its cute you think that you know something or that you matter but honestly its just pathetic how you keep replying to me you clearly lack my intellectual prowess

>> No.57686097
File: 33 KB, 426x520, oq8FFLvgFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look everyone its little miss normie trying to be edgy by saying things you shouldn't on four chan you would never last 5 seconds in a real 4chan raid you little dumb whore you're probably one of those fake faggot girls that has never even installed a linux distro before you don't know what's coming in the future you have no idea what's happening behind the scenes this place is going to get shut down i guarantee you its only a matter of months until there's legal action taken against this website and we find out where all you little retards live

>> No.57686106
File: 3.95 MB, 408x744, Wrong Terrorist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you learned jews try to blame whites for being physically unable to stop jewing

I was 1 year old

>> No.57686115

That's retarded, Chinese and (south) Koreans have similar cultures prioritizing academic success in childhood. Yet do they end up on top of Western societies?

>> No.57686133
File: 337 KB, 800x778, Simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because white is racist and keeps them down. The jews in media/academics/work culture told me so

>> No.57686378

It is because they are God's chosen people. Think about that for a second.

>> No.57686387

15 minutes old when the kike doctor cut off my foreskin without my consent.

>> No.57686391

sex drugs and rock n roll ruined the white race. now it's sex drugs and mumble rap or extreme depression but shitty parenting is the main reason. we need to bring back beating your kids.

>> No.57686394

But their god is satan.