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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57684823 No.57684823 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously I know the correct answer if you ask online of course carbros will tell you dumping tens of thousands on your dream car is a good idea. Never been into cars that much, I just see them as a tool to get to a destination. However presentation is worth putting into consideration and I love pussy as it feels good and cures depression so I was thinking maybe some dogshit beamer or cedes because women don’t know all that much.

>> No.57684866

You don't need anything better than an audi you stupid faggot, which is like $40K starting

>> No.57684882

Yeah, a new Honda civic every 25 years.
Or better yet, buy all your 2014 Honda civics during a downturn and roll out another when the old one dies.

>> No.57684894

All you need is ford

>> No.57684899

Cars are depreciating assets so the only reason to buy an expensive car is to flex on other people

>> No.57684913

no buy something that makes sense and keep it 30 years. i drive a civic and havent had a care payment in a decade. no one who matters cares about car you drive. proftip: if they do they're a poor anyway

>> No.57684917

Buy the cheapest car your ego can afford.

>> No.57684949

Just get a civic or camry with less than 50k miles and ride it out for at least a decade. Majority of women will just be happy you can pick them up in a car.

>> No.57685087

I drive a bmw 4 and I think it's perfect. Good enough to have self respect but not overly flashy or money sink. Just enough to look respectable for most women. I think Subaru is best for this level range.

>> No.57685327

>he bought a lambo Urus
The absolute state. Its as dogshit as a porsche cayenne, but you get to pay even more for a bull logo’d lezbaru outback.

We need a better brand of wealth. Its tiresome to see newfags to money buy the dumbest shit and then claim “nah bruh, its because I’m totes cool and rizz” when in actuality these faggots just showcase their poor ass whitetrash mindsets of what wealth should look like.

>> No.57685402

in your case just rent out a nice car when taking a girl your into on a date.. for my i love cars and i love driving so yes a ferrari or lambo make sense to own for me

>> No.57685405

driving a fancy car is fun for like 2 days

>> No.57685696

post car.

buy a car that you like. how hard is that? who cares what people think man you are over thinking it.

>> No.57685701

Don't buy an expensive car just to impress hypothetical "other people." How people react to cars depends on your particular social circle, so investigate the kind of people you want to impress. At work or on Facebook etc., pay attention to how they judge cars and car owners. Slip in a question about cars when you're doing small talk.

You might find that a fancy car would mostly impress some 65-year-old men and it's not worth spending an extra $30,000 for that.

>> No.57685709

>dumping tens of thousands

Paying that much for a car is just plain stupid. The market can offer you a perfectly usable car for $15k-$20k.

>> No.57685757

I have a pickup truck so i can haul your mom from the farm when i want to fuck her

>> No.57685805
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Rate my car /biz/

>> No.57685828
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Modern cars are a travesty and luxury cars are proof that money doesn't buy taste. I'm sure women who know which cars are expensive might be impressed, but those are usually hooker tier negresses with flat iron fried hair and live in neon tube dresses. Unless your definition of making it includes cars because they're your hobby, you're best buying a reliable Toyota with low milage under $10k. I will be purchasing related when I make it.
>t. roastoid

>> No.57685830
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I drive a 22 year old Volvo. I maintain it myself and apply wraps myself so it looks nice and it's in good condition. Every woman loves it because as far as they're concerned it's a luxury car like any other. You can get a decent one for a few thousand dollars and you'll be set

>> No.57685849


nothing more nothing less
Stay winning /biz/ bros

>> No.57685851

‘02 huh? V70?

>> No.57685855

Oh wait, you mentioned women like it. S70.

>> No.57685879

Investing the equivalent and pulling from it for sex workers would be literally twice as effective.

Facial surgery would also have a better and longer lasting ROI than a car.

>> No.57685883

It's an S80 actually. They have transmission issues that year but this one seems to be pretty solid. Not beating on it helps

>> No.57686438

Drive a ford, drive the best. Drive ten miles and walk the rest.

>> No.57686502

>ywn enjoy the unbeatable reliability of the 4.0L inline 6 BARRA

I think you should try to be presentable with your car, but that doesn't mean spending a ton of money on it. It means keeping it clean and in good condition. Nobody will ever judge you for driving a clean and tidy Honda Jazz, but they will judge you for driving a BMW with peeling clearcoat, a barely-transparent windscreen and a bonnet full of leaves.

>> No.57686526

You guys are so fucking autistic it’s not even funny.

>> No.57686554

Ok “YouTube” is not a job.
If EVERY 20 something was a successful YouTubers then no one could have a lambo.
Most need to lose for a few to get one.
But most importantly, I don’t care.
I don’t give a fuck about luxury
>but anon these people make women have even more crazy idea about average man and loser/winner dynamic and make it even harder to date
I am an incel
Also sex bots are on their way

>> No.57686560

What's his advice
Ford is overpriced for the quality

>> No.57686567

I got very jealous of a car the other day. I’m known in my neighborhood as driving the biggest piece of shit. 2000 Corolla with paint pealing and duct taped broken window. Haven’t cleaned it with a vacuum in 5 years. Wash it only once every 2 years. So this guy pulls up next to me at the grocery store like he’s some hot shit. 83 Corolla with moss and algae growing on it. Mismatched tires. Like it was just literally pulled from a field. The interior panels were ripped off. Trash all the way to the windows. That arrogant fucker leaves the car running as he goes into the store. Even had a dirty car seat for his kid that he pulled out the side window. Now that made me jealous. I’ll be working on my pos status after that but there is no way I can come close.

>> No.57686596

What disorder do I have? I literally want to be judged for the shitiest car and yard. A black neighbor even mentioned how unkept things are. That was like the biggest compliment I could receive.

>> No.57686638

I think you have a low self esteem and use your intentionally over-the-top messiness as a mask to cover for the true self that you don't feel is good enough.

>> No.57686673

Hmm interesting theory but I don’t have low self esteem or self worth. I just don’t care because in 60 years we’re all dead anyway. I will reflect on that though thanks.

>> No.57686748
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2003 camry bros... stand the fuck up.

>> No.57686778

Materialism like cars, watches and huge houses are brown coded

>> No.57687154

>He bought the fugly SUV
I will never understand how one can have such a bad taste

>> No.57687266

It's a generational thing.
In a zoomers' mind, the platonic essence of a car is an egg shaped SUV. When they hear 'car' a first thing that pops to their heads is a Tesla Model Y or Ford Escape. They don't perceive the sedan body shape as the starting point for deviation, but the CUV. Thus, the Lambo CUV is a smaller step away from the essence of a lamborghini for them. For the older generations, the continuum has more steps in between or a different ends. For me, a millenial boomer, a Lamborghini is coupe, is made before the VAG acquisition and spontaneous combustion is a feature rather than a flaw. I'd consider a four door lambo an abomination and I'd rather not think about the Urus at all.
For a zoomer, they might think that a lambo is an attractive supercar, that's shaped like a Hot Wheels-toy. Having it in an egg-CUV format does not conflict with their criteria for the essential requirements for Lambo's 'soul'

>> No.57687438

Don't feel bad, with 8 billion people on Earth, you're never gong to be the trashiest, dirtiest cruiser. All you can do is be filthy in your own depraved way.

>> No.57687985

This is truly the main thing. It's like getting into a hot bath, feels good for a few minutes then your just wet.
Having a second car that is truly a weekender or a classic or something scratches this itch, bit you need to have all your shit sorted out before you do this.

>> No.57688007

There is that meme pic with like 30 different makes/models and the body shapes are basically indistinguishable at a glance.

>> No.57688033

>Are Cars Ever Worth It?
Not unless you are financially secure. It's a depreciating asset which gets you from A to B. The only reason to get a nice one is to flex on poors.

>> No.57688061
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>Are cars even worth it?
My jalopy shitbox gets me from point (A) to point (B)
It does this in the same manner someone's 1 million dollar sports slop luxury car does; getting from point A to point B
Modern humans who obsess over material possessions and hunks of Chinese made plastic are mentally buck broken, and most definitely vaccinated and wore masks

How are you flexing on anyone by being a vaccinated consumer rat race slave cattle?

>> No.57688072

buy a 997 porsche 911 now and it'll be worth 2x in 10 years, so yes

>> No.57688092
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That doesn't un-vaccinate you of your tainted jew cum vaccine blood though
That doesn't re-masculate you after you wore a mask like a lobotomised gimp bitch muzzled dog for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist though and give you your soul back into your golem cattle body
So in the grand scheme of the Cosmos, Eternity and the Universe, isn't worth shit

>> No.57688307

Between traffic and simply wasted time, driving is typically a very shitty experience.
A good car can turn a shitty experience into a fun one in so many ways. From the simple satisfaction of the car's design and finishing, to the sound of a good engine, to the sporty handling that turns stupid corners into racing bends even at low speeds.

>> No.57688342


Is this a bot ?

>> No.57688377

i'm in my mid 30s. car culture stopped being cool like 15 years ago. modern cars are overpriced goymobiles. i drive a 7 year old compact economy car. my next car will likely be a 10-15 year old compact pickup truck.

>> No.57688389

>you look rich, I act poor, we're both liars

>> No.57688429

So true, few will understand this

>> No.57688476

Fuck cars, I have a shitbox 2007 Honda Odyssey that should be in a scrap heap instead of the road bit its paid off and useful, and I fix it myself. If I want to have fun I hop on my 2006 Kawasaki ninja 250. My next project is putting together the 1000CC triumph I bought last year and disassembled to overhaul. I also fix and flip bicycles, which are the true patrician transport

>> No.57688869

Nah, you’re just dumb.

>> No.57688973

self cleaning sex bots already exist, they are called women. learn to program them incel

>> No.57689010

Luxury Cars will add +1 to +2 to charisma/charm, depending on car.

>> No.57689205

You don't need anything other than a basic economy car. The only reason to spend more is to buy something truly impressive just to flex. But any poorfag can get a retard loan and buy an audi. So you have to buy something truely impressive like a lambo to actually impress. People who drive audis, bmws, its embarrassing, because it just screams that you're trying but couldn't afford a truly impressive car. You had to settle with cheaper one. If you drive a beater you have the excuse that you are being economic. But driving an audi, I just laugh at your gaudy poor ass. I only respect truly exotic cars that the average poorfag couldn't just get a debt slave loan for, otherwise you better in the back of a rolls or maybach with a chauffeur.

>> No.57689222

Nope. Cars are a money sink. Buy the coolest looking Toyota/Honda/Lexus/Acura you can find and call it a day.

If your goal is to impress women it will always be more about the place you live (and who you are obviously). I had a friend driving a beater who slayed routinely and a friend with a $60k mustang who is still a virgin at age 30.

>> No.57689246

Get a motorcycle. They're stupid cheap and bitches love them.

>> No.57689292
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Well, I got my first truck, when I was three
Drove a hundred thousand miles on my knees
Hauled marbles and rocks, and thought twice before
I hauled a Barbie Doll bed for the girl next door
She tried to pay me with a kiss and I began to understand
There's just something women like about a Pickup Man
When I turned 16, I saved a few hundred bucks
My first car was a Pickup Truck
I was cruisin' the town and the first girl I seen
Was Bobbie Jo Gentry, the homecoming queen
She flagged me down and climbed up in the cab, and said
>I never knew you were a Pickup Man!

>> No.57689389

Good god man

>> No.57689521

>Found On Road Dead

>> No.57689567

How do you keep it alive for 20+ years? What kind of regular maintenance do you do? Do you have other tips?

I traded my wagie tier mercedes A250e for a 2016 Peugeot. I now have 100k km on it and hope to drive it for another 250k km.

>> No.57689633

this except it's a late 80's OBS f250 i got for 3 grand. I haul around yards of wet dirt and pallets of bricks and barely notice the load

>> No.57689638

You can set my truck on fire and roll it down a hill
And I still wouldn't trade it for a Coupe De Ville

>> No.57689707
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I got you man.

>> No.57690077

>hurr durr just buy a beaten up shitbox such as toyota or other brokie car that will make the pussy drier than wearing a pair of world of warcraft socks

>> No.57690124

You quoted me even though that's the opposite of what I said.
Please reformat your post to more accurately reflect my stance on the matter.
Also check

>> No.57690180

Most Americans don't have the luxury of living without one. Even if they work from home (most do not), basic necessities like groceries are often not in walking distance, or if they are within walking distance there isn't the sidewalk infrastructure to make them easy to reach.

>> No.57690188

>Please reformat your post to more accurately reflect my stance on the matter
Your stance doesn’t matter. Women still will ghost you the attosecond they see your poorfag car you bought off a farmer. Women’s stance is really the only one that matters

>> No.57690207

But I'm saying get a nice car.

>> No.57690380

Get a grip.

>> No.57690393

>He spends 50k so women notice him
>He hinders his own odds of making it out the wagecage to get laid
If you need to do that, you've already lost and might as well drive a shitbox

>> No.57690420
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Based and fordpilled
>body on frame
>makes thunderous american V8 noise

>> No.57690878

I drive a $2000 car
My net worth is $400,000 USD

Its an abstract kind of feel

>> No.57690935

Sebastian georgiou or something like that? Worthless grifter.

>> No.57691000
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>sebas on /biz/

Kek, I know him. His business is a grift, but cool guy to hang out with

>> No.57691041

I'm a multi millionaire and I drive a 2011 honda fit in salaryman gray with a fender dent on it. I've never washed it either.

>> No.57691083

Buy the absolute cheapest care you can get away with until you:
>Max out 401k each year
>Max out Roth IRA each year
>Pay off student loans
>Save up over $100k in a brokerage account as a down payment for a house
>Buy a house
>Save an additional $2k/month
Only then can you afford to pay for a luxury car.

>> No.57691099

>you are autistic if you don't spend a years wages on an overpriced vehicle! Make sure to finance it so that 60k car costs you 90k!
Fucking retarded zoomer.

>> No.57691294

>BRO just make a pitch deck and raise a desperate pre-seed round for some AI buzzword scam startup and by a LAMBO NIGGA

I am a VC. If I found out one of the founders I funded did this, I would make sure they see fucking prison time. I've seen it happen, and the laws are HIGHLY favored towards investors. All you have to prove is:
>they knew they didn't have the ability to fulfill promises
>they spent investor money on themselves

They even bust full jews on this:

>> No.57691696

Why do girls always ask me what car I drive?

>> No.57691836

do the regular maintenance on schedule, do not abuse, don't let it get into disrepair(leaving shit broken that are nuisnances but don't prevent you from driving it.)

>> No.57691853

kek nice LARP

ive literally never been asked this a single time in my entire life and i've fucked over 50 women since i was 18

>> No.57691862

Should I get into flipping cars? Friend owns two fucked up cars that need parts I’ll be asking him today if he is willing to fix it then sell it and I get 25% of what they make from it or less

>> No.57691909

Incel comment. Women don't care about your car. They don't even know the difference.

>> No.57691911
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>doesn't have a Nissan
i personally think cars are a bad inversion, they get old and lose value with the time but hey, at least i can get feel like a millionaire halving BTCFi while fucking hot chicks in the back

nice, a volvo, let's see paul allen's car

>> No.57691924

lmao @ vaxxies

>> No.57692019

Nice cars are funko pops for boring boomers
All you need is an old toyota tacoma and call it a day

>> No.57692064

I drive a 27 year old volvo deluxe. heated seats, good sound system, sunroof

>> No.57692079


Same here. Utter radio silence on the topic. I was pushing an old Ford Escape around while buying up rental properties and didn't bother with a new one because chicks literally did not care. Car fetishization is an exclusively male thing.

>> No.57692080

>I drive a 27 year old volvo deluxe. heated seats, good sound system, sunroof
I'm sure all the dikes at the softball field love your big gay swedish box.

>> No.57692164

Having a nice car (or having nice things in general) is great for your self-esteem. It makes you look better, you get more respect from people, and reinforces in you an abundance mentality that leads to more opportunities in life.
Having a shit car is depressing and means you've failed in life.

>> No.57692224

My old Echo had more rust on the hood and less on the roof. Instead on the roof it had a golf ball texture from two major hail storms. It would have gone another ten years had I been more on top of rust prevention. Also for some reason both Honda and Toyota fucked up with their paint and clear coat around this early 2000 era. The clear coat disintegrated on every one that wasn't always parked indoors exactly like yours.

>> No.57692305

>27 year old volvo deluxe. heated seats, good sound system, sunroof
Based. If you have the diesel version, double based.

>> No.57692353

>poorfag coping

>> No.57693080

I drive a 2014 Tacoma that I bought used in 2019 and every day it seems like I have the oldest car on the road.

How does everyone have so much money?

>> No.57693122
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lmao are you a retard do you think your taco is even gonna make it to 2023 have fun being a nobadger and dying poor whilst i get my dick sucked by 4 hot bitches at once just cause i bought a lamborghini on credit card debt your tacoma will be so rusted that it can't even turn the engine on by the end of 2023 while honey badger token (hoba) 10x and the $hoba army buys lambos and teslas while you drive your 2019 tacoma

>> No.57693918

I too am a Volvo driving anon. I have an 04 s60r surprisingly turned out to be my favorite car I’ve owned

>> No.57694011

No not in my opinion. I made a lot of money flipping cars from 2007-2015. Had a used car lot for 2013-2015. It’s a lot of work and not as fun as it seems.

For a lot of reasons, the market still hasn’t leveled out to the point it makes sense. I do see prices are coming back around though. I’ve made decent money lately parting cars out. People are willing to keep their cars on the road longer right now

>> No.57694205


>> No.57694801

Every car thread makes me realize just how poor everyone on 4chan really is. I could just go to a Walmart parking lot to see the cars you dipshits are proud of owning.

>> No.57694820

>Not a job
>Makes more in a week than you make in a year
Stay mad poorfag

>> No.57694836

Cope harder poorfag.

>> No.57694863

99% of people here are 18-20 year olds. I am trying to get off this website because I'm actually doing well in my 30s but it's a bad habit.

>> No.57694866

i meannn, hes rite, there are 20 yo fags who already has lambos, all cuz they generate money online through nfts, cryptos, and others just play video games like blocklords or wow, so i dont see a lie there

>> No.57694914

>listens to a jewtuber
americunts are a gone case. Nothing bright shines there any more.

>> No.57695007

its upto you. worth/value is just perception. prioritise what you want. If you travel long and frequently, go for a decent car. If you want vanity, just rent one. if you travel occasionally, then buy an used car. if you travel on same route most of the time than stick to public transport and dont forget to consider the maintenance and fueling cost. Anyway, wasting fortune on a tin box just because they will provide you 5min thrill is dumb behavior. Let jewtube faggots show off because celebrating retards is a new norm but you stick to your percieved values.

>> No.57695156

you are probably a leasefag thinking you are hot shit renting a car you think you can afford

>> No.57695214

Or, and get this, because you might not have considered it, there are people here who are more successful and richer than you who can actually afford high-end cars without worrying much about them. Responding to every rich-post with "probably a LARP" or similarly makes you look like a coping faggot.

>> No.57695471

>Youtuber claiming 'your parents should buy you a Lamborghini in your 20s'

>> No.57695525


You get cars and jewelry because women judge you by it, nothing more. Aman looks at your build and by it he can tell if you're willing to suffer for your goals.

>> No.57695626

cars are cool until you realize you can get paid for providing market liquidity instead of having it sit on your drive way

>> No.57696720


>> No.57696830

Absolutely brutal mogging, I hope you are OK anon

>> No.57696846

Meant for >>57686567