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57684504 No.57684504 [Reply] [Original]

im an ancient wage slave who wasted my youth (34 y/o), but i got my life back on track in the past 5 years. i know most anons are far richer than i, but i feel ive finally started the path to becoming comfortably wealthy. if crypto does well this year maybe i can crack 300k

how are you anons doing with your net worth?

>> No.57684532

based anon. love come up stories like this. who cares if there are richer people out there. what matters is your own personal come up. making 200k and keeping it is no easy task, so pat yourself on the back. if crypto does well and you're not holding shit coins, then you'll go past 300k. the final boss is selling before we top out though, so don't fall asleep at the wheel. also don't forget taxes if you live in that kind of place.

>> No.57684831

continuing to get better is the most important part. with hard work and good habits you will get rich over time if you're disciplined

>> No.57684847

I have that much at 23

>> No.57684874
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lmao who cares if a pleb's net worth reaches 200k this means nothing to me if i don't have 10mil in btc this man is literally celebrating a 200k net worth probably from buying $anon or some other shit coin like a retarded pleb retard who will soon go bankrupt this is just a warning to all the new people in crypto never buy anything in the top 100 unless its btc eth or $anon obviously this man has been poor his entire life he shouldn't be proud

>> No.57685025

Congrats keep going, many more years left you can make it anon

>> No.57685056
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anon stop celebrating this is literally your first come up did you go to college have a well paying job a family i mean congratulations you didn't spend your entire life living off tendies that's a start you think you made it cus you got lucky on a coin flip i'm literally working with the us government in a secret project fighting chinese hackers and you think your small fortune is going to get you anywhere you are going to lose it all mark my words you scrub and if you say you're going to the moon one more time

>> No.57685107

Good work. Realistically you could leave work and spend 100k on building a business and live off the other 100k for the next two years as you do so. Longer depending on the COL where you live.

>> No.57685263

Good shit. We all would've been richer in retrospect. You're doing okay and don't forget to invest in yourself. Most people are broke, debt ridden liars. Wealth is a good goal, but should be complimentary to other goals.

>t. former Silk Road-era junkie that has managed to stop self-destructing and things have been relatably nice.

Also >>57684874 is a huge faggot

>> No.57685268
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my bags will have their moment when michelle obama talks about BIGMIKE, no one can stand so much mention of her name on the internet without confessing something or apologizing

>> No.57685408

im 34 sidelined with 390k in cash because this dogshit wouldn't dump

i lost my online income and i have no job experience, im going to yolo at market price and kms

>> No.57685539

dude, buy some NFTS and sell them later on eesee, you could make a few on the raffles.

>> No.57685562

>demotivational posters are all jeets trying to shill their bag
lmao, good job op

>> No.57685577

Its not like they are tryhard ur sumething

>> No.57687168

he is a big boy

>> No.57687238

nice job anon. I am 27, just cracked 300k this year. I am hoping to double that by the end of next year at the least.
I didn't get it trading crypto, I have a small business. I earned it all basically in the last 15 months. I will buy some BTC and ETH soon but not in huge quantities.
I still feel like a poorfag though. Aside from rent, I hardly spend more now than I did in college. COL in the first world is insane. I'm going to move soon to live like a king on remote income in europe.

>> No.57687268
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Cool, congrats anon.

Piss it all away at the eesee casino. Or double it. One of these two may happen!

>> No.57687298
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>> No.57688218

congrats anon. just be careful with both inflation and tax because it can kill you and your savings. try to have an investment and calculate your own inflation using a truflation maybe. It worked well, bruh.

>> No.57688228

I'm 33 and have my entire networth of $70k in crypto. If this doesn't work I'm going to invest in $ROPE.

>> No.57688619

I have double that at 19