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File: 945 KB, 2460x1370, XSPEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5767322 No.5767322 [Reply] [Original]

Data Dash recommended us with ~100,000 views, and Data Dash has almost 200,000 subscribers. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZuscaIEKhk&feature=youtu.be&t=13m30s

Look at the picture to the left. Some called it a scam. Some said Pajeet 3 days ago. It was at $2.50 now it is at $6.00 and will soon hit $10.00 in a day or two. Weak hands will sell at a low price, but winners will be rewarded between $30-$300. Yes, that much. The market cap is nowhere near where it can be ($500 million - another 3x-4x in a few days/weeks safely).

The devs aren't shit like XVG nor are they autards like "XVG Whale." And XSPEC has a working product but XVG has only an alpha that leaks your IP address. XSPEC has a working model.

XSPEC and XVG are the only TOR-implemented coins. You may say "TOR is compromised." Sure, but I'll say I'm richer than you, because people will still buy it, and at the end of the day, it will still have utility.

Go to cryptopia.co.nz and buy it and hold it until it hits $30. Or $300. This is a 10x to 100x this year. We will likely be listing in a major exchange in the next few months. See: https://altcoinexchange.featureupvote.com/

My name is Dr. Steve Brule. I'm a doctor.

For your wealth.

>> No.5767542

I bought some at $6.00. Market cap is really low at the moment, but this is an easy 3x in the short term.

>> No.5767588

Dude I'm loving xspec right now. I'm really hoping it gets listed on some more exchanges soon.

>> No.5767685

You can if you want - but remember, Data Dash picked ICX, and other major coins. Everyone who's in crypto knows Data Dash makes good calls because he's a value investor fundamentally. When he chose ICX it went 3x, and that will hit $20-$50 this year.

>> No.5767728

i'm in since .73$ and strongly believe in this project. just do your research, i'd say 50+ by summer isn't far fetched!

>> No.5767968

$.73 is awesome. Congrats to you man.

>> No.5768060

1 person

>> No.5768098


Nope - the results speak for itself. Data dash recommended it + look at price history in the last 14 days. You, sir, are just a poorfag.

>> No.5768124

fuck off fag
this coin is the shit, will surpass monero
fite me

>> No.5768295

are you authistic?

>> No.5768413
File: 32 KB, 512x512, SqK2MlZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm I'm my own person.

Source: my mom says I'm cool

>> No.5768469

Fuck, how many privacy coins will there be?

>> No.5768531

this runs on the tor network

>> No.5769074

Easy moon this year, get your lambos ready

>> No.5769333


over 9000

>> No.5769846

It's mooning again :D

>> No.5769954

Only coin that incorporates the tor network, it has a bright future just needs to be listed on more exchanges. We’ll see $10-15 before the end of January easily.

>> No.5769966

buy xspec or stay a poor fag forever

>> No.5770097

Low quality pajeet group spam

>> No.5770162


If it's a scam why did DataDash recommend it? Why is it now $6.50+ when it was 50 cents a month ago? Keep FUDDING retard ;)

Unlike XVG this is a real product that works. Enjoy bag holding, Pajeet.

>> No.5770312

Oh, summary tables. Nice.
Who doesn't love them!


>> No.5770722


So what do you think about DeepOnion since it has tor implementation?

>> No.5771017

I don't think anything. I just see easy, risk-free $$$.
And this is the case. Just my opinion, not shilling.

>> No.5771589

I am optimistic too but $9000 is absurd. Have you even done the math on that number?