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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57672403 No.57672403 [Reply] [Original]

>ICOs in 2017
>NFTs in 2021
What scam/grift is going to come with this bull run? I want to get in early and build the infrastructure around it before we start.

>> No.57672419

Restaking (it didn't started yet so strap in)

>> No.57672486

Not convinced

>> No.57672498

erc404 maybe?
this could be saddest cycle ever seen

>> No.57672515

>this could be saddest cycle ever seen
Yeah, I am worried that all of the hype will be around the ETF and it won't allow for some other kind of product to take hold like the last two crazes.

>> No.57672533

Ayy uyy

>> No.57672557

Just wait when in few months you will see eth staking with base 3.5% apy + 7%-10% restaking apy on top of it just for holding your eth

>> No.57672567
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restaking will be this bull runs luna
newfags can restake all they want, I actually have something to lose now

>> No.57672750

Is this happening now? I'm on ether.fi, but only staking once. Can I actually restake for additional 7% on ether.fi? I'm a retard.

>> No.57672809

The 2024 scam is LINK going to $100 and then sirGAY finally pulls the rug as soon as the normies buy. Its going to be epic

>> No.57673054

nfts will be big again this bullrun. It will be more difficult though because now there are more projects and multiple chains with nfts.
Pudgy penguins is at 20eth and it used to be considered a rugged project from last cycle. Solana nfts are now as popular and expensive as eth nfts.
I think the nft market is actually following the trend of the crypto market in that old money is pouring funds back in, but new investors have not arrived yet.

>> No.57673079

almost correct

It will be ordinals this bull run. I hope you've packed your bags accordingly.

>> No.57673088

Gaming and AI tokens. I think anything with Base chain will be big too because of the ETH ETF and Coinbase probably being the custodian of that too

>> No.57673639
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Giving growing tech censorship and passing of laws limiting free speech internationally, the next crypto trend will be socialfi.
There is demand for open source, free to use, P2P social media platforms that are scalable, resistant with working demos.
This is what plebbit is.
3.5m mcap

>> No.57673675

Yeah, gamer is my bet too. playing games as your nft character will probably pump the nft market again too

>> No.57673862

Now this could actually be it. Is there infrastructure set up for this yet? Any central marketplace?

>> No.57673914

>3.5 +7-10
last cycle everyone was aping into 10000% apy ponzis and the conservative farmers were farming 3 figure yields on stables
13.5% isnt exciting to anyone

>> No.57674118

ordinals are retarded, literally just traditional NFTs but worse and 1000x more difficult to deal with
ERC404 is the biggest development in NFTs so far and basically makes ERC721s obselete for randomly generated NFTs
and because you can trade them on DEXes they are inherently so much more liquid than traditional NFTs and have much more potential upside
if anything in NFTs takes off its going to be ERC404

>> No.57674311

>no one wants to get rich slow

>> No.57674322

Ordinals are already dead, bud.

>> No.57674675

I was airdropped an ordinal worth $1,400 today because I held a different ordinal that qualified me for the airdrop. I can assure you that Ordinals aren't dead.

As for >>57674118 They are just as easy to deal with as NFTs. The concept is the exact same, except the images are stored directly on-chain and thus are uncensorable. ETH nfts are stored in IPFS (centralised database), I see this as a major vulnerability. Have you ever tried to search for a website with a link that leads to a dead frontend? The same thing could happen to an NFT collection if the creator decides to stop paying hosting fees or decides to change the smart contract. In fact, this has already happened to GoblinTown in April last year: https://decrypt.co/126261/goblintown-creator-trashes-nft-artwork-disables-trading-royalties-stand

ERC404 is irrelevant. Who wants to hold fractionalized shares of an artwork? Fractionalized ownership is a scam, people want to own a piece of art instead of sharing it between a few thousand other anons. Would you go halves on a lambo and share it with your friend? The core tenet of crypto is self-sovereignty, not communal ownership.

Magic Eden has the highest trading volume at the moment.
Download Xverse wallet or Unisat wallet and fund it with bitcoin to get started.

>> No.57674706

I never invested in those things

>> No.57674707

Theyre putting ordinals in the blockchain that are turning the bitcoin gay

>> No.57674770
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I still believe there's decent money to be made with nfts. Not being brainless easy to exploit anymore simply encourages innovation. Eesee for example, if you got nfts lying around from last cycle you can just put them in there, idiots can put a dollar or two in a raffle, someone at random wins it. 300 idiots, 300 dollariroos. Better than the 2 cents it's probably worth now.

Platforms like these make me bullish for these things. Other than that, stake platforms with shitty tokens that do nothing but inflate your money until it bursts and dies.

>> No.57675217


>> No.57675377

>ETH nfts are stored in IPFS (centralised database)
*some* eth nfts are stored on IPFS, this by no means is necessary and originally nfts were intended to be stored on chain
punks for example are stored on chain
and undoubtedly the same exact thing will happen to ordinals where it becomes convenient to just store a reference value to an ipfs address bc that way you can store more data

>ERC404 is irrelevant. Who wants to hold fractionalized shares of an artwork?
youre a fucking retard
ERC404 is not fractionalisation. You either own an ERC404 NFT or you dont, you dont own a fraction. If you own 1 token you own an NFT, likewise if you just buy an NFT outright you get 1 token. If you own less than a token, the NFT is burned. People who want to avoid burning the NFTs can just sell the NFTs normally as you would on opensea.
The difference versus traditional NFTs is essentially that you can just go to any exchange that lists the ERC404 token and buy/sell the NFT, rather than having to go through opensea and having to deal with listing the NFTs individually and trying to guess what theyre worth.

put simply, its NFTs that can be exchanged as easily as tokens.

>> No.57675436

>ERC404 is not fractionalisation.
>If you own less than a token, the NFT is burned

Owning less than one NFT is the same as holding a fraction. If 10 people each hold 0.1 pandora they own a tenth of a hypothetical NFT that will be minted once someone holds 1 Pandora. ERC404 is fractionalisation by definition. This will become more clear as the holder counts of the top ERC404 collections continue to increase.
Also, *most* eth NFTs (including ERC404) are stored on IPFS. Cryptopunks, onchainmonkeys (they moved to bitcoin), and Punkapeyachtclub are exceptions.

>the same exact thing will happen to ordinals where it becomes convenient to just store a reference value to an ipfs address bc that way you can store more data

Multiple collections have already used IPFS, and no one bought them because they were trash. You can store just as much data if not more in an ordinal by using recursion (inscribing traits individually on chain, and then inscribing code that pieces together the onchain traits into a high-resolution ordinal image).

>> No.57675679

>Owning less than one NFT is the same as holding a fraction.
not as fractionalisation has been defined thus far
fractionalisation in the traditional sense would be that you own a fraction of some specific NFT thats been minted and no individual actually owns the whole NFT, which is retarded

ERC404 simply allows you to exchange NFTs on regular exchanges. If you cant afford to buy a whole pandora, buy a cheaper NFT. Or if you think a project will succeed but dont want to buy a whole NFT, buy some of the token as a sort of "stake" in the collection.

but whatever, say it is a form of fractionalisation, why is that bad? how is it a negative that fractionalisation has been achieved in a way thats fully compatible with the entire defi ecosystem?
imagine if you could buy into punks or BAYC without actually buying a whole NFT, youd have tons of smaller players piling in who wouldnt be able to otherwise, it inherently has more liquidity/potential for growth, which is what were all here for in the end

>You can store just as much data if not more in an ordinal by using recursion
minting a 20kb ordinal costs 150-250$, its simply impractical to inscribe large amounts of data even if its theoretically possible. Using IPFS is going to become standard out of necessity. Ordinals literally offer 0 benefits over NFTs on other chains.

>> No.57675809

>fully compatible with the entire defi ecosystem
I do see this as a positive. Fully integrating NFTs into the defi ecosystem would give NFTs more utility.

>minting a 20kb ordinal costs 150-250$, its simply impractical to inscribe large amounts of data even if its theoretically possible.
That's a drastic exaggeration. I recently minted a 57kb ordinal for $100 (It wasn't part of a collection I just wanted to inscribe an image I liked onto a rare sat for fun).
Inscribing large amounts of data is easy using recursion, I own a high-resolution ordinal that is only 152b in size. How? You only need to inscribe code that pieces together data that is already on chain to generate the image. IPFS will never become the standard for ordinals because it is unnecessary. Jpegs stored on IPFS are inefficient and can sometimes take around 5 minutes to fully load in your wallet.

>> No.57675979

>57kb ordinal for $100

I used Ordibot and was charged $300 for 25kb back in December and even then it looks like ass (too pixelated)

>> No.57677028
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Not a scam/grift but the next narrative. 2024 is the year of AI tokens. RLC, AGRS,THETA,WORLDCOIN these are all pumping this year