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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57670846 No.57670846 [Reply] [Original]

For doing next to nothing and watching white men that bust their ass get passed over. How do you fags even have the motivation to do more than the bare minimum at this point? They “reward” those capable with more work and no money to pick up
Their pet minorities slack. They’ve given every pod lead position to manager as well, it’s unreal.

>> No.57670855

And you’re still playing their game. Faggot

>> No.57670917 [DELETED] 

It's even in the military now. I got an MP as an LPO of 180 people while two woman working under me with 0 maintenance performed and no collaterals got an EP (highest eval possible, usually ~1 EP/50 people). Actually told the CO on my way out and got stood at attention and fucking shit on for being sexist trash. Another buddy got actually demoted because another member said he strangled her on the dance floor in a nightclub despite the club providing VIDEO EVIDENCE that this didn't happen. Best of luck out there wagiebros but I think I'm done with that shit for life

>> No.57671163

I’m just coasting until I retire at the peak of this bull run my man.

*given all pod lead positions to women.

>> No.57671434
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>start my own business
>never hire wamen or minorities
>only hire internally from existing employees
>employees are all God fearing huWhite men
>have a token beaner and wammin on payroll (wammin is gf)
>Handle HR through automation
>No one goes through it
>Employees call each other “nigger faggots” and wear jeans to work (It’s an office desk job)
>Tell them to just don’t let the normalfags and customers hear them talk that way
>Let them play vidya or hit the gym to blow off steam at work
>Productivity is amazing.

Coping pretty well frens.

>> No.57671520

Stop working hard, and let their shitpile company collapse under the weight of 70iq leadership

>> No.57671579
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>> No.57671662

Begin to shave your legs and wear summer dresses. Makeup. Stockings. High-heels. Glitter. Perfume. Shake it when you walk.
Become high-maintenence. Get promoted. You may sue them for discrimination.
There's no decency so be indecent.
Beat them at their own game.

>> No.57671719

>suck dick to trigger the libs, own the libs
Maybe I'm not a nazi bros

>> No.57671763

>start my own business
doing WHAT
everyone always says this but what the fuck am i supposed to sell?
i have the skills and background to actually build worthwile things for businesses that need them but how in the absolute fuck am i supposed to convince a bunch of strangers to give someone they've never heard of cash for a job?

>> No.57673658
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well there is nothing wrong with that either, at least they are doing something more than other women who are waiting to be taken by someone with a lot of money and live like parasites, I wonder if I can be considered one of those dudes if I have a fat BIGMIKE bag

>> No.57673730

Im filing a lawsuit against your hiring practices being in violation of the Civil Rights Act, sorry chud

>> No.57673764

Yeah, I recently had a slap in the face where they promoted the guy I trained. Shit sucks.

>> No.57674171

You create and present a business plan to a bank and take out a business loan. If your plan is logical and appears likely to succeed, the bank loans you money. Realistically this is after you already have a small business that started using your own capital and personal loans, with the business loans used for expansion of an already fledging company.

Any idiot can come up with an idea, putting it into action is where it counts.

>> No.57674308

My company recently promoted several women to higher positions and surprise surprise! they fucked up several bids, missed deadlines, threw tantrums, and some just didn't even do their jobs as they were not coming to work or slacking.
Now company is tanking and the good workers are getting laid off en masse. We have no work because clients hate the company due to roastie cunts not doing their jobs.

>> No.57674338

Happening everywhere this world is a sick joke

>> No.57674785

Relax. If it is truly as you say, then the companies who don't do this shit will eventually rise to the top and all will be right in the world

>> No.57674829

Leave for a better paying job? Simple

>> No.57674846

i dont i happily quit and got on welfare and now work on my independent businesses and online schemes where i get paid in cash only so now i with free insurance, cable internet, food stamps, and welfare thanks to you tax paying cucks i live a comfy upper middleclass lifestyle working whenver i want about 20 hrs per week

>> No.57674859

banks arent loaning right now they are all insolvent retard