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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57667477 No.57667477 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57667614

I'm up almost 50% now. I'm just gonna hodl and see how far it goes. I honestly don't see anything special about it but, I guess the market does lol.

>> No.57668351

No more of these posts till we reach $10 at least, biz doesn’t deserve this coin so let them seethe

>> No.57668391

I didn't buy because I felt like I was going to buy the top and it just keeps going up
this is giving me kda vibes fuck

>> No.57668533

im now financially independent holy shit bros i actually made it

>> No.57668839

another missed opportunity for all the faggots that didn’t buy. where is that faggot that talks about muh technology?
>reeee sharding doesn’t work
>it doesn’t solve the trilemma
eat a bag of dicks faggot wherever you are

>> No.57669669

Waiting for a retracement to buy on coinmetro

>> No.57670565
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What's special is number gongo up. Bigly.
I almost got stuck in the same boat with you. I didn't buy KDA at $0.10 after seeing it shilled here. I didn't buy KAS when I had the similar vibe. There's an old saying in Tennesse, fool me once, shame on you...
Very easy to bridge funds from ethereum and buy on the Alephium dex. Something neither KDA nor KAS can do. I love technology.

>> No.57670624

If I've learned anything about crypto (and markets in general), it's that it doesn't matter who has the better tech, or more fair launch, or more talented team etc... The markets only care about what they think will go up in price. Period. Alephium might be shit for all I know, but other people think the price will go up and keep buying it, so the price goes up. Plain as.

>> No.57670713
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Bought at 15 cents and sold at 1 dollar

I always sell too early ffs

>> No.57670747

Protip: if something is performing well before the bull market's even started, do not fucking sell, because it's likely to just keep outperforming all your other shitcoin picks as the run kicks into full gear

>> No.57670790

>it's that it doesn't matter who has the better tech, or more fair launch, or more talented team etc...
These things do matter, but they're not the entire puzzle

>> No.57670803

I should've swapped my heavy af rose bags for this. Why am I so retarded.

>> No.57671000

i saw at $0.20 and regret not buying there (got in initially at 0.8 and mostly at 1.4
could've been rich(er)

>> No.57671028

KDA is still objectivley the best L1 all around
no one realizes it yet
totally different tech, and the core team is building it without the caring of the opinions of any peons
the founder himself likely pumped it to get their grant fund ($150m) now they are tidying up before giving that grant fund to their friends who are all extremely talented autists.
KDA core doesn't care about the schedule of the bullrun
they showed that with the pump to $30

>> No.57671029
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>> No.57671051

I bought at 0.20 due to /biz/ shilling. This shit is gonna make me RICHHHH

>> No.57671067

KDA tranny. I think it holds ALPH but just fuds out of general trollishness or mental illness

>> No.57671089

I'm pretty sure that anon was a kaspa holder so probably not to upset right now. I hold both and I'm gonna make it this run

>> No.57671114

congrats, i saw the biz shilling and ignored
Only have a 5k alph and another 1000 of the AyinAlph LPs which are netting me 1 AYIN per day about, so not bad.
but I could've 10x'd my portfolio realllllly quick
hind sight, so it goes.

just remember i may be the KDA tranny
but KDA will still be the king.
the queen / tranny shit on this board will be forgotten by the board.
but people will be wishing they bought KDA at $10 let along where it is right now.

>> No.57671125

Kaspa exists trannie.

>> No.57671131

Kadena is dead and has too many leftover bagholders from last bull run who kill keep the price down. If you want to make real gains then you need to find new shit that hasn't had a bull run yet, and stop being married to last cycles bags

>> No.57671166

kek, i am mad i didn't buy that kike scam thats for sure, but no way i would've held that pos that long

youre mostly right, but I have a feeling you don't actually understand underlying tech of anything if you are saying that.
KDA is actually crazy interms of what it enables.
I don't care if you buy.
And I'm now a semi whale in some mid cap projects and have 10k LINK
if just one of my midcaps goes to the top 50 (which i think a few will) I'll be retired.

I don't need Kadena to fly, but I know it will and I'd blow my brains out like the tranny you tell me I am if I missed that pump, because I actually understand their product.

P.S. I have a fuck ton of AYIN, and I'm pretty stoked seeing its pumping with ALPH

>> No.57671178

It’s literally just Jewish eth whales fucking around they don’t know where to put their $ because it’s all going to be illegal soon

>> No.57671190

Fuck bros is this a bad entry? I fucked up bridging last week and decided to wait. Still feel like there's a bit of a retrace coming? What's the price target for this in the bull

>> No.57671224

>youre mostly right, but I have a feeling you don't actually understand underlying tech of anything if you are saying that.
Yeah I do, I'm not really a fan of kadena desu, I've used it and I hated having my funds split up between different chains, and if I wanted to do anything on a different shard then I had to first send KDA from one shard to another and then wait for that to confirm before I could do anything. I think ALPH is better with its one-step cross shard transactions and Kaspa is better by having a single state network that uses pruning to manage state bloat instead of having a bunch of shards that grow infinitely. Tech is not the main driver of price action either. Kadena's tokenomics and emissions schedule are bad for the price. If you weren't married to your kda bags then you would have been early to both like me. Because they're both going to do another 10x before KDA does.

>> No.57671271

Anything under $100 is a good entry

>> No.57671282

This. Just look up "aleph"
Kas vibes

>> No.57671342
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Except it has actual L1 features, a clean history with no shadiness, total transparency into the team and investors, an actual functioning desktop wallet, etc. Oh wait this is nothing like KAS at all and you are a fucking retard.

>> No.57671411

yes, i realized this after googling aleph like >>57671282 says one should do.

the clean history is a fact,
though I don't believe that anything under $100 is a good entry, seems like a pretty reasonable guess at a blow off top to me.

>> No.57671563

$100 is some real moonboy shit, but given how much momentum we have atm and the success of the hackathon, I think we will see $50 next year.

>> No.57671608

Remember, the China narrative is real with Alephium too because of Cheng Wang >>57671029 the Chinese Vitalik

>> No.57671649

Bros. I completely missed out on this. Sidelined. For the ones saying you have made it, please. Take some profit now 25% at least, maybe more. Just because we all know what can happen. Congrats looks like some alts will run this season

>> No.57671712

desu, we're in the 2nd inning of a bull run and you're asking people to hit the kill switch on a quarter of their retirement bag? appreciate the concern but this may be why you're sidelined in the first place

>> No.57671797 [DELETED] 

I cant afford the risk for alts my friend, that hurt though lmao. nice id btw eggy. I believe btc is king this run.

>> No.57671868

yeah i mean also depends if this thing is scalable and what gets built on it
i know a few kadena devs have started working on dapps on ALPH,
honestly i should DYOR into it more before disregarding it
Could be really cool
also >>57671608 says, the chinese seem to be taking a liking to ALPH

>> No.57671911

There's no puzzle though. It's simply whatever the market wants. Shit is fluid and ever changing. You don't have to "solve" it, just ride it. The market like alephium RN. There are ways to determine how much it likes alephium that can give you a better idea of when to exit, but for right now, we ride lol.

>> No.57671950

Eat some eggs and shrimp and butter man. You're obviously lacking in testosterone or whatever part of your brain tells you it's ok to take risks. Don't be a faggot. This is literally the golden bullrun. The last of the V8 interceptors. Everything changes in 2025.

>> No.57671961

sorry, didn't mean to be an asshole lol. btc is always king, agree with you there friend!

>> No.57671965

FUN to the $1 coming up next, market is waking up!!

>> No.57672070

I have a bag of Alephium but tokenomics matters because when you have coins with large preallocations, it means that you can get dumped on at any moment by insiders. Fair launched coins have pumps that are more sustainable. I have a bag of Alephium and am enjoying the gains but I didn't buy as much as I would have if it was a fair launched coin with no preallocation. This would have been a top 20 coin easily if that were the case

>> No.57672517

I'm fully aware of the variables that play into risk in this space. You don't have to sell it to me brother. I think it's marginal at best, but the market likes it, so I'll take my gains where it gives them. My personal feeling is that it will pump past $5, correct, and crab for months before hitting double digits in the fall, but I might be very wrong. That's justy feeling.