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5766628 No.5766628 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT we laugh at bitcoin.
Pick any of the following alts. They can easily replace bitcoin because of their superior technology.
1. Ark - proof of stake, instant transactions, no wasted energy on mining cause proof of stake. And can communicate with any other crypto using the ark listening encoder.

2. Eos. Again delegated proof of stake. Can handle more than 100,000 transactions per second. Daniel larimer realized bitcoins and ethereums mistakes and rebuilt the code properly from the ground up. Look at his other successful project steemit, they handle thousands of transactions already with peoples steemit blog posts per second.

3. Ripple - being used with banks and being able to be supported by the government again do I need to say anymore. They can also have zero fees unlike buttcoin. This is a close contender.

4. XEM. Another heavy contender that could easily wipe out bitcoin. Proof of stake with master nodes. Partnering with wechat over in China with their wallets. China is way ahead of us technology wise. They might be onto something for finding the next worlds currency.

5. Iota - iota could work with the internet of things on "the tangle" we could have Internet smart fridges, washing machines, cars, dishwashers, smart ovens, televisions can handle micro transactions. Theere are millions of already televisions and other things to help transfer the future iota 1 world currency already, we just have to put these devices on the blockchain.

Let's fucking face it. Any of my suggestions could easily over take bitcoin in the near future. I've sold 100% of my bitcoin at 14,000 yesterday and will never look back. I'm 100% in alts now. Bitcoin is a sick fucking senial grandpa with cancer in his bones, blind in both eyes with caderacs and needs to be put down with a shotgun.

Bitcoin had its time. Now it's time for the new kids on the block to take over. I can't wait to see btc hit 5000$ by March and never come back.

Remember biz diversify. And fuck bitcoin

>> No.5766761

when people start talking like this is exactly when btc starts a new ah rally. start exiting your alts if they are not reserve currencies.

>> No.5766789

Bitcoin has further to drop my man. We are fucked.

>> No.5766825
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>> No.5766869

Bitcoin is a movement. stop focusing on the number so much. There are people who would kill for btc.. think about that.

>> No.5766902
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>> No.5766933

corecuks are fucking dead and they are too deluded to see it.


>> No.5766977

This, relentless moons and taunts... he will wake up soon for his revenge

>> No.5767040
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*angrily rolls in his slumber*

>> No.5767146

These threads are so funny. Bitcoin has the most secure decentralized protocol, and is the undisputed king. All those alts you listed are centralized "blockchains". Enjoy those pink wojacks when you bet against king BTC

>> No.5767150

Bitcoin had its purpose and that was to attract attention to this market. We need the Bitcoin. It makes us complete.

Cause without our gracious overlord, new investors wont show up and give us their precious shekels.

>> No.5767402

yeah youre in alts.. and what are they tied to? what are you going to be selling them for if they moon? oh yeah.. btc you fucking moron

>> No.5767496


>> No.5767504

>Ripple.. ''used by banks'' ''supported by government''

Fuck you you sell out

>> No.5767860
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Unlike Bitcoin, XRP serves a real-world purpose, and Ripple speaks to an industry that is worth trillions of dollars.

In 2018/2019 you will be using it to pay for everything online (pic related), and institutions are starting to jump on board too, this was just announced:

>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


2018 will be about utility and Bitcoin will be dethroned.

>> No.5767932
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No, it's not, Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. Proof of work encourages centralization.

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators

tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.

>> No.5767975


Asked this in other thread a month agobut no one bothered. Still, why does everyone belive EOS are building their own blockchain when it's clraly stated in their WP that they are not.

>> No.5768307
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>> No.5768448

>ripple: putting corporations back into human transactions

Why not be your own bank anon?

>> No.5768524

Yeah no one cares about any of this shit you goddamned cultist. Bitcoin will continue to be bitcoin, and alts will continue to be alts. You know there's room for everyone in the cryptosphere you fuckin spaz lol.

>> No.5768586

don't be like that, dude.

that's like making fun of your grandpa because he used a powder fill rifle.

>> No.5768623
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>mfw op woke the dragon up
well i hope you're happy

>> No.5768657


Get fucking corrected.

>> No.5768691

oh shit, bitcoin is starting to surge, and alts are dropping. is it time to exit all alts? im scared

>> No.5768715


>> No.5768736

yes, faggot. just sell everything and buy back if the king goes back to sleep, otherwise the king will crush your gains

>t. got massacred in the last altocaust

>> No.5768773

All crypto either makes you pay through your nose for fees, is unsafe or is centralized (i.e., no different from traditional fiat money).
Basing your security on computational power of the network is fatally flawed.

>> No.5768823

Alts increasingly disregard the shrinking influence of BTC. It will enter the bear market alone while alts continue to thrive. Amen.

>> No.5768839


Now look what you've done.

>> No.5769071

>3. Ripple

when it dumps it's going to scare a lot of ppl away from alts for awhile

>> No.5769118
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>t. increasingly nervous altcoin bagholder

>> No.5769232

>Doesn't list XLM, the crypto that will replace it

>> No.5769233
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Bow down.

>> No.5769406



>> No.5770183
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>> No.5770210


>> No.5770298
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a challenger appears

>> No.5770299
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TFW you poke the bear and nothing happens.

>> No.5770770


wtf do we do now? sell all alts???

>> No.5770822


>> No.5770856

lol. dumb ass. dream on faggot. you have no idea how this works.

>> No.5770927

Only one that can replace it is BCH

kek you fucking newfag the miners secure the network, take your ponzi system and shove it up your ass

>> No.5770930

This thread lol...


>> No.5770972

WAKEY WAKEY altcucks

>> No.5770998
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Just load up your bags with the next world reserve currency.

>> No.5771055

Yeah but what about the alts????? you didn't answer please share your knowledge

>> No.5771078

are you mad because you spent your life savings on btc when it was 19000 and just sold it off now at a loss?

buy high sell low then make an angry post, never change /biz

>> No.5771090
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>> No.5771197
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loling @ u