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57663067 No.57663067 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been reading up on Steve Jobs lately. He had more charisma in one finger than fatboy could hope to have in 5 lifetimes

>> No.57663087

great thread jeet. seethe while he becomes the the most important man in the universe and will forever be known as one of the greatest men to ever live.

>> No.57663108

The more I read about early Jobs, Gates, etc., the more evident it becomes CL is doing it all wrong. And that direction comes from the top. That video talks about a time when Apple tried to staff management with corporate sheep, very similar to what CL has done these last few years.

On top of that and a much bigger problem… you need a CEO that can sell. Something about Sergey just comes off as weird and awkward. He isn’t a closer. It’s really hard to imagine him selling banks, waddling into the room he a flannel or some off the rack suit with his awkward mannerisms. I think he really wants to be the guy that gets the girl deep down and there’s some frustration there on his part. At times he can come off as confident but mostly it sounds forced, as if he is going through mental reminders from coaching sessions or something

>> No.57663141

Jobs had a great humility about himself as well. He wasnt afraid to say I dont know or we screwed up. You would never hear that from Sergey. If something doesn’t work you never hear about it again, they just cover up and change the narrative.

Watch this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=48j493tfO-o

How would Sergey have reacted to this? Not that he’d ever be big enough to take uncensored questions from the audience

>> No.57663160

2:00 mark

“you can’t start with the technology…”

So true

>> No.57663270

If chainlink had Elon musk as ceo we would be at $500 minimum. Sergey is an awkward mumbling fumbling bumbling stuttering fatass

>> No.57663294

I agree

I said a few years ago that I was hoping Eric Schmidt would take over as CEO and move hamburger to a chairman post, or some other figurehead role. Sergey's biggest mistake was promising CCIP at the end of '21 and failing to get it on mainnet by '24.

>> No.57663321

Sergey is Steve Wozniak in a Steve jobs role. (We will just temporarily forget how jobs stabbed woz in the back for this analogy). Sergey should not be the front man, he should be hard at work on the code. He is woefully out of his element.

>> No.57663352

He's not unlike Vitalik: genius, visionary, autistic, influential figurehead, but definitely not manning the corporate machine. He's likely still in the development trenches in some way or another.

>> No.57663365


I wish we could go back to the 90s era in tech. We have to go back. It was so white. It was so right.

>> No.57664314

it's all sergey fault

>> No.57664381

you're seven years into this and you still don't understand. Chainlink's only plan is to fill a massive, inevitable gap. Your delusional fantasies about "big persona tech" completely miss the point of what they're doing
sergey doesn't fucking code

>> No.57664403
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Sergey before chainlink wore a suit and was thinner. Sergey whilst working on chainlink before 2023-24 was fat and wore a dumb flannel everywhere. Now he is back to wearing a suit and he is getting thinner. It was all a facade, a part of the hiding strategy.

>> No.57664410

Reminder that steve jobs was a bug chasing, gay bottom that died from aids.

>> No.57664445

>Is Sergey holding Chainlink back?