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57660585 No.57660585 [Reply] [Original]

I still don't understand the purpose of Ethereum.

Who actually uses it and why?

>> No.57660602

Scammers, to churn shitcoins fasted than you can say "Classic is the real Ethereum"

>> No.57660646

Who is buying shitcoins with Ethereum gas fees though?

Better to use Solana or BSC or some other shitcoin chain.

>> No.57660758

It was meant to be a tweaked redeployment of bitcoin as a virtue machine allowing smart contract programmability to a decentralized ledger.
Instead of supporting:
column a is addresses
column b is balance.
They added the evm to it to allow additional columns to have programmable expression.
Basically they upgraded “Notepad” to Excel.
The next iteration of advancement will be to build the computer which excel resides. Pretty sure ICP will be the one to do it.

>> No.57660857

OK but why?

>> No.57660918

Because everyone wants to be the leader of Web3, brotip: the leader is still in the making

>> No.57661034

It's literally a pump and dump scam that everyone involved knew was going nowhere at the very start.
No one uses it for anything at all.

>> No.57661048

It's ICP. Let's be serious.

>> No.57661088
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holy fuck it never ends with you faggots
>who buys bitcoin?
>who buys ethereum?
>why arent more people buying my shitcoin?
nobody cares about whatever shitcoin you are holding
if you care abot the gas or the tx fees it just means you are poor and probably brown.

>> No.57661098
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wrong image kek

>> No.57661101

I mainly use L2's to be honest, mainnet is really expensive to interact with defi

>> No.57661107

ethereum has a dying cult that thinks the expensive fees are to cater towards the institutions and it should be like that, and the layer 2s should be for retail

>> No.57661108

>if you care abot the gas or the tx fees it just means you are poor and probably brown.
Or...you actually want to use the product?
Oh wait, the high fee operations don't even have a product. Just a mining scam where they rake money off retards trading it around.

>> No.57661118

They don't even think that.
It's cope and they hate everyone and just want to get rich and fuck everyone.
No one thinks what you just said. They SAY it because there is literally nothing else they can say to even semi justify the scams they are pushing.

>> No.57661128

L2's like arbitrum/base/OP right now are pretty cheap, interacting with defi is somewhere around $0,10 to $0,30

I hope dencun upgrade and blobs will go live with no problems as they have the potential to bring those gas prices down to like under $0,05 but we still won't be as cheap as solana

>> No.57661140

seethe harder whatever shitcoin you are holding will never reach the price of eth or bitcoin and you will stay poor forever.

>> No.57661155

It serves as a testnet for ethereum classic.

>> No.57661157

I'm quite rich.
I was buying ICP at $3. Has ETH gone 5x in the last 3 months?

I was in btc at $3. You are super new and just begging for what you have to go up without really knowing anything.
Go to OpenChat right now and compare that product to the non products on ETH.
In fact, THERE IS NOTHING ON ETH. Just a long history of tx that mean nothing.

>> No.57661165

To be clear...YOU MISSED ON ETH and what gains are left will be modest because it's a non product.
>inserts infinite L2 bandaids
Not gonna work.

>> No.57661174
File: 52 KB, 244x136, 19421983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use ETH to gamble NFTs on eesee, i don't know what other use they have

>> No.57661191

Bro just use the best meme format to make fun of liberals bro come on bro I know smuggies are easier for fast threads but this meme is just as funny if people take the time to read it bro yeah sure some people think it's a leftist meme itself because of the length but they almost always make fun of them bro you secretly want to fuck spiders bro

>> No.57661195

tbf i based it off this one comment i saw scrolling through Maker DAOs governance replies and someone literally said that the high fees are there to give them more strong support for institutional adoption. so at least some people in that community will think like that. i dont doubt people genuinely believe they shouldnt be the users but big monopoly banks should be the users of crypto

>> No.57661202

a virtue machine

>> No.57661212
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move out the way nigger

>> No.57661220
File: 67 KB, 593x500, 2A57DE5A-AB89-4ADA-B6E0-17745A3922A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of my way, incel bastards

>> No.57661221

Is it for scam niggas.. For that reason, I put all my money on Eesee, away from Jewish.

>> No.57661244

it's the lifeforce of the planet and all living things, vitalik uses it daily when he casts warlock drain life on others to keep himself one day ahead of death. notice how close his name is to vitality. it is no coincidence

>> No.57661309

btc is $52k today mate. if you can't do math, that's x17000
anyone who had $10k worth of btc back when it traded at $3 would have 173 MILLION DOLLARS right now
just by doing absolutely nothing. missing every ico, earning not a single extra bitcoin. simply holding in cold storage
in other words, while you think your larp says you're smart
what it actually says is "i'm so unbelievably dumb about everything crypto, despite lucking out on being an early adopter i fumbled the bag majorly"
i would trust the opinion of a 2021 newfag who became millionaire off dog coins and jpegs over yours any day
it's not even close

>> No.57661319

the point of ethereum is to waste stupid goyim's money on gas, that is the SOL reason

>> No.57661355

It's not a larp. I had small amounts and it sucked balls and I was in it for the sell point of a peer to peer payments system and it obviously sucked balls and was run by glowies.
So I didn't make any money really. Some.

During that time I built a large national brand and married a hot neurologist.
Again, 5x'd on ICP last 3 months.

You are invested in an already pumped chain run by literal global elite pedos. The price will go up, but not in a big way so you should move your funds.

The only reason to hold ETH is to get the scraps of the pump and dump.
No one uses it for anything.

>> No.57661392


Congrats anon, I'm also big into ICP. like 5000 coins.

What is your price prediction for this bull run ?
I was more thinking about 200 to 400 usd. If we ever touch this price, I will probably sell 2000 ICP and ride the remainings until the next decade.

>> No.57661412

People with enough money to not care about fees.
Those people care more about the security of their assets.
You wouldn't want to hold a large amount of money on shitcoin chains unless you are aiming for the Terra LUNA experience.

>> No.57661610

There is no way we don't see $100. At that point I'll sell some because I'm a boomer and have a shorter time frame and I want to buy land which is also going to 2x over the next few years.

So the key is to take a 10x and swing it into something AHEAD of that 2x.
Either way. It's an actual product with massive implications and this other faggot itt is raging because I mentioned it and his job is to shill a literal ghost chain that only passes around little tokens so that the people running it can get rich off of fees.

>> No.57661620

>people with money don't care about margins
If you want to scale...then paying over a buck a tx bankrupts you.

>> No.57661662


I agree that 100 is guaranteed of the next year. Well we will see when euphoria will start. Reddit is a good top indicator.

Take care anon and may we all make it.

>> No.57661665

>this mongoloid managed to not make any money after buying BTC at $3
>still wants to give financial advice to others
>others that outperformed his gains by 50x

>> No.57661712

Better to keep your assets on Bitcoin then

>> No.57661851

This is not a totally bad summary desu.

>> No.57661864

Yes, it is.

>> No.57661876

I don't get it either. it's a centralized computer.

>> No.57662255

If you were around back then it was not apparent that a very slow and expensive "solution" would go anywhere.
It was not even the best option at that time.

Tx took 12-24 hours and all you could do was make traceable drug purchases from literal CIA agents.

It's the exact same now. It is slow, expensive, and you can only use it to buy drugs from CIA agents.
I moved on with my life and did quite well.
No one on earth held from $3 to $52,000 retard.