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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57656885 No.57656885 [Reply] [Original]

>Get up in the morning
>Eat some bread and butter quickly and a fruit
>Go to my computer in my pajamas and turn on computer
>Open 4 different slack spaces because owner is a technological retard and doesn't understand how to use Slack. Each have 50+ channels I need to manage.
>Open my email to 30+ unread emails of shit I don't care about
>Look across each Slack to find 40+ Slack messages from the owner who has nothing else to do over the weekend but send a bunch of manic messages freaking out about menial things
>Start working to repair a bunch of damage to client relationships & employee morale the CEO did over the weekend
>Spend another week counting down the days
>Go on /biz/ and shitpost

Happy Monday everyone

>> No.57656895
File: 146 KB, 1080x958, It's_Over....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just press buttons and slowly lose my sanity in a dirty factory...

>> No.57657021

sounds comfy. At least you get to be around people. In a remote work environment you start to lose a grasp on that the things at the other end of the computers are also people and everyone starts doing weird interpersonal shit or just forget how to be human.

My boss/owner literally told me "When one of these people tells me their dad died or whatever I don't feel anything. I just don't care." then laughed for a little while. He was upset about someone whose dad died not showing up for work.

>> No.57657068 [DELETED] 

e̾a̾r̾n̾ f̾r̾e̾e̾ g̾i̾f̾t̾c̾a̾r̾d̾s̾ a̾s̾ m̾a̾n̾y̾ t̾i̾m̾e̾s̾ a̾s̾ y̾o̾u̾ w̾a̾n̾t̾ a̾n̾d̾ r̾e̾s̾e̾l̾l̾ i̾t̾ f̾o̾r̾ p̾r̾o̾f̾i̾t̾s̾, r̾e̾a̾d̾ t̾h̾e̾ p̾d̾f̾ a̾t̾ t̾h̾e̾ l̾i̾n̾k̾ b̾e̾l̾o̾w̾



>> No.57657090

Sounds like my WFH tech job. I get paid a lot but it sucks my soul sometimes. Luckily today is a holiday in US/Canada.

>> No.57657994

yes I am paid well for this misery. I don't even get a holiday today despite being in the US bc the company gives minimum # of holidays. Had to fight tooth and nail to get more than 10 days vacation. USA! USA! USA!

>> No.57658029

>Get up at 11AM
>Open slack
>Open outlook
>Activate mouse jiggler (don't even know what for it's not like anyone checks if I'm online)
>Make coffee
>Hear ping from outlook
>Invited to an in-person workshop 3 weeks from now with the whole department on how to increase productivity
>It's the 7th workshop, we always just put up post its with random meaningless phrases on a whiteboard and nothing ever happens
>take a nap in constant anxiety of being found out that I don't do shit

>> No.57659728

i did WFH where i had to make excel sheets and send mails and after 2 years of that i wanted to KMS. I then quit my job and went travelling for 2 yeears. I really needed that. now I am doing the odd job in a factory for half a year and then I'll quit and travel again. thanks buttcoins.

>> No.57659737


>> No.57659758

Why don't you move to a French village on the riviera and fuck swedish college girls on vacation on your days off, loser? Remote jobs are so easy to make them work but you're failing.

>> No.57659783


>> No.57659808

I'm the only one with a real job here?
You are all going to be replaced by pajeeta and AI

>> No.57659992

I have children and a wife and 2 dogs. Your plan doesn't work for me.

>> No.57660010

what's your plan from there? Do you like the factory job better than the excel sheets and mails job? I basically do excel sheets and emails for $200k a year. The work isn't hard, but it's fucking agonizing.

>> No.57660041
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Well waht do you want me to say, mr. boomer in all but name? You chose your life, now live it, there you go.

>> No.57660052

brother man, this is not your job to be your CEO's bitch, I had a job like this and quit after 3 months

>> No.57660320

I'm out in 6-7 months, then I'm done working for anyone else forever. I started this job 6 months ago and I said I'd do a year. Didn't realize how hard it would be, but I am halfway through so I'll make it. In the meantime, stacking those wagie buxx.

>> No.57660373

10 days only sucks desu sorry
hope they are truly paying you good

>> No.57660444

What? 200k for wfh job doing excel? Is it advanced excel atleast? You complain too much, you are not a wagie get outta here. I wish i jad a job like that, instead i have to deal with literal autists every god damn day for shit pay while learning new stuff to get something better

>> No.57660454

If I still have to live like an involuntary wagie (inwag) after this bullrun I am gonna lose it.

>> No.57660455

I work for the feds, I had the day off.

>> No.57660469

Unironically this is me except I have to work onsite. But I don’t do anything all day except watch tv in a room of other coworkers. And every day I think it’s my last day because I never have anything to do. And yet here I am 9 months later still thinking tomorrow may be my last day.

>> No.57660588

>Do you like the factory job better than the excel sheets and mails job?
Right now yes i do but its probably because I do not have to work everyday. I just do 3 days a week, sometimes two. sometimes no work. sometimes 4. im just waiting until its travelling time. the difference with the computer jlob is that after my factory job my body is tired but my mind is super good.. idk how to explain it. its like a light physical exercise. Doing things definately is fun for now. I used to work in IT and did 5 years of computer tier work. i always wanted to KMS. staring at screen all day makes you go depression max. but for 200k a year making some excels and mails... i wouldn't give that up sir. I only made 20k euros a year doing mails and excels.

>> No.57660619

bro when i had an office job amongst the stacies I noticed how most jobs are just completely useless do nothing jobs. like mailing and excelling. its jobs not needed really. and then i found out that the majority of people in the office have such a job. a lot of people have a job where they do fuck all really.

>> No.57660622

kys chad