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57654268 No.57654268 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I need to make in order to get 18-21 year old pussy as a 33 year old man?

>> No.57654273

80k is enough
unlike 25+ hags they have no benchmark for "rich" and if you can make them happy then they will stay with you

>> No.57654277

probably ~$1k extra in disposable income a month, depending on your libido. could be lower if you'll accept fatties

>> No.57654537 [DELETED] 




>> No.57654560
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$60 dollars if you go to pattaya Thailand

>> No.57654648
File: 453 KB, 1600x1300, 2019_Beach_Volleyball_Team_Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 80-120 Dollars on escort alligator


>> No.57654684

Money doesnt matter for getting pussy. Its all about rizz and looking good. Money is at best a crutch for uggos making sex transactional.
>ohh he took me on a nice vacation, well he deserves some pussy for that
Yeah pathetic af. You want women to think
>Oh fuck I want THAT guys children
Which is only achieved by looking good or being charismatic and outgoing. Who fucks? The fun guy at the party or the boring daytrader nerd in the corner who spends 45 minutes nervously peeling the label off of his beer while sperging out during pity conversations?

>> No.57654711

OP, sorry but, if you have to ask, probably lots.
if you know, you know.

>> No.57654746

young girls have no sense of what being "rich" is, you could take her to mcdicks in your 2000s era honda and she will think you have "made it" since she probably doesnt know anybody else who owns a car other than her parents. you can easily find a cheap flight to mexico for under $200 and she will think you are loaded.

>> No.57656219

Nigga that was the thing in early 2000s before smartphones and social media. Now every teen girl see on Instagram and tiktok that everybody is flexing wealth, expensive trips and Rich lifestyle and rest are wagecage losers etc. These young hags are more demanding than ever

>> No.57656579

this, now the entire world is your competition

>> No.57657448

Correct. Being funny and it horrendously ugly/fat is all you need but these retards put all their humor in ironic meta meme jokes only people here would get. They also don’t know how to flirt (literally just being playful). I’m about to fuck one of my coworkers (I swear there’s another that wants to but is conflicted since she has a bf) and all I do is call all the girls at work by a different name. Make some light jokes and I just call her a new name everyday and she loves it. They just want to know you’re fun and not embarrassing to be around. Show her that you’re perfectly comfortable in your own skin (because if you aren’t then why would she be comfortable around you.) but watch all the seething excuses when you try to tell them this.

>> No.57657508

for me, it's the gigantic one in the front row

>> No.57657548

You don't need money when you're attractive

>> No.57657616


Absolutely horrendous looking

>> No.57657620

Them thighs and fat pussy tho. Would impregnate.

>> No.57657638

id rather have a good body with a 6 face then shit body and 10/10.
t. fucked a petite 26 yo and now am addicted to tight body women

>> No.57657750

>Money doesnt matter for getting pussy. Its all about rizz and looking good. Money is at best a crutch for uggos making sex transactional.
women dont care about money; they just want a guy who owns a cool house, engages in fun activities, can take them out regularly & all around makes them happy

All of that became a hell of a lot easier for me after I stopped being poor.

>> No.57657784


That thing does not look human, you are sick

>> No.57658017
File: 87 KB, 728x745, IMG_8905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animals dont count

I wouldn’t know km 27 with 22yo gf

Kinda, but if you want a realistic approach money is needed, or at least illusion of money and a nice looking car/ur own place or at least a nice hotel pretending that ur living in another city.
You need the illusioN of success.

Kek correct.
But would smash if i was drunk or on a big dry spell, imagine her saying bug things like LOK LOK AMARAN KNOWA
And sucking the dick hah

>> No.57658027

looks like a fucking catfish yuck

>> No.57658040

shut up pajeet

>> No.57658047
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>> No.57658052

It's all about looking good, rizz is a meme.

>> No.57658058

I wish they gave me morehead if you know what I mean

>> No.57658160
File: 866 KB, 1183x1196, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1,100 an hour

Damn son.

>> No.57658184

Whatever one gram of cocaine costs in your location.

>> No.57658251

It's not about the amount of money but what you do with it

If she likes hello kitty things or drugs, then $100 of those items will make her happy enough to fuck you raw and let you cum inside her

It's also what you spend on yourself as well
If you pulled up to the starbucks drive thru in a lamborghini, you smell good because you bought expensive perfume, & you're well groomed because you paid for style, & fit because u paid for a gym membership
you can easily get the phone number of any 18 year old girl working the register

>> No.57658291

> being attracted to her face
listen man. There is somethiing oddly hot about just hard fucking a petite butterface. dont knock it till you try it

>> No.57658320

she's not worth that kinda money, AT ALL.

>> No.57658323

you are a faggot

>> No.57658336

I'd rather jerk off desu

>> No.57658428

1 to 2 mil a year should be enough

>> No.57658484

you are right but OP is ugly and a turbo autist his only option(legal option) is money

>> No.57658489

Is this what they mean by hoeflation?

>> No.57658554

no way, only if she was a lawyer defending me in the courrt

>> No.57658563

Honestly? Jack shit. The worst you can do is have a boring job and make some middling salary. The people are the top and bottom of income distribution are the ones most capable of this.

>> No.57658674
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How do you know these aren't scams?

I live only an hour away from this chick lol

>> No.57658683

They’re all scams anon

>> No.57658715

Are any places online legit?

>> No.57658719


90% of girls on Listcrawler and SkipTheGames are scams. Anything too good to be true likely is. Most of them are pajeets/nigerians trying to make you do some kind of money deposit.

>> No.57658728

source: have done it, i'm skinnyfat and under 6ft

>> No.57658733

What's your secret?

>> No.57658784

Would you rec anything instead? I'm 27 and do well enough with tinder but it's low ROI. I rather pay a few hundred and get exactly what I want for an hour every week or so

>> No.57658846

Zero dollars, as long as you're tall and handsome and have a big dick

>> No.57659151

None of them are scams here but he prices are going to be 5x to 10x higher.

>> No.57659203

Surely there arent any anons here that are so ugly/socially inept that they literally get zero pussy, right? I know this is 4chan and we do le hecking funny eternal virgin meme but thats just an inside joke

>> No.57659218

Bullshit. I make $100k in a college town. 18-22 girls just want to fuck around with athletes and frat bros.

>> No.57659229

It is a joke. You're far more likely to find hideous incels on reddit than on here. Kind of concerned about your IQ if you didn't immediately pick up on this...

>> No.57659240

>18-22 girls just want to fuck around with athletes and frat bros
>d-do you wanna be my GEE EFF? I make six figgies :(

>Hey, I'm fucking rich and I don't have time for a girlfriend. How about I take you to the Hermes store, hit the nicest restaurant in town, and I fuck your stupid brains out? Sound good?

>> No.57659264

hmm sounds like you dont make them happy. why is that?

>> No.57659444

Nobody makes them happy. They’re all on SSRIs and benzodiazepines that they mix with alcohol 4 nights per week.

>> No.57659595

He's just a /pol/ faggot. He'd marry some white fat putrid walmartian with knocknees that would still divorce rape him, can't/won't cook and would cheat on him with some nigger just to appeal to the /pol/ narrative.

Come here for a laugh and some bantz, but never take these losers serious.

>> No.57659613

Just go to your local playground and tell nerdy lolis you hold $LRDS and tell them how fun of a game it is and if they want to go to your house to check it out. Easy.

>> No.57659649

Be a chad or chad lite. Money means nothing a lot of the time. Im almost 29 and I’m currently talking to an 18 year old. My networth is negative, I live at home, and still in college.

>> No.57659668

never will. ive dicked down a white woman before that fits that description and she was fucking gross. never fucking a fat ass again

>> No.57659782

Enough to not care that any girl that age dating 30 year olds is just looking to divorce rape some simp.
Plan on losing half of whatever number you decide anon

>> No.57659806

Enough to drive a car and buy food/drinks desu

>> No.57659815

U gay nigger boy

>> No.57659822

Angry low T tranny porn addicted zoomer detected. Sorry your women don’t want you because you’re not a man

>> No.57659830


Can a 35 year old with a low 7 figure net worth still get a woman in her 20's?

>> No.57659874
File: 39 KB, 540x360, bald ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money do I need to make in order to get 18-21 year old pussy as a 43 year old man?

>> No.57661052

these are zoomer beta males who want to demoralize you from getting 18 year old pussy as your birthright. You zoomies should work on making it so when you're 30 you can also get 18 year olds if you don't already

>> No.57661556

Nah game matters too

>> No.57661691

I fucking cringed at that second part, i wont even quote it. Its pure cring nobody talks like that irl

Just be mature, act your age, show you’re successful. Its hard to go wrong if you just have the basics down and dont act like a sperg

>> No.57662010
File: 51 KB, 800x655, d0e1439679d3fc1f9adeaae9a27f3cdbf8c07a5e-1080x884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need 33 day alone no computer or internet ..

you will give you vision of what your truly goal is.

be honnorable

>> No.57662084

>$60 dollars if you go to pattaya Thailand
Incel with no actual real life experience detected. The prices in Pattaya are well above $60 nowadays, stop propagating this lie.