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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57651086 No.57651086 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next guaranteed 100x? Please tell me /biz/. I'm absolutely fucked if I don't make it before I'm 40.

>> No.57651094

biz only tells you about coins/tokens that have already 10-100x'd in price. or baits you into buying scams.

>> No.57651097
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>> No.57651112
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For me? Satoshisync. Pretty much the first (i think?) BTC L2. Also wants to power BTCFi, if you know what I mean.

>> No.57651199


For me, fringe fi is what I'm putting my money in. 100x is quite a lot for non microcaps and buying those comes with significant risks so I only buy older ones that built through the bear and are coming up now.

Really you should pick something you like or understand. I like fringe, but there's plenty of gaming projects out there too like pika crypto or alea.

>> No.57653370

Then tell me where to go

>> No.57653389

Unironically PepeMMO. They're developing a 3D FPS MMO for the Ethereum blockchain. They've already released several characters and a map, and now they're moving on to coding the FPS aspect. Once that releases and people get to play it, that thing is skyrocketing.

>> No.57653405
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LINU. It's been CEX approved. We're just waiting.

>> No.57653876
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is guaranteed in crypto.
However there are informed guesses like plebbit.
It's a purely P2P, free to use, scalable social media protocol with flexible front ends (Reddit, 4chan discourse etc styled).
It has no https endpoints.
It's worth reading the GitHub, white paper and playing with the demos.
3.4m mcap
SocialFi is topical given growing censorship and the curtailing of freedom of speech.

>> No.57653884

Delete this now. Before she had a moustache, now she’s old. Katy Perry was always the better pick.

>> No.57654298
File: 72 KB, 255x251, rlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57654319

>magical pixie girl to wine aunt
The wall takes all.

>> No.57655341

G Revolution

>> No.57655639 [DELETED] 

έάŕή ғŕέέ ģίғţςάŕȡş άş мάήч ţίмέş άş чόù ώάήţ άήȡ ŕέşέĻĻ ίţ ғόŕ ρŕόғίţş, ŕέάȡ ţħέ ρȡғ άţ ţħέ Ļίήķ вέĻόώ



>> No.57655664

This was shilled here almost a year ago at like $200k mcap and now it's sitting at 12 mil. Does it really have another 100x left in it?

>> No.57655678
File: 42 KB, 900x900, pepe angy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing. There is no coin that is a guaranteed 100x you UTTER FUCKING RETARD.

>> No.57655907 [DELETED] 

[e]̼[a][r][n] [f][r][e][e] [g][i][f][t][c]̼[a][r][d][s] ̼[a][s] [m]̼[a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] ̼[a][s] [y][o][u] [w]̼[a][n][t] ̼[a][n][d] [r][e][s][e][l][l] [i][t] [f][o][r] [p][r][o][f][i][t][s], [r][e]̼[a][d] [t][h][e] [p][d][f] ̼[a][t] [t][h][e] [l][i][n][k] [b][e][l][o][w]



>> No.57655928

Kenis will be a multi billion dollar project

>> No.57655940

Unironically KAS

>> No.57655990


>> No.57656045

Has anyone who guarants any digits actually delivered any gems or alphas?

I will NOT guarantee any profits, I have only bought because the momentum has not occured yet:

>> No.57656052

>Building a web3 arcade platform
>Built a low fee/near instant bridge to base. Currently being audited by Hacken
>Low cap
>tokens needed to play
>incentives for holders
>Team using their own funds for early development
>All future spending will be done in fees collected in eth va AVI to avoid fucking the token price
>tip of the iceberg
Short term (this year, possibly by summer), avi will 100x. 1000x is guaranteed. I’ve never seen more active devs than them. Answering any and all questions, even fud, in their TG.

>> No.57656574

Vector Reserve.

>> No.57656585

ETH will 100x

>> No.57656670

Eth gas fees

>> No.57656693

>Paying real money to get eth
>going to some obscure arcade website to turn eth into a specialized token
>all to pay to play some shitty arcade games that are free on steam
>need investors

No ty

>> No.57656919


>> No.57657007

I’m sure this will age well

>> No.57657193

damn op, she aged like milk, still got the eyes though. as for your question, there's this site called monsterfomo.com where i find my plays. only sad part is no matter how much money you make you're not going back in time 10 years

>> No.57657674
File: 332 KB, 600x692, 1706742282489866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D FPS MMO for the Ethereum blockchain.
>for the Ethereum blockchain
>handling an FPS MMO

>> No.57657894


I just bought them recently they’ve been accumulated the past few months its obvious they will respond to the next run.

They’re also all 20-100x. Their charts are practically exactly like a doge or shiba they bottomed out at a stable low level for weeks/months now with slow steady gains up. Higher stable lows from their original 2019 & 2020 price. Are you poor and cant spare 1.3k for a 100k DVI bag which hit 1$ in 2021? Or 2.3k for a 5k VXV bag which hit 20$ in 2021? I have packed my bags NOW on purpose for this reason. Do you want to buy high sell low or?

>> No.57657916

I could tell you...but how would you even distinguish it from the bait posts?

>> No.57657946