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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57649458 No.57649458 [Reply] [Original]

What are the cognitive elite doing right now? What are the reading? Who are they grooming? What motions are at play?

And most importantly, how do we catch up?

>> No.57649489


>> No.57649701
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Consider the notion of IQ, at a global scale. Some groundwork assumptions:

1. High IQs seek out other high IQs, and marry.
2. They birth high-IQ children.
3. High IQs typically avoid low IQs. If there are now high IQs, refer back to #1.
4. IQ is nonlinear: There is very little difference between 100 and 101. However, there is a large, exponential gap between 139 and 140. Mathematically, both examples are simply a single-point difference. In terms cognition, the ability to conjecture is vastly different.
5. No matter the numerical advantage of low IQ, no large group of low IQ adds up to high IQ precisely because of the exponential gap. Consider that the nation of Madagascar: if they pooled together their resources and minds, they won't be capable of developing a working model of any modern industry. However, consider a small group of five people studying at the North pole who could absolutely develop a working model of whatever industry you throw at them. This is because of intelligence.

From these five starting points, we could see evolutionary game theory at play: just as how cooperators only want to play with other cooperators and shoo away cheaters, which leaves the cheaters to cheat against other cheaters, high IQs only want to play with other high IQs and shoo away low IQs, which leaves the low IQs to hang around other low IQs. From this, we could see how dire our situation becomes. The gaps are furthering, and institutions cement those gaps by providing knowledge, specific techniques, and tools only high IQs could use.

With that said, if we take a look at a third-world country, say Germany or France, we could see these five assumptions at play. **Young** high-IQ individuals from these countries are leaving their mother country, settling themselves in America. From here, such young high-IQ individuals marry other high-IQ individuals. Thus America enjoys a growing population of high IQs.

What are we supposed to do? What is the play book from here?

>> No.57649718

>However, there is a large, exponential gap between 139 and 140

Not really, especially as even differentiating between IQs that high becomes challenging

>> No.57649745


>What are the cognitive elite doing right now?

raping children and literally drinking their blood to combat aging

>> No.57649771
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>> No.57649790
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>> No.57649808
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>> No.57649830
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>> No.57649833
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>if we take a look at a third-world country, say Germany or France

>> No.57649837
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>> No.57649841
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they are figuring out how to eliminate 100% of non whites so that high iq and inner light can flourish

>> No.57649855

how do i find a high iq woman who is also attractive?

>> No.57649865

Bros, just study follistatin, holy shit. All scientific endeavors require a Faustian sacrifice. This is not a new concept, and is in fact as old as humanity.

>> No.57649867

Britain is a nigger shithole

>> No.57649880

yes, I agree

>> No.57649888
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>> No.57649895

and the US too

>> No.57649904
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>third-world country, say Germany or France
>torturing children to drink their blood is normal goys, it's not a jew-thing, it's a humanity thing
So, OP is a jew.

>> No.57649915
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>> No.57649926
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>> No.57649931
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Buying BTC. Politics is a memetic parasite, the superorganism Economy controls all. BTC, being a fixed unit of account (world first), facilitates efficient economic calculation by providing a provably fair distribution of resources as BTC can only be acquired through voluntary trade.

>> No.57649936

bump death to pissreal

>> No.57649937
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>Jews kill children:

>Jews on Killing Goyim Children & Families:

>> No.57649957
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>> No.57649960

Niggers, I said **cognitive elite**. Why is there always jew-posting in terms of catching up towards intelligence? Basically admitting that jews are superior, which they aren't.

>> No.57649969
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>> No.57649971

Fuck off kike

>> No.57649976

Study the re-centralization of power.

>> No.57649978

Move to America if you're smart. Sure we have plenty of idiots, and are morally bankrupt, but between the excessive military, financial, raw material, and intelligent human resources we have, there's basically no stopping the machine.

>inb4 billions must die

Just suicide by cop like you fantasize about. If you're smart, you can extract an excessive amount of wealth and happiness from this country. Detach yourself from the outcomes you think you need to be happy, choose to be optimistic, seek connection with others, place yourself in a position to receive the opportunities you seek, and never hesitate to take those opportunities as they present themselves.

If you cannot be happy without X outcome, then you will never be happy. The goalposts will simply move further away. The present moment is the only thing we truly own.

>> No.57649980
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>outs himself further

>> No.57649982

noone will move to your imploding nigger shithole

>> No.57649990
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>> No.57649992

Keep your jew-posting to yourself. Or, would rather keep acoomulating your folders with jews? The absolute cuck-ology you have going on, anon...

>> No.57650003
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OP is now feverishly trying to delete his own thread, but too much time has passed.

>> No.57650010


The only way America falls is if Americans choose the destroy it. Your fantasy world will never happen.

>> No.57650016
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>> No.57650032
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>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969
>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969
>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969
>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969
>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969
>>57649969 >>57649969>>57649969

>> No.57650037

America is not the last bastion. Balaji Srinivasan talks about the network state, and other cognitive elites talk about charter cities. There's always the concept of city-states and localism, as the Arabic sand-nigger Nassim Nicholas Taleb likes to talk about. However, these seem fragile when you consider armaments. Could small-city states or charter cities defend themselves against a large army? Hence, I do think these ideas simply go back to the re-centralization of power.


>> No.57650050
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>> No.57650051
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noone but niggers is moving to your imploding shithole

>> No.57650057
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>What is the play book from here?
You answered your question: "just as how cooperators only want to play with other cooperators and shoo away cheaters, which leaves the cheaters to cheat against other cheaters"

A fixed unit of account provides a fair game, which will lead all positive sum actors to support the fixed unit, which will lead to the fixed unit gaining real terms value, which will grant control over more resources to positive sum actors, which will lead to greater productivity and therefore more resources ad infinitum

>> No.57650059
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>> No.57650075
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>> No.57650095
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>> No.57650154
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>> No.57650213

There is no power outside Economy

>> No.57650300
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Bitcoin is digital power projection

>> No.57650310

I don't mean America as a last bastion, moreso as the ultimate power on this earth. Pax Americana, her might and network of vassals. I don't think her loss would be good for the world. A power vacuum of that size, the loss of trade routes established over 2 centuries, the loss of relative peace, the loss of our imperfect but absolutely vital financial system; it would be fucking chaos.

>> No.57650352

You make it sound like reserve currencies and world powers haven't changed a million times before.

>> No.57650440

>An uninformed majority will always lose a battle of information against an informed minority. When you have hidden information you can completely manipulate a large group of people.

Everyday I read stories about supposedly “smart” people struggling. At first I struggled to understand how that could be the case, but then I came to see that to thrive on this earth you don’t necessarily need to be smart, you need to work together.

All this Jewish scapegoating is silly. Countless times I’ve tried to help people only for them to turn around and stab me in the back.

My objective nowadays is join the crème of the crop. The ones at the top of the pyramid, whereas in the past I would’ve thought of destroying them. Silly thoughts.

Anyways, how do we join forces anon. How do we join the elite if one wasn’t born in one of their families? There must be some strays with similar mindsets as the elite.

>> No.57650458

You don’t

>> No.57650467

We're talking about America imploding here. That's going to be violent and messy for the entire world. THE empire has never been this size before, has never had this kind of firepower, has never had this kind of reach, has never had this scale of economy. I don't want to see what the death throes of Pax Americana looks like.

>> No.57650497

A homogenous and perpetually low testosterone population.

That’s why the elite strives to make the bulk of the population homogenous mutts and have them wear polyester/drink testosterone reducing water.

Low test people are easy to control, which accelerated whatever aspect of society you want to mold to your liking.

Low test basedbois don’t start wars. Just complain and complain but do nothing.

Pretty based, if you ask me.

>> No.57650506

>What are the cognitive elite doing right now?
building bunkers

>> No.57650541

Uhh checked kek

>> No.57650551

That’s incorrect, I clearly remember one such instance of a non elite joining their ranks.

The name of this person was Jose Rizal, one of the Philippines’ national heroes.

This man joined the elite by performing seemingly miraculous surgeries to the royalty, eventually marrying into it.

This person was also Hitler’s father.

Now the question is, what’s the equivalent of a miracle eye surgeon in today’s world?

>> No.57650586

only good post in thread
any anons been to Zuzalu?

>> No.57650632

So far, I've been studying Lee Kuan Yew. Unfortunately, the answers he subtly gives are answers about maintaining the cognitive elites and attempting to accumulate cognitive elites through highly-technical fields and through eugenics (pretty based, really, the only public leader to unabashedly argue for maximizing eugenics), and no answer for those about joining them. The answers on joining the cognitive elites seem to be partially spoken about through Peter Thiel and Rene Girard. Thiel argues about bringing into existence what does not yet exist—essentially creating something the world will use for all individual self interest. I'm going through Girard right now, however, he is definitely a harder read and requires some sort of knowledge in literature and religion. Though, my own understanding of Girard is that copying people is how violence arises: if there is one piece of cookie left, and there is another guy who also wants that cookie, conflict is bound to happen. Essentially: don't copy others. In regards to ITT, perhaps part of the answer of joining the cognitive elites is to not actually attempt to copy them and want what they want, and take the un-walked path.

There's also the economic game theory approach: help and help win. So long as you help cognitive elites, you won't be part of their inner group, but as some sort of nobility, such as viscounts or earls.

In other words, a partial answer seems to be the following:
1. Create something incredibly valuable that no one has created.
2. Don't want what cognitive elites already have.
3. Don't copy the methods of cognitive elites.
4. Help and help win.

As for the specific, honestly, don't even know.

>> No.57650824

>Lee Kuan Yew
Based. I remember reading his take on homosexuality. He doesn’t push for it nor dislikes it, he seems to think it’s mostly genetic, and as such sees it as he’d see a disability. No one chooses to live a disabled life. Pretty nuanced take. I like him.

>Thiel argues about bringing into existence what does not yet exist—essentially creating something the world will use for all individual self interest
One of my main gripes with this logic is that it’s exceedingly difficult to create something going 0 to 1, whereas it’s easier to go 1 to 10.

>“Ability is nothing without opportunity” – Napoleon Bonaparte

There seems to be an abundance of high iq people given no opportunities to create. I wonder if creating a following of such people like Andrew Tate did would be a way to gain entry into the elite’s ranks. Basically, become such a headache that they HAVE to let you in. Otherwise…

I do believe Tate is involved with governmental agencies, at least his father was (CIA).

I’ve been thinking of maybe creating a commune and ordering materials for sustenance in bulk. Luxurious living using one of the few advantages atomized high iq people have, cooperation and economies of scale.

We shall see.

Thank you for your thoughts anon. Hopefully we can meet at the arc in 2046 during the flood.

>> No.57651294

Book good?

>> No.57651839 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57651950

checked and checked wtf

based and heather o'rourke pilled

>> No.57652013
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There's no one at the top, that's the secret, it's figureheads all the way up. We, the superorganism Economy, control everything. That's what makes bitcoin such a game changer, We now have a fair fixed unit of account to exert Our will.

>> No.57652984

The roundabout way is to put penne in vegenne until 4x the replacement rate. Thus increasing sampling size. The real question is how do you find a high IQ women who **isn't** a careerist?

>> No.57653013 [DELETED] 

ε핒RŇ ғRεε ﻮғ핋Ć핒R퐝퐒 핒퐒 M핒Ňy 핋Mε퐒 핒퐒 y핆퓊 픴핒Ň핋 핒Ň퐝 Rε퐒ε퐥퐥 핋 ғ핆R 픭R핆ғ핋퐒, Rε핒퐝 핋нε 픭퐝ғ 핒핋 핋нε 퐥Ň핂 퐛ε퐥핆픴



>> No.57653071

Interesting thread anon, my observations
>Less wokeness as white men are too demoralized to die for zog
>Kikes rethinking importing shit skins as it is causing a push back against their beloved Zionist movement
>Not sure the purpose of going so hard to stop trump from wining if they can just rig it like the previous election. Makes one think something is going on there
>Proxy wars seem to be used to completely loot America potentially before a transition of power to a trump admin?
>Biden admin so fucking terrible that it is impossible to prop him up

just some quick ones off the top of my head.

>> No.57653416
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The true elites eat children, but not human children.

>> No.57653952 [DELETED] 
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pretty sweet schizo/ /x/ thread for /biz/ lol

But OP and others miss an essential point.

High IQ or not, scientifically-based or not, these elites/people in power genuinely BELIEVE in the demons/gods they worship and follow their will. They are merely slaves to different masters and have sold out humanity as such, nothing more. This has been the case since babylon and prior. God remains on his throne and there is indeed nothing new under the sun in this matter.

There is a hyper-dimensional/supernatural aspect to what's going on and until people realize that (again) there will always be a hard limit to understanding it at all.

Praise Jesus.

>> No.57654097
File: 311 KB, 512x512, g3g4g344451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sweet schizo/ /x/ thread for /biz/ lol

But OP and others miss an essential point.

High IQ or not, scientifically-based or not, these elites/people in power genuinely BELIEVE in the demons/gods they worship and follow their will. They are merely slaves to different masters and have sold out humanity as such, nothing more. This has been the case since babylon and prior. God remains on his throne and there is indeed nothing new under the sun in this matter.

There is a hyper-dimensional/supernatural aspect to what's going on and until people realize that (again) there will always be a hard limit to understanding it at all.

Praise Jesus.

>> No.57654514

>Rare photo anon, might save it.
>Looks like a seal...