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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57649109 No.57649109 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57649135
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but it didnt fail, its highly successfull and currently in the Process of onboarding TradFi to its Subnets.

>> No.57649143

Its price literally never moves and ETH does everything better

>> No.57649145

kek fuddies

>> No.57649151
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because this one succeed

>> No.57649155
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>ETH does everything better
>muh ETH
Wanna know the true Value of 1 ETH? its $10.
thats the Price before the EEA announcement in early 2017 and this is what actually attracted all that Liquidity into Ethereum.
Basically the financial industry coming out and saying they will support and develop for the EVM, that was the reason for the high ETH value and the massive pumps.
Now what happened next is that Ethereum developers couldnt deliver the scale that was promised and after some years the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance began looking for better Solutions and they found that in Avalanche and its Subnets.
Now the EEA is shifting to Avalanche instead and they are building all the RWA products that everyone imagined for Ethereum on Avalanche. All the RWA trillions go into Avalanche!
JPM (leader of the EEA) said Ethereum is dissapointing and now they hype AVAX.
There is literally nothing they need Ethereum for, the support for the EVM is drying up too as it became clear that its possible to build high performance VMs on Avalanche.
So yeah Ethereum is over but you still have the chance to swap your ETH into AVAX and make it.

>> No.57649159

hi ranjeet, i had a steak today

>> No.57649193

It didn't fail, it succeeded very well in what it was supposed to do; to scam retail and enrich the team and investors. 2.6% token unlock in 4 days and the market will suck that like a tiny juice box. Have you thought why Ava Labs is a for-profit company and where do its profits come from?

>> No.57649212

my nose belongs in this catgirl's anus

>> No.57649223

ETH will outperform BTC
SOL will outperform ETH
AVAX will outperform SOL
If you're not a poorfag, there's no reason to not be in all three (or 4 if you like Bittie)

>> No.57649250
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have a nice day, sir!

>> No.57649273

lies and disingenuous behaviour from the team, mainly pertaining to them switching the consensus behind the scenes

>> No.57649280

>9th highest crypto

why are fudders like this?

>> No.57649324

I'm a developer, I've thoroughly reviewed the Avalanche Network (AVAX) white paper and documentation, along with various blog posts, including those from notable tech companies. Here are a few reasons why I would hesitate to use AVAX for my applications:

The current state of the "mainnet" lacks true decentralization. There's no effective decentralized method to evaluate the performance or reliability of a node provider.

The development progress has been slow, taking them years to essentially create centralized nodes, which is not particularly innovative since such systems already exist. This casts doubt on the future prospects and the capabilities of their engineering team.

The white paper fails to clearly outline a viable transition from a centralized framework to a decentralized one. They touch on "decentralized" reputation systems in a superficial manner, as though the challenge of creating a Sybil-resistant decentralized reputation system is a secondary concern, despite it being a significant, unresolved issue in computer science. With years of development time and substantial funding, the lack of detailed technical specifications for this aspect is concerning. It reminds me of promises from other projects that claim they will solve centralization issues in the future, which often remain unfulfilled.

There's a lot of media buzz about partnerships with major tech firms, but a closer examination reveals that these are often overstated. For example, a tech giant's blog post might be misconstrued as a partnership when it's merely a demonstration of how AVAX could potentially integrate with their services. There's no evidence of these companies committing to use AVAX themselves. Moreover, if such companies decided to enter the node service market, they could likely replicate AVAX's functionalities without much difficulty.

>> No.57649391

because i bought it
>eth does everything better

>> No.57649409
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Take a gander

>> No.57649606

This book actually inst bad. He goes after an angle zero people on /biz/ care about, and thats from a business law standpoint.
He made a bunch of good points discussing business practices early on/now that are going to fuck avalanche legally in the future.

>> No.57649663

Insane inflation from token unlocks, I did hold this for a while but lost out to the inflation along with baggies dumping

>> No.57649678

dick ass man lmao

>> No.57649689
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Not selling.

>> No.57650588
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>> No.57650636

ICP made it obsolete

>> No.57650645
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>still lower than polygon
it's over avaxchuds

>> No.57650981

You've literally 1-2 weeks top to accumulate. Don't say you weren't warned

>> No.57651114

> 2 more weeks
Mhm, and what happens then?

>> No.57651123

rwa is a huge meme even though i like eesee but only because thats not their only focus. avax in contrast went all in on rwa thinking companies and normie businesses would care about expensive, unknown, sometimes unreliable blockchain tech.

>> No.57651216

That shitcoin was unbearable, not even retards on Beoble were shilling that Indian coin

KEK, what a fucking poojet

>> No.57651268

>called avalanche
>eth replica
>double spends
>ghost chain
>fake partnerships
>Muslim team
>high inflation like the Turkish Lira
>scandals after scandals
>eth levels of gas fees


Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

>> No.57651466


>> No.57651491
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why are 92% of avax holders in the red my dood?

Also in what ways is avax any better than ethereum l2's? i think even arbitrum has cheaper and faster transactions right now.

>> No.57651513

The token unlock is going to send this thing to the $5 range btw

>> No.57651644

>why are 92% of avax holders in the red my dood?
because it was launched in 2020 retard. bitcoin holders bought years before

>> No.57651653

I would sell everything I have to go into avax unironically.

>> No.57651679


>> No.57651781

Oh so Solana is better than Avax? Why? Because Solana was launched in 2020 aswell...

>> No.57651923 [DELETED] 

εαrη ƒrεε gςαrdš αš mαηψ †ïmεš αš ψ⊕u ωαη† αηd rεšεレレ ï† ƒ⊕r pr⊕ƒï†š, rεαd †hε pdƒ α† †hε レïηκ ßεレ⊕ω

