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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 668x418, nas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57648639 No.57648639 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57648648

fake and gay we are much higher now almost 53k

>> No.57648895

Where do you see the double top? The last high was exceeded. The peak from late 2021 doesn't count there, nobody sane would claim such long-winded patterns have any predictive power. But anyway, an RSI divergence has developed and we're up for a correction, probably not this week though, Nvidia will pull the index again.

>> No.57648915
File: 11 KB, 570x382, NASDAQCOMPOSITE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you see the double top?
its right there, you stupid nigger

>> No.57648938

no its not a double top even if you believe patterns on such timescale apply, the drop in between was "non-negligible", the double top pattern is supposed to show the halting of a rally where a recently achieved peak was not exceeded by another after a small pullback, these are 2 separate rallies

>> No.57648946

it's going straight to 3333 in a big red dildo next month

>> No.57648991

it doesn't seem coincidental that Gates, Bezos, Buffett, Dimon are all publicly selling their stocks right now

>> No.57648996

>hurr hurr its not a double top
go fuck yourself, you fuckign nigger

>> No.57649092

alright then good luck shorting this nasdaq lmao, you'll do wonderful

>> No.57649147

anon, what your showing is the literal recession that already happened.
you fags think the world will fall apart like the 2008 crash, but not all recessions are like that.
and because we already had a recession, don't expect another one until at least 2030.

>> No.57649165
File: 153 KB, 1079x1072, brrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing, fiat has no bottom so assets have no top.

>> No.57649182

Double tops are over months not 2 years.
Also, what support level are you even trying to call the bottom between tops?

>> No.57649339

>Double tops are over months not 2 years.
where do you faggots come from with the same talking point?
Did some asshole give you a call?

>> No.57649348

thanks for the tip, you fucking nigger

>> No.57650730


>> No.57651662

information bump

>> No.57651780 [DELETED] 

ɛǟRռ ʄRɛɛ GɨʄȶƈǟRɖֆ ǟֆ ʍǟռʏ ȶɨʍɛֆ ǟֆ ʏօʊ աǟռȶ ǟռɖ RɛֆɛMM ɨȶ ʄօR քRօʄɨȶֆ, Rɛǟɖ ȶɦɛ քɖʄ ǟȶ ȶɦɛ Mɨռӄ ɮɛMօա



>> No.57651783 [DELETED] 

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