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57639325 No.57639325 [Reply] [Original]

i shill aptos
the new consensus algorithm which they deploy at upcoming next hard fork is really ingenious
i wish i had more money to buy APT
i think what drives crypto haters to start trying crypto in this cycle will be action games
and to run an action games on-chain you need at least 1sec time to finality
aptos offers that
solana's time to finality is around 3 seconds
and solana doesn't reach the finality in the academic sense forever because its consensus algo is garbage
avalanche has the same issue
sui and sei are basically a clone of aptos
those are good too but why dont you invest in the original

>> No.57639446
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>avalanche has the same issue
nope, Avalanche has sub second finality and nobody is as fast as Avalanche.
Its by far the fastest chain and nobody even comes close.

>> No.57639457
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>> No.57639495

what avalanche has is probablistic finality, not deterministic finality like aptos and cosmos
basically in avalanche you can only can say that a transaction looks finalized with certainity of 90%ish. it will never reach 100% like in aptos
is it acceptable for you? maybe. but not for me.

>> No.57639532
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>> No.57640463

ava labs had to create subnets for each institutions because p-chain cant handle that much transactions on its own
non-existent problem in aptos,sui,sei, etc

>> No.57640551

>dumb nigger cant figure out how Subnets work

>> No.57640588

i actually work in the industry
bizdev people at ava labs have the worst attitude in the industry
they smoke weed during a serious meeting
like fuck off

>> No.57640719
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>they smoke weed during a serious meeting
based Ava Labs
how can Aptos jeets compete?

>> No.57642575
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I knew you bots would be in this thread.
I sold all my avax to invest in blocklords, a web3 nft game, later down the line. How does this make you feel?

>> No.57642588

for how long will you guys keep stretching this bullshit to draw newfags in. surely even the most retarded faggots in this board already catched on to this stupid gimmick that never materializes, no?

>> No.57642592

Still Avalanche doesnt worth shit lately.
So according to that its speed has 0 relevance

>> No.57642597

I wonder who is actually feeding personality to these bots lmao they actually seem smarter everyday

>> No.57642603
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This is not an avax thread. So why are you derailing it. Why do moderators do nothing about this.

>> No.57642607

good for you i guess

>> No.57642612
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Truly hope this copium thread has some veracity to it and APT is some sort of sleeper agent because if not I think I will never see my money I spent on my apt bags ever again.

>> No.57642617

They gave up looong ago.

>> No.57642622
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You do you brother, as long as you turn a profit, all good.

ChatGPT has come a long way.

>> No.57642630
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DO you actually believe they care about shilling? ffs lmao

>> No.57642633

im convinced jannies get paid in $Link and $Avax to turn a blind eye to the blatant cockroachery these scumfucks perform on a daily basis.

>> No.57642639

once an avaxxie forever and avaxxie

none of your financial moves will be good, in the end

>> No.57642661

baseret og rødpølset gif

>> No.57643412

Why would an action game using crypto need 1 sec finality? 5 or even 10 seconds is good enough.
Of course 1 second is always better. But elaborate on this more.
How exactly would the action game even be using the crypto?
To allow users to buy skins and weapons?
Or to allow players to buy things from each other in the game through crypto?

>> No.57644027

Solana has taught us an important lesson: No user wants to choose which L2 to lock his money in. Users just want to use apps. No dev wants to create subnets. Devs want to create apps. Ethereum on rollup centric roadmap sucks at UX. Avalanche and subnets suck too. What people needed was one single chain that handles everything well which devs and users can use with no brain. In the previous cycle it was Solana, but I believe in the next cycle it will be Aptos. I wouldn't say put all your net worth in APT, but APT plays a valuable role in your diversified portfolio.

>> No.57644225

You can create an uncensorable unstoppable action MMO using blockchain
where Blizzard can't ban you even if you said nigger in the game
where Blizzard can't just print in-game items and fuck up in-game economy
action games require low latency from keyboard to game state... thus they require fast time to finality

>> No.57645536

Aptos stopped working recently and is also inferior to sui.