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File: 250 KB, 1003x870, spacemining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57641466 No.57641466 [Reply] [Original]

We could use space mining to pay off the national debt/have 0% tax (with price controls (like diamonds/scandium) &/or taxing the logistics).
So you'd think the media would be happy.
Instead there's literally hundreds of anti-space mining articles since last autumn
Why? It makes no sense.

>> No.57641473

>Why is the media suddenly attacking space mining?

It has been weird to to see leftists turn from pro-tech to luddites over the last twenty years. They hate crypto, ai, space and so on. The only tech that is not "problematic" is phones, vaccines and (some) green energy tech.. Anything they cannot control and troon out is "problematic." Also they claim they are against this tech to "protect democracy" when in reality it is just about selfish self-preservation as their useless email jobs will be the first to go.

>> No.57641474

I’m not sure how much this “debate” matters while the technology isn’t available. Once that changes the economics will dictate what happens

>> No.57641481

>mining le heckin asteroiderinos
This is your mind on reddit goy science

>> No.57641500
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Why can't we just space nuke the asteroid full of gold. Then we'd all be having golden showers.

>> No.57641531
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>we don't have the technology goyim
(((You))) shills realize the osiris-rex mission returned form an asteroid with samples right? We literally have the technology right now.

>> No.57641543
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Elon Musk is basically in charge of space measured by either active satellite count or tons to orbit per year and he's publicly mocking them.

>> No.57641572
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This shits fantasy anyways. 500 years out. It’s best not to waste any energy even giving this bullshit your time.

>> No.57641583

>Anything they cannot control and troon out is "problematic."
they're literally arguing:
>space mining/colonizing is racist "colonialism"
>space mining/colonizing pollutes space
Its like they're threaten, even though it would benefit them,
They're trying to shut Elon Musk down & people like him. Which just means chinks & jeets will pass us by, its embarrassing.

>> No.57641591

They thought "connecting everyone through technology" would make everyone agree with each other but it ended up turning into the opposite, so now they became control freaks over everything

>> No.57641626

not like are Jewish globohomo is capable of such a technological feat but even if it were it wouldn't want to do it as it'd ruin the jewelry businesses and make all their PMs worthless

>> No.57641641

It's so flipping expensive man. How will you justify spending $4 million on fuel to bring back some metals that we already have on Earth. Also imagine a bunch of clunky ships coming to Earth at super speed with tons of metal aboard them and trying to land. Sounds like a disaster

>> No.57641650

Space mining could ruin our solar system? By the time that happened we'd be long dead. Even our own planet is good to go for another 1000 years

>> No.57641651

How much will it cost? Show me your data for how it will be cost effective to mine 1oz gold on your reddit asteroid vs on earth when taking into economy of scale etc
Just sounds too outlandish. No realistic numbers.

>> No.57641652

Really it's been one failure after another since the Berlin Wall came down and normies could see how fucking horrible life under Communism really was. Between that, the Human Genome Project PROVING that race is real and IQ is hereditary, and loss of control over media, we're looking at total permanent death of leftism as a serious ideology in the West. Their base model of human nature and their proposed fixes have all been comprehensively disproven. Future revival attempts will have all the cringey larp factor of "neopagans" with $5 plastic horned helmets.

>> No.57641662
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>space nukes
These guys can help you

>> No.57642059
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>a prigozhin to end a thread

>> No.57642466

>mining space rocks
>muh colonialism
I don’t think space mining going to be a viable thing yet, but god damn I hate wokes

>> No.57642561

>>space mining/colonizing pollutes space
Who the fuck cares if some lifeless rocks get polluted? These people keep getting more retarded as time goes on... we gotta save muh heckin' asteroids

>> No.57642641

To think, we might have had some Dead Space kino irl if the West didn't decide to become brown and worship communism

>> No.57642922

>They thought "connecting everyone through technology" would make everyone agree with each other but it ended up turning into the opposite, so now they became control freaks over everything

They literally thought that access to information "information wants to be free" would turn everyone into a woke progressive that would work towards a more equitable society. Now that free information didn't turn everyone into a Marxist they have become the authoritarians they are always crying about.

>> No.57643323

The fact he says "the world" when talking about space adds to the stupidity.
Ironically these people consider themselves highly intelligent (I know because I work with liberals).

>> No.57644211

>We could use space mining to pay off the national debt/have 0% tax (with price controls (like diamonds/scandium) &/or taxing the logistics).

How? There are huge mineral deposits ON EARTH that we aren't digging up because it's not worth the cost. But wow, what if it cost 100x more to mine them? Truly that would solve everything!

Try reading those articles sometime. It's like the idiots who say we should colonize Mars. Bitch we're not even colonizing Antarctica

Yeah how much did that mission cost, and how much were those minerals worth in raw value?

>> No.57644275

>How? There are huge mineral deposits ON EARTH that we aren't digging up because it's not worth the cost
Because they’re too dilute to be economical currently. Biological means of mining molecule by molecule would certainly make them more viable
>Try reading those articles sometime. It's like the idiots who say we should colonize Mars. Bitch we're not even colonizing Antarctica
Because Antarctica is covered in a giant fucking glacier with very little land. Mars may be cold but you can dig ore grade iron with a shovel and not get buried underneath a snow drift. Also, there are several permanently manned bases there so technically it is colonized <|^:)

>> No.57644463

Antarctica is actually a huge landmass, on top of containing a ton of mineral resources. And unlike oxygen, heat can be generated. Still not worth it

>> No.57644507
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because they want everything to keep deteriorating so they can implement their one world government

>> No.57644917

Mars has plenty of captive oxygen in the dirt (perchlorates, iron oxides) and ices (water, CO2).

>> No.57645093

Because if we start mining gold in space and go back to a gold standard the fiat debt based economy would die. Bankers need the fiat debt based system to remain in power.>>57641466

>> No.57645137

I disagree. I think the left is very pro-tech, it’s just ultimately the spaces you interact with online are very pro-tech as well, so you as someone looking at the left tend to focus on the regulations they put in place after the fact for tech they championed in the first place. The future of the left is pushing for “IOT energy neutral diverse blockchain smart cities” to encapsulate the population in.

Although ultimately at the end of the day we all should know and recognize the military is the ultimate arbiter of new technology and whether the left or right boot swings us into the desired control scenario matters very little to them and the companies they work with.

>> No.57645142

>It has been weird to to see leftists turn from pro-tech to luddites over the last twenty years
I say contemporary leftism is the gayest thing you could touch. At least the old USSR was very industrialist and invested a lot in space exploration despite still being a shithole made by commies.

But leftists today are unironically gay, even those who reject contemporary leftism they act and look like a bunch of faggots.

>> No.57645172

Pro-tech as long it follows their dynamics of socialization over time, which has to end with collectivism. Give them something that makes people more emancipated from centralized control and enjoy watching them barking like dogs.

>> No.57645187

are resources running out on earth? kinda sad that it's more cost efficient to build rockets rather than talk to people and come to mining agreements that work for all involved parties

>> No.57645209

I agree with this yes, but that’s why I think they champion it first and regulate it next. Happened with the internet, happened with crypto, happened with computers, ect. Look at medical tech for example, the left champions trans rights and in the previous generations abortion, and I think those topics are very intrinsically linked to medical tech.

It does seem a little “no shit” to say impactful tech will eventually get regulated, but I just personally in my life time have seen many instances of the left trying to posture themselves as “free thinkin” ect. using recently mainstream tech as a launching pad.

>> No.57646665
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No country will ever mine Antarctica even to win a war against their enemy nation. This is done so as to save the penguins.

But there is a race to the moon though.

That is how much USA, Russia etc love the penguins.

>> No.57646672
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We were going to mine asteroids instead of Antarctica.

>> No.57646805

>Why is the media suddenly attacking space mining?

Because it has been on the agenda for a decade now. It's not just the US, meme countries like Luxembourg are also trying to capitalise on it. The problem being that international regulation dates from 60 years ago and there's a lot to figure out before it's viable.

Why don't you READ the articles to find out more?

There are no asteroids that offer a better return than mining on Earth, if you want to get into theoretical engineering then you will still lose to geoscience autism.

Factor the risk that shit will blow up on the launch pad and being down a massive gravity well. The viability of asteroid mining is tied to its ability to support an economy in orbit and beyond and that's what everyone is going for at the moment with space manufacturing feasibility experiments. There are a few pseudo-moons in Earth orbit for building material and the Moon and Mars have water ice.

>> No.57646909
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>just don't have an economy because.... space environment, or something
It's crazy how leftists can be programmed with ANYTHING as long as the media shills it.

>> No.57646985

there is secrets in Antarctica the jews fear the goyim discovering. right now Jewish teams ate finding and destroying them all because they threaten the globohomo narrative of history and expose the true origins of the Aryan race being millions of years old