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File: 162 KB, 2560x1536, 17-13-34-exodus-portfolio-2017-08@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5763750 No.5763750 [Reply] [Original]

So hear me out. This is what everyone of you who wants to get rich with Crypto needs to do.

>Install Exodus for friends, family normies etc
What is Exodus? Exodus is an extremely user friendly Bitcoin wallet that also hosts wallets of other coins. Full control over your private key, no registration like on exchanges, and you can convert one coin to any other coin that is supported by Exodus.

>Give them free BTC
Why should you do that? Giving away money instead of getting it? Ridiculous!
Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies work with the network effect. The more people use it the more exponentially it increases in value. Right now all the people that are tech savvy enough and money risky enough to get into Bitcoin got into it. Most people think it's too late for them.
Give them free Bitcoin. Even if they're not doing anything with it and just let it sit around they can see it grow in value daily, which makes them think about getting into it.
I got this idea from getting the Binance TRONIX airdrop not bothering with it because I viewed it as worthless, but seeing it increase in value makes me want to get some despite having no idea what it even is. It's basic psychology.

>But why should _I_ GIVE them money?
I'm not talking about a lot. I'm talking about like 50 bucks to a bunch of friends. I expect a lot of you have made a lot of money with Crypto already and the experienced of you know that a bunch of hundred bucks are nothing. How much money do you lose daily by average fluctuations? How much money do you put in shitcoins just for the hope of a x10. View it as an investment that increases the value of ALL of your coins.

>Why Bitcoin? Bitcoin is dead!
Bitcoin has the greatest normie recognition. People are likely gonna be happy if you tell them you give them free Bitcoin. Installing a wallet requires time and they need to trust you with their computer. Free money is a great motivator for that. Of course you're free to give them any coin

>> No.5763845

I tried promoting my normie cousin into bitcoin. Did send him a small amount of bitcoin. But the fee was and still high so he lost interest at that very moment.

>> No.5764073


Why Exodus?

Exodus hosts wallets of many different coins. It brings your normie friends to read into other coins like Ethereum, Monero, Dash etc.
It naturally makes them curious and will eventually lead to new money flowing into crypto. Which raises the value of all coins.

>What if it doesn't work.
Not everyone needs to get in. Some will sit on the free money you give them and never do anything about it. Just remind them from time to time that they still have it and occasionally ask them if you can pay them in crypto should you ever need to pay them money. (This also has the benefit of showing them real world use cases and showing them how convenient crypto actually is. Just make sure to pick a low fee coin)

>My friends will think I'm a scammer!
Tell them there is no way to scam somebody by GIVING them money

>I don't have any friends

Then talk to random people. MAKE friends this way. Tell people you're rich and are feeling generous. Nobody needs to know how much money you actually have. But if everyone in the crypto community does this, we'll all eventually be rich

>> No.5764279


If you wanna get rich with Crypto you gonna need to give free crypto away

>> No.5764315


Bump this shit.

>> No.5764459


>> No.5764831

More bumpan

>> No.5764919

my family basically disowned me
i have no friends
i live off of government neet salary
no way am i giving away my ticket out of this shit life

>> No.5765206


Your ticket ain't getting you anywhere if it doesn't increase.
Gotta spend money to earn money.

>> No.5765284

I agree. Crypto has a ponzi scheme nature and attracting normies is essential for our gains to continue.

>> No.5765412
File: 13 KB, 201x251, 1514878130438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post. It's making me wet.

>> No.5765459


Don't make me fap to mundane shit again

>> No.5765646

Here comes another bump

>> No.5765697

But they're gonna kill my ass at the end of the year when I tell them they gotta pay taxes on it

>> No.5765940

>paying taxes
There's like million crypto debit cards coming so all you need to pay is VAT when using it.