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57631738 No.57631738 [Reply] [Original]

This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.57631753

Sadly I look like him. 0 muscle mass.

>> No.57631764
File: 35 KB, 308x300, 1579057128852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the fucking dapps chuckles?!?

>> No.57631775

why is his belly looking so angry to me? all i asked is where are the dapps charles?

>> No.57631780

craig is so based

>> No.57631788

Cold exposure is fucking dumb

>> No.57631811

congrats on achieving the peak, where do you go from here?

>> No.57631844


>> No.57631901

Kek he looks old and is even falling for the Wim Hof retard?

>> No.57631916

wait, does ADA still not have smart contracts? no defi or bridges? kek

>> No.57631952
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>> No.57631955

If you're a nigger that's understandable. Otherwise no.

>> No.57631962

Hes right

>> No.57631963

in the 90s he would have been considered comically fat

>> No.57631975

You're pretty retarded if you believe school medicine approach to figuring out root causes of diseases. Wow, just wow.

>> No.57631978

>can't buy discipline
>can't buy fortitude
>can't buy temperance
>can't buy love
>buys bèer
Many such cases

>> No.57631989

No i dont
You heal by eating naturally (good meat, raw milk, fruits) and going out in the sun and nature

>> No.57632009

You're retarded. Dementia, contrary to how school medicine diagnoses it, is due to special brain stem constellations aka psychic conflicts. Get your knowledge from a jewtuber. I don't care. You're using the same logic as would be applied to your mom for better not having you as you're most likely deemed a failure. See, it's simple as that. Jumping to conclusions were none are. Faggot.

>> No.57632020

Dude, extreme coldness improves cell metabolism. Are you a fucking retard or what? At least you know that raw milk is actually what made us such cro magnon ubermenschen.

>> No.57632028

Cold water only damages your body.
You are severely retarded if you think damage does any good.
And you are collosally ignorant, or you would have watched the video at least.
Also he does only censored stuff for youtube

>> No.57632031

Norwood 6 is next

>> No.57632043

What a retard. No wonder he's aging like shit (he's 35 but looks over 50). Amazing how much people have been brainwashed to ignore their own senses.

>> No.57632053

>Dude, extreme coldness improves cell metabolism
As a reaction to the stress. But only after you did it, and in the long run it does more damage. Its "healing by stress" which doesnt sound a good thing to do and its fucking mainstream by now. Watch at least the videos to get my and his point before you judge.
You can send me material aswell, and i will read it.

>> No.57632084

Wtf is wrong with this lanky dude. He's not sympathetic at all and fucking skinny. I dunno but about your ancestors but mine were skiing in switzerland already 5k years ago. If you again apply the same retardo thinking skills as this guy tell me how I ended up in the cold mountains. Fucking tremendous idiot. I'm not going to cite any shit now as my girlfriend is stepping out of the shower as I'm writing this. Fuck yall lanky dudes. Goddamn. Fucking imbeciles not getting to their limits. I truly hate weak men.

>> No.57632115

Ignoring your senses isnt strong. Im very sure these ancestors were never going into a cold lake.
Hes looking normal, but i guess you are a crazy fitnessfreak aswell, makes sense.
Meine Vorfahren kommen nicht so weit entfernt her

>> No.57632117
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anons... its over.

>> No.57632133 [DELETED] 

>Fucking imbeciles not getting to their limits.
Yeah you should NEVER go to your limit it always damages your body and its a sign of WEAKNESS yet we are brainwashed to see it as something strong.
50 years ago people were all weak because they were "lanky", did NEVER ice bath, did not do fitness?
Jew york times promotes strong men?

>> No.57632141

>Fucking imbeciles not getting to their limits.
Yeah you should NEVER go to your limit it always damages your body and its a sign of WEAKNESS yet we are brainwashed to see it as something strong.
50 years ago people were all weak because they were "lanky", did NEVER ice bath, did not do fitness?
Jew york times promotes strong men?

>> No.57632164
File: 17 KB, 355x236, IMG_1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember thinking Costanza was fat. I also remember thinking cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation was disgustingly fat and ugly when I was a kid. Then I watched it recently and realized he’s really not.
Maybe in the future Charles will be considered quite svelte.

>> No.57632295

>stress bad
>powerlifting bad
do a flip you dumb cunt
all illness is manmade

>> No.57632330

without knowing the context but knowing the tryhard nature of charles, this is obviously ice water and he is trying to look tough. that's essentially his whole personality: wimp maxing

>> No.57632337

>As a reaction to the stress. But only after you did it, and in the long run it does more damage.
I bet you're the same fag who thinks all intentional exercise is bad because it causes "stress", even though being sedentary causes way more stress to your body during the periods in which you're not exercising

>> No.57632420

>50 years ago people were all weak because they were "lanky", did NEVER ice bath, did not do fitness?
People in the past all did manual labor throughout their lives because they didn't have modern technology
They got a ton of exercise compared to modern soiboys like you

>> No.57632487

chris chan if he took one C++ class in high school

>> No.57632522

Yes stress is obviously bad you retard and powerlifting is stress
Pfff my grandparents (all farmers) never worked till exhaustion or git to their limit, because that's bad. And they had NO swollen inflamed bodybuilder "muscle" at all. And ice water lol.
So yes exercise is bad if you exert yourself. Light swimming/walking/farming in nature is good. People who worked in mines or has very hard work always lived shorter.

>> No.57632566

>Pfff my grandparents (all farmers) never worked till exhaustion or git to their limit, because that's bad.
There's no evidence that muscle fatigue causes any sort of permanent harm. Hypertrophy isn't harmful. People who have swollen bodybuilder muscles are on steroids. That's different because steroids do damage your body. Natty weightlifting doesn't.

>> No.57632638

Natty weightlifting often causes injuries so in that case you are wrong.
But even if you never get injured the growth hormones, and that micro damage from going to the max can't do any good. Also the aging you see on bodybuilders, the need to eat so much food. But no I don't have mainstream evidence.

>> No.57632679
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Getting injured isn't a problem if you practice proper technique and form. That's like saying that going on a diet is harmful because you could end up choking on your food.
>But even if you never get injured the growth hormones, and that micro damage from going to the max can't do any good.
Yeah it can. It strengthens your bones, makes you less prone to injury, improves your balance and posture, etc.
The thing about bodybuilders looking older is 100% something you just pulled out of your ass. The science is overwhelmingly clear that strength training reduces the biomarkers of age across the board. It literally makes you biologically more youthful.
Pic related is what average people looked like before modern technology. They're all pretty lean and muscular. They had to walk/run everywhere, craft tools by hand, hunt, and carry game on a regular basis. Modern people cannot look like this without intentional exercise

>> No.57632742

((The science)) said a lot in 2021
It fucking surely doesn't make you younger, look at ANY older bodybuilder.
Pic related people don't look that healthy desu, and maybe your American but they also don't look thin. And surely not like a bodybuilder. But generally I agree that's around normal. But normal people like me absolutely look evenbetter then the men without exercise. Not everyone is a grain fed muttmerican.

>> No.57632753


I have a masters in applied sport and exercise science, which was a total fucking waste of time, but almost everything you’ve said is wrong.

You were correct that extreme amounts of chronic physical and mental stress from slaving in a mine are detrimental. That’s worlds apart from powerlifting which involves periodised training cycles, not 40 hours of physical labour week in week out. Like almost everything, the devil is in the dose.

>> No.57632768

Just picking up one thing.
You pick as a benefit of lifting "less prone to injuries" and that's just wrong. People who lift are more injured then people who don't do exerting exercise. Also runners and other sports
>but only because....
They are more injured so that makes this statement incorrect

>> No.57632787
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Very good. Now touch hands. Kiss him deep with tongue. Ooooohohohohohoho just kid. Just kid dirty boy.

>> No.57632788
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, skinny-fat(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It fucking surely doesn't make you younger, look at ANY older bodybuilder.
This is a complete and total non-argument. Pretty much anyone whose identity revolves around bodybuilding uses steroids. It is no question that steroids make you look older. It's also completely based on cherrypicking and confirmation bias. It doesn't control for other factors such as drinking and smoking. This is why we rely on science to figure these things out instead of your opinion.
They're not thin, becsuse they have but they are definitely lean and healthier than your skinnyfat ass. Pic related is what you look like and it certainly doesn't look better than having muscles

>> No.57632790

Wouldn't light exercise be even better then powerlifting?
Where would the benefit of the stress of going to the max be?

>> No.57632796

Because they have muscle*

>> No.57632813

it's to age him faster
he wants to look like a sage

>> No.57632882

absolutely disgusting

>> No.57632890

>I'm obese and aging rapidly
>quick, to the ice bath
sometimes people see the cliff and press on the accelerator
this guy won't live to 50

>> No.57632896

We can't rely on modern science on anything because they lie constantly. Holy fuck is this reddit?
I look more masculine than them. But they look healthy as fuck, Exept their low test. Muscles are not really a sign of health that's a psyop. Shamed in this matriarchy for not going for the beauty standards.
>steroid again
Why are people always coming up with this excuse?
Google 80s footballers aged badly. There are tons of crazy pics and they used no steroids. Also generally 40 years ago when men had crazy sports requirements in school and army men aged way faster. While woman aged even less then today maybe, and woman today are doing way more exercise.

>> No.57632903


You need to define ‘light exercise’. There’s benefits to health when you reach 150 mins of moderate intensity (5.9 or below METS) exercise per week but it actually continues to improve health outcomes if you continue to exercise even more. Best benefits come from 300+ minutes per week which is quite a lot of time exercising.

Beyond that, the more intense forms of exercise have benefits you can’t get from light exercise. Bone mineral density, tensile strength of connective tissues, more lean tissue etc need decently heavy resistance training. Those qualities are EXTREMELY important for quality of life when you get older. That’s the kind of shit that stops you from dying from a hip fracture when you’re over 75. Hand grip strength is actually a better predictor of all cause mortality than cardiovascular health funnily enough.

Powerlifting isn’t about health, no competitive sports are about health. Even still, competitive powerlifters only have 2 or 3 days per year at meets where things get truly high stress. The rest of the year training isn’t that stressful. Powerlifting is actually a VERY low stress sport compared to most other sports and people do masters powerlifting into old age unlike most sports.

>> No.57632956

>i don't have evidence
we can tell, lmao
will never understand the mental illness required to think you can just haphazardly guess how things work and pretend you are anywhere near any kind of truth

>> No.57632958

Light exercise would be like swimming 30 but chill, or walking/hiking 2 hours with pauses.
As I said I dont believe modern science and listen more to arguments of why something is like this, aka processes in the body no appeal to authority.
So it's good for you to use your max strength from time to time get it, also yes true lifting is way less stress then cardio.

>> No.57632966

*30 min

>> No.57632976

kek imagine writing out all this lank cope while the chad you were arguing with has long forgotten about you and is fucking his gf

>> No.57632980

Evidence as in SCIENCE YEY
Because science went to shit after 2010 in many fields and some were always shit.

>> No.57633048

>wild speculation is better than science
even if I grant your "science is le bad" 4chan flavored npc take, there is no way your baseless guesses are a better option

>> No.57633106


Well processes are you apply stress to a tissue, you give it time and resources (food, basically) and if the dose of stress was correct you adapt.

Your body NEEDS stress. People with very low levels of external stress such as bedbound patients deteriorate very quickly. They atrophy, their bones demineralise, their cardiovascular system starts to fail and even their risk of Alzheimer’s etc go way up.

So how much stress is too much? Well if your body adapted then the amount of stress was perfectly manageable and your tissues are now even more efficient. Extreme labour etc involves much more stress and far less recovery so the catabolic agents outstrip anabolic processes. It’s like getting sunburnt rather than getting a tan. Same stress, same adaptation pathways but one is a useful adaptation and the other is you getting fucked up.

>> No.57633211

Remember when he was tried in KLEROS court and acquitted? That's when I knew KLEROS was shit and worthless.

>> No.57633415

Looking at clear observative evidence and argue without use of authority is always superior
>bedbound patients deteriorate very quickly.
Just asking, you did see this with younger patients aswell? That would be a very strong evidence.
Tho you could still argue people need movement, not stress.
>your tissues are now even more efficient
Yes right the body adapt to the stress. But is that really still all positive? Isnt that aging you inside? Or not because it has not the effect of extreme stress you mention later?

>> No.57633430

Maybe we need even a new word for "low level stress thats not bad, as opposed to laying in bed"
I agree thats needed

>> No.57633508
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Why are you arguing with this retard >>57632980? Holy shit you're eating that bait like a fucking pig. Strength training is the BEST medicine to protect against being a frail, old bitch (aka sarcopenia). And it has well-known benefits for fighting T2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, insomnia, etc.
None of you fatasses incels @ me with your pseudoscience please

>> No.57633846
File: 101 KB, 1024x702, 978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one attain such a shape? I honestly have no idea.

>> No.57633914

Charles the kind of guy to spend countless amounts of time, money, and effort to extend his life except doing the most basic beneficial things of working out and eating well.

>> No.57633935

Let me guess, you're a fat fuck who doesn't excercise and this is how you make yourself feel better about being a fat fuck that doesn't excercise and has poor health as a result.

>> No.57633974
File: 9 KB, 208x243, 96598756-258s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea but i borted $5ooo of adas while low and number go up. Soon unga bunga time.

>> No.57634096

the meme goes "this is what peak male performance looks like"

>> No.57634353

if thats you, good work fren

>> No.57634612
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he was peer reviewed

>> No.57634706
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This is not a bait reddittard
You dont train to have good bones at 80 eighter, because hard gym goers usually die earlier anyway lol.
>pseudo science

>> No.57634711

American detected, the land that has almost no normal thin people that also dont exercise