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57626212 No.57626212 [Reply] [Original]

"Competence crisis" is an alt-right dog whistle

>> No.57626228


Are the alt-right conspirators in the room with us right now?

>> No.57626237
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>thought comes to me as a satirical shitpost
>search for it as a keyword
>unironic redditor spouted it as an unironic opinion
kek every time

no but seriously I've been hearing this term more and more lately, even purely from the biz side, like VCs now realizing it's a pvp economy and companies have to fire the bloat and tone down the ESG shit, but now when they mention wanting to refocus "meritocracy" they get push back from the golems they have created

>> No.57626247
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Niggers can solve complex problems too, ytboi.

>> No.57626254

TIL that competency is a right wing concept.

>> No.57626257
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hey man i hate to say it but this is really nigger hater and derogatory you are a big jerk and you shouldn't be saying bad words you piece of crap

>> No.57626262

This is a no nigger board (the word I mean, please be respectful).

>> No.57626266

>not my problem
you will suffer in hell (india) for abandoning god and family.

The wests Prophet is Edward Bernays, materialism is its religion, money is your god and NIGGERS are your priests

and you can thank _ews for this

>> No.57626270
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i'll have you know that i am not a jerk i am a lovely honey badger bro with a huge cock and even bigger heart if anyone is a jerk its you buddy always coming at me with your negative energy i don't like it pal

>> No.57626274

sry, not capitalizing God was a typo

>> No.57626323

If I'm far right because I want the best people for the job regardless of their skin colour / sexual identification / homo status, then so be it.

>> No.57626348

Fuck you
These orange semi humans are more self aware than niggers

>> No.57626357

>believes in meritocracy
>is far right
You are. Welcome to the show. Leftoids live off the siphoning of resources from others, obfuscating the source of resources, and giving to those less capable in an effort to bring them up. It's inefficient, but they literally don't care.

>> No.57626485

>It's inefficient
futile is the word you were looking for.
Imagine trying to babysit sick plants on a field instead of just taking seeds from the strong for the next generation.
Leftism/Liberalism = Entropy

>> No.57626502
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look man i just love honey badgers (a small insect eating animal that lives in africa) let's drop the politics and talk about my honey badger (a small furry animal) let's discuss when i went to visit a honey badger nature preserve and kissed a honey badger and gave it a small piece of beef jerky

>> No.57626517

what crisis? just throw more indians at the problem like big tech does

>> No.57626521

Of course it is.
It's an excuse to hire a straight white male over a minority.

>> No.57626525

this has been going on for far longer than the so called "alt right" has existed as a concept

>> No.57626802

There will be a competency crisis but the way more concerning issue is the competency crisis in politics. We are electing literal retards for government that are burning away your money attempting to solve complex issues that the free market should be tasked with solving. This ends up pushing the government to raise new taxes and stupid regulations that hamper private businesses to fund their irresponsible spending. This is the big problem, an incompetent state fucking you over with fines and other shit just to extract money from you.
This has started happening in Spain. Small companies are FUCKED OVER by an incompetent administration. They issue unjustified fines and then have the gall to tell you they can't give you the original fines. Then you go to the state office to try and get the original fine and you find empty tables in a big room with very few staff working, they tell you companies must consult stuff over the phone, they fake shit in their database like you consulted digital notifications or they sent you warnings to your phone number... It's extra tax that take money from you and a lot of time. All that money and time are extracted from the private sector to enrich themselves or waste it on stupid stuff. The state is literally leeching value from the market. It's making everyone poorer.

>> No.57626859

spain a shit, I gotta listen to that damn language all the time now, sounds like robot cats yowling at each other or something. you goddamn assholes didn't even have the decency to genocide the aztecs when you invaded and they still butcher people for their blood god every day

>> No.57626868

Is that leftiespeak for 'normal'? Like 'fascist' means 'anyone who believes what they learned on Schoolhouse Rock'?

>> No.57626906

yes, this is pretty much what is been put in place to the core of all American govt as well.
govt and bureacracy stand in the way of everything, slow you down charge you money, fines, pealties, application and proicessing fees, meddling at every step.
some jusridictions in the US, it is illegal to replace a broken window in your home or business without a govt evaluation and approval.

>> No.57626911

>you goddamn assholes didn't even have the decency to genocide the aztecs when you invaded
Very guilty. I can't condemn my ancestors though, I would also have kept their women since they were so pretty. We were also very few in number (like 3k soldiers lmao), we couldn't just genocide them when their population was in the millions.
The indians in north america didn't have massive cities like the aztecs in central america. It was a completely different beast.
Back on topic, Spain is just the future you will get in every country though. The administration blatantly stealing from you to fund their stupid spending. In Spain the veil of legality is about to fall completely. Yours will last a little longer, I would say that there are already tons of politicians doing ilegal shit and getting away with it in America already. Look at Biden taking bribes from Ukraine and using government money to leverage against their politicians. Nigger became the president while stealing the election with a metric ton of evidence.
They still haven't started the stealing phase because they can just print more money.
We need a Milei figure to stop this. I would gladly throw away democracy in exchange for a benevolent king/dictator. Much easier to make him accountable if it can't just fuck off after 4 years or shit government.

>> No.57626926

are things improving each year or getting worse in America?

>> No.57626928

The problem with democracy is that it gives legitimacy to anyone with empty promises and escuses them of their shady shit because they are just a temporary mandate. In Spain we literally have the ex-presidents name on an accounting sheet having received 2.2M € in black money. The dude is not only free and never been judged for that but is also working in a public administration role. Look up M.Rajoy if you want to have a laugh. Mother fucker was president for 8 years and the treasurer of his party recognized he gave him black money.
BTW the king of Spain did nothing about it ofcourse. Motherfucker is just a puppet despite having the ultimate power in the state.

>> No.57626936
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white majority states are the biggest shitholes with failing infrastucture, dying industry, culturally devoid and dependantof government handouts.
The way these faggoots are trying to capitalize on the failing econm, resulting from their own incompetence, to try and to frame theselves as some the hero is laughable when they ar e nothing but parasites that depend on immigrants to tend to the real jobs,they wont touch ,lazy and complicit in their own destruction, you are the last the last example to follow

>> No.57626952
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honey badger erc is the answer to this as i have already stated i think that the honey badger project is really groundbreaking in this retard not to mention that the honey badger token ($hoba) is on a meteoric rise and is sure to continue growing in value well into the next few months i really can't see how you can find fault with it

>> No.57626955

Thank you for your opinion Robespeierre.

/keeps buying ammo

>> No.57626969
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>TIL that competency is a right wing concept.
That, and many other aspects of internalized whiteness my friend.

>> No.57626986
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are ya winning my little revolutionary?

>> No.57627017

Low iq chuds voted trump into office because they finally wanted to see another low intelligence man win, and then they have the audacity to cry like the pathetic little snowflakes they are about a "competency crisis".
Kill yourselves.

>> No.57627022
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asians and indians are more successful academically, economically, and reproductively, whites depend on fake jobs and systematic wealth tranfers from resources and productivty from the global south to leverage your artificial. living standard, that you personally dont help to mantain, the only crises is parasites running up everyones tab while they sit, shit and complain and. make idols out of politicians that promise to nurture their vile incomptence

>> No.57627036

Lmao jeets thinking they contribute to the world economy.

>> No.57627048

>implying whites chose to de-industrialize themselves
Factory jobs in the second half of the 20th century were absolutely top tier. The greedy elites could not have that and gutted our economies in favor of outsourcing it to the east. Asians and Indians were more than happy to poison their soil to produce cheap consumer goods for the west. Everybody lost.

>> No.57627051

IQ and skill test your candidates. Don't even look at their education

>> No.57627092


your economy is finacialized and predicated on fiat, debt created at the expense of others.
Everything you own is appropriated from foreign hands, essentailly a groomed female,predicated and mirrored by your impotency in reproduction

>> No.57627171

>your economy is finacialized and predicated on fiat, debt created at the expense of others.
India literally banned cash and is the hub of the world of phone scams. Go kill yourself in your shit infested street jeet. You are leeches.
>Everything you own is appropriated from foreign hands
So you got your brain washed in university. Must hurt having some money while also being a jeet. You got money but you must cope about being a shit race by blaming whipipo.

>> No.57627185

>Everything you own is appropriated from foreign hands
Then come take it back, thirdie.

>> No.57627233

But is it wrong?

24/7 service was, for example, a white people courtesy. Where is it now?

>> No.57627239
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at behest of some parasitic pig germnaic that forces their hands in the affairs of others, banning cash isnt a soveirgn idea but a by prodcuct of supranational influence were some pink sknned parasite sits on his ass all day scheming on better ways to suck and swallow for his den of fellow pigs

you cant scam a white, possessions are simply finding its way back in its rightful hands, lest parasites become benefactors, sterlize the germ

>> No.57627248

suicide rates are directly correlated to infrastructure?
ok bill gates

>> No.57627259

the white devil is truly an insidious creature
devious and cunning, he conditions you with the slick euphemisms

>> No.57627265

>muh reparations
Good luck with that Rakesh. Big Anglo cock fucked you raw and took the spoils. Do something about it.

>> No.57627286

>UK stole 15 times it's current GDP from India
You must be trolling. Do people legit believe this shit?

>> No.57627294


thats essentially what the migrant invasion is, bees trying to partake in the honey they are entitled to, you played yourslef

>> No.57627314

They were a British colony for 350 years. No doubt a gigantic amount of resources was extracted in that time period using assymetric trade agreements and levies. The question is if calculating that number has any relevance today. In that case we should probably re-evaluate every trade agreement ever made and scrutinize its fairness.

Which is entirely facilitated by the same elites that de-industrialized us. The little bees are mere puppets allowed to swarm in because it enriches the Western elites even more. It would be trivial to deny immigrants if the people had any real power here.

>> No.57627337
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meanwhile youre priced of homes, a job and a potential wife because a wave of them can enter your country and find positions where they are typically favored, sidelining a disslusioned man that adopts an indian swaztika to comepnsate for his low value?

sounsds like a cuck to me


>> No.57627357
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double that shit to account for inflation, germanics were peasents for 98% of their history, you hated being white and tried you best to escape your fatal circumstances, your change in countencance is soley through your ability to suckle off of humans, you dont exist in absense of that

>> No.57627375

Will it still be an 'alt-right dog whistle' when planes are falling out of the skies?

>> No.57627387
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whites are npcs, without the elites you would be directionless and without form, the elites are golems directed by archons to terraform the kali yuga, you have no soverign identity, just plot devices to complete the end of the age

>> No.57627412

We may live in decadent, stagnant societies but they still rest on the greatest empires that have ever existed. Even now the USA is the greatest power on this globe, despite the fact that it is declining. I think your gloating is severely misplaced considering shitholes like India are still decades (maybe centuries) away from creating properly functioning societies, something the white man naturally arrived at.

>> No.57627458
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conditions terraformed by detablizing western forces that seek to undermine the growth and potential of neighboring countries that dont align with their strategic and predetermined model for the future
america is only competent at enriching the 1% whom are competent at impovershing you, a debt slave without a future.
your loyalities are misplaced

>> No.57627548

>your loyalities are misplaced
In the same vein, your animosity is misplaced as well.

>> No.57627618

Just employ niggers, pajeets, chinks, spics, trannies and retards. Everything will carry on as normal.
When those systems break, no problem, those niggers, pajeets, chinks, spics and retards that can't read or write along with the trannies that are busy posting on social media will sort it all out.
Bravo, DEI!.

>> No.57627619

>push back from the golems they have created
And couldnt have happened to a more deserving bunch, they all deserve to be ran over the cliff
Amplify their bullshit and call them out on backpedaling
Force their companies to fire the productive people and keep the bloat for fear of social backlash
If you let them of the hook now they will only come back stronger later

>> No.57627629
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I'm not even impressed anymore, i just love being the supervillain of the story.
At this point i enjoy burning everything to the ground more than actually building something meaningful.

Rise and shine chuds, rise and shine.

>> No.57627638
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I can stand almost 3% inflation per month according to Truflation but i can't stand institutional racism or not giving Israel some billions on foreign aid!
t. ameritard

>> No.57627656

>honey badger
The MRA group? My wife used to be in that crowd and I always called honey badgers Combat Wombles.

>> No.57627701

The company I work for isn't even at 50% outsourcing yet, but the uppity faggots have legitimately started refusing tasks saying
>That's not how we do it in India
They also cannot ever make an actual decision and generally whatever you ask they say yes to regardless of if they have the capacity or capability, but now there's interspersed with attempting to do less in their roles.
The company deserves it for being outsourcing retards, we saw the result 4 years ago was they can barely reach the efficiency of half an on shore resource,
>They just need more training and we'll teach them the company culture
I won't dox my field of work but these decisions have global supply chain impacts.

>> No.57627735

those states aren't shitholes because they're white, they're white because they're shitholes

there are other factors that can make a state a shithole besides race, and shithole states don't attract immigrants so they stay white - but that doesn't mean race is completely irrelevant. If a poor white state like west virginia was 90% black they'd be eating each other

>> No.57627775 [DELETED] 

Poojeet, you're imported as a slave class. You exist to drive down wages and drive up rent and property prices. You're a blunt tool, and I know you know you're generally disgusting to be around. Otherwise you things would start in India, but you don't, because you know it's a shithole, because it's full of Indians.

>> No.57627788
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Yes and no. Standards have lowered, which is bad, but there are also a fuckload of poorly design and managed shitshows out there which will inevitably try to mask a longterm lack of QC behind a "competency crisis" of new hires.

>> No.57627854

>bunch of bullshit about suicide rates and being a shithole
>autism about germanics
>muh wealth stolen as if niggers and immigrants can process resources besides using a pickaxe to mine
>AI generated sandcastles
Go back to >>>/int/ poonigger.

>> No.57627883

>"Competence crisis" is an alt-right dog whistle

No everything doesn't work anymore and things are collapsing in every sector because of DRUMPF DEREGULATION!

>> No.57627930

How the FUCK is there a Rajesh in EVERY single thread in EVERY board on the internet spamming the SAME cuck shit and the SAME shitpile mound buildings ALL the time???? There has to be an AI bot farm somewhere in Kolkhata completely flooding the internet with bots because this has no literal sense whatsoever.

>> No.57627969
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>we'll call it a conspiracy, that's a neat trick

>> No.57627986
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>"Competence crisis" is an alt-right dog whistle

>> No.57627987

>let's uhhhhhhhh give all the really difficult important jobs to niggers

what did libtards mean by this?

>> No.57628883
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Correlation doesn't equal causation. If a state being a white majority were the problem, then America would never have achieved what it has, the North would be obliterated by the South in the civil war, and Europe would be a continental trailer park.
Those communities remain white because there is less incentive for minorities to move there in the first place. Migrants come for economic opportunities, not to go to the town that lost its shoe factory decades ago, and because of that there are fewer taxes to pay for infrastructure maintenance and a higher demand for gibs. This is more of a problem for our transportation and city planning than anything else.
Multiculturalism is failing, it has no end goal other than to suppress wages and bust unions and communities.
The only argument for it is the abysmal birth rate of the West, to fill those "real jobs" you claim, and yet whites contribute a net positive in tax contributions while latinos and blacks are a net negative. Asians are the only positive contributors.

>> No.57630378

This is what happens when a company goes public or control is wrested from the founder's hands and the MBA beancounters take over.
On paper the outsourcing looks great, people with the same skillset at 1/4 the price. Little do they know that Indians are some of the least efficient people on the planet and they have a tendency of replacing entire departments with more indians once they gain a foothold.

>> No.57630397

I love the world being dominated by mandarins and court eunuchs rather than pioneers and explorers, personally

>> No.57630700

How did Biden get elected then?

>> No.57630723

being human is a right wing concepts
leftists love their brown orc pets

>> No.57630780

High trust societies like those of East Asians and (formerly) Europeans required competency to be provide for the group.

Mixing Niggers, Spics, and Arabs into the mix has destroyed the trust and thus the competency.

>> No.57630798

America is way worse than Spain they’re just much bigger and good at hiding it plus we have some states that fight back, mostly to no avail. The American dream died twenty years ago.

>> No.57630817

No it's not lmao
t. Spaniard

>> No.57630853

Nigger our prices are off the charts we have illegal beans coming in by the tens of millions while simultaneously importing a shitload of niggers, chinks, gooks, and poos. We are so so so fucked over here. White Americans are like the lobster in the pot.

>> No.57630866

>high inflation
>flooded with illegal shitskin migrants
you say this as if this wasn't happening in Spain (and all over Europe for that matter)

>> No.57632596

It's an appeal to emotion that helps to slander opponents of their attempts to keep pushing the Overton Window farther and farther "left"wards. A "Neo Nazi bigot White supremacist chud incel" is a Democrat from the early 2000s (to use American terminology). It's funny how "leftists" went from "fighting the power" to being the largest government dicksucks imaginable.

>> No.57632623

Every single "successful", non-"shithole" ie rural flyover state was built by and for White Americans (which used to be a redundant phrase), until immigration legislation was switched up. Stop larping Chang/Pajeet, there's a reason you supposedly 'smarter', 'more productive' people immigrate West to escape your own shitholes. The success of non-White immigrants is owed solely to the White Man that enabled the potential for their success to exist in the first place. Don't get uppity.

>> No.57632631

Kek nevermind, it's the same seething subhuman mudskin who copes about muh Germanics, despite Germanic innovation being the only reason he has an internet connection today.

>> No.57632658

noob programmer here, how do I escape the OOP plantation?

>> No.57632672
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>brown bad