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57622416 No.57622416 [Reply] [Original]

Not ever

>> No.57622425

have you guys ever been with a downie bros?

>> No.57622452

This is how Asians were born

>> No.57622456

How do you think you were born son?

>> No.57622475

It’s gotta be some kind of illegal to fuck a retard right? Like only retards can fuck retards or something probably

>> No.57622515

You jest, but in Middle East, at least in Persian, the world mongol means “having Down syndrome”
So they saw Mongolians (Asians) and they found them synonymous with being retarded

>> No.57622523

If you impregnate a downie the kid will be set for life through government programs. Nobody will know it was you. If she claims you did then you can say
>she's just downie dude you can't believe a syllable she drools out
Plus retards are very primal and good at sex.

I would never do this, but I want you guys to know it's an option.

>> No.57622524


>> No.57622575

Relevant documentary:

>> No.57622736

If you think historically that makes a lot of sense. Persians were comparably civilized while Mongols were nomads living a life that must've seemed bizarre to the Persians. Add to that the weird flat and wide faces that do in fact have some similarities to downie faces it would be easy to make the mistake thinking there's a connection.

>> No.57623082
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That's a child

>> No.57623111

I mean that's a thing in English as well ("mong")

>> No.57623115

the word mongoloid has the same meaning everywhere

>> No.57623129

guys please stay on the threads topic...

>> No.57623201

Ye lol which is a “bad word” now
Ye pretty funny anyone who had a displeasure of seeing mongol warriors, think of them as retarded
Then again, genghiz half brother was an actual legitimate retard. Build like a beast but had a tiny brain.
You know that scene of got where one of those giagnatix brothwrs (I know one was mountain) burnt the other one as a kid (or did something else, I don’t remember)
Apparently he did the same kind of thing to his retarded brother as kid too
Anyway, that retarded brother was such a warrior, that his descendant decendent dependents were able to live in wealth and hold a lot of power in Mongolian empire ( a loose term really)

>> No.57623395

Oh and and something else
Imagine your country getting conquered by an enemy in the most violent way and you still have enough spirit to call them retarded to the point that mongol===retard
Gunts, you were a child too..

>> No.57623544

thank you for sharing that. some decent chuckles.

>> No.57623613

who is this semen demon with a downie buff?

>> No.57624067
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imagine having your civilisation destroyed by a bunch of stinky retards

>> No.57624087

this but unironically
I hate non whites so much it hurts

>> No.57624102

Well sure.
Same can be said about visigoths, byzanthian empire, sassanids, rome, and even China itself
I mean look at modern life
Sweden was peaceful and secure, now it’s a gangshit somali shit hole with daily bombing
Britain was a mighty empire, now it’s actively discriminating against his own natives, making their military weaker by the minute
Conclusion? Retards in position of power being ruination

>> No.57624112

Thread became twice as funny once I imagined picrel saying OPs comment and running away
>Bitcoin has never had 6 green months in a row
>Not ever *REEEEEEE*

>> No.57624138

The visigoths were far more uncivilised than the romans they conquered and the muslims that conquered them

>> No.57624153

I want to be suffocated by her thighs as she brapps on my face and laughs her tard laugh.

>> No.57624182

Civilized uncivilized
Doesn’t matter really
Muslims were supposedly civilized
What are they know?
Same shit with Indians
Apparently civilized
How are they doing now?
All that matter is might
With might you can be safe enough to cultivate knowledge and culture

>> No.57624183

You think that, but in reality it's truly disgusting

>> No.57624277

>Nobody will know it was you
You're more retarded than someone with actual retardation.
>she's just downie dude you can't believe a syllable she drools out
Outside of those low functioning who genuinely have behavioral issues and need someone to tie their shoes for the rest of their life, DS people are fairly intelligent and astute, they can tell when someone has ulterior motives. They're pretty witty about calling it out too.

>> No.57624432


Why must you lie

>> No.57624446
File: 208 KB, 1353x1189, Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 8.27.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck forgot to upload the picture

>> No.57624496

happened before that aswell. Maybe OP wanted to say 7 months, which infact never did happen.

>> No.57624498

Yes. I fucked a retard once. I went up to the high rise ssi building, pumped her for like 3 mins, blew a load right in her and ran out of there like a bat out of hell. The postnut clarity was unreal. I hated myself for months after but it another checkmark on my fucket list. Midget has been the most elusive so far. It’s the final piece so I don’t expect it to be easy

>> No.57624528

this is hilarious thx anon

>> No.57624536

OP here. I am retarded and just missed that one. But that is in fact the only time it's ever happened.

>> No.57624539

dayum syndrome

>> No.57624542

that's fine. 1 last month, 1 last chance to buy before mooning

>> No.57624544

Glad you both enjoyed it. I showed it to my wife and we had a good laugh.

>> No.57624560

>Outside of those low functioning who genuinely have behavioral issues and need someone to tie their shoes for the rest of their life, DS people are fairly intelligent
People don't realize this because the average IQ for a downie is like 60, but some of them are on the far end of the bell curve and are in the 100-120 IQ range

>> No.57624625


>> No.57625008
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>massive IQ
I'm one of them

>> No.57625086

i think you're confusing down syndrome with autism anon

>> No.57625296

If it is illegal they are probably in an institution 24/7
Basically the only time you'd need to ask if fucking an adult retard is illegal is if you are one of their wranglers which then yes it is.
If you saw a down syndrome girl that looked like that you'd probably want to fuck her too and anyone who denies it does it out of fear they'd be ridiculed
I'm fine being laughed at so long that down makes me spaghetti O every night

>> No.57625310

Then this time it'll be green even longer and when its over for the next few years we will see it be red for that long as well with everyone saying its over this time

>> No.57625330

i mean i could def rub one out to some nude of the blue goddess

>> No.57625359

I'm not. About 10% of autists are genius savants in some way... this doesn't apply to downies. You'll never find a genius with down syndrome but they can be of normal intelligence. A downie being as intelligent as a normal person is like when a non-downie has 140 IQ. It's rare but it happens

>> No.57625368

unironically this time will be different

>> No.57625514

God, the bar for being considered attractive as a woman is so low, yet so many of them can't even manage that.

>> No.57625536
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Post your retard queen /biz/

>> No.57625590
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well don't you think it's overdue for one?

>> No.57625918
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>> No.57625923
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>redhead tomboy
Oh yeah that's a good one

>> No.57625939
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i think it makes perfect sense that it could happen soon as the markets are irrational and no one likes logic anyway plus the bitcoin community is a bunch of pussies and honey badgers are alpha af with 99 inchers on average

>> No.57625956
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First time for everything.

>> No.57626124

Joke doesn't make sense since downies are retarded and asians are smart

>> No.57626164

>illegal is if you are one of their wranglers which then yes it is.
based tard wrangler, its considered rape btws

>> No.57626201

It’s autism downies
Rain man downies
Asians are obviously made from this since it can be repeated in nature. All one has to do is have sex with downies to create a downie phenotype race with a regular brain and poof you have asians
It’s probably literally what happened

>> No.57626687

>t. asian

>> No.57627556

if she's downs, i'm down

>> No.57627711

Do you have twins and pregnant crossed off?

>> No.57627716

Ah Megan. My future wife

>> No.57627785
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true never happened before

>> No.57628176

sound you bastard

>> No.57628402

I want this instead of going to down town

>> No.57628519
File: 81 KB, 794x575, We_Don't_Do_That_Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57628857

I know, I want the source, I want to hear how retarded the wagie sounds

>> No.57628889

>Like only retards can fuck retards
yep, kinda like only kids can fuck kids.

>> No.57628922
File: 2.76 MB, 576x1024, 1691681234445200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry friend, I think she was the queen of /tv, maybe you'll get some hints on the the source there if you make a post with webm related or maybe someone will reply with .webm with sound there. Good luck

>> No.57629010

Retard strength is real.

>> No.57630137

Got my eyes fixed anon and also keeping up with the transformation of the diamond and commodity industry with KIMBER as it provides stability and removes monetary and geographical barriers.

>> No.57631198

>meanwhile middle eastern called retards, mongols
Ye ok

>> No.57631443

Downies can't breed.
You're the downie

>> No.57631447

I'd fuck that retard.

>> No.57631538

They can actually.

>> No.57632879


This was actually pretty good. Most of the girls I've dated have been retarded too.

>> No.57632926

i actually dated a midget once.

i went to her house. met her parents. had dinner with them and her grandma.

they said i looked like ricky martin.

we played mario kart...

another time i took her to some fields in my car and i started to make out with her. and then i fcuked her...

damn she was tight tight pussy...

lol i had no shame... she had a very loving and supportive family and they were very happy to have me in their home, i respect that. i was just horny trying to smash, she had blue eyes. and nice tits

>> No.57633001

Know the difference

>> No.57633018

And you pump and dumped her it sounds like. Thank you Chud

>> No.57633201

She’s 12 mentally you sick fucks.

>> No.57633210

Month aint out yet.

>> No.57634066

Literally 99% of women are 12 mentally, you big homo

>> No.57635297

why didn't you marry her?
>blue eyes
>nice tits
>tight tight pussy

>> No.57635516

can I get btc from a pool I was back in the day? 2011~ can't remember shit but I have kept all my HDD.

>> No.57636351

that is literally a tranny