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File: 35 KB, 640x513, finally-got-my-irish-passport-for-dual-citizenship-v0-ne7k5z6w5jc91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57625060 No.57625060 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an American who just got Irish citizenship and my passport. How do I best profit from this?

>> No.57625125

Do I need to learn Irish?

>> No.57625154

Ditch you american citizenship asap for obvious reasons

>> No.57625168

I like America's salaries and nature though

>> No.57625179

Invest in White nationalism

>> No.57625195

Set up a company in Ireland for a low corporate tax rate. Learn from the largest tech firms, Apple is technically headquartered in Ireland despite only owning a comparatively small office there.

>> No.57625207

Are those protests over immigrants still going?

>> No.57625226

Would Ireland be lower than Delaware?

>> No.57625231

Idk but there are definitely still niggers and Arabs over there

>> No.57625243

Ireland has like a -5% GDP. They are fucked.

>> No.57625244

Less than America and most of Europe though

>> No.57625251
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i guess i should respond to your lame ass thread with a boring fact ireland has a smaller economy than america and most of europe though unlike your wife's tits my schlong is so huge that it cannot be measured by science

>> No.57625284

Plantations are still getting burned down.

>> No.57625291


>> No.57625370

Ireland has plantations?

>> No.57625409

you are free to live in any european country. dont choose ireland ffs

>> No.57625454

I would if it was cheap like eastern Europe or Portugal

>> No.57625473

1. go to ireland
2. take out as many loans as you can
3. leave
4. ???

>> No.57625488

>A small office there
You are retarded.

>> No.57625489

Does this work?

>> No.57625495

I lived there for 10 years. Ask whatever you want.

>> No.57625517

I’m born and bred American but I can get an Irish citizenship because my grandpa was a citizen and I am of the opinion that America is demographically much worse off than Europe by a large margin but I don’t know how I would earn my bread out there. I’m a cop here with a bachelors in kinesiology. Basically a jock with a degree. What do you do for money in Europe if you’re like me? I feel like being a nigger wrangler is only profitable if you’ve got niggers to wrangle

>> No.57625531

Now you can easily get KYC on crypto exchanges or platforms that bar Americans. That's one benefit I'll get with my Nigerian passport once it arrives in April. I'm looking forward to using Binance again.

>> No.57625545

There's no such nation. Jewish supremacists like the ADL use this as a boogieman to censor the internet.

>> No.57625577

its not. its a cold dark expensive shithole full of nigmigrants. the rest of europe actually has places that arent cold dark and expensive.

>> No.57625609

Where do you live?

>> No.57625726


>> No.57625754

Meant to ask >>57625577

>> No.57625975

That's why I said comparatively. It's no Apple Park in California.

>> No.57626666

>There's no such nation.
there should be

The internet is breaking down a lot of national and linguistic barriers. Race is something that's actually tangible.

>> No.57626670

You best not bet telling the Irish that you're part Irish if you have a typical American accent. The knackers will come running.

>> No.57626672

Why do they bar Americans?

>> No.57626759

Because they don't want to get fucked by the long dick of the SEC

>> No.57627397

wrong. retard

>> No.57627416

The Garda were hiring noncitizens and giving them residence permits just a couple years ago. Dublin is a shithole filled with niggers and looks like the heart of the Congo but you could get a job as a cop there, especially with citizenship.

>> No.57627440

Niggerean passport, kek

>> No.57627509

Checked but "White" isn't a race but a collection of races. Even using a strict definition it's an amalgamation of Nordics, Germanics and Anglo-Saxons.
If you use a lax definition it's just a fucking joke (Meds, Nordics and Slavs are not the same thing and never will be).

>> No.57627546

I have macaroni plus burger citizenship and here are advantages to being a passport bro:
>Can live anywhere in the EU with no paperwork
>Can take advantage of EU universities, etc. >Visa free travel to the EU (Irish also get visa free travel to UK or something like that; this all used to not matter for a US passport holder but does now)
>Able to invest using EU domiciled exchanges, banks, etc. (note that this isn’t that great in general and you can’t legally bypass US tax law or KYC)
>Twice as attractive to third world women looking to grift citizenship
>Can get into some third world countries without visas that are barred to US citizens (also not that useful)
>Seething roasties might see you as more interesting (also not that useful)
>Children are born dual citizens (maybe not true for Irish)
>Wife can gain citizenship even living abroad (not true for Irish)
>Get to vote for actual fascist parties in elections (this is awesome)
>Have a golden ticket out of the inevitable descent of the US into a nigger filled hell (still better here than Europe but that will change one day)

>> No.57627557
File: 185 KB, 394x373, 2372174324821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want an irish passport? wouldn't be better to spend that money on SUPER or even DOGE?

>> No.57627594

Fool. You have the opportunity to pay a couple hundred or a couple thousand Euros, max, for a first world citizenship that the seething browns reading this would sell their sisters and mothers into sex slavery and mortgage their own lives to even have a chance to get.

>> No.57627631

I stride, huge dick swinging free, with my blue eyes and red and blue passports, through this entire world like I own it. I can get on any airplane and walk into any country today on a whim, and decide to live in any part of the developed white world that I want. While seething masses of browns squabble in their huts and wait for a tourist visa that will never come.

>> No.57627758

I'm Irish, yes we're fucked. If you're American then compare your current salary to an Irish one and it's likely to be cut in half to a third as well as requiring higher qualifications to even turn up. Average age in Ireland is 40 and there's more 60 year olds than 20 year olds and when surveyed, 70% of the youth would leave if they could afford it. This country is little more than a decaying retirement home at this point plus our government is now flooding the country with migrants, literally bussing them into community centres and sports centres and just letting them sleep on the floor. We're done

>> No.57628042

>you can’t legally bypass US tax law or KYC)
How is an exchange supposed to know you're also a US citizen if they just look for a passport scan?

>> No.57628369

I recommend you go to Dublin immediately and start telling everyone how Irish you are because your family left Oireland all the way back in 1840 and get some clan tartan and speak very very loudly and knowingly about everything even if you know nothing about it You'll fit right in.

>> No.57628541
File: 28 KB, 489x499, pepe sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both retarded
Irish citizenship is WILDLY powerful, especially for Americans
>you get an equally if not more powerful passport
>you get access to any country in the EU or greater schengen area (switzerland/norway/balkans) for full freedom of movement
>you get access to live in the UK without a visa or residency permit
>you can take advantage of the UK's non-dom program and pay little to no tax if you're an entrepreneur
>you can move to a tax-favorable country in/near the EU like malta, cyprus, one of the channel islands, montenegro, etc and cash out your crypto
>you can comfortably renounce your US citizenship and still visit the US without a visa whenever you'd like

Congratulations, you were blessed my friend. Come join us in malta

>> No.57628583

let somalian immigrants fuck you up the ass

>> No.57630048

At least I know 100% where I came from, Mutt :)

>> No.57630188

Yes, and we don't want plastic paddy yanks like you either.

>> No.57630303


Europe is speedrunning South Africa

>> No.57630825

I say my grandparents were Irish not me if it comes up
Thanks anon

>> No.57630845

>your family left Oireland all the way back in 1840
My grandparents came in the 1950s

>> No.57630902

Garda starting wages are so shit that most have two jobs.

>> No.57630945

If you want a “good” job they have a lot of tech work. Their gym culture is about 5 to 10 years behind America, so you may be able to find something that way. Plenty of trades work available too. I worked as an engineer there myself. Was grand.

>> No.57631000

go to Ireland and tell them all about how Irish you are even if you know nothing.

Tell them what percentage of your genes are irish, and they'll love you.

I wish you had a Norwegian passport instead so you could land in Oslo and tell them how Norwegian you are, and then when they ask if you speak Norwegian then you should say "sorry I don't speak Norwegian but I have Norwegian genes and therefore a Norwegian passport"

>> No.57631095

Own a business/restaurant in America and live in Ireland

>> No.57631097

My grandparents are Irish

>> No.57631118

You do though since you gave me citizenship

>> No.57631145

That's our shitty traitorous government.

>> No.57631209

I understand anon since now I'm Irish too

>> No.57631260

I just don’t have the bare minimum qualifications for a tech job like I said, I’m a cop. And it sounds like their “cop” jobs pay a third what mine does (100k w/out overtime)

>> No.57631287

Ya, it’s not great. My salary doubled moving to America. If you’re in it for money, nowhere in Europe will do. Also depending on your age, you may find a lot of parts of life there frustrating. Things don’t work the same culturally. Generally, it is not money driven, so services are poor and not timely. And I’m not talking about restaurants.

>> No.57631302

I think you should be more concerned about the endless stream of niggers you guys are flooding into your country right and sein fein pro nigger? Lol priorities brotha

>> No.57631333

South Italy is -35% cost of Life North Italy.
Red pill.

>> No.57631394

Dove abiti in maccheronia?

>> No.57631397

With it you can travel and live(for few months) in all the Europe union !
and that without visa.

>> No.57631407

and the food is lat least 35% better.

>> No.57631462

Yeah in my opinion America is the place to make a bag but I think we are running out of places where there is cohesive culture and a place to raise your kids. Our food is poison, our culture is nigger worshipping, and everything is in decline and we’re running out of higher ground.

>> No.57631518

Does it bother Irish people that any retard with an Irish grandparent can get citizenship? It seems like it would debase what it means to be Irish. Do Irish people count anyone with citizenship as Irish?

>> No.57631551

That’s literally a thousand percent better than dropping an Irish born nigger calling themselves “Irish” do kikes him and haw about giving foreign born kikes Israeli citizenship or are that actually all on the same page as to what a race is?

>> No.57631571

what about your parents are they Irish

>> No.57631760

the problem is that not only italy gets lots of kebabs from the immigration but there is a lot of their blood already on southern italy, so is out of the question for the long run

>> No.57631800

Ireland is finished though.
One of the first western nations where white people will be extinct.
Also the nation with the most fiercely self-destructive population who will bend over backwards for their replacements without question.

>> No.57631878

America still has room to grow though and places to escape. Even in rural Ireland you’re never really much more than an hour from a major city. Also there will be a bit of a culture shock. I got over it pretty quickly because my wife is Irish (from Ireland), so I had a soft landing when I moved there. I also worked in rural Ireland at a 100% Irish staffed place, except one Welsh guy. Was fully integrated within a year. Played some hurling, went to the races, went to the plowing competition, binged Father Ted, hated Ryan Tubridy. Pretty much fit in overnight. Moving on your own would be difficult. Ireland is a notoriously cliquey place. It’s tough to make friends, but you’ll have plenty of acquaintances.

>> No.57632040
File: 412 KB, 1200x800, 3234C8DA-FBA0-4C85-A853-5B1EA59F9BDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and Japan will be a superpower in a few years

>> No.57632045

My dad is a citizen because both his parents were

>> No.57632228

absolutely none of that had to to with that fact that Ireland doesn't have -5% GDP growth. or anything close to it.
retards everywhere

>> No.57632238

>plastic paddy yanks
Oh boo hoo, tough shit. You get gentrified by BIG AMERICAN COCK whether you like it or not

>> No.57632288

Ireland is a hundred times whiter than the US and the US is still standing. Its also whiter than most of Europe. and anti immigration sentiment is rapidly rising

>> No.57632548

what about your mother?

>> No.57633667

She's American, she could claim citizenship because of her marriage or grandparents but isn't interested

>> No.57634006

Wtf is 'gym culture'?

>> No.57634577


>> No.57635935

Yeah what are Irelands demographics like?