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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 423x408, pklic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57623807 No.57623807 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57623812

is this the new tonightposting?

>> No.57623832

Not a long wait for this one, but we'll see if you can figure this one out.

>> No.57623862


>> No.57623904
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>> No.57623940



>> No.57624089
File: 742 KB, 2874x1777, 988E3A8C-58D7-48E7-9023-6E7A5EFCBBA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we here, that is the question? And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for CCIP to come...We are not saints, but we have kept our appointment.

>> No.57624236


That's supposed to mean something? Or is that a reference to their RWA video?

>> No.57624241

Niggers in a half shell. Nigger power!

>> No.57624364


Private Key something????

>> No.57624428

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that cube before. I’d guess nothing is coming tomorrow. My guess for general access is Sergey’s next talk at DAS, March 18-20.

>> No.57624443

Chainlink Deco ?

>> No.57624459

come on Sergey take it to 40+ dont keep dicking us around mate

>> No.57624576

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.57624725

Lic is short for license

Pk is private key

Ok so with the new cube, my guess is a new PKI based on DON

>> No.57625640


_______ ___ _____ __ ________

>> No.57625659

Inevitable. Zoom in. Zoom out.

>> No.57625782


>> No.57625794

Tomorrow is 2/16 which is like 216 which is some magical cube number which means OP is a faggot

>> No.57625803

An apt analogy. We are all Lucky.

>> No.57625806

Well the second and fourth words are going to be "key" and "is", I'll think about the others. I love LARP riddles, thanks for this anon.

>> No.57625822

Private key l____ is chainlink

>> No.57625856

Private key leaks in checksum?
I think it's this:

>> No.57625860

last word cant be chainlink, its 1 letter too long

>> No.57625922

so what does that mean

>> No.57625945

My mistake, the last word is 9 letters, for that I will confirm that the second word is KEY.
Some of the other words contained within the other guesses MAY be correct, I won't confirm.

>> No.57625963
File: 32 KB, 512x512, sEtems9DoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look man you can go ahead and dump all your money into this worthless coin with a stupid name if you want but i promise you in 6 months it will be dead and i'll be on my honey badger themed mega yacht sipping margaritas and watching your ex wife give her honey badger token sucking lessons to the highest bidder the only thing keeping chainlink alive is the honey badger token it needs to pay it shills and bag holders like you i would recommend selling your house and your mom and buying $hoba instead but at this point it might be too late

>> No.57625967

private key layer is chainlink
a new client will be revealed using some combination of decentralized identity to provide banking-as-a-service for clients by managing their private keys
scale of 1 to 10 how close am i
t. oldfag who was forced by tax office to sell in 2018 who needs some hopium

>> No.57625983

ICP makes chainshit so obsolete ?

memes aside, 1k holder we are all gonna make it

>> No.57626068

You’re not 100 percent correct.
The fourth letter is ‘in’. This is your last clue. I’ll be around for one more hour before I need to get offline, I can answer SOME questions.

>> No.57626074

private key layer in chainlink

>> No.57626080

>sell off

>> No.57626096
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oh you think crypto is gonna be the next big thing lmao how about you invest in honey badger erc tokens and get back to me before i shove this honey badger foot up your ass

>> No.57626116
File: 331 KB, 2228x1482, hkjhjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forced to sell by the tax office? what you mean? got hit hard with 2017 taxes?
are you on the team?
when is swift or bank news coming?
seems close? https://twitter.com/TeamCucumber777/status/1757584077715132763
anything else of interest coming?

>> No.57626118
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What is it you know about my linkies young man?

>> No.57626130

So you think they're finally releasing DECO, huh? Not a chance. CCIP soon but no word on DECO going into production from what I've heard.
Bank news in the next month. Big one

>> No.57626154

>When is swift or bank news coming?

I don’t know. What I do know is that whether if news comes or not, it doesn’t matter. If you’ve been paying attention since SIBOS you should be able to pick up what has been put down publicly.


>> No.57626202

private key logic in chainlink?

>> No.57626205

fuck these gay ass attention seeking larps whats even the point

>> No.57626224

Private key store in chainlink

>> No.57626242

To get you to baghold.

Daily reminder that, in average, the top 20 coins have lost about 50% dominance of market cap vs bitcoin peak to peak. Link had a 2% dominance vs BTC last cycle, so this upcoming one LINK's dominance will be about 1%.Now, assuming Bitcoin goes to $100K next run, it's mkt cap will be $2 trillion, which would put LINK's mkt cap at about 1% of that, which is $20 billion, over 700 million link in circulation in 2025, that'd give us a price of…

$28.57 per LINK

>> No.57626261

wasn't asking you faggot

>> No.57626272

LARP or not, you’ve already made up your mind and I know I won’t be able to change it. This place is a decayed shell of its former self. In order to rebuild a community you need to be the change you want to see.

>> No.57626277

What’s even the point of asking what’s the point if you don’t want an answer.

Do you just want attention?

>> No.57626285

Don’t worry, I gotchu senpai. I’ll create some controversy so retards can keep replying to me and bumping your thread to get some eyes on it.

>> No.57626346

I’d like to say that I was glad to be here but this nooks flame dwindles by the day. As mentioned, if you’ve been paying attention since SIBOS you should be able to deduce what key piece of decentralised infrastructure will provide institutions the tipping point confidence to on chain en masse.

My timeline was off, but I’ll leave you with this. Putting Key Limes In Coconuts. I’d sure like to try one around a campfire.

>> No.57626413

>Putting Key Limes In Coconuts
Not the first time I've read this over here. Could you provide a bit more crumbs? Id like to pull the thread now that I have some spare time in my wagie cagie

>> No.57626445

Clg, I think we still like crumbs, but most of us have grown old and have been holding link since 2006. Just tell us when chainlink is mooning and how high it’s going so we can plan a future for our families. Unfortunately not all of us are node operators so we don’t have a lot of money coming in from chainlink labs. Being a 47 year old man waiting for link to moon as your last chance to make is no fun.

Appreciate your hard work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.57626492


>> No.57626507

Jannies can you range ban this fucker already

>> No.57626516

>I’d sure like to try one around a campfire.
probably a reference to ethdenver
basic grammar error so probably a larp though

>> No.57626520

Sorry you didn’t find the engagement you were looking for but as you said this place is almost entirely dead. Where I used to find multiple top quality conversations daily, I usually only find a good thread every 2-3 weeks nowadays.

>> No.57626791

fuck off faggot

>> No.57626840

Coca Cola :)

>> No.57626844

private key licenses in contracts

>> No.57626897

word 3 is 5 characters long

>> No.57626907

If this is true then it's a big step towards solving the general problem of key exchange, a massive pain in the ass in cryptography.

>> No.57626924

oh sorry then maybe it's layer

>> No.57626944

im guessing it's some sort of Safe type wallet

>> No.57626993


wat mean

>> No.57627316

audited and fined for unrealised crypto gains from trading at the top of the 2017 bullrun then hodling. lost my whole stack and had to start from scratch. bad feels man

>> No.57627389

>my timeline was off but...
Updated timeline: 2 more weeks

>> No.57627482

not gonna pretend i know what Putting Key Limes In Coconuts means but been a while since we heard anything about BBCA. private key layer in chainlink. chainlink will run their own layer 1 for node data verification

>> No.57627505

zooming out and in ENHANCE
am I the only one on this board that hasn't stopped buying link every month for 5 years?

>> No.57627510

Jannies killed it and are still actively killing it right now, the very obvious ai spam thats allowed is testament to this
We cant even attempt to rebuild as long as the tranny janny can kick over any three stones we stack ontop of eachother
Its just that there is no place like this one or we would have bailed already
At this point its waiting for 2026 till someone with his gains makes a biz clone without the janny scourge

>> No.57627522

>account abstraction coming in hot

>> No.57627525

>fined for unrealised crypto gains
what hellhole are you from? Taxing unrealised gains is even more immoral than regular taxes.

>> No.57627563


>> No.57627566

Lol pissed you didnt reach your engagement kpis and now you arent getting paid
If you have beans spill them, doing this garbage is adding to the disaster not fixing biz as you claim to want

>> No.57627569

is some kind of boomer investment vehicle for chainlink coming out?

>> No.57627581

two days ago

>> No.57627593

>2024 real lime put into a real coconut
>2025 Carefully more limes put into real coconuts
>2026 Lime in coconut catches on, more limes in coconuts
coconuts is clearly a synonym for chainlink
lime synonym for something being stored on chainlink network. RWA nfts? Paypal stables? Idk got nfi. maybe some other autist can work it out

>> No.57627636


>> No.57627643

well op is suggesting "key" limes so something like bank payments?

>> No.57627646

fuck off pajeet scammer

>> No.57627657
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>nothing happens with pklic
>$SUPER goes up
>BTC goes up

i just got played again

>> No.57627807

Coconuts is clearly not chainlink

>> No.57627822

You must have missed this post >>57626346
>my timeline was off

>> No.57627840

coconut is the real main net
limes are institutional volume ?

>> No.57627989

awww sorry guys your "project" wasn't "released" today!!!

I'm guessing there's 7 more years of testing needed?


>> No.57628075
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>> No.57628144

ok i'll bite, what happrns tmrw?

>> No.57628166
File: 109 KB, 766x763, limes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready for this anon?

>> No.57628226

based mystery giver

>> No.57628249

LINK will of course succeed but as of right now NOTHING EVER HAPPENS

>> No.57628737

i wonder what he meant. the campfire announcement was before the op.

>> No.57628872

gold man sergey putting coconuts where now?

>> No.57628905

Pregnant sergey pasta imminent, strap in boys

>> No.57629139

Bro I'm so sorry.

But yeah, there's no way for smartcontract tech to grow to mainstream in every day use without abstracting away private keys. Or at the minimum, people will be going through banks to secure it.

>> No.57629183

no fuckin way, they made you pay them taxes on gains you hadn't realized? do you get a credit for any losses you didn't take? fuck man, never let them take your guns

>> No.57629346


can't wait for CCIP to be secured by staking, SDL will rip hard. Pool is open anons!

>> No.57629370




>> No.57629753

I know OP is here reading his stupid fucking LARP thread so I have just one question:

What is the motivation in making these kinds of threads? I don't get it. What satisfaction is there from making up a fantasy and pretending you have some insider information one day before you get BTFO?

>> No.57629900


>> No.57629951

2 16

>> No.57630022
File: 60 KB, 750x1000, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today hasn't been a good day for chainlink's price
why would /biz/ lie to me like that?

>> No.57630060

DUDE, like. TODAY!
DO YOU SEE THE DATE? Holy smokes. Chainlink HAS to moon! Diamond HANDS to $1,000 for every single Chainlink TOKEN.
2/16 is the new 4/20. Lets all smoke our WEED for Chainlink!

>> No.57630082

> I’d like to say that I was glad to be here but this nooks flame dwindles by the day.

How fucking gay. Makes me want to dump my 15k stack if faggots are actually like this. For your riddle, “Putting Key Limes In Coconuts” refers to some presentation someone gave either at SmartCon or an Eth conference and one of the presenters says this. I think they were referring to privacy layer and their presentation was about privacy. And for this one, “I’d sure like to try one around a campfire” that’s Eth Denver. So something about privacy and Chainlink will be revealed at Eth Denver.

2 more weeks.

>> No.57630134

Holy shit bros. Are you thinking about the coconut limes? This is MASSIVE.

>> No.57630238

in the 1980's "lime in the coconut" was part of a very popular ad campaign for 7-UP

>> No.57630320

this is the most pathetic thread in years
LARPers have reached new lows

>> No.57630365

So any news or anything?

>> No.57630740
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>look up who wrote lime in the coconut song
>it’s Sergey

>> No.57630752

where's OP? i am demanding a refund. i want my money back op you fucking bitch

>> No.57630831

hahahahhaha dude WEED!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine not owning Gm... I mean LINK??? LOL r r ight?

>> No.57631263


_______ ___ _____ __ _________
1234567 123 12345 12 123456789
Private Key Chain is Connected

>> No.57631329

>Private KeyChain
Apple Keychain?

>> No.57631381

Bank private chains using CCIP amongst themselves?

>> No.57631404

_______ and _____ of contracts

>> No.57631438

>Crypto thriller "The Oracle" by ari juels
>release date 20th feb
does this have anything to do with it? Weird timing. DECO was also something he worked on

>> No.57631441

missed the post about second word being key

private key _____ of contracts

>> No.57631452


private key store in contracts ?

>> No.57631469
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>> No.57631540





>> No.57631542
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how deep does the rabbithole go?

>> No.57631589

tommorow but 2 weeks for real. Then read the first sentence again.

>> No.57631622

>open link thread
>baggies solving gay cringe riddles
>price is dumping
These threads are just as cringe than any GME AMC

>> No.57631754

I dont think a single person on this board genuinely expected somehting today

>> No.57631789


>> No.57631998

jesus that's brutal
i made some tax mistakes too over the years but nothing like that, damn

>> No.57633009

Bloomberg just wrote about Ari

>> No.57633172


>> No.57633331

Looks more like asmongold

>> No.57633689

If they really don't drop anything today I will be disappointed

>> No.57633825
File: 36 KB, 500x200, countdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening really soon, just wait.

>> No.57634283

216 bros what went wrong?

>> No.57634366

dude it's just larps about 2/16... it is "funny" to larp about this for old timers
there have been insiders of the years but they don't advertize themselves

>> No.57634385


>> No.57634414

I'm almost certain they post these larps as demoralization. Like Gold Man Sergey saying link was about to moon. They tie them to real events for maximum disappointment. We're getting to the point where it's just better to stop following anything other than Link's official pages.

>> No.57634431

That goldman post was real tho
This shit isnt even passingly touching a real event
I cannot express my hatred for these paid for shitposters in words

>> No.57634459

Every single price prediction event is just another fud event unironically, idk how you idiots haven’t figured that out

>> No.57634501
File: 31 KB, 998x427, F2tCtv9aQAEK9it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking they're paid
they're just bored bagholders with more link than you can imagine
their whole identity revolves around holding 5 figures of link and they're bored as fuck

>> No.57634700

>holding 5 figures of link
this isnt all that much on here let alone more link then i can image
having 5 figure link stacks should be the minimum required to even post here
and yes i do believe a lot of the absolute garbage posted here in either positive or negative is extremely paid for

>> No.57634731

this is the average link holder now:
i have five figures and all but that is uncommon as fuck
you think the average normie can handle $200k worth of a volatile asset?

>> No.57634733


So DECO at ETH Denver in 2 weeks? Chainlink has a "campsite at the conference.


Also, when I went looking for the tweet, I came across this.


>> No.57634780

this is /biz/ anon
take your plebbit take back to plebbit if you like it there so much and stay there
there are frogposting anons with 7 figure stacks from the earliest days here, its just nobody would recognize them anymore

>> No.57634799


>> No.57634854

ChainShit DECO

>> No.57634884

always useful to monitor there
and yeah there were a few with 7 figures, hopefully they left this place years ago though

>> No.57634926

Chainlink CC-MY-PP

>> No.57634956

you are here forever
it was true then and its true still
at least until someone makes a better biz but then that will become the biz

>> No.57635037

ChainShit Functions

>> No.57635104


>> No.57636329

this is exactly the shit that xrp scizzos went through,is that you bubba cucks?

>> No.57636949

any idea of how to avoid this? been holding for 8 years and terrified one day i'll be audited. i'd have gladly paid the taxes but it's too damn complicated.

>> No.57636991

if you've been just holding you're fine
just get a good accountant specialized in crypto and they will declare everything
your problem will be if you've been trading
but again get a good accountant, they will have dealt with many situations like yours

>> No.57637005
File: 25 KB, 482x436, 116kfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, today is yesterdays tomorrow.

>woke up
>checked LINK
>still poor

>> No.57637044

holding is fine. i traded between tokens a lot at the top of the bullrun 'realising' gains between token transactions. then i held all the way into next financial year and wasn't able to 'realise' the losses in the same year as the gains. huge tax bill meant i had to sell my stack to cover

>> No.57637052

biggest problem was i did everything above-board, im too honest and i got shafted for it

>> No.57637110

When you say you got audited, was this before or after you had submitted your tax return for the 2017-2018 financial year, and did you also not originally factor in crypto related capital gains/losses?

>> No.57637166

how on earth did you end up with unrealized gains taxes
i live in australia and have been doing my taxes through my accountant since i got into crypto in 2018 and havent encountered anything like that once

>> No.57637170

ohhh ok, nevermind my last post
yeah, that's exactly why i dont try to swing much

>> No.57637358

They don't tax "unrealised" gains yet (luckily). They tax crypto-crypto transactions though, which is what I assume you're referring to, and is equally fucked up.

>> No.57637600

so nothingburger

>> No.57637659


>> No.57637720

I’m in Denver and got “invited”. Should I go? I don’t know anything about ETHDenver except that it looks cringe but I can go check it out for you all.

>> No.57637880

yes go. i wanted to but for some reason tickets cost way to much money to these stupid fucking events.
do me a favor and hit johnny in the balls really fucking hard

>> No.57637908

How absolutely cucked burgers are. Literally taxed for losing fake money.

>> No.57637946

bump fuck nolinkers

>> No.57637954

chainlink is so fucking suppressed, it makes me sick to my stomach
whomsoever is responsible deserves a lynching

>> No.57638151

OK but who is Johnny?

>> No.57638158

Number 1 mistake the chance the aussie government would find out on their own initiative back then was about zero
Then when you have gains in the next cycle you can declare and pay the by then small fine to your networth
Did you never learn compliance with teacher only means more homework

>> No.57638199

Nigger, 5 figures goes all the way up to 99k. 5 figures is a lot, even if there are some anons still sporting 6.

>> No.57638245

It's developer oriented. Are you looking to get a job in the industry? Then go. Are you thinking about doing any Web3 projects? Then go.

But if you're anything like this faggot


who only wants to know "wen moon" and not put any effort into building the platform or using the tools to make it moon, then stay at home.


>> No.57638289

Link autists, I'm a wagie who managed to keep 30k in cash aside for investments, will make it to my goal of 300k if I dip now?

>> No.57638909

Oracles are gems in this bull market.

>> No.57639053

Ah OK. My friend wanted me to go with him and he’s a wannabe dev.

>> No.57639068

any minute now.
god im excited for you guys

>> No.57639084

Pretty unlikely. I’d be stoked for a 3x from Link, 10x seems unrealistic.

You gotta find something promising with a smaller market cap and not get rugged.

>> No.57639174

It’s like buying ETH in 2016. You decide. I’m not a financial advisor. Do as you please.

>> No.57639417

Insiders pumping link, hold onto your jocks lads

>> No.57639599

this is what linkies were saying in 2021, then it sharted itself all the way to 6 bucks lol

>> No.57639611

Where's my promised pregnant sergey pasta you bloody basterd??

>> No.57639640
File: 29 KB, 400x400, vWRSUFx6_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically don't care anymore and I moved all my LINK into BTC. I kept 99 LINK for good ol times sake, as in 99 problems. But I can't take it anymore. It's been 4 years. Go on without me.

>> No.57639727

well eth did similar in 2018, went to $80 from $1400
the problem was that there was no real blow off top on link in 2021

>> No.57639744
File: 744 KB, 717x988, 1696157064205970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine being a crypto boomer, the risk isn't worth it for most, better to be boring and sit in btc/eth and get a max 5x
but link's potential growth is massive too
all r/r

>> No.57639843

>hangs around Link threads saying this every. single. day.
fuck me, but you're boring

>> No.57640206

Definitely go then. You're with someone who wants to join the cause.

>> No.57640223

we had covid printer.

>> No.57640232

Anon, Link is the internet for blockchains. Every blockchain is going to interfacing with Chainlink and every dapp will be going through the Chainlink oracle network.

The better question you should be asking is will you be able to instill a proper familial culture so that your grandkids don't waste your link you'll be leaving them behind.

>> No.57640274

anon block chain is a fucking meme.

>> No.57640288

a meme?

>> No.57640921

I don't know why but someone always seems to buy at this time on a Saturday every time we see new highs.
My Link is all staked anyway but I just see this pattern of heavy buying in what is for me Saturday evening to Sunday morning.