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57621406 No.57621406 [Reply] [Original]

Any day now liberterianism will save Argentina

>Argentina’s monthly inflation rate reached 20.6% in January 2024, according to the National Institute for Statistics and Census

>> No.57621423


>> No.57621687

Well, that is a step in the right direction; last month their monthly inflation was 25%. Milei took office on the 10th of December last year, so I would say we would need at least a few more months to make any useful judgement on if his policies are working or not.

>> No.57621734

Maybe he forgot to turn off the pesos printer

>> No.57621761

Wasn't his plan to scrap their currency and go with the USD, which other south/central American countries have successfully done in the past when dealing with rampant inflation? Has he changed his mind and will try to save the ARS instead?

>> No.57621940

>Yeah bro 2 weeks to save a 40 years old shitty policy

>> No.57622084
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It is really good seeing Argentina getting saved by Javier Miley and market liberalism getting push in South America because right here in California we are getting raped by capital gains and income taxes

Our inflation is not like 20.6% but it's closer to 3% according to Truflation and we are getting poorer every single month that passes by

>> No.57622154

Name a successful lolbertarian society

>> No.57622822
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>> No.57622865

>you have a knife in your gut
>if you pull the knife out, you'll likely bleed to death but you can try dressing the wound.
>if you leave the knife in, you'll bleed less, but you can't tend the wound.
damned if you do, damned if you don't

>> No.57624207

The smart argentinans just convert their peso into usdc via Lemon and pay with their Lemon card which converts their USDC into peso at the POS.

>> No.57624245

Pre WWII America stupid

>> No.57624270

Enlightenment era Italy (warring and trading city-states) huge flowering of progress.

>> No.57624282

Oops, I mean Renaissance-era

>> No.57624352

Worst Korea
You'll deny the truth and invent cope instead of accepting these psychopaths used sociopolitical advantage of their national interest first to promote their own national industries

>> No.57624373
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Im fucking tired of argentinians on my /biz board. First you guys are trying so fucking hard to turn it into /pol, then we get constantly harassed by argneets standing proud just because they can make a few cents on icp pepe or any relevant shitcoins and pay the month's rent (yes a single dollar is invaluable in argentina right now) and suddendly i have to stomach their shitty as threads.
>Please leave

>> No.57624387

he said they are working on balancing the books first before they will be able to close the central bank and switch to USD

>> No.57624756

milei isn't a libertarian, he's a rebranded kike worshipping neolib
the simple fact that they didn't float the ARS and instead went to yet another crawling peg while rugpulling argies showcases his talmudic intentions, total gentile serfdom
the decrease of argie rights also showcases how little of a libertarian him and his followers are, most of them seem to not understand socialism/libertarianism at all and just seethe at politicians (most of whom are in the milei government, including career peronists, lmao)
he's subsidizing the higher classes while increasing gibs for the lower classes, and any adjustment from his limited measures (mostly against the middle classes) will get completely wiped out by the 2% monthly crawling peg with monthly inflation at 20%
he has flip flopped on that at least thrice now
i'm starting to believe he will do it as soon as argies spend most of their usd savings, if argies lose their patience they will elect some cbdc cunt like massa or some full blown weftoid cbdc nigger

>> No.57625148

Fuck you for calling me out