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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57617014 No.57617014 [Reply] [Original]

What are your excuses?

>> No.57617069

because I prefer to spend my free time solving captchas in order to argue with fellow cartoon frog posting kissless virgins instead of doing literally anything else

>> No.57617085

I do all of these except romantic life

>> No.57617101

I was born 4’8

>> No.57617106

I have a gf so I can't live like a hobo and DCA 90% of my paychecks.

>> No.57617111

apathy from depression

>> No.57617120

>he won't retire at 35

>> No.57617125

I’m working my way up. I’m in the bootcamp phase right now

>> No.57617206

yesterday i ate kfc for the first time in my life
it was not only disgusting but i felt bad during the morning too
when i shit it was smelling like death and I'm now eating bananas and salad in order to clean myself from this peasant trash

>> No.57617207

I do all this and I still suffer from insomnia. I fall asleep instantly but I wake up 5 hours after falling asleep and just lay in bed for hours before dragging myself to work feeling shitty.

>> No.57617225

one of your neighbors is making noise at night

>> No.57617251

You are being raped by a succubus.

>> No.57617301
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Posting the correct chart

>> No.57617439

I have the same problem and don't know how to fix it

>> No.57617449

My face is asymmetrical

>> No.57617463
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I’m autistic and work in the tech industry.

>> No.57617526

Try getting out of bed and starting your day when that happens. Its possible that laying awake in bed and ruminating over the fact that you weren't supposed to wake up yet is causing you to start your day in a shitty mood. Sounds crazy I know, but try it once and see how you like it. Some people don't need 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.57617539

This. I dont care anymore and would rather have a nuke coming down to my face.

>> No.57617564

I had all of this but a romantic life when I tried to kms. Normalniggers think diet and exercise cure
depression because they've never had it. They think one minor depressive episode after something reasonable like their pet dying is the same as having a lifelong disorder from being pelted with trauma.

>> No.57617614
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>> No.57617860

>They think one minor depressive episode after something reasonable like their pet dying is the same as having a lifelong disorder from being pelted with trauma.
That's true but also diet and exercise is the single most beneficial thing you can do for yourself, it's like being on antidepressants x100. Also it's literally the path to a romantic life, I just lost 80lbs over 4 years and made myself an actual (semi) competitive athlete again at the age of 34, I'm legitimately the fastest man on my d2 rugby team and I have guys on my team who are current and former d1aa national champions. In the past year I've attracted a 23 yo qt3.14 who I think I'm in love with. Don't give up Anon, it's worth it.

>> No.57617912

That's the normal hunan sleep cycle. Before the industrial revolution people used to sleep for a few hours, get up and do things around the house in the middle of the night, then sleep again for another few hours. Alarm clocks have been a disaster for humanity.

>> No.57617925
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I'm 5'5.5"
At 5'10", I would have been in 8 figs by now

>> No.57617941

Sounds gay. I’d easily hit 10 hours most nights if I didn’t set an alarm. Try having a better body and brain that need more rest

>> No.57617967

>why aren't you successful ?
currently losing the psychic war against the fagomatroon archons, that's why

>> No.57617972

>Autism, not the good "hyper focused and become a genius" kind
>Parents who socially stunted me as a kid by keeping me away from other kids and telling me everything in the world is bad and going to hurt me
>Crippling depression
>Over 35
It's over for me

>> No.57617993
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life is pain

>> No.57618000
File: 128 KB, 799x789, IMG_0957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”You have to take care of yourself and eat healthy, work out and go to bed because… BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO OKAY!!1!”
>”You need to stop being stressed because it le heckin decreases your lifespan! Science says lots of cortisol is bad for you!!! You need to be serene like me!!1!”

>> No.57618004
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I'm insane.

I have non-stop intrusive and repetitive thoughts. I have OCD and pre-hypertension. I feel like I'm losing my mind as I type this.

Sometimes I just want to go somewhere for no reason and leave everything behind for a few weeks. Sometimes I just want to run and never stop. Sometimes I just want to sleep and never wake up.

BTW, I already eat healthy, drink a gallon of water a day, exercise (I used to model), am good with money and have a decent (but boring) job. I am slipping on my sleep schedule though. I've never felt love in my life and I'm 30.

>> No.57618009

chud hands typed this post in anger

>> No.57618031

Yes. In fact, anger is a good emotion

>> No.57618198
File: 760 KB, 320x400, blacktwerk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Healthy eating
Plants don't have over 15 micronutrients and are full of indigestible fibre, pesticides,antinutrients (phytic acid,lectins) and plant self-defence chemicals (goitrogens, oxalates)
scam. Most water lacks electrolites so it's not hydrating
>fulfilling career
being a cog in global capitalism is not fulfilling.
>active romantic and social life
most people are boring, stupid, unhealthy slaves who will drain you of energy
>regular excercise
excercise is unhealthy. Literally increasing stress and metabolism (aging) for no reason
>responsible financial planning
In this world, you either aim to get rich quick, or you die in poverty. No investment carries "too much risk" as long as it has the potential for a huge return. "safe investments" guarantee poverty for being to slow, and rely on the system's continued existence to benefit you
>sensible bedtime
perhaps the only good one but most people are too hooked on caffeine,nicotine and booze to be able to implement it

>> No.57618239

>T. BBW connoisseur who jacks off to my 600 pound life

>> No.57618311

this anon is right, I do everything in OP pic and I still miss speedballing every damn day, le ebin wholesome life is a total scam

>> No.57618425

I don't understand finances I find it very confusing and the terminology makes my brain hurt

>> No.57618440

Success is determined by one's ego at certain periods of time, it is not a constant and infinite state once achieved.

>> No.57618586

It's not actually confusing, but financial jargon is very obnoxious. It's not your fault anon

>> No.57618626

>healthy eating
>manmade toxic greens
lmfao stopped reading

>> No.57618712

Check your liver and lung health with a doctor. Its probably the liver detoxing which makes you awake. Research glutathione for liver Detox. Had the Same Thing.

>> No.57618731

Hi goatis. Drink blood and eat brain right

>> No.57618758

Same. I have a hard time meeting women.

>> No.57618895

Diet and exercise are foundational, and even those can be neglected when you're hyperfocused on something important.

Rest of this is ngmi normie-tier slop. Careers are for faggots, responsible investing is for when you've already made it and can dial back the risk tolerance, brunch with whores is soul-destroying and a waste of your time, and bedtime is flexible when you have shit to do. But you probably already know that. 6/10 ragebait.