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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 268 KB, 1225x566, wv garage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57609917 No.57609917 [Reply] [Original]

accept your path in life

>> No.57609930

Realistically estimate how much it could cost to put a well, septic and 1 bedroom A frame on this land.

>> No.57609950

You guys always talk about going into the woods then post shit right next to a massive road

>> No.57609962


>> No.57609976

this property basically has no work required to get started, like you said, you're right on the road, you don't have to make a path or build a garage, all a man really needs is a garage

>> No.57610012
File: 3.85 MB, 1080x1920, Schizo won.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy this and then use this to build something innawoods

>> No.57610189

Who the fuck pays for this shit? Euro here.
Can't you just go in th middle of the woods, install some 3d printed house or whatever the fuck and that's it? whos even going to check.

>> No.57610209

And, according to Truflation, it's gonna get worse in 2024

>> No.57610259
File: 461 KB, 1189x856, the promised land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, people go outside here

they'd find you pretty quickly

luckily the property is pretty cheap overall

>> No.57610761

Could we get this in middle of nowhere depressing Illinois instead?

>> No.57610944

we went over this yesterday

no one wants to buy land in west virginia

also, buy an ad

>> No.57611000

too close to the road, ick

>> No.57611143

>bt headphones
still a bluepilled insectoid

>> No.57611335
File: 3.85 MB, 4000x1819, schtetl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to my Schtetl innawoods and then lets talk

>> No.57612118

I don't make any money on this but I should because I'm helping so many retards that you can't even see

>> No.57612128

illinois is dogshit, a failed state, escape if possible

>> No.57612236


>> No.57612394

you are this mad

>> No.57612519

is your ingenious plan to buy land in the middle of nowhere and live like a hobo in the woods? because you can skip the first step if so

>> No.57613111
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>> No.57613165
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I did, just accepted a position over orange juice futures thanks to truflation, immediately went 2.5% up, and keeps ticking, pretty impressive for commodities.

>> No.57613171

>not even 2k/acre
>literally has quadruple the property value in timber
holy shit I paid more than that in fucking 2005, if it were in the Midwest I might even buy it

>> No.57613206


Lmao I found this last week. The problem with this property I concluded was the elevation is probably seriously fucked and would be hard to/not ideal to build on. Idk for sure though. Otherwise its dope as fuck.

>> No.57613271
File: 1.24 MB, 942x575, OFFGRID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one wants to buy land in west virginia

Why not? Its cheap as fuck.

Realistically how much would I need to develop a small house here? Pic rel

I get it has no electrical, plumbing or water hook up that far out. So solar, wood burning, gas etc. Well and collect rain water. Sewage not sure as well the best route for that either. There is no road to get there either. The trees and area would need terraformed and cut down. The elevation may suck. There are challenges lets say. The land is cheap, the taxes are non-existent and its relatively far out

Its honestly dope as fuck though

>> No.57613284

that ones too close to neighbors

>> No.57613295


Maybe but for 28,500 it still seems like a steal. Of course to put a home where I suggested you are probably spending another 200,000 if not more. Lol

>> No.57613300

you just get a sewage tank anon wdym

>> No.57613306


>> No.57613322


Well yes but there are no further complications besides that? I wonder how hard it would be to just have a human shit biodigestor as my sewage system. All food waste and human waste goes to a tank to produce methane gas. Its kind of dope actually but would require some serious foresight for a home design.

>> No.57613399


You can get land in the based states with no income tax for the same price

>> No.57613902

>lawless shithole where your neighbor can stink up the place with his loud as hell diesel generator and you can do nothing about it
>the well you dig up might have fecal matter from your neighbor's shithouse
>mudslide city
>every single chore you can think of takes 10x as much, from taking a shit to washing and drying your clothes.
>nearest source of carbohydrates is 4 hours away, and no, you can't hunt enough food and use berries to survive. You don't even have power for a freezer to keep meat in.
Keep fantasizing faggot. You will never live le heckin innawoods.

>> No.57614035

>noo there’s not a heckin gay bar nearby!
It’s not for you and that’s fine. But don’t ruin this thread

>> No.57614260

I'm only living like my ancestors did, and I get the advantage of infinite knowledge and electricity

it beats starving to death

>> No.57614272

it isn't perfect

>> No.57614278

sounds slightly retarded, just build it closer to the road, I had a similar idea that I would put it halfway back, but then that lowers the amount of land you can use for hunting los, or planting fields and shit, the road to your property will take up too much space and it's basically wasted

>> No.57614285

>having an income

also I don't believe that is exactly true

it will cost slightly more, and possibly a lot more

>> No.57614290

seething exaggerator, nothing you said was even remotely close to being true, we are all now dumber for having heard it

>> No.57614316

>>noo there’s not a heckin gay bar nearby!

Kek absolutely annihilated

Idk why you think I wouldn't utilize all the features of technology and modern luxury? Your arguments are dog shit tier. All of them. Its off grid there are no neighbors.

Seriously the only concern you mentioned that is even remotely an issue is the terrain.

>> No.57614355


The whole point for me is to NOT be closer to the road and in this hypothetical I'm willing to make things more difficult to accomplish that.

As far as a road, perhaps just an unassuming trail and a vehicle which can manage it. Of course without a normal road, construction in the first place would be difficult.

This particular location isn't too from town areas but also not that close. If a home or at least decked out cabin with modern luxury is that far back I bet most people wouldn't suspect it. Lots of tree cover too in all directions.

>> No.57614394

if you can afford all of that, and are willing to put in much work to build something like that, I would recommend just buying more acreage and flatter acreage that's easier to access

it has its benefits sure, but I think it's a bit niche, you could do a bit of both, put your house up front, and then a small cabin in the back

>> No.57614404
File: 187 KB, 1280x1280, M3eLSFUQAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honey badger would probably recommend you buy the flatter acreage so your wife can spread her fat booty cheeks out for a man who can actually put a roof over her head because clearly you're too broke and stupid to do it you probably need the flatter acreage so you can set up a trailer park for your broke ass honey badger bros because they don't have money for a new house either since they got scammed on shiba inu coins i'd definitely recommend putting one of the trailers at the front and the other one at the back because you and your bros love being back to back

>> No.57614418

>seething exaggerator, nothing you said
I think people like that are coping, life in the city is awful

>> No.57614421

they could be federal agents trying to dissuade you from being self sufficient, that's really their biggest threat, that you don't go along with communism

>> No.57614423

Based $hobo trailer trash

>> No.57614435

True that would be a better route to go

>> No.57614449


I actually like the elevation although it has its downsides.


What the fuck is going on here?

This actually happens on here. I'm not even kidding in the slightest.

>> No.57614453


Probably no niggers around that area, so at least you can have some peace and quiet away from those savage animals.

>> No.57614482

it's a bot, pretty funny though


>> No.57615053

It’s not a bot it’s just that 4chan calls everyone they don’t like a bot now, they used to call everyone they don’t like a Jew, now since AI is a thing they call it a bot, I personally know the badger chad jeet squad and they are 100% with huge hairy cocks

>> No.57615096

it literally is a bot, it's been posting gibberish every day with those images

>> No.57615102

5k. Take it or leave it

>> No.57616107


>> No.57616137

Chuddies all thinks they’d be like le heccin based uncle Ted living in a cabin innawooods! Reality is their porn addicted brains and need for constant dopamine and laziness would let them last 2-3 days out there before they crawl back to shekelstein begging to work again and move back near a grocery store and their bing bing wahoo. Always such tuff talk from Chudcels and 0 action.

>> No.57616180

as long as I have electricity I can still get everything I want from this shitshow

you literally just made a nonpoint

>> No.57616201
File: 101 KB, 1890x1008, FVOrhYmUsAAtCXM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted was a tranny

This is a tranny cope fantasy because you can't face the real world and the reality of yourself.

>> No.57616299

cool, I don't need anyone to endorse my decision, I base it on my own ideas, never read his book, he had some poignant ideas but it isn't the center of my life, and why would it be, seems ridiculous

>> No.57616325

also I'm a fan of electricity, if ted had access to the internet he would have been a completely different person, he was truly isolated in a way we couldn't understand, he had what 160 iq

>> No.57617324

Rt 85 isn’t a massive road and this far up 85, there’s not even coal trucks. You’re about 15 minutes from a Taco Bell and Pizza Hut and about 45 minutes from the airport. This property is 100% on railroad land and you’re going to hear trains at like 2 am every night btw. Good luck living in Madison. It’s a shithole but not because it’s on “a big road”.

>> No.57617404

You’re going to spend 15 to 20k installing a septic tank in any area like that, dude

>> No.57617939

Tranny is as tranny does. Having sexual fantasies doesn't mean anything.

>> No.57618545

Fuck off Yankee
We are not the same Appalachian nigger

>> No.57618741

yes anon, no one who has the knowledge of homesteading posts here, they're projecting a racist incel fantasy from their inept skeletal hands

>> No.57618768

Depends on depth of water table and surrounding geology. Conservatively $24k
>A frame
Kit you build yourself: $40k
Have them build it for you: $80k

>> No.57618851

62 replies and someone finally gives me a fucking answer, thank you.

>> No.57618925

Septic 3-6k
Well - around 6k
Used mobile home from Craigslist - 20k

>> No.57618941

Electricity if there is pole on the road about 4k

>> No.57618980

>duuuude just live in a moldy cuckshed in the woods

>> No.57620322
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x644, 1689393527289400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you have no electricity you fucking retard. You won't get enough from solar power, you will have to spend a lot on diesel fuel.
>no neighbors
Cope. See >>57610259

>> No.57621747


You can get a lot from solar. Then there is also wood burning as I mentioned, various types of gas, geothermal heating to offset much of the energy requirements.

There are TONS of resources that can be combined together to make it work.

Also there aren't any neighbors far where I suggested building.


As others have said you are either a glownigger shill with an agenda to convince people to not be self sufficient and sovereign or you are just so demoralized that you try to spread your virus to others.

Either way whether its intentional or you are a defeated man you shouldn't be listened to as a result and your opinion is worthless.

>> No.57621818

That land sucks because people will hunt on your property illegally. Also the trailer next to you means you have to listen to your neighbor shooting guns all day.

>> No.57622697

retardedly inflated prices

this is much more reasonable

>> No.57622724

I also want to be able to shoot guns and hunt on my property, this is normal, and you being against it makes you gay

if you live on the property, which is the goal of homesteading then people can't illegally hunt on your property

>> No.57622852

That screenshot is from 2022.
We may be priced out on that property now and there might not be a path to accept.

>> No.57622890


This one isn't though

I just looked at it on Zillow a week ago or so


>> No.57622934

these properties are actually selling for less than listing price

a house I used to spam a year or 2 ago, was listed 50 thousand and was sold for 40k